Celestial being

Chapter 237 Stealing the Law

"Yes, this time Dawn gave me a foundation-building pill. I passed by a quiet valley on the way and couldn't help but take it. I didn't expect that with my qualifications, I could successfully build a foundation with just one pill. What a fluke." Yuan Ming said with a haha.

"Congratulations, congratulations. How can this be called a fluke? This is called accumulation. This step has bridged the gap. With a hundred years of life, we can look forward to a great road in the future." Wu Lu quickly clasped his fists in congratulations.

"In this way, we can still have a good time over wine a hundred years later." Yuan Ming replied.

The two laughed at the same time.

"It was also after foundation building that I remembered something. When we were in Biluo Cave, brother Wulu, you should have been in the foundation building stage, right? How did you hide your cultivation and hide it from so many elders?" Yuan Ming asked .

Hearing this, a trace of pride flashed through Ulu's eyes first, but then he immediately put it away, waved his hand, and said:

"Hey, it's just a small skill, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"Brother Wulu, did you create this method of concealing your cultivation yourself?" Yuan Ming asked.

"How do I have such a talent? It's hard to tell where it comes from. I'm sorry." Wulu glanced at Yuan Ming and said.

"Brother Wulu, Biluo Cave was destroyed, and now I am a lonely ghost. If I can learn this method, I can pretend to be a Qi Refining monk and find a way to join a famous family." Yuan Ming sighed and said.

After hearing this, Wulu said nothing, with a hesitant look on his face, but he still shook his head and sighed: "Brother Yuan, if it was something else, I would have agreed, but this really cannot be spread outside. "

"Brother Wulu, I have many magic weapons here, as well as spiritual stones and spiritual beasts! If you are willing to teach me such secret techniques and have any requests, I will do my best to satisfy them," Yuan Ming said.

"To be honest, this secret method of concealing one's cultivation is, it is... I really can't say it. If I hadn't accepted the task assigned by my family and had to break the formation out of helplessness, this method would normally be kept secret. Please keep Brother Yuan a secret." Wulu looked embarrassed. Although he liked Yuan Ming's elusive vines, he still refused.

"In this case, there is no need to be embarrassed, Brother Wulu. I am too presumptuous. If I have any secret method in the future, how about we exchange it at equal value." Yuan Ming knew that his chips were completely insufficient, so he tried.

"Okay, let's talk about it then. Come on, let's have a rare reunion. Let's have a good drink and make this meeting worthwhile." Ulu said with a smile.

After saying that, he asked the innkeeper to add tableware, wine and food, and started drinking and chatting with Yuan Ming.

In the evening, after the two of them watched the sunset, Yuan Ming said goodbye with clasped fists and returned to his residence.

At night, Yuan Ming took out the Heaven Stealing Cauldron again and lit black incense.

As the smoke rose, Yuan Ming quickly completed the possession and descended on Ulu again.

At this moment, Ulu was standing by the window of the room, listening to the sound of waves outside the window and looking at the dark sea in the distance.

He was completely unable to agree to Yuan Ming's request during the day.

At this time, in the distant sky, suddenly there was a snow-white bird with a red mark on its eyebrows, spreading its wings and flying towards this side.

The birds flew past the shadows of the trees outside and landed in front of Ulu's window.

Wu Lu quickly stretched out his hand to catch Feiniao, and took out an exquisite jade slip with holes in gold threads from its ankle.

"The jade slip conveys the message?" Yuan Ming thought to himself.

When Wulu saw the jade slip, he instinctively frowned, obviously resisting the object.

At the same time, Yuan Ming's spiritual mind vaguely sensed his inner voice: "It's another mission. Those ambitious old guys in the clan are really greedy."

While speaking, he took off the miniature jade slip and placed it between his eyebrows.

The next moment, the contents of the jade slip appeared in Wulu's sea of ​​consciousness, and Yuan Ming also checked it.

The content in the jade slip was very simple. It asked him to break into a sect called "Huoyuan Sect" as a new disciple, work hard to be promoted to a core disciple, and learn the sect's core technique "Red Fire Heart Technique".

The jade slip recorded the location of Huo Yuan Sect and the general situation of the sect, mentioned the time of the next sect disciple recruitment conference, and gave him some suggestions and guidance.

In addition, Yu Jianli also expressed high praise for Ulu's previous undercover mission in Biluo Cave, praising him for not only completing the tasks assigned by the clan, but also taking into account the cooperation tasks of breaking up the alliance at dawn, killing two birds with one stone, very outstanding .

The clan recorded his achievements and promised to give him 10% of the proceeds from the sale of the skills and secrets related to Biluo Cave he submitted.

After reading these contents, Ulu didn't feel much joy, but couldn't help but cursed secretly: "The risk is so high this time, why do you only share 10% of the profit with me? These are old guys who only know how to give orders, how can they be so capable?" Why don’t you go by yourself?”

After he finished scolding, he couldn't help but think that it was Yuan Ming who met by chance and didn't have too many interests entangled, so the relationship was more precious and sincere.

Yuan Ming felt his voice and couldn't help but sigh, had he gone too far in giving him psychological hints?

He calmed down his doubts and then remembered the business of his visit this time. He secretly said in his heart, "Brother Wulu, I'm sorry." Then he began to secretly run the Ming Yue Jue to strengthen his spiritual thoughts and firmly lock onto Wulu. .

