Celestial being

Chapter 269 Soul Seal

"There are no techniques." King Kong hesitated for a moment, seemed to be thinking, and then replied.

"Can you tell me how to practice?" Yuan Ming asked with joy in his heart.

"This is natural. I can't explain how you practice it." King Kong thought for a while and shook his head.

Yuan Ming was a little disappointed.

"Okay, I'll teach you writing another day." Yuan Ming could only say, "You can eat this, it should be good for you."

Yuan Ming took out the bronze skin pill and gave it to King Kong. King Kong was not polite and took one out and drank it.

"My body feels so hot." King Kong felt it after eating it, waited for a while, and said.

"This medicine should have exerted its power and be useful to you. You should practice first."

Yuan Ming took out a spirit beast bag with one hand and put the White Ape King Kong inside.

He has never fully understood the reasons for the mutation and spiritual awakening of King Kong and Huazhi.

Recalling the experience of obtaining the Second Demon, he vaguely felt that the appearance of the Second Demon was related to the two demons he saw in his mind when he first obtained the Heaven Stealing Cauldron after falling into the water in southern Xinjiang.

In the following days, Yuan Ming stayed behind closed doors. Seven days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Tai Chi pattern of the Stealing Heaven Cauldron returned to brightness.

Seven days have passed since the incident, and I don’t know if Zhenling Sect will doubt me.

He took out the Stealing Heaven Cauldron and a stick of black incense. This brand new black incense was made from the incense-making materials he asked Hu Tudai to buy. It used incense ash from the Zhenling Sect. I don't know how effective it was.

Yuan Ming pondered for a moment, lit the black incense, and recalled the face of his sixth uncle, and his vision soon went dark.

When his consciousness recovered, he had already possessed Uncle Six, and appeared in a place like a spiritual beast garden. He was looking at a group of fiery red fox cubs, holding a notebook in his hand, recording something from time to time, and seemed to be Observe their living habits.

After Yuan Ming briefly observed the surrounding environment, he began to try to influence his sixth uncle through hints, asking him to find someone who knew the inside story to talk about Gu Qiulong's murder.

The black incense made from Zhenling Sect's incense ash was obviously very effective. He only hinted it three or four times before the sixth uncle stopped what he was doing and walked to the other side of the Spirit Beast Garden. He soon found an old man with a black beard in an attic. , is writing something at his desk.

"Lin Hai, do you want to see me for anything?" The black-bearded old man stood up and asked.

"Gu Zhen, how is the investigation on Qiulong's grandnephew going? Why is there no news at all?" Uncle Six asked in a deep voice.

Yuan Ming was overjoyed to see this. The implications of the hint he gave this time were quite vague. Unexpectedly, the sixth uncle not only followed the instructions, but also accurately found the person who met the requirements. The incense made from Zhenlingzong's incense ash suggests that the effect is better than in the past.

"Lin Hai, since the sect has blocked this matter, it's natural that the sect has its own reasons. It's better not to ask too much." Gu Zhen glanced at his sixth uncle and said.

"It seems that the sect has investigated a lot of things. This matter is related to the death of my grand nephew. I would like to ask Brother Gu Zhen to inform you." Uncle Liu raised his hands and bowed.

Gu Zhen looked embarrassed and said nothing.

"Gu Zhen, please be more cheerful." Uncle Liu said.

"Well, the sect leader went over to see the scene. In addition to your grandnephew Gu Qiulong, there was also a corpse in the dungeon of Shuiyunguan. He was wearing the clothes of Changchun Guan. Judging from the superficial situation at the scene, the two died fighting each other. ." Gu Zhen said in a low voice.

"Changchun Temple monk! Can you find out who it is?" Uncle Six took a breath.

"This man is Xu Changqing, a foreign affairs elder from Changchun Temple." Gu Zhen said.

"Xu Changqing? I have never heard of this person. How could they fight to death? Why did they fight?" Uncle Six frowned.

"I don't know about this. The storage instruments of Gu Qiulong and Xu Changqing are nowhere to be seen. In addition to the two of them, there is probably a third person at the scene, who may be the master of Shuiyun Temple." Gu Zhen said.

"Master of Shuiyun Temple? Gu Qiulong will not suddenly go to Shuiyun Temple for no reason. Where is the master of the temple?" Uncle Liu asked.

"The temple master is missing. Other Taoist priests in Shuiyun Temple have never seen when Gu Qiulong went there." Gu Zhen said.

"In addition to these, the sect also discovered another situation. Your other great-nephew, Gu Qiuming, also disappeared suddenly ten days ago, and his daughter Gu Hui disappeared seven days ago." Gu Zhen continued.

"Gu Qiu Ming? I met him a few days ago. Could it be that Gu Qiu Ming is related to this matter?" Uncle Liu was shocked.

"I don't know about that. The sect has sent people to secretly search for the three of them." Gu Zhen said.

Then the two discussed for a long time until the black incense burned out.

Yuan Ming judged that Gu Qiuming probably ran away with his daughter after seeing his message. The leader of Shuiyun Temple found that Gu Qiulong was dead and left because he was afraid that the Zhenling Sect would be angry with him.

Early the next morning, Yuan Ming went to Zhenling Pavilion.

Yuan Ming asked for the winged bird that he entrusted Gu Qiuming to hatch for him. The clerk in the store said that Gu Qiuming had been missing for many days. Yuan Ming was furious and demanded compensation. The store clerk excused the shopkeeper's absence and asked Yuan Ming to come back next time.

Yuan Ming felt confident and returned home. Seven days later, he possessed Xu Chuan, a qi-refining disciple whom Gu Qiuming had arranged to receive at the time, again.

