Celestial being

Chapter 274 Trapped

However, after the huge earthquake, the thunder and lightning circle showed no signs of collapse.

Instead, the magic circle, which was like an inverted giant blue bowl, roared like a thunderous beast like an enraged beast.

"Zi la la"

Bolts of lightning burst out from the magic circle, turning into several cyan thunder whips and whipping towards Yuan Ming and the others in the depression.

Yuan Ming quickly took out the Hanxing Sword and waved it to resist.

Elder Lu Shen pressed his hands on the ground, and when he stood up again, three earthen walls rose up to surround him, blocking the electric whip.

Bai Ye also used his golden long sword to circle around his body to resist.

After a round of lightning whiplash, the lightning regained its stability.

"Elder Lu Shen, how are you? Are you okay?" He Wendao shouted outside, his sight blocked by the intense electric light, with an urgent tone.

"It's just a trap, you can break it easily." Lu Shen and Yuan Ming Baiye looked at each other and snorted coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Bai Ye, can you see the roots of this magic circle?" Yuan Ming approached Bai Ye and asked.

"I don't know, it seems a little difficult to break through. Did you just say that there was something wrong with He Wendao?" Bai Ye shook his head and replied in a low voice.

"His previous performance when facing the second-level monster and his ability to exit the trapped formation in time were all abnormal." Yuan Ming said.

When Bai Ye heard this, his expression suddenly became more complicated.

While the two were communicating in low voices, Lu Shen had already taken out a vajra as thick as an arm. It was dark yellow in color and had a halo of yellow on the outside.

I saw him holding the Vajra in both hands, and the mana poured into his palms. The originally dim Vajra suddenly became bright, and a powerful wave of earth-attributed mana suddenly surged out from it.


Lu Shen shouted loudly, clenched the vajra with both hands, and smashed it towards the ground.

The vajra fell to the ground with a bang, and a more magnificent earth-yellow light burst out from it, triggering the power of mountain collapse, trying to destroy the underground magic circle.

With Lu Shen as the center, the surrounding ground suddenly burst apart under the impact of this force, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Yuan Ming and Bai Ye were also affected and used their magic weapons to resist.

In the billowing smoke, there was not an inch of intact land within the entire circle, and the ground seemed to have been plowed over by a plow.

However, outside the magic circle, there was no impact at all.

Before the smoke and dust completely dissipated, thunderous roars sounded again, and thunder and lightning beams as thick as the mouth of a bowl suddenly shot in from all sides. The blazing electric light even scattered all the smoke and dust, and bombarded Yuan Ming and the others.

"Be careful." Yuan Ming quickly warned.

While speaking, he raised his hand and waved violently, and a black inkstone immediately flew out and quickly expanded to hang above his head, blocking the falling thunder pillar for him.

After Bai Ye blocked the first thunder pillar, he was hit by the second thunder pillar that followed him. He was shaken and fell out. Half of his body was burnt black and smoke was rising. He was obviously injured.

Elder Lu Shen offered up a bright round mirror. Although it blocked the thunder column bombardment, the mirror was also seriously damaged and was already half useless.

Not only did the formation under attack show no signs of damage, but the thunder and lightning on it became increasingly dense.

"Elder Lu Shen, how are you guys?" He Wendao's anxious voice came from outside.

"It's weird, I used the high-grade magic weapon, the earth-moving pestle, to attack with all my strength, but it couldn't be destroyed." Elder Lu Shen said after a moment of pondering.

"Perhaps Elder Lu's Voluntary Pestle is not worthy of its name. You three might as well work together to defeat it in one fell swoop." Hearing this, He Wendao from outside opened his mouth to offer suggestions to the three of them.

Upon hearing this, Elder Lu Shen looked at Yuan Ming and Bai Ye who fell to the ground.

Bai Ye waited for a long time before standing up from the ground. After coughing, he looked at Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming suddenly said: "Fellow Daoist He, tell me, what are the conditions? We can all negotiate."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. Otherwise, if you all act at the same time and attack the magic circle together, maybe it can be done." He Wendao smiled slightly and then said.

Seeing that He Wendao did not offer any conditions, Yuan Ming understood in his heart and shouted loudly to the disciples of the Shengye Sect gathered in the distance: "Disciples of the Shengye Sect, listen, He Wendao is a spy, you should disperse and flee from here immediately. Don't come back."

The disciples in the distance outside the formation were confused for a while, looking at each other, but no one moved.

Xu Tian said loudly: "If the disciple doesn't leave, the disciple must rescue the teacher."

Luo Xing'er also said: "Yes, Senior Brother Xu, we are not leaving."

The other disciples were even more confused and a little at a loss after hearing this.

Yuan Ming scolded Xu Tian: "Xu Tian, ​​your grandmother specially arranged for me to protect you, believe me. If you can go back alive, tell your aunt Qu Jiang that Minger can no longer fulfill her filial piety. Immediately Walk."

When Xu Tian heard this, his body trembled and he immediately understood who this Ha Gong was trapped in the thunder formation in the depression. Luo Xing'er looked at Yuan Ming in disbelief.

Hearing this, Elder Lu Shen's eyes flashed with surprise, but he soon woke up.

"Disciples of the Shengye Sect should listen to the order and immediately disperse and flee from here. Anyone who violates this will be deemed as betraying the sect." Elder Lu Shen shouted.

Upon hearing his order, more than ten Shengye Sect disciples fled in all directions.

Xu Tian gritted his teeth, grabbed Luo Xing'er, took out a talisman and slapped it. In a flash of yellow light, Luo Xing'er escaped and disappeared.

