Celestial being

Chapter 245 Agreement

Yuan Mansion.

Wang Shun and a servant helped the drunk Yuan Ming back to the house and let him lie down on the bed.

"You all... please go down. You are not allowed to come in tonight without my... instructions."

After hearing Yuan Ming's drunken order, Wang Shun retreated with the servant, not forgetting to close the door before leaving.

They did not see that after they left, Yuan Ming, who was still lying on the bed, suddenly disappeared. After a long time, he walked in from outside the house again.

With Yuan Ming's current state of soul cultivation, it would be difficult for even the first-level monks to see through the illusions, let alone these servants.

Yuan Ming sat cross-legged on the bed, repeatedly checking the image in the blue orb, thinking for a moment, calling out the incense burner, inserting black incense and lighting it.

In the misty mist, Yuan Ming meditated on the appearance of the eighth prince's son, and soon completed the possession.

At this time, the prince must have just returned to the palace and was in an elegantly decorated study room, reporting to his father the conversation he had with Lin Junsheng not long ago.

Yuan Ming already knew these contents and did not listen carefully. Instead, he took the opportunity to look at the Eighth Prince in front of him.

This was not the first time he had seen the Eighth Prince, but he had not paid much attention to him before. Even if he saw him once in a while, he did not have much impression.

The Eighth Prince was dressed in a python robe, sitting on the main seat, with a square face showing an air of calmness and authority.

I have to say that this person does have some imperial dignity.

Soon, the prince finished his conversation with Lin Junsheng.

The Eighth Prince tapped the handle of the chair lightly with his fingers, his whole face looked deep in thought, deep in thought.

Seeing this, the prince didn't dare to speak, he just stood aside and waited quietly.

"What do you think of Yuan Ming?" After a while, the Eighth Prince said.

"I was once just a dandy, but this time I was able to come back alive from southern Xinjiang and became a monk. I am somewhat capable. But in the imperial city, with the national master sitting in charge, he didn't dare to cause any trouble." The prince said.

"Stay back." The Eighth Prince just nodded noncommittally and said.

The prince seemed to want to say something to his father, but he did not dare to disobey the eighth prince's instructions, so he had to bow and leave.

Yuan Ming's possession continued, but after that, the prince went directly back to his yard, lying on a wicker chair, ordering two maids aged twenty-eight to massage his legs and shoulders, while holding a torn book. I took off the cover of the book and flipped through it with relish. It was so satisfying.

Yuan Ming followed the prince's gaze and landed on the book in his hand, and couldn't help but feel happy. The content in the book was clearly "Sheng Gongzi's Journey to the South".

As a result, he could not obtain any useful information.

"I thought that behind Lin Junsheng was someone from Changchun Temple, but I didn't expect that it was the Eighth Prince. But I don't know, what kind of deal does the Eighth Prince have with the Imperial Master, and who was instigating the three people who went to southern Xinjiang to kill me?" Yuan After Ming returned to his true body, his mind turned and he thought to himself.

Although he had some clues, he couldn't get the key information for a while. Then he closed his eyes and began to continue practicing the Nine Yuan Jue.

As time goes by day by day, three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

The popularity of "Master Sheng's Journey to the South" is no longer as popular as it was at the beginning, and Yuan Ming's life has gradually returned to calm. Apart from greeting his parents every day, he basically spends the rest of his time practicing.

Of course, the little emperor would inevitably have to call him to the palace from time to time, or the other party would come directly to the mansion.

This was a common thing in the past, so neither Yuan Ming's parents nor the servants in the mansion found it strange.

During this period, Yuan Ming also burned incense and possessed the Eighth Prince many times, trying to find out who was the real mastermind behind the scenes. However, the Eighth Prince lived in simplicity and was usually quite low-key, with nothing special about him. at.

Even Yuan Ming himself would find it unbelievable to say that those assassinations were ordered by the Eighth Prince.

However, Yuan Ming also kept an eye on it. Since he couldn't get direct information every time he leaned over, he simply kept leaving hints in the heart of the Eighth Prince, making him realize that there might be something wrong with inheriting the throne and asking him to seek the Changchun Temple. s help.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off, Yuan Ming's hard work first made the Eighth Prince, who usually had a regular schedule, start to lose sleep at night, and his temper became a little anxious.

After several attempts, when he finally possessed the Eighth Prince again, Yuan Ming suddenly found that in front of him, there was a Taoist boy leading the way. There were green mountains and green waters on both sides, and at his feet were white jade steps climbing up.

The prince of the Jin Dynasty, who was inferior to one person but surpassed ten thousand people, did not dare to show any airs in front of this ordinary Taoist boy. Even though his clothes were almost soaked with sweat behind him when he left, he did not dare to say anything.

Yuan Ming was slightly excited, but he quickly calmed down.

After the Taoist boy brought the Eighth Prince to an elegantly decorated room, he asked him to wait and then turned around and walked out.

The waiting time was extremely long, and the Eighth Prince seemed to be pacing back and forth in the room a little restlessly.

