Celestial being

Chapter 232 Catching beasts

In the ground crack lair, the whirlpool beast had just swallowed the Thousand Needle Fish and was sleeping happily with its eyes closed. It suddenly sniffed with its nose and seemed to smell something, but did not pay attention to it.

Not long after, the beast suddenly raised its head and looked outside, its eyes showing vigilance.

As time went by, its eyes slowly turned red and its expression became restless. It seemed that it wanted to rush out, but was hesitant.

The sea snake hid in a stone crevice not far away and peered into it, seeing the appearance of the whirlpool beast in its eyes.

Above the sea, Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was most worried about was that the sea water would cut off the beast-attracting fragrance, so he went to great lengths to use black gloves to carry the beast-attracting mist and send it to the vicinity of the whirlpool beast's lair before releasing it.

Now it seems that I was overly concerned. The seawater would at most affect the propagation effect of some of the beast-attracting incense, but it would not block its effectiveness.

Yuan Ming used the soul crow to control another hunted sea beast, lurked near the seabed lair with a second glove, and released the white mist that attracted the beast in the same way.

Gradually, the Uzumaki Beast's eyes became more blood-red, almost dripping with blood. Its lower abdomen was red and swollen, and the scales there kept opening and closing.

After a while, the Uzumaki Beast couldn't bear it any longer and flew out of the lair.

When Yuan Ming saw this scene, he quickly took out the incense burner and lit the beast-inducing incense, and streams of white mist spread out.

He took out another homemade poisonous incense stick, inserted a seven-step incense stick into the stove and lit it.

After doing this, Yuan Ming put a blue talisman on his body, took out the concealment cloak, put it on, and lurked into the sea.

This blue talisman is called the "Water Refuge Talisman", which can isolate the water flow, allowing the caster to lurk in the water for a long time. With the invisibility cloak on, the water evasion talisman's mana fluctuations are also completely isolated.

Above the sea, there is only one incense burner floating there quietly, and the white mist that attracts the beast spreads rapidly.

Amidst the sound of the water, a lizard sea beast with red eyes swam over quickly, but it was a lower-level ferocious beast that suddenly jumped out of the water and rushed towards the incense burner.

As a result, just when the beast was about to pounce, the green incense burner flew high into the sky with a "swish" and was suspended more than ten feet away. The lizard sea beast swam anxiously on the sea below, but it couldn't fly and could not reach the incense burner. , can only be anxious.

The sound of "swishing" water sounded one after another, and sea beasts were constantly attracted. Twenty or thirty sea beasts soon gathered, but they were all low-level sea beasts, and two of them reached the first-level upper level.

Yuan Ming, who was hiding in the nearby sea, saw this scene and secretly liked the effect of the beast-attracting incense activated by the incense burner. If he wanted to hunt ferocious beasts in the future, he would not have to search hard at all. As long as he lit the incense, the ferocious beasts would be attracted automatically.

At this moment, there was a "splash" on the water surface near the coral island, and the whirlpool beast emerged from the sea. Its eyes had all turned blood red, and thick saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth. It excitedly jumped towards the suspended incense burner.

A group of sea beasts under the incense burner sensed the breath of the whirlpool beast, and looked frightened. They all moved back to avoid it, but they did not want to get too far away because of the scent of the beast-attracting incense.

The whirlpool beast ignored the other sea beasts and swam over quickly, but just when it was about to step into the range of the Thousand Knots Water Rope Formation, the beast suddenly stopped and looked at the bottom of the sea with its blood-red eyes, seemingly aware of the Thousand Knots Water Rope Formation. Force fluctuations.

Yuan Ming secretly thought that this whirlpool beast was really cunning, so he took out the main formation flag and quietly activated the formation.

A blue light flashed near the vortex beast, and thick water ropes condensed out of thin air. Like lightning, they wrapped around its body and pulled it suddenly, dragging it into the Thousand Knot Water Rope Formation.

More water ropes quickly gathered and swept in from all directions.

Although the Uzumaki Beast was driven crazy by the scent of the beast at this moment, it did not completely lose its mind. It waved its two front paws, and thick blue arcs erupted from its body, immediately tearing nearly half of the water rope on its body.

The strength of this beast has reached the second level peak, and its demonic power is extremely strong. The thousand-knotted water rope has not been completely formed, and the current power of confinement cannot have much impact on it.

Yuan Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he made a hand gesture in the air.

A flash of light flashed on the sea surface behind the whirlpool beast, and two magical weapons, the Cold Star Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword, shot out and slashed towards the whirlpool beast's back.


The whirlpool beast roared low, and the seawater around it suddenly rose up, spinning rapidly around its body, forming a rapidly rotating whirlpool water column in an instant.

The Hanxing Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword hit it, and were immediately blown away by the swirling sea water, without even touching the whirlpool beast.

The vortex beast continued to trigger blue lightning to tear the water rope around it, and stamped its feet violently. The nearby water surface surged violently, and seven or eight deep whirlpools were formed under the torrent, and a rumbling roar came from the depths.

There was a loud noise, and seven or eight thick water columns rose into the sky from the depths of the whirlpool. Each one was as thick as a millstone. They were like dragons in the air, spinning and swimming, as flexible as living creatures, and they hit the three magic weapons to break the water. And out of the place.

The sea surface there exploded with a "rumbling", and the water column hit the seafloor about ten feet deep, easily creating a large crater several feet deep. Countless silt spread, and the nearby seawater became turbid.

Yuan Ming hid on the other side and was not affected by the water column. He controlled the Hanxing Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword to continue attacking the whirlpool beast to attract its attention.

