Celestial being

Chapter 277 Hot pursuit

Sha Hao waited for the white eagle to land on his shoulder. He saw that one of the white eagle's talons was burnt black and the tail feathers were sparse. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot in the chase with Yuan Ming.

Sha Hao didn't have time to appease the white eagle. He raised his hand, and a fiery red flying boat appeared in front of him. The hull was shaped like a swimming fish, about two feet long, with two blue round wheels at the end, standing on the left and right sides.

Sha Hao jumped onto the strangely shaped flying boat. The fiery red flying boat immediately burst into dazzling red light. The cyan round wheel at the stern also whined and rotated rapidly, shooting two thick cyan light pillars backwards. The red light and green light were intertwined, as if Wind and fire combined, and the fluctuations in spiritual power surged.

The flaming red flying boat flew into the air like lightning, its speed was much faster than the white jade flying shuttle, and the distance between the two quickly shortened.

"Thunderstorm!" Yuan Ming looked at the winged bird walking side by side, took out a purple spirit fruit and threw it over. Thunderstorm caught the spirit fruit in the air and swallowed it, screaming happily.

He threw another storage ring into Lei Yu's mouth, and a soul crow flew out of his sleeve, surrounded by a force of mana, which also disappeared into Lei Yu's body.

"Go." Yuan Ming ordered.

Thunderstorm spread its wings and rushed high into the sky, turned around and flew back, opened its mouth to spit out at Sha Hao and the flaming flying boat, and a purple thunder and lightning fell.

Sha Hao calmly raised his hand and cast a spell, and a layer of crystal clear red light suddenly appeared around the flaming flying boat.

Purple lightning struck it, making a loud thunder-like sound, but the red light shield only trembled and stabilized.

Seeing that the attack failed, Lei Yu screamed, spread his wings and rushed toward Shahao, with traces of lightning flashing on his claws, as if he wanted to use his claws to regain the previous place.

Seeing the thunderstorm getting closer and closer to him, a hint of joy flashed in Shahao's eyes.

He had long known that this winged bird was extraordinary, and he had even asked White Eagle to catch it before.

If this thunderstorm keeps launching thunder and lightning attacks from a distance, he may not be able to catch it with its speed as fast as lightning. Now that the winged bird is approaching on its own, he has many ways to subdue it.

While thinking about it, Sha Hao pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and a powerful wave of soul spread out, covering the thunderstorm.

However, at this moment, Yuan Ming Soul Crow controlled the magic power and activated the talisman stored in the storage ring.

Thunderstorm fluctuated in front of him, and more than ten talismans appeared out of thin air.

The thunderstorm took a turn and flew towards Yuan Ming.

These talismans are of different colors, and each one emits quite powerful mana fluctuations. They are all middle-grade talismans.

Shahao's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly controlled the red flying boat to dodge to the side, and a red light shield immediately appeared on the flying boat.

However, it was already too late. A green light flashed in front of Lei Yu, and all the talismans were activated.


Thunder, fireball, wind dragon, rain sword and other spells fell from the sky, all hitting the red flying boat. The power of the spells poured down, flooding the red flying boat.

Although Feizhou's red light shield was strong, it could not withstand the combined attacks of more than a dozen middle-grade talismans. It flashed wildly for a few times and then collapsed.

The sound of crackling and breaking was heard endlessly, and the huge flying boat ignited a fireball and turned into pieces, falling downwards.

Yuan Ming took advantage of Sha Hao's flying boat to fall and controlled the white jade shuttle to continue flying forward.

Soon, Lei Yu flew back with a storage ring in his claws, and spit out a soul crow from his mouth.

Thanks to the fact that there is no shortage of spiritual stones, Yuan Ming purchased a lot of talismans. This tactic of using soul crows in conjunction with spirit beasts to cast spells at long distances is extremely concealed. Yuan Ming has used it many times before and it has always worked.

As a soul cultivator, Shahao would naturally rely on the transformed soul to control magic power from a distance, but he did not expect to use it in this way and was caught off guard.

The burning red flying boat burst into flames, and the scorching tongues of fire engulfed everything within a dozen feet. Sha Hao fell from the sky with nothing to rely on.

White Eagle accelerated from top to bottom to catch up with Sha Hao, then circled to catch the fallen Sha Hao.

Both the eagle and everyone were seriously injured. The white eagle's wings had many feathers burned off, and its claws were burnt black. Shahao's clothes were torn, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Chase!" Sha Hao patted Bai Ying under him, took out a pill and gave it to Bai Ying to take.

The white eagle perked up, flapped its wings and moved forward, chasing Yuan Ming.

However, the white eagle was seriously injured, and its flying speed was far slower than the red flying boat, and much slower than the white jade shuttle. It was soon thrown away for a long distance.

But Shahao did not give up and was still chasing after him.

Yuan Ming's heart sank when he saw that Sha Hao was still there.

After a fierce battle before, he actually had very little mana left. Now that he was controlling the white jade shuttle, even with the supplement of spiritual stones, he could not sustain it for long.

Yuan Ming's eyes flashed, and his hand reached for the spirit beast bag where Qingyun Crane was stored.

This crane doesn't fly very fast, but it can buy some time to recover mana.

"Quack..." The cry of thunderstorm came from the side, conveying the idea of ​​giving Yuan Ming a ride.

Although Lei Yu is only an upper level one, his spiritual intelligence is already comparable to that of a level two spiritual beast, and he is able to communicate simply with Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming hesitated. Lei Yu was only two years old and his body was only about ten feet tall. He had never had the idea of ​​riding this bird. He had been planning to wait until it advanced to level two before considering letting this bird become his mount. It was too early now. .

