Celestial being

Chapter 206 The Power of Heart-Splitting Thunder

Elder Mengshan's movement changed at his feet, and the figure rushed towards Yuan Ming like a ghost.

"Shadowless Step..."

Yuan Ming's heart tightened when he saw a cold light suddenly light up in front of him.

The moment Elder Mengshan rushed in front of him, an emerald-green dagger in his hand stabbed towards his chest and abdomen.

Yuan Ming was on guard for a long time. A palm hidden in his sleeve suddenly came out. The Nine Yuan Jue was running wildly in his body, transporting mana. The small Bagua Mirror in his palm was ready for refining, and immediately lit up with a golden light. Light curtain.

The moment the dagger pierced the golden light curtain, a huge force exploded, the golden light exploded in all directions, and the Bagua mirror suddenly made a "click" and cracks appeared.

Yuan Ming also felt a huge impact coming from his palm. A force rushed directly up his arm to his shoulder and neck. Under the severe pain, his whole body flew backwards.

Before landing, Yuan Ming noticed something strange on the ground behind him.

Behind them, a series of earth and rocks were seen tumbling and arching up from the ground, and an obvious bulging earth beam appeared on the ground. It was obvious that the mountain turtle had drilled into the ground by relying on its magical power.

When he saw the earth beam extending rapidly and about to rush towards the female formation master, the smile on Elder Mengshan's face became more obvious.

But at this moment, the earth beam arching underground suddenly stagnated and stopped.

Then, through the thick layer of soil, a dull and shrill roar of a cow came from the ground.

The ground shook violently, earth and rocks collapsed, and a huge figure suddenly rushed out from the ground, but it was the mountain turtle.

But at this moment, its eyes were full of fear, as if there was something extremely terrifying underground.

Yuan Ming looked at the black spots appearing on its huge head, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Since he wanted to protect Xiying, how could he not be fully prepared?

There are soul crows on the trees to monitor the surroundings, and there are naturally black toads escorting them underground, in order to prevent any strange beasts from escaping from the ground and making sneak attacks underground that they cannot take care of at the same time!

The most powerful black toad can only be arranged to guard the formation master underground as the last barrier.

The huge body of the mountain turtle became extremely heavy. After running only a few steps, it fell to the ground and twitched in intense pain. Its huge head used the last bit of strength to poke out, and then suddenly drooped down.

I saw the mountain turtle's head smashed towards the female formation master.

The mountain turtle's huge body blocked his sight. The moment he jumped up, he saw the silver cat Guoguo, who had been squatting next to the female formation master with a slightly dull expression. The moment his head fell, he suddenly Rise violently.

The silver light on its body suddenly surged, and its originally small body grew in an instant, turning into a snow-white beast that was six feet long and more than three feet tall, almost like a strong white tiger.

A second-level elementary spiritual beast!

At this time, Guoguo's body was silvery white, his hair was longer, his pupils were golden and amber, and his claws and claws were filled with cold light.

"Ouch" roared.

Guo Guo just raised her paw and waved it, bringing up a gust of breeze, and then there was a "bang" sound.

The huge head of the mountain turtle was easily torn open under its sharp claws, and turned into a rain of blood, mixed with bone fragments and sprayed out.

At this time, not only Yuan Ming was stunned, but also Elder Mengshan was stunned.

But what surprised him even more was what came next.

The huge silver-white tiger suddenly had ripples of silver light on its body, and it suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

Yuan Ming immediately let go of his spiritual exploration, but found nothing.

Not only did Yinhu's figure disappear, but his breath also disappeared.

Every time the silver cat would appear next to him unnoticed, Yuan Ming could only notice it when she wanted Yuan Ming to know her existence, and this time was no exception.

Not only was Yuan Ming unable to find any trace of Guoguo, Elder Mengshan also lost his sense of Yinhu.

But in the next moment, Mengshan immediately waved his claws and slammed into the void beside him.

The hook's claws glowed brightly, and a majestic power surged out.

Along with this, there was a blur and distortion in the void there, as if there was a layer of water vapor, and a huge white shadow emerged out of thin air, but it was Yinhu.

The moment he appeared, a snow-white sharp claw had already gathered its strength and swept towards Elder Mengshan.

The white sharp claws collided with the black hook claws, and a powerful impact of power exploded from them.

Yinhu's huge figure was pushed backwards by this force and fell out.

But Elder Mengshan also didn't take any advantage and retreated seven or eight feet away.

"What a powerful force!"

At that time, he saw the Array Master teleporting after being attacked. He expected that the teleportation would not be very far away in a short time, so he wanted to search around alone and try his luck. If he found her first, he would definitely find something rare.

Unexpectedly, not only did he encounter a brat who blocked him, but the formation mage who had been severely injured by the Great Elder Soul Bat actually had a hidden spirit beast with such powerful power.

