Celestial being

Chapter 202 Mist

The hazy figure clasped his hands to cast a spell, and the black gem slowly fell down and fit right into the gap in the top cover of the soul refining pot, fitting perfectly.

A trace of black light emerged from the black gem, blended into the black top cover, and even into the Soul Calming Pot.

A stream of crystal light emerged from the Soul Calming Pot, and the black light above it skyrocketed, emitting bursts of cheering roars, as if celebrating the return of a part that had been lost for many years.

The face of the hazy figure also showed joy, and he cast a spell again. Rich black light emerged from the black gem, forming a strange pattern around it, rotating rapidly.

The crystal light on the soul-suppressing pot also rotated, and the sound of "chichi" kept coming from the pot.

After a few breaths, all the black light and strange sounds disappeared, and a crystal clear silver bead flew out of the spout. It was composed of soul power and looked like a pill.

The hazy figure opened his mouth and inhaled, and the silver ball flew back and fell into his mouth.

Silks of silver light emitted from the hazy figure, and the figure quickly became solid, turning into a girl wearing a white skirt, with long hair like a waterfall, with a veil on her face, and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

The girl in the skirt moved her body and nodded with satisfaction.

"Meow..." The silver cat flew over and rubbed against the girl's legs and feet.

"Guo Guo is good." The girl in the skirt leaned over and touched the furry cat's head. It looked like an ordinary flesh and blood body.

She raised her hand and waved, and the soul-suppressing pot flew out from the black magic circle and floated in front of her.

As soon as the soul-suppressing pot left the magic circle area, the black magic circle immediately twisted and collapsed into countless black lights.

The girl in the skirt looked surprised, but she didn't pay much attention to it, and walked outside with the soul-suppressing pot.

"Guoguo, I almost forgot. That blood egg doesn't look like a mortal thing. You can't keep it. Go get it." She remembered something and said to Silver Cat.

The silver cat meowed, turning into a silver shadow and shooting outside.

At this moment, the great elder Chen Cangqiong, who was fighting with Ouji and four other monks in the alchemy stage in the front mountain of Biluo Cave, felt a pain in his finger, and a black ring he was wearing suddenly fell apart and fell.

He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the back mountain, his face extremely frightened and angry, and he immediately abandoned the four of them and flew towards the back mountain.

"Run away!" Ouji and others didn't know what happened, but they subconsciously tried to stop him.

"Get away!"

Four rays of blood shot out from the center of Chen Cangqiong's eyebrows and disappeared into the surrounding blood clouds. The blood clouds rolled and four huge blood bats with a wingspan of several feet flew out. Four heads.

Ouji and others seemed to be quite wary of the blood bat's collision and hurriedly moved out of the way.

Chen Cangqiong took advantage of the opportunity and swung his body into the blood cloud. The blood cloud surged and turned into a huge blood dragon again in the blink of an eye. It broke through the obstruction of the four people and ran towards the back mountain like lightning.

Inside Biluo Cave.

Shahao was lying on the ground, his life and death unknown.

The girl in the skirt came to the side of the two mandrills, shook the soul-suppressing pot in her hand, and whispered an obscure incantation in her mouth.

The lid of the pot flew up and hovered above their heads. It swung down and released an astonishing suction force.

The eyebrows of the two mandrills split open, and two black soul beads shot out, and they all fell into the lid of the pot.

There was a hint of joy in the girl's eyes, and she suddenly raised her head and looked outside: "Did you find out so soon? Oh, it's not fun anymore. Let's go quickly."

In the dense forest outside the cave, the mist beside Yuan Ming moved. The sparrow from before flew over, landed on his shoulder, and said:

"That guy is back, you go first!"

Yuan Ming was shocked when he heard this, and controlled the soul crow outside the white mist area to look at the Qianshan Square area.

I saw a majestic blood shadow in mid-air, flying towards here at a lightning speed. Within a few breaths, it was already approaching the back mountain area.

The overwhelming aura enveloped the sky, and the birds, snakes, and insects in the entire back mountain were terrified, but they were suppressed by this aura and were unable to move.

Feeling the majestic aura, Yuan Ming felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

He glanced at the entrance of Biluo Cave where Xiying was, and then looked at the direction where the great elder came from, and his hesitant eyes became firm.

Yuan Ming immediately summoned the incense burner and held it in his hand. Then he took out a handful of "fog incense" and inserted it into the incense burner. He ignited them all with a gentle rub of his fingertips.

Yuan Ming made a secret with one hand, and used the art of expelling objects to urge the incense burner to fly in the direction of the great elder. After halfway, he began to fly in another direction. After a while, he changed the direction again.

After doing this several times, within a radius of ten miles, the thick white mist in the air became several times thicker and began to condense as if it were substantial, completely blocking sight.

The already extremely furious elder urged the blood dragon to stop over the back mountain, but saw that the front was covered by thick white mist, making it impossible to see the way ahead clearly.

Chen Cangqiong's eyes condensed, and the power of his spiritual consciousness surged out and spread towards the surroundings.