However, Shahao is pressing behind him, and it won't take long for him to catch up.

"Then I'll give you a hard time." Yuan Ming jumped towards Leiyu's back and put away the shuttle at the same time.

Leiyu's body sank, but he quickly stabilized, letting out a scream that pierced the sky, and his wings loomed with thunderous light and shot forward with a whoosh.

This speed was much faster than the white jade shuttle, and everything around him quickly retreated.

Yuan Ming was surprised and happy. He knew that Leiyu flew very fast, but he didn't expect that he could fly so fast while carrying him.

Lei Yu deliberately showed off in front of Yuan Ming. The lightning on his wings was bright, and his speed increased a lot. He quickly disappeared from the end of the field of vision, completely throwing away Sha Hao.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Ming finally let go of his worries. He sat cross-legged on Leiyu's back, took out a recovery pill and drank it. At the same time, he also took out two medium-grade wood attribute spiritual stones and held them in his hands, absorbing the spiritual power from them. .

His mana quickly recovered and he planned his next move.

There was no reply to the message sent to Xiying. It was obvious that Xiying was thousands of miles away.

Sha Hao was attracted by him again. As long as Xu Tian's luck was not bad, he should have no problem escaping from the trial place safely.

Shengye Sect has lost so many disciples this time, and Lu Shen has also fallen here. He will never give up. Sha Hao's figure and appearance have been exposed. I am afraid it will be impossible to show off to others.

Yuan Ming's only worry is whether Sha Hao will expose his identity as a soul cultivator. The Central Plains cultivator world is even more hostile to soul cultivators, with almost everyone shouting for beatings. If Sha Hao is caught and publicizes his identity as a soul cultivator, he will also Be in trouble.

Although Lei Yu flew very fast, he had not grown up after all. The battle with White Eagle just now was very exhausting. Within a quarter of an hour, he began to lose strength and his speed slowed down significantly.

Yuan Ming did not force Thunderstorm, put it into the spirit beast bag to rest, called out Qingyun Crane and continued on his way.

Not long after flying, his color suddenly changed and he turned to look behind him.

A white dot appeared in the sky behind, and it was Sha Hao who quickly caught up.

"So fast?" Yuan Ming was surprised.

The Winged Bird flew extremely fast, and had just thrown Sha Hao down for at least dozens of miles. During this period, it changed its direction many times, far beyond the range of Sa Hao's consciousness. How did Sha Hao catch up?

But it was useless to think too much now. Yuan Ming immediately put away the Qingyun Crane, put on the white jade shuttle and accelerated on his way.

His mana had been restored to 20 to 30%, and he activated the white jade shuttle with all his strength, and soon threw Sha Hao away again.

After all this trouble, Yuan Ming's mana was running low, so he had to call Qingyun Crane to take over again, and he sat cross-legged on the crane's back to restore his mana.

With the lesson learned from the past, Yuan Ming summoned water to wash all parts of his body, then took out the gray cloak and put it on. He also cast a spell on the Qingyun Crane under him to hide his aura, eliminating all chances of being tracked.

But half a quarter of an hour later, Shahao caught up again.

Yuan Ming secretly called out evil spirits, used the white jade shuttle to escape again, and used his spiritual consciousness to carefully explore every part of his body.

Shahao accurately caught up with him twice, so there must be a way to lock his position.

In the world of immortality, there is a secret method of using mana or spiritual consciousness to imprint a mark on the enemy. Could it be that in the fight just now, Sha Hao unknowingly used this method?

However, Yuan Ming searched three times in succession and still found nothing.

He checked the clothes on his body, the white jade shuttle and other items, and even checked the Leiyu, Huazhi and King Kong in the spirit beast bag, but he also found no clues.

Yuan Ming had no choice but to run away with all his strength.

In this way, the two chased and escaped in the Yunluo Mountains, playing hide and seek.

The speed of the white eagle spirit beast is not as fast as Yuan Ming's white jade shuttle, and it is thrown away every time it gets close. However, this person is like a piece of brown sugar. No matter what means Yuan Ming uses to hide his whereabouts, it has no effect.

As long as Yuan Ming doesn't use the white jade shuttle, Sha Hao will catch up quickly.

Half a day later.

Yuan Ming threw Sha Hao away again, his face darkened.

Sha Hao didn't know what method he used to increase the speed of the white eagle spirit beast a lot. Although it was still not as good as the white jade shuttle, it took longer and faster to catch up every time.

Yuan Ming had no choice but to take the elixir continuously, overloading the mana again and again, and his dantian was already aching.

Leiyu's physical and demonic powers were exhausted and he has not recovered yet, unable to carry him away again. Moreover, the long-term overdraft has overwhelmed his frail body.

"We can't continue like this, otherwise I will be caught up by Sha Hao if I don't escape the Yunluo Mountain Range!" Yuan Ming considered his strategy and looked down.

His eyes suddenly brightened, and he flew downwards, quickly landing in front of a valley.

This valley is in the shape of a gourd mouth. The further you go in, the narrower the space becomes. There are many trees in the valley, blocking out the sky and the sun. You can tell at a glance that it is a good place to hide.

Yuan Ming went in and quickly disappeared.

Not long after, Shahao flew over in a white eagle and landed in front of the valley.

"Huh, fight me? Let's see where you can run!" He put away the white eagle, looked inside, and pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and blood suddenly appeared.

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