Celestial being

Chapter 200 Danger Surrounded

"With the ability to control so many soul bats and this person's soul cultivation realm being so powerful, is Xiying in danger?" Yuan Ming thought to himself, and a thought suddenly emerged in his mind.

Xiying, where are you?

He didn't look any further and continued to run away.

At this moment, several blood bats appeared in front and rushed toward him.

Yuan Ming cursed secretly, and hurriedly used his wind agility to fly to the side, avoiding the attacks of several blood bats.

But these blood bats seemed to be eyeing the bloody leeches, chasing after them like tarsal bodies.

The blood bat was extremely fast. Yuan Ming used the Shadowless Step and coupled with the acceleration of the white jade belt, he still couldn't get rid of it. The distance between the two became closer and closer.

He looks ugly. People controlled by blood bats will completely lose themselves. Let alone escape from Biluo Cave, they will probably die here!

Yuan Ming didn't care to hold back, and quickly took out the Earth Travel Talisman to activate it. His body was shrouded in yellow light and escaped into the ground in a flash.

Contrary to his expectations, all those blood bats also escaped into the ground, and even the following speed did not slow down at all.

Yuan Ming couldn't think about it at this moment and could only run forward with all his strength.

Although the Earth Traveling Talisman could move underground, it was not very fast. Several blood bats caught up with him in the blink of an eye and submerged themselves into his body.

A cold breath blended into Yuan Ming's body, quickly entering the sea of ​​consciousness along his body, eroding his soul.

His body suddenly became stiff, and a blood-red light began to appear in his eyes.

But he is also a soul cultivator after all, his soul is powerful and he can still maintain his sanity.

Due to the backlash of the fur technique, his soul had encountered similar attacks countless times before. At this moment, his thoughts suddenly changed and he began to run the Ming Yue Jue.

A dark moon rose in the sea of ​​consciousness, blooming with white light. Wherever it passed, the cold aura that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness immediately melted and disappeared.

The blood in Yuan Ming's eyes dissipated, and his body resumed movement. He breathed a sigh of relief. A certain thought in his mind became stronger and stronger, and he felt a little scared.

Biluo Cave has collected mortal souls for many years, and in addition to the daily exaggeration of the great elder's strength, there is no doubt that the master of the soul bat is the great elder.

This person's methods are really terrible. He silently releases so many souls that take on the form of a living person. The possessed person seems to be possessed and attacks unconsciously. During this period, he even forgets about pain and is not afraid of death. .

The method of soul cultivation in the pill formation stage is so overbearing!

Fortunately, soul cultivation is difficult to practice, and if you are not careful, you will suffer backlash and die. Therefore, compared with legal cultivation and physical cultivation, it is a rare existence.

The Dawn Alliance was ordered to attack Biluo Cave, and they kept saying that they wanted to kill the culprit. Could it be that the hirer had a grudge against the great elder, or was afraid of him?

"Could it be the fish man?" This thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

At the moment, there were probably blood bats everywhere outside. He did not immediately lurk out of the ground, but continued to control the two soul crows outside to observe the situation in order to find a way to escape.

The big cave master has been injured and captured, but the situation that originally seemed settled has been thrown into chaos due to the appearance of these strange blood bats. Ouji and Xue Zhan have been injured and are helpless to deal with this situation. They can only try to stabilize the situation.

At this moment, a blood shadow shot out from the void, quickly rolling towards Ouji and Xue Zhan, but it turned out to be a large blood-red flag with patterns of ferocious ghosts painted on it.

"Mangui Banner!"

Ouji and the other two ran away from each other like snakes and scorpions.

The bloody banner turned and headed straight for the bloody battle.

The sound of ghost howls rose loudly, and countless blood clouds spurted out from the large blood-colored banners, turning into a bloody wave and sweeping towards the bloody battle. Among them were countless ferocious evil ghosts, appearing and disappearing in the blood clouds with their teeth and claws.

Although he was seriously injured in the bloody battle, he still reacted very quickly. He suddenly turned around and slashed in the air with his long sword.

A huge sword light tens of feet long shot out and struck the blood cloud ghost shadow, immediately splitting it in half.

However, the blood cloud ghosts immediately merged into one, seemingly unharmed, and continued to pounce on Xue Zhan, instantly submerging most of the area around Xue Zhan.

Xue Zhan shouted loudly, the blood light of the sword in his hand surged, and nine slightly smaller sword lights shot out, once again cutting through the approaching blood cloud.

With a wave of his other hand, more than twenty purple talismans appeared out of thin air, each one exuding a powerful thunder and lightning aura.

The bloody battle key was clicked, and all the talismans were activated. Dozens of purple thunder and lightning as thick as a bowl appeared. It looked like a thunder and lightning forest, tearing apart all the ghosts of the blood cloud, and striking the big banner deep in the blood cloud.

The dazzling lightning drowned everything, and soon dissipated.

A broken banner flew out and fell downwards.

A proud smile appeared on Xue Zhan's lips. His cultivation level was slightly low and he was seriously injured. If Chen Cangqiong attacked them, he would definitely deal with himself first. Fortunately, he had made a lot of preparations.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

There was a sudden sharp pain in Xue Zhan's lower abdomen. A blood-stained palm penetrated his Dantian and pinched a water-blue golden elixir.