Then, he began to repeat with his heartfelt words: "I haven't practiced the secret technique for a long time, practice it again..."

At first, it had no effect.

It wasn't until Yuan Ming repeated it for the thirteenth time that Wulu also muttered the same sentence out of nowhere:

"We have to carry out another mission next. We still need to review the old skills and learn new ones..."

After saying this, he was stunned and didn't understand why he had such an idea, but then he thought of Yuan Ming's request, and felt that he only remembered it because Yuan Ming mentioned it today.

In fact, this was the third time Yuan Ming was possessed, implying that he was practicing secret techniques to hide his cultivation.

His method of psychological suggestion is actually very limited. If you want to guide the possessed person to perform a specific behavior, the more complex the action is, or the more inconsistent the action is with the current situation, the smaller the chance of success.

Yuan Ming once thought that he would definitely fail, so he set out to test during the day.

However, what was unexpected was that Wu Lu didn't know whether he was mentioned by Yuan Ming during the day or whether he accepted a new lurking mission today and wanted to do a preview, but he actually accepted Yuan Ming's psychological suggestion.

He closed the window, set up a magic circle, and released a spider. The spider quickly formed a large web in the room. Then Uru came to his bed and sat down, crossing his legs and adjusting his breathing.

Yuan Ming knew that he was going to practice the secret method, and he suddenly became excited, concentrating on feeling the movement of Ulu's magic power.

After a while, Ulu finished adjusting his breath and began to recite the secret formula silently in his heart.

Only then did Yuan Ming realize that this secret technique was called "Zangyuan Technique". It was a secret technique that reversed the movement of mana and sealed part of the mana in the Dantian. It was actually similar to a sealing technique.

As Uru's mana reversed, his brows suddenly frowned, his face turned red, and his breathing became a little short.

When the magic power flows in the meridians, it is like a river flowing along its course. When it reverses, it is like a wave that surges backwards and plows the ground, accompanied by indescribable pain.

Even though Yuan Ming was only possessed in Wulu's body, he could still clearly feel his pain, and could even hear the thumping sound of his heartbeat, which was several times faster than that of ordinary people.

This made him recall the scene he saw when he rescued Ulu when he was still a furry beast slave in Shiwanda Mountain, and he felt a little numb for a moment.

It seems that there are certain risks in practicing this hidden element technique. I have to be more careful when practicing and performing it in the future.

Fortunately, this process was not too long. After only ten breaths, the pain of mana reversal disappeared. Part of the mana dispersed in the veins was also reversed back into Ulu's Dantian, and was restrained by a sealing force. , sleeping in the Dantian.

At the same time, his breathing and heartbeat gradually returned to normal.

I don't know if it's because it was just a matter of practice, but Ulu's aura only dropped from the foundation building stage to the seventh level of Qi refining, and was not completely sealed and turned into an ordinary mortal.

After all, that means sealing all the magic power. If the previous magic power flows back, the process of meridians reversal will probably be longer, and the pain will be even more.

After completing the practice, Wu Lu checked every part of his body and found that there was no abnormality. He placed one hand on the Dantian and silently recited the unblocking formula in his heart. A burst of mana penetrated the Dantian from the palm of his hand and immediately released the seal.

The banned mana awakened again and rushed out of Dantian, making Ulu's face flush and dizzy.

Before he could fully recover, Yuan Ming's possession time had come to an end.

After he woke up from his room, he immediately closed his eyes and crossed his legs, and began to recall every mantra that Ulu had recited silently before, and every detail of the operation of his magic power.

With the blessing of a powerful soul, these are not difficult.

After confirming that every detail was clear, Yuan Ming immediately closed his eyes and started his first attempt.

Half an hour later, his face was flushed and he fell on the bed in pain, his chest heaving violently.

The first attempt failed as expected. He had not noticed anything when he was in Ulu's body before. Now that the pain of the meridians reversal was borne entirely by himself, he realized that the pain was really piercing to the bone. Everything comes at a price.

Yuan Ming grinned and struggled on the bed for a long time before finally regaining his composure.

During this process, his mind never stopped, constantly thinking about his omissions. After recovering, he immediately started the second attempt.

Then the third time, the fourth time...

At the end of the night and at dawn, the fish belly is already turning white in the east.

Yuan Ming sat cross-legged on the bed with a calm expression. The aura emanating from his body was fluctuating at this moment, and it was clear that he had reached the seventh level of Qi refining. He had succeeded.

"Zangyuan Shu" This method can be described as defying heaven.

He worked hard to adjust his breath for a moment to let his body become familiar with the state of his magic power after being suppressed by the seal. He got up and moved around the courtyard for a while, and then followed the method of releasing the ban to restore the magic power in his Dantian.

At noon, Wulu took the initiative to find Yuan Ming.

No need to ask, Yuan Ming knew that he was here to say goodbye and go to the next mission.

When Wulu saw Yuan Ming's listless look, he felt guilty again for no reason.

In fact, Yuan Ming also felt guilty. No matter what, he stole Ulu's secret technique. Although he stole it by his own ability, he felt sorry for him after all.

The two of them had their own thoughts and said goodbye, but they both told each other to cherish it.

It seems that what the two of them will face in the coming period will not be easy. Each has its own risks, but neither of them is humane to others.

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