Celestial being

Chapter 261 The Way of Business

After Hu Tu came to Xuanhua Lingxiang Shop, although he worked hard, the store was remote and there was little traffic on this street, so sales were still not good.

Yuan Ming could only adjust his sales methods.

First, he painted a portrait of an immortal figure based on the real person Xuanhua, and hung it in the middle of the main hall of the shop. An ordinary incense burner was placed in front of the portrait, and a stick of Qingxuan incense was lit.

Then he explained to the two of them that if they met monks who made purchases on behalf of the sect, they could give them a kickback. If customers refer customers, give rebates to old customers. Mu Yang and Hu Tu are both clever people who can tell the truth at a glance.

After explaining, Yuan Ming came to the back room, took out the Heaven Stealing Cauldron, inserted the Qingxuan Incense, and lit the spiritual smoke. Under his urging, the aroma spread out into the street.

Two monks were walking along the street. When they smelled the fragrance, they suddenly felt energetic. They talked to each other and looked for the way.

In a restaurant, several monks were drinking. They also put down their glasses and hurried downstairs.

Not long after, dozens of monks gathered in the store to inquire about Qingxuanxiang, and Mu Yang and Hu Tu immediately became busy.

Hu Tu even pulled a monk aside to whisper.

All inventory was sold that day.

Then, the profit in the first month reached more than 1,000 spiritual stones, and in the second month, it reached 1,200 spiritual stones. Then maintain about 1,500 spirit stones every month.

Seeing how prosperous the Lingxiang business was, Yuan Ming was determined. He rewarded Hu Tu and Mu Yang each with a bottle of cultivation elixir during the Qi refining period, and dedicated a whole night to answer their questions.

He also bought some elixir recipes and improved them to create several new spiritual incense with different effects. Based on one of the beauty elixir recipes, he made a beauty incense that can help beautify the face and whiten the skin. , after it was put on the shelves, thanks to Hu Tu’s eloquent words, it was also very popular among female monks, and its profits increased again.

Everything is going well over Huazhi, the territory has expanded a lot again, and the number of spiritual materials shipped back every month continues to increase.

The monthly expenses for purchasing spiritual materials, making incense, and buying elixirs are huge, but there are also more spiritual stones in the storage ring.

The current situation is excellent. The only thing that makes Yuan Ming depressed is that the incense ash obtained from Xuanhua Temple, which has the best possession effect, is almost used up. He only has the incense ash from Jiuli Temple in his hand.

He was used to using the high-grade incense ash obtained from the sect, and he already looked down on mundane things.

Another two months later.

In Xuanhua Incense Shop, Yuan Ming sat on a chair, flipping through the account books in the shop, smiling happily while reading.

"Hu Tu, Mu Yang, this month is good." Yuan Ming put down the account book in his hand and said with a smile.

"The main reason is that the boss is good at it. Lingxiang has a selling point, and it is the only one in this small lake city. The sect purchases the majority." Hu Tu has been sincerely admiring Yuan Ming during this time and flattered him again and again.

Yuan Ming pointed to the newly written sign outside and said, "Hang up these two signs."

The two eye-catching wooden signs hanging outside the store door read:

"Qingxuanxiang is limited to 100 pieces per day. If you want to buy it, hurry up."

“The beauty fragrance is scarce and only accepts reservations.”

"The boss's method is really clever. The scarier it is, the more willing they are to buy it. This way, they won't have to worry about orders next month." Hu Tu rubbed his hands and said with a "hehe" smile.

Yuan Ming took a look at Hu Tu and felt that this guy had a pig-like appearance, so he was really suitable to be a shopkeeper.

Hu Tu was born with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and dark skin. Anyone who looked at him would think that he was an honest and honest person from southern Xinjiang, but he had the temperament of a profiteer in his heart.

"As for Qingxuanxiang and Meiyanxiang, one is used to assist cultivation, and the second one captures the psychology of female monks. The demand is huge, so it can be produced like this. There is no such thing as everyone vying for other categories. To buy it." Yuan Ming said, "So we will bundle sales in the future. Make a points book for regular customers. They can accumulate points by buying incense. Those with the highest points will have priority to purchase Qingxuan incense and Meiyan incense."

"Boss, isn't this not good?" Mu Yang said.

"Senior Brother Mu, what's wrong? If you have high points, I also have discounts. When doing business, isn't it just that you have a little more here and I have a little less? Everyone understands that." Hu Tu said.

"Boss, where did you learn this skill?" Hu Tu asked.

"I thought about it myself. I used to have a bookstore, and the business was not good at that time, so I thought about these methods. Later, the bookstore got a partner and became famous, so gradually I stopped using this method." Yuan Ming recalled the past. Looking like this, I couldn't help but smile and said, "Doing some business is just a small way. From now on, you can steadily cultivate your high road."

"Good boss, I am actually very satisfied with the life I have now." Hu Tu said sincerely.

"How is your practice of "Bi Luo Gong" going?" Yuan Ming asked.

Hearing this, Hu Tu looked embarrassed and said: "I can barely feel the presence of magic power. It should be regarded as the first level of Qi refining mentioned in the technique."

"If you have any questions about cultivation in the future, you can also ask Mu Yang for advice. I also taught him Bi Luo Gong." Yuan Ming said.