Black incense burns.

At this time, Xu Chuan was busy in a spiritual beast garden, so he began to try to influence Xu Chuan through hints.

Soon Xu Chuan stopped what he was doing and walked to the other side of the Spiritual Beast Garden, where he found a young man.

"Xu Chuan, do you want to see me for anything?" The young man stood up and asked.

"Gu Qiuyang, you are well-informed. Do you know how the investigation into the disappearance of Gu Qiuming and his daughter is going?" Xu Chuan asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Gu Qiuyang asked.

"I'm just curious." Xu Chuan sighed.

"You are worried about Gu Hui, right?" Gu Qiuyang said with a smile.

"That's a long way to go." Xu Chuan urged.

"Gu Hui left on the day Gu Qiulong died." Gu Qiuyang said in a low voice.

Yuan Ming once again hinted Xu Chuan to continue asking. This time he only influenced Xu Chuan three times before he asked.

"What is the identity of the person who killed Gu Qiulong?" Xu Chuan asked.

"The sect keeps it secret, so I don't know. Gu Hui is so beautiful. I don't know how many people in the sect will be disappointed when she leaves. You too, right? Otherwise, why are you so attentive to Gu Qiuming?" Gu Qiuyang said .

"There is no such thing. I just saw Gu Qiuming with one arm and felt pity for him." Xu Chuan denied.

Yuan Ming nodded slightly and once again influenced Xu Chuan to ask Gu Qiulong about the situation of his ancestor who was in the alchemy stage.

He only affected him twice this time. Xu Chuan started to bring the topic to some matters within the sect in a casual tone.

Through hints, it seems that it has become easier to influence Xu Chuan? Yuan Ming's heart moved.

Through the chat between the two, Yuan Ming learned about the situation of Gu Qiulong's ancestor who was in the alchemy stage and was currently in retreat.

After Yuan Ming finished asking all the things he wanted to ask, his thoughts turned to the possession of black incense.

He used the black incense made from the Xuanhua Temple incense ash to possess monks who had passed the Qi Refining stage. Compared with the possession of Xu Chuan this time, the effect of the Zhenling Sect incense ash is indeed better than that of the Xuanhua Temple.

However, this time the possession affected Xu Chuan's behavior. It took four or five times at first, but it became easier and easier later on. What's going on?

Lightning flashed in Yuan Ming's mind, and he suddenly recalled the situation when he possessed the old emperor.

After hinting at influence many times in a row, some strange changes seemed to have occurred between Yuan Ming and the old emperor, and the old emperor became submissive to his influence.

Could it be that the more times the suggestive influence is exerted, the more obedient the possessed object becomes?

When Yuan Ming thought of this, an idea came to his mind again.

He immediately imitated what he did to the old emperor last time and exerted suggestive influence on Xu Chuan over and over again.

Time passes little by little, and the possession time will soon be over.

At this moment, Xu Chuan Shihai's soul power suddenly trembled, as if something had changed.

Yuan Ming hurriedly investigated, and Xu Chuan's consciousness became extremely obedient, accepting his hints and influences without any reservation, without any resistance, as if obeying Yuan Ming's consciousness was a matter of course.

This feeling is very strange, as if a monster beast has been given the beast control rune and has been completely tamed.

At this moment, Yuan Ming's eyes went dark, it was time for possession.

His consciousness returned to its original form, but he showed undisguised joy.

It seems that as long as there is enough time after being possessed by Heixiang, and he can continue to exert hints, he can indeed influence the other party, and finally make him completely at his mercy.

As for the reason for this, it should be that his constant influence touched the deepest part of the possessed person's soul and left an irresistible mark, which made him obedient.

However, according to his judgment, this kind of suggestion may have the same effect on different people. For some people with particularly strong minds, or people with particularly powerful souls, the effect may be less, at least they will not be so easily affected. .

"Let's call this ability 'Soul Seal' from now on." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

With this ability, he can do more things when possessing others.

Yuan Ming collected his thoughts and considered the next response.

According to the information obtained from these two possession detections, there was no evidence found after the disappearance of Shuiyun Temple and Gu Qiuming and his daughter. People in the Zhenling Sect should not suspect Ha Gong.

There is no need to worry about this matter for now.

Yuan Ming took out the secret manual of making incense and turned to the back. What was recorded here were truly precious spiritual incense such as Zi Xuan Incense and Red Butterfly Incense.

He picked up the silver token on the ground next to him and communicated with Hu Tu via voice, asking him to purchase the materials needed for precious spiritual incense such as Zi Xuan Xiang.

When Hu and Tu heard that Yuan Ming was going to make a new incense, they were very happy and immediately purchased a large amount of materials.

Yuan Ming was already familiar with the production process of these kinds of spiritual incense, and he quickly turned the spiritual materials into spiritual incense and put them on the counters and shelves.

As he speculated, as soon as Zi Xuanxiang and other spiritual incense appeared, they were immediately popular, not only among the monks in the Qi Refining Stage, but also in the Foundation Establishment Stage. In just one month, he earned three thousand spiritual stones.

Yuan Ming also tentatively launched three qibu incense.

Yuan Ming mixed incense ash into the seven-step pouring incense. Incense ash has the magical effect of eliminating spiritual power fluctuations. After the seven-step pouring, it is colorless and odorless and has no spiritual power fluctuations at all. It is almost difficult to detect and is truly charming and invisible.

Each seven-step incense is equivalent to the price of a low-grade magic weapon.

The reputation of Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop gradually spread, and several auction houses in the city also took notice of it. They took the initiative to solicit business and wanted to sell the spiritual incense at the auction. Yuan Ming ignored the auction house and The time has not come yet.

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