Seeing this, He Wendao waved one hand, and a flying sword shot out from his sleeve robe, attacking the disciples who were fleeing. Immediately, several people were injured and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the disciples scattered and fled, and most of them escaped. valley.

"Stop!" Lu Shen's eyes were filled with tears.

"He Wendao, let's accumulate some virtue." Yuan Ming sneered and said.

"It would be great if you cooperated more. It's a pity that so many small fish slipped through the net." He Wendao stopped chasing the escaped disciples and walked to the edge of the magic circle, saying with a gentle smile on his face.

"Are you not alone?" Yuan Ming asked.

"It's useless to delay. Just accept your fate. You will all die here today." He Wendao looked at Yuan Ming and said with a smile.

"The monks who died inexplicably recently in Xiaohu City were all tricked and killed by you in this way?" Yuan Ming asked.

"You think too highly of them. Those people are not worthy of my going through so much trouble. You should feel honored." He Wendao replied.

"He Wendao, why are you like this?" Lu Shen shouted angrily.

"Elder Lu Shen is just asking a layman's question, isn't it? Isn't it normal for people who practice immortality to kill people and seize treasures, and virtuous people live there? Why make such a fuss?" He Wendao couldn't help but sneered and asked.

"You..." Elder Lu Shen was speechless for a moment.

"Where are your accomplices? It's time to come out, right?" Yuan Ming said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Before he finished speaking, two figures walked towards the valley entrance in the distance.

One of them was a young man in white with a stern appearance and pale face, with a white goshawk on his shoulder.

The other person was a tall, bald man with a build as strong as an iron tower, and muscles all over his body like knives and axes. He carried a huge bronze sword about one foot wide and five feet long on his back, which made him look very oppressive. feeling.

"Fellow Daoist He, thank you for your hard work. The harvest this time is good. Three foundation-building monks, plus a bunch of Qi-refining monks, this time is enough for us to rest for a while." The boy in white laughed loudly.

"I still rely on brother Sha Hao's exquisite illusion skills." He Wendao said. "Did Feizhou stop him?"

"It's still a step too late. As soon as the magic circle here was activated, the flying boat over there probably received the message from Lu Shen and ran away." Sha Hao said.

"Just run away. It won't affect Pu Zhengqing's reputation. The reward for you will be increased." He Wendao said with a smile.

Yuan Ming couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard the names "Sha Hao" and "Pu Zhengqing".

Although he had never seen this person before, he knew his name. After thinking about the previous illusion, it was not difficult to determine his identity.

What Grand Elder Xi Qiangqiong obtained from the storage ring when Biluo Cave was destroyed was not worthy of his status as the leader of the sect.

As Xi Cangqiong's direct disciple disappeared, Sha Hao was naturally the most likely person to inherit his legacy.

If you put it this way, the soul cultivator who recently offered a reward of 100,000 spirit stones in the small lake city casual cultivator is his pseudonym, and the previous illusions were also made by this person.

"There is no reward for me so far, which is a bit boring." At this time, the giant man from the iron tower said in a loud voice.

"How can you compare with Brother Sha Hao? The guy named Ha Gong just now was a little clever and wanted to negotiate terms with me, which is quite interesting." He Wendao pointed at Yuan Ming through the electric light of the magic circle and said.

"Hagon? Does it sound like he's from southern Xinjiang?" Upon hearing this, Shahao frowned with some vigilance.

"Where did he come from? Why bother? Kill him first." said the iron tower giant.

"Okay! To avoid long nights and many dreams." Shahao nodded in agreement and said, "Shi Dian, let's do it."

"Okay." The iron tower giant named Shi Dian responded, took out the giant bronze sword from his back, took a few steps to an inconspicuous pile of stones, and inserted the giant sword along the crack in the stone.

After a "chichi" friction sound, half of the bronze giant sword was inserted into the ground, with only half exposed. A purple spiritual stone inlaid on the hilt gave off a burst of light, and a steady stream of spiritual power was poured into it.

Yuan Ming's eyes narrowed, knowing that the formation eye should be over there.

A sharp bird song penetrated the sky.

In mid-air, a black bird about ten feet long was hovering high in the sky. It is shaped like a falcon, with a hooked beak, slender claws, and shiny black feathers, dotted with some purple patterns. It is the winged bird named "Thunderstorm" by Yuan Ming.

The thunderstorm had just come from a distance. Although it was flying as fast as lightning, it was still a step too late. If it were a step faster, it might be possible to break the lightning trap.

At this moment, Leiyu rushed down towards the magic circle, his slender claws flashing with purple electric flowers.

"Huh?" Shahao said in surprise: "Go and catch them alive."

The white eagle on Sha Hao's shoulder spread its wings and turned into a white light and rushed forward quickly. In the blink of an eye, they were fighting in the air. Although Thunderstorm flies as fast as lightning, its strength is far from comparable to that of this second-level peak white eagle. In the blink of an eye, it chases and then disappears into the distance.

After all, Lei Yu was still in his infancy. Although he was well-fed by Yuan Ming during this period and placed in a thunderstorm-prone place for training, he was only a first-level demon beast. With Bai Ying and Sha Hao around, it was like hitting an egg against a stone, and a moth was flying. Put out the fire.

Yuan Ming was thinking about countermeasures. He looked up in horror and saw a cyan thunder ball the size of a human head condensed in the center of the thunder and lightning array above the three of them. The lightning flashed and the sound of thunder inside contained an extremely powerful force. Reiatsu.

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