At the same time, he released the white ape, controlled a soul crow, and pulled out the corpse-sealing nail on its head.

The aura emitted by the white ape suddenly surged, causing a chaos in the nearby spiritual energy.

The Uzumaki Beast suddenly looked over, with a solemn look on his face.

The white ape's figure emerged from the sea with a crash, and its tall body used its strength to cross the water, pounced on the whirlpool beast, and split a long white wave in the sea.

The Uzumaki Beast was shocked. The blue light in its arms surged. The vortex water column around it suddenly became twice as thick. Several water columns rose from the nearby vortex and hit the white ape.

The white ape looked up to the sky and roared, then raised his fist and struck out.

A series of explosions erupted from the air within a radius of about ten feet, and an overwhelming force pressed down.

The body of Master Tian Snake absorbed the Yin Qi and transformed into a being similar to a mandrill. Although his previous cultivation was astonishing, his current combat power has actually fallen beyond the level of the pill formation stage. But since he put on the skin of the white ape, the Sky Snake The strength of the master's corpse has greatly increased, surpassing the strongest body Xiulong Hao Yuan Ming has ever seen, and returning to the realm of the Dan Stage.

Before those water pillars got close to the white ape, they were crushed by this overwhelming fist force. The white ape's body turned into a white shadow, and it swayed to the vicinity of the whirlpool beast. The huge fist turned into a white afterimage and hit the whirlpool water pillar. superior.

"Tsk!" A sound of shattering sounded, and the water column that the Hanxing Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword could not help was shattered with one punch.

White Ape's fist was as fast as lightning, hitting the Uzumaki Beast's shoulder firmly.

The Uzumaki Beast's shoulder exploded in response, and one of its right arms flew out in a spin, and its huge body was even blown away.

Yuan Ming was overjoyed. He controlled the Hanxing Sword and the Nine-ring Golden Sword that had been waiting behind him, and struck the whirlpool beast on the back with all his strength.

Two half-foot-long wounds were cut on the Uzumaki Beast's back, but the wounds to the flesh were not deep.

Yuan Ming's eyes darkened, knowing that his current cultivation level was too far behind this whirlpool beast, and no matter how much he attacked, it would be in vain, so he focused most of his energy on controlling the Qianjie Water Rope Formation and the White Ape.

Thick water ropes shot out from the sea, entangled the whirlpool beast again, and imprisoned it tightly. The white ape turned into a white shadow and chased after it.

The pain in the Uzumaki Beast's broken arm was excruciating, and he suppressed the influence of the beast-inducing incense. Most of the blood in his eyes dissipated, and his sanity seemed to be basically restored. The remaining left arm bloomed with bright blue light, and he waved in the air.

Huge waves several feet high suddenly rose from the nearby sea surface, like giant palms covering the sky, slapping towards the white ape.

The white ape's arms suddenly became blurred, and he struck out in succession, crushing all the incoming waves, but his body was also blocked.

The whirlpool beast roared, and dazzling blue lightning suddenly shot up from its left arm. A destructive aura erupted. Yuan Ming felt the hairs on his skin stand up even from a distance away.

The alarm bells in his heart rang wildly, and he decisively gave up hiding. He raised the white jade shuttle and flew into the sky. The incense burner, Hanxing Sword, and Nine-ring Golden Knife were also taken away by him.

The Uzumaki Beast moved its left arm, and the blue lightning on the arm shot out, forming a giant lightning blade about ten feet long, which struck the water rope around it.

"Tsk!" There was a sound of cracking silk, and all the water ropes were easily cut.

The giant lightning blade exploded immediately and turned into dense blue thunder and lightning, flooding a nearby area of ​​more than ten feet. The power of each arc was comparable to a strike of the Thunder Talisman.

The sea surface suddenly boiled, and all the water ropes condensed in the Thousand-Knot Water Rope Array were shattered. The magic array arranged under the water was also destroyed and could no longer operate.

The white ape was also affected by the blue lightning. The Heavenly Snake wrapped in the ape skin was a dead creature, and the power of thunder and lightning was its nemesis. Yuan Ming hurriedly controlled it to retreat.

The whirlpool beast used its magical powers one after another, and its aura weakened a lot, turning into a black shadow and diving into the deep sea.

Yuan Ming was anxious and was about to take action personally regardless of the danger, when the Uzumaki Beast suddenly staggered, as if he was drunk.

Yuan Ming's eyes were filled with joy, knowing that the Poisonous Incense and the Seven Steps had finally begun to work. He hurriedly surfaced from the sea and threw a round bronze ball with a wave of his hand. It hit the whirlpool beast in front of him, but it was a heart-breaking thunder. .

With a dazzling streak of light, the Heart-Splitting Thunder suddenly split apart, and a dazzling silver-white lightning exploded, forming an eye-catching lightning beam in an instant, hitting the Uzumaki Beast's chest heavily.

The Uzumaki Beast's chest was suddenly hit with a huge wound half a foot long, and it staggered back.

The white ape's body shot from the side, and a fan-shaped golden sword light appeared out of thin air. In a flash, the white ape was already standing behind the whirlpool beast, holding a golden long sword in his hand. It was the golden snake sword. .

The golden light flashed down, the whirlpool beast's head tilted and fell, a fountain of blood spurted out, its tall body shook twice, and fell into the water.

Yuan Ming felt relieved and hurriedly took away the body of the whirlpool beast with his hand. He even found the severed arm before and took out the Thousand Knot Water Rope Formation buried on the seabed.

After the soul crow that dived to the bottom of the sea flew back with the two gloves, he put away the soul crow gloves, raised the jade shuttle magic weapon, and shot away in the distance.

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