Yuan Ming was not idle either. He followed the Eighth Prince's gaze and memorized the appearance of the room in his mind.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a faint sound of footsteps coming from far away outside the house.

The Eighth Prince turned his head and looked around. Through the window, he could vaguely see a figure in Taoist robes walking towards here. But just when he wanted to focus his eyes to see more clearly, the black incense burned out and the scene in front of Yuan Ming began to appear. become blurry.

And the last thing he saw was a purple gold Taoist robe and three long beards hanging on his chest.

Time passed like this month after month.

A few days before the ceremony of passing the throne, the entire capital city of Jin Dynasty ushered in the strictest martial law since the new emperor ascended the throne.

In addition to the entire 200,000 imperial troops guarding the palace being mobilized to closely guard the imperial city, most of the 300,000 garrison troops outside the city were also mobilized to assist in the defense of the capital.

The entire capital's guard strength is unprecedented.

At the same time, the entire capital also started preparations for the throne transfer ceremony early. Led by the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, a lot of arrangements were made for the main streets in the city, giving the entire capital a completely new look.

However, this ceremony was not a celebration that could be enjoyed by the people, so there was no festive atmosphere in the city. Instead, it seemed a bit solemn due to the mobilization of troops.

In the morning, it's still dark.

The Shangyang Palace was already brightly lit.

The little emperor was surrounded by three chamberlains, who were helping him put on his uniform and crown. Although he still had the appearance of a young man, he still showed the air of an emperor dominating the world.

Everyone standing nearby looked nervous, except for one person, who was holding a plate of pastries in his hand and looked calm. When his eyes fell on the little emperor, he always had a faint smile on his face.

After the little emperor was dressed neatly in his heaven-sacrifice attire and screened out everyone, he rubbed his stiff cheeks, took a piece of pastry from Yuan Ming's hand, and took a bite.

"Just do these things, all kinds of rituals, very complicated." The little emperor chewed the snacks and said vaguely.

"Who told His Majesty that you are the Nine-Five-Year-Old Lord?" Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"You will be out of the sea of ​​suffering soon, hehe." The little emperor said happily.

"Besides Your Majesty, there are not many people in this world who can regard the throne as a sea of ​​suffering, right?" Yuan Ming asked with a smile.

"What's so good about the throne? It was only after you were rejected by Changchun Temple that I had no intention of practicing. My father also wanted me to practice after I have an heir so that I can pass on the throne. This time I will disappoint my father. "The little emperor sighed and said.

"You lost the throne, but you embarked on the road to immortality. I don't think your father will blame you. You'd better get married to Loulan as soon as possible. Sister Loulan has been waiting for you for so many years. It's hard to find such a woman in the world. Go. After entering Changchun Temple, you two will become a couple of gods and immortals." Yuan Ming took a bite of the apricot blossom cake and said jokingly.

"Yes, put aside the worldly worries, complete the agreement with Loulan, and practice dual cultivation with her in the future. When you are free, go sightseeing and see the beautiful scenery in the world, which is better than living in this cage. Those are the days of gods." The little emperor's face Looking forward to it, he said.

"When I have the opportunity in the future, I will take you to Southern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang has infinite scenery and many secret places. I have been to the Snake King Valley, and there is a big secret in it. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough now." Yuan Ming said.

"Okay, no matter what happens in the future, I will give you justice today." The look of disdain appeared on the little emperor's face again.

When Yuan Ming heard this, even though he already knew the little emperor's plan today, he still couldn't help but feel excited.

Outside the main hall of Shangyang Palace, a dragon chariot was already waiting, carrying the little emperor to the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

Yuan Ming did not have an official status. According to the etiquette, he should not attend this ceremony, but the little emperor still violated the etiquette and let him accompany him directly.

A group of more than a hundred people arrived at the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

This is a place where the royal family worships heaven and earth and prays for the common people. There is a circle of circular altars on the outside and a square platform on the inside, which represents the concept of a round sky and a square place.

Before dawn, the civil and military ministers of the DPRK and China had already arrived at the Temple of Heaven and Earth and were waiting in line.

The princes and grandsons who had been difficult to gather together in the past, who were actually the uncles and brothers of the young emperor, all put on court uniforms and gathered outside the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

The officials of Honglu Temple also led the envoys from neighboring countries such as Yue, Zhao, Wu and so on early to wait outside.

When the emperor's chariot arrived, the sound of grand rites and music arranged by the Ministry of Rites began, and the atmosphere became more solemn.

During the grand sacrificial ceremony at the Imperial Academy, a white-haired and venerable old man, dressed in formal attire and holding a letter, recited the "Sacrifice to Heaven and Earth" sincerely on behalf of the emperor, and then the little emperor stepped onto the altar of heaven and earth step by step.

He ordered people to sacrifice three animals, sacrifice grains, and pour fine wine. He held incense in both hands and loudly explained his achievements in power and the reasons for his abdication. He saluted in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northwest, paying homage to the world.

Outside the altar of heaven and earth, the emperor's relatives, civil and military officials, envoys from various countries, as well as all the guards and eunuchs, some bowed their waists, some clasped their fists, and some knelt down to salute, and shouted long live.

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