This time, he couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

The thick white mist in front of him actually had the ability to obscure his spiritual consciousness. Once the power of his spiritual consciousness was released, it was as if he was stuck in a mud, being dragged and pulled, and it was extremely difficult to spread it.

"Little tricks!"

His hands suddenly stretched out, and his sleeves bulged up, making a "clack" sound.

There seemed to be green dragons surging between the two sleeves, and strong winds rolled out, instantly blowing away all the white mist dozens of feet in front of him.

As soon as his vision became clear, the Great Elder rushed past.

However, before he ran a few steps, he was surprised to find that his surroundings were once again obscured by thick fog, and the void a few feet away in front of him began to become blurry and misty again.

He needed to hurry up and rush back to the cave at this moment, but because of the unclear vision and the restriction of his spiritual consciousness, he couldn't even tell the direction. If he rushed in rashly, he would be worried about being attacked by the treasure hunter.

After his complexion changed for a while, he put his fingers together and touched the center of his eyebrows. A dark red bat pattern appeared on his forehead. Immediately, a circle of red halo expanded, spreading around like ripples on the surface of a lake.

With the blessing of the secret technique of spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness that could only detect a distance of five feet suddenly expanded to a mile away.

"The power of blocking is so powerful?" He couldn't help but be surprised again.

Under normal circumstances, the power of his consciousness can easily cover ten miles even without using secret techniques. After using secret techniques, it can expand nearly ten times.

But now, we can only detect a small distance?

At this moment, his mind suddenly felt something in one direction.

Chen Cangqiong raised his eyebrows and scolded angrily. At the same time, he pinched the magic formula with one hand. A circle of silver light lit up outside the pupils of his eyes, and a stream of light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

The huge terrifying blood shadow behind him immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh" "Whoosh"

Seven or eight dark red arrows condensed by the power of the soul shot through the air. In almost two breaths, they covered a distance of more than a hundred feet. The area covered was a range of more than ten feet with Yuan Ming as the center. .

One of them was almost aimed at Yuan Ming who was hiding behind the ancient tree.

However, at this time, Yuan Ming's vision and consciousness were also obscured by the thick fog, and he was not even aware of the Great Elder's attack.

It wasn't until the arrow from the divine soul's attack was already within a few dozen feet that he finally became alert. With a shock in his heart, he hurriedly jumped to the side.

At this moment, on the chest of the gray cloak he was wearing, a thumb-sized white jade button lit up with white light, blooming into a hazy silver-white light curtain, blocking Yuan Ming's body.

The next moment, the bloody arrow passed by the silver light curtain.

The white jade button emitted rays of light, causing a violent fluctuation in the soul.

Yuan Ming was just swept away by the aftermath, and felt a dull feeling in his head, as if he had been hit hard by someone. His body shook and he almost fell down.

Fortunately, a soft light immediately lit up on the incense burner he held in his hand, and a warm current immediately poured into his mind, instantly soothing the shock in his soul.

Yuan Ming was filled with fear. A spiritual attack from a monk in the Qi Refining Stage against a Soul Cultivator in the Pill Formation Stage was like hitting an egg with a stone. As long as it touched even a little bit, his spirit could be crushed to pieces.

If he hadn't been wearing the cloak that could hide his breath and shield his consciousness, and the mist incense was ignited, with Chen Cangqiong's attainments in soul cultivation, he would have no way to hide. The other party only had to raise his hand. Make his soul disappear.

Yuan Ming did not dare to hesitate at all. The light on the jade belt around his waist lit up. He immediately used the agility technique and fled towards the rear. The sparrow also flew quickly behind Yuan Ming.

As soon as his figure disappeared into the thick fog, Chen Cangqiong's figure had already arrived at the place where Yuan Ming had just stayed.

The violent fluctuations in his soul just now were finally sensed by Chen Cangqiong. He focused his eyes, looked in the direction in which Yuan Ming was retreating, and snorted coldly.

However, his spiritual exploration was faster than Yuan Ming's retreat. Before Yuan Ming could escape a mile away, he had already locked Yuan Ming's position again.

Just when he was about to attack again with the Blood Soul Technique, his vision suddenly blurred, and he felt an extremely strong sense of dizziness. His body shook violently, and he was a little unsteady for a while.

Chen Cangqiong immediately gave a low drink, his whole body's momentum suddenly rose, and the feeling of dizziness and chaos that he just felt was immediately eliminated.

He glanced at the ground, only to find that not far from his feet, seven or eight incense sticks were scrawled on the ground, with smoke rising from them, exuding a unique aroma.

"Fragrant?" Chen Cangqiong couldn't help but frown.

When he suddenly came to his senses, the breath he had just locked on had escaped from the detection range of his spiritual consciousness and could no longer be traced.

Allowing a junior whose cultivation level was far lower than his own to escape from his grasp caused an unknown anger to rise in his heart.

Chen Cangqiong didn't know how to break out, so he took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, calmed down, and glanced around.

But there was no trace of a human being in the vast mist surrounding him.

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