But before Meng Shan could come to his senses, the ground beneath him suddenly trembled violently, and the earth and rocks collapsed again.

A dark vine suddenly protruded from below and wrapped around his calf.

Immediately afterwards, a puff of black smoke spread from his calves, and the clothes there instantly decayed and turned black, and then turned into dust and scattered.


An extremely intense pain suddenly came from his calf, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Elder Mengshan quickly swung his claws and struck down, and the sharp claws immediately tore off the vine.

After escaping, he immediately jumped several times to distance himself from the vines.

He looked down at his calf and saw that the flesh and blood were rotting where the vines had entangled him, and there were black spots all over his calf.

"What a powerful poison." Elder Mengshan's expression changed drastically and he was completely panicked.

He never thought that he just wanted to capture a female formation master and use her power to escape, but he never imagined that the other party would have so many protective measures around him?

The two spiritual beasts are comparable to monks in the foundation-building stage, one is bright and the other is dark, and both have unique magical powers that are extremely difficult to deal with.

In his opinion, such a powerful spiritual beast is naturally the back-up man of the female formation master. How could it be related to that little monk in the Qi refining period?

Before he could figure it out, a white shadow suddenly appeared beside him, and the silver tiger-like spirit beast appeared out of thin air again, grabbed it again, and slapped him fiercely.

Elder Mengshan had already begun to think about retreating, so he quickly dodged and retreated ten feet away.

But before he could land, a shadow suddenly appeared on the ground behind him, and a black vine suddenly rushed towards him like a spiritual snake, but it headed straight for his face.

Elder Mengshan waved his claws to block him, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a black crow flying from the side, also rushing towards his face.

This series of continuous attacks made him a little confused even though he had experienced many battles.

But when he dodged Silver Tiger's claws, fended off poisonous ivy, and opened his mouth to spit out a whirlwind that blew the crows away, the severe pain in his calf struck him again, and the strange poison began to appear on his entire lower body. Feeling of numbness.

When he landed, he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground.

At this time, only the sound of a sword was heard.

A snow-white burly figure flashed out with a sword in hand, but it was Yuan Ming who put on the white ape skin and transformed into a white ape. His strength and vitality were all increased, and he threw the sword at Elder Mengshan.

I saw a flash of cold light, wrapped in the extremely cold air, and instantly froze his arm holding the black hook.

Elder Mengshan felt a cold air rushing straight up, and his arms became stiff. Just when he was about to mobilize his magic power to resist, he saw the white ape transformed by Yuan Ming wave his arms, and then directed a round bronze ball towards him. Throwed over.

The muscle lines of the white ape's arms trembled, and the huge force caused the bronze ball to burst into the air, bringing up a shadow and arriving instantly.

Elder Mengshan no longer has any chance to escape.

The bronze ball was densely covered with runes, and there were eye-catching light marks.

There was only a soft "click" sound, and the bronze ball suddenly split apart, and a dazzling silvery white light lit up in it.

"Zi la la..."

After a burst of silver arcs, the silvery white light exploded instantly.


A striking lightning beam shot up into the sky from the mountain forest, erupting with an extremely powerful shock wave. In the dazzling light, Elder Mengshan's body could be vaguely seen stiff and swaying, and arcs of electricity exploded around him.

The loud noise covered up his roar.

When all the electric light dissipated, a shallow pit of charred earth and stone appeared on the ground. The trees within a radius of ten feet were scorched black, with flames still burning in the trunks, and wisps of white smoke rising outside.

In the center of the shallow pit, Elder Mengshan's body was still standing there, but it was completely changed beyond recognition. In the middle of his head, there was a terrible wound struck by lightning, and smoke was still rising from inside.

Until his death, he could not believe that one day he would be killed by a little monk in the Qi Refining Stage.

At this time, Yinhu's figure flashed over, and he waved his huge claws, slapping down, and tearing the remains of Elder Mengshan into pieces.

Yuan Ming hurriedly stepped forward, picked up a finger from the ground, and pulled down a storage ring embedded with a blue gem. Before he could take a closer look at the storage ring in his hand, Soul Crow noticed a small group of people coming from a distance.

He quickly put away the storage ring and the hook-claw weapon in Mengshan's hand, and retreated to Xiying.

Yuan Ming summoned the black toad to continue hiding. Only one vine tentacle was left in the neck of the mountain turtle with its head submerged, frantically absorbing the remaining power. The piles of ferocious beasts that Yuan Ming had killed previously had already been hidden by it. The tentacles in the ground were sucked into the belly.

Looking back, the silver cat Guoguo has returned to his usual cute and well-behaved appearance, squatting next to the female formation master and continuing to protect the female formation master.

There is a sound in the distance approaching.

Yuan Ming looked in the direction where the footsteps came from, and saw a group of seven or eight people at dawn, led by the clown, hurried towards this direction.

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