"Boss, after I changed to Bi Luo Gong, I do feel that it is better than the one taught by my master." Mu Yang also said.

I don’t know where Biluo Gong was transmitted from. Xi Cangqiong regards it as the main technique of Biluodong. It is indeed much better than ordinary casual cultivators. Mu Yang even said so.

When Hu Tu heard this, he said: "I think it is a waste to use these Qingxuan incense now."

"It takes almost half a year to reach the first level of Qi refining. It's perfectly normal. There are many people who are slower than you, or even unable to produce magic power for several years. Since you have a spirit, you have an immortal destiny. The life of a young monk in the Qi refining stage is No matter how much Yuan Neng you have, if you are lucky enough to build a foundation, it won't be a problem to live for more than two hundred years." Yuan Ming rolled his eyes and said.

"Two hundred years old? I will practice hard!" After Hu Tu calculated this, he immediately changed his mind.

After chatting for a while, Yuan Ming answered some of the two people's questions about cultivation, then left his Lingxiang shop, but went straight to the Shengye Sect's shop.

After the foundation was established, his Jiu Yuan Jue cultivation speed slowed down greatly. After more than half a year, all the elixirs he had saved before had been used up, but there was not much progress in his cultivation. He was still far away from the middle stage, so he could only continue Buy some.

He went straight to Qingmu Tower, bought ten bottles of Four Spiritual Pills, and left.

On the way back, Yuan Ming took a detour and came to Zhenling Pavilion again.

After this period of overt and covert observation and visits, Yuan Ming had a better grasp of Zhenling Pavilion's reputation, and felt that his actions were fair and honest, so he planned to send his egg to Zhenling Pavilion to help hatch it.

As soon as Yuan Ming stepped into Zhenling Pavilion, the steward who received him last time immediately came to greet him.

"Dear guest, I've waited for you. Come on, come on, please follow me to the private room on the second floor." The steward said without any explanation, and led Yuan Ming up to the second floor.

When Yuan Ming was confused, he heard someone walking hurriedly outside.


Accompanied by the sound of a familiar voice, a one-armed old man with dark skin and a face covered with traces of time, who looked like an old farmer in the fields, walked in from outside.

The moment they saw each other, they both looked at each other up and down involuntarily.

The one-armed old man asked again with some uncertainty: "Is it Brother Hagong?"

"Fellow Taoist Ancient One." Yuan Ming smiled and nodded.

When they met in the ghost market, one was wearing a cloak to hide his aura, and the other was wearing a mask to hide himself. No one knew his true appearance.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. The temperament and aura of fellow Daoist Hagong are completely different from before. It makes people a little afraid to recognize him." Gu Qiuming exclaimed.

"My ancient Taoist friend is still as charming as ever." Yuan Ming greeted with a smile.

"When I came back, I heard from the manager that someone was looking for me. I never guessed that it was you, so I asked him to keep an eye out for you. I didn't expect that you would actually meet me. How did you come to Leizhou?" Gu Qiuming and Yuan Ming sat down opposite each other and poured tea for each other.

"It's all fate." Yuan Ming smiled.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Hagong came to look for you. Do you have any good goods to sell? Or do you want to buy something?" Gu Qiuming asked without saying anything else.

"Now that you, fellow ancient Taoist, are back, things will be easier to handle. I came to Zhenling Pavilion because I have a spirit beast egg, and I want you to help me take a look at it." Yuan Ming said.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. Take it out and have a look." Gu Qiuming's eyes lit up and he said quickly.

Yuan Ming raised his hand and waved, and a blood-red egg the size of a bowl appeared in his hand.

He handed the blood egg to Gu Qiuming, but the latter did not take it. Instead, he stretched out his one arm and tapped the table, indicating that he could put it on the table.

After Yuan Ming put it down as instructed, Gu Qiuming moved the chair closer and looked at it carefully.

After watching for a moment, he didn't say a word, but his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

"Fellow Taoist Ancient, what's wrong? What's wrong with this egg?" Yuan Ming asked with a frown.

Gu Qiuming did not answer, but took out an oval-shaped transparent crystal from his sleeve, put it in front of his eyes and looked through it, and then looked at the blood egg carefully.

"That's strange..." Gu Qiuming shook his head and said.

"Fellow Taoist Ancient, stop being so pretentious, what's going on?" Yuan Ming became more and more curious after hearing what he said.

"Judging from the size, shape, surface texture and touch texture, your blood egg should be the egg of the spiritual beast Winged Bird. But the problem is that Winged Bird's eggs are usually sky blue or dark blue. I have never heard of it. Blood red." Gu Qiuming said.

"It was like this when I got it. Could it be that the red color was dyed on it?" Yuan Ming knew the origin of the blood eggs and subconsciously thought that the spirit beast eggs were soaked in blood for a long time and were dyed with color.

"Are you kidding? There are faint zigzag lines on the eggshell of the winged bird, and the luster is soft. There is no possibility of dyeing. Besides, I can see that the red color is clearly deep inside the shell, and it is the same as the animal body inside." Gu Qiu Ming said.

"Fellow Daoist Ancient, what could be the reason for this?" Yuan Ming asked.

"It's hard to say. There may be mutations or other reasons." Gu Qiuming nodded.

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