The strength in Xue Zhan's body disappeared quickly, but his eyes were still wide open, with a look of disbelief on his face.

His Blood Spirit Sword has long been channeled. As long as someone comes within ten feet of him, he will immediately alert him. How could he be attacked by someone?

Countless cracks suddenly appeared in the field of vision in front of the bloody battle, and the next moment they shattered, revealing a brand new picture.

A young man in green robes was standing quietly in front of him, his palm piercing his body. The Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag was not destroyed by the power of thunder and lightning. At this moment, it was tightly wrapped around the Blood Spirit Knife, making it unable to move. A large area of ​​blood Clouds shrouded the two of them, blocking Ouji's approach.

"It turns out to be an illusion..." Xue Zhan said with difficulty, with a self-deprecating look on his lips.

The green-robed young man crushed the golden elixir into pieces, and his vision of the bloody battle was flooded by endless darkness.

"Who gave you the courage to come to my Biluo Cave and be rampant!" The young man withdrew his palm and smiled ferociously.

He put away the corpse of the bloody battle and the blood spirit knife, turned his eyes, and looked at Ouji not far away.

Ouji felt a chill in his heart, turned around and ran away into the distance.

"It's too late." The green-robed young man made a little gesture, and the blood clouds around him suddenly turned into a bloody dragon more than ten feet long, chasing Ouji with his teeth and claws.

The blood dragon is extremely fast, and the distance between it and Ouji is quickly closing.

I saw Ouji take out a jade pendant with one hand, crush it into pieces, and a white stream of light immediately enveloped it, and then his figure suddenly turned into a white light, and flew away at a faster speed into the distance.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and he pointed out the secret formula.

The blood dragon's body suddenly expanded, its speed doubled, and it instantly caught up with Ouji and submerged him. Ouji's figure suddenly stagnated, rushed downwards, and hit the ground hard.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the blood dragon's body exploded, turning into a large blood cloud and spreading in all directions, flooding the nearby area for dozens of feet, and continued to spread.

This is near Qingluo Square. The female formation master and many Dawn members were here. They were suddenly submerged in the blood cloud, and they all fell to the ground wailing.

Shadows flew out from these people's bodies. It was their souls that were swallowed by the blood cloud.

The overwhelming blood cloud surged forward, threatening to submerge the female formation master's body.

Seeing this scene, she showed no fear and paused. A silver magic circle immediately appeared around the transparent shoes on her feet, and the silver magic circle shone brightly.

The moment the female formation master was about to disappear in a flash, a bat crashed into her body like a bolt of lightning.

The light of the silver formation collapsed, the transmission was completed, and the female formation master disappeared.

"Little moving talisman?" The young man raised his eyebrows, but didn't pay attention, and was about to activate the Wangui Banner again.

Silver light flashed above his head, and a small silver bell appeared out of thin air. Next to the small bell was an old man with a hunched back, another monk in the alchemy stage.

The old man shouted low and patted the clock body. The small silver bell instantly grew several times in size and began to ring rapidly.

A silver ripple shrouded down and instantly submerged the green-robed young man's body.

The green-robed young man froze there, with a dazed look in his eyes.

There was a feeling of fluctuation in the void beside him, and two more figures emerged. They were a big man in red robes and a young woman in green robes. They were also two existences in the pill formation stage.

Three alchemy monks!

One of the two wielded a fiery flying fork, the other wielded an emerald green flying sword, and struck the green-robed young man's body as fast as lightning.

The body of the unsuspecting young man in green robe was chopped into three parts, with blood splattering everywhere.

The three of them looked excited, but their smiles soon froze there.

The blood of the young man's remains turned into a few rays of light and shadow and disappeared. A white light flashed in the void more than ten feet away, and the young man's figure appeared out of thin air.

"Another illusion! You two, be careful. Chen Cangqiong's soul cultivation realm has improved a lot, and he can easily pull us into the illusion!" The old man with a bowed back flew back several feet, his expression serious.

"Impossible, we all have the Forbidden God Talisman on our body, how can we still fall under the illusion?" The man in red robe and the young woman in green robe also retreated to the old man with a bent back, saying in disbelief.

The three of them were reinforcements hired at a high price from the Dawn Break Alliance, specifically to deal with Chen Cangqiong. They had already made complete preparations, one of which was the Forbidden God Talisman.

This kind of talisman has only one function: to open a special barrier around the body to block the approach of the power of spiritual consciousness.

If a soul cultivator wants to cast an illusion on someone, the necessary condition is to use the power of the soul to contact the other person. Chen Cangqiong's power of consciousness may be stronger than the three of them, but it can never break through the barrier of the forbidden talisman.

"This man has strange magical powers, so be careful." The hunched-backed old man couldn't figure it out and said slowly.

A black ray of light shot from a distance and landed next to the three people, revealing Ouji's figure.

He was freed from the confinement of the blood cloud, but his face was as pale as paper, and his vitality was obviously severely damaged.

"In order to deal with me, you actually invited so many monks in the alchemy stage. Do you think you can succeed with more people?" The young man in green robe looked around Ouji and the four of them, and said slowly without caring.

The blood clouds on the ground flew back, surrounding him again, rolling around, making his figure flicker in and out. With another wave of his hand, dozens of bats flew up and down, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, adding a bit of weirdness.

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