Celestial being

Chapter 194 It turns out that you are a traitor

The white-robed young man withdrew the thick blue light, put away the bronze mirror and storage magic weapon belonging to the black-bearded elder, and continued to move towards the next Biluo Cave foundation-building monk.

"This person is so powerful!" Even though it was the second time he saw the opponent's methods, Yuan Ming couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

Due to the appearance of this young man and his extremely weird methods, the nearby Biluo Cave foundation-building monks became wary and began to be distracted and wary and did not dare to use their full strength. The Qi-refining phase monks were frightened and began to fight and retreat.

On the contrary, the morale of the side that broke away from the alliance at dawn was greatly boosted, and the offensive was rapid and fierce.

At this moment, the battle situation is delicate, and the whole body is affected by a single move, and the defense line of the entire Biluo Cave begins to loosen.

At this moment, a ray of white light came from a distance, and in an instant it arrived at the mountain gate, where a sturdy old man with black beard appeared, who was the second cave master.

He raised his hand without saying a word, and a green light as thick as an arm fell on the ground next to the mountain gate and disappeared into it.

The ground there rumbled and shook, and an astonishing wave of mana burst out from the ground, but it quickly dissipated.

Seeing this scene, everyone nearby was shocked and confused.

Ouji and Xue Zhan joined forces and were unable to capture the big cave master in a short period of time. Not knowing what the second cave master meant, they looked at each other and withdrew from the battle circle at the same time.

"Are you ready?" The big cave master panted slightly, but his heart was filled with joy, and he asked via voice transmission.

"The seven formation eye stone pillars have been activated and can activate the sect-protecting formation at any time." The second cave master replied through a message.

"Okay, open the big formation immediately!" The eyes of the big cave master shined brightly.

"Some Qi Refining Stage disciples outside are fighting far away, and the sect-protecting formation may not be able to cover there. Do you want to order the disciples to assemble first, and then open the formation?" The Second Cave Master hesitated and asked via voice transmission.

"I don't care about that much! It's just a bloody battle. Ouji is such a smart person. Any move at this time will only increase the variables. Let's open up the big formation first. For the foundation of Biluo Cave, we will sacrifice some Qi Refining Stage disciples. It doesn’t matter!” The Great Cave Master said coldly.

The second cave master stopped talking when he heard the words. He turned over his hand and took out a green disk with extremely complex runes engraved on it, and pressed the secret to activate it.

The ground near the mountain gate shook, and a black stone platform quickly emerged from the place where the aura had previously burst out. It was engraved with countless runes and lines and glowed with dazzling green light.

Elder Chu Xiong of the Execution Hall flew out and landed on the stone platform. His body also shot out green light, which resonated with the rising and falling light of the stone platform.

He made a quick seal with both hands, and the green light on the stone pillar quickly condensed, turning into a green beam of light in the blink of an eye, rising straight into the sky.

Almost at the same time, six soaring green lights rose from other directions around Biluo Cave. There was also a stone platform in each of those green lights, and each one was guarded by monks in the foundation-building period of Biluo Cave.

The seven light pillars formed a ring, surrounding the entire Biluo Cave and part of the back mountain.

"Go!" The master of Erdong waved his hand in mid-air, and the green disk in front of him shot high into the sky at an astonishing speed, reaching an extremely high place in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud "boom" sound, and the green disk burst out with a dazzling green light that was hard to look at, like a small green sun.

The seven soaring light pillars were attracted by the green disc, all gathered together in a curve, and merged into the small green sun.

The second cave master jumped with his ten fingers and made a seal. A green light curtain spread out from the disc and slid down along the seven curved light pillars. It was expected that the momentum would form a line with seven stone platforms as boundaries, covering the entire Biluo Cave Sect. A huge hemispherical light curtain.

The green light curtain fell extremely fast and was about to fall to the ground completely.

Seeing this, the Biluodong disciples outside the mountain gate hurriedly rushed inside the mountain gate.

Being locked outside the green light curtain will definitely lead to death.

Yuan Ming was still fighting with the tall and thin man at this moment. He was quite far away from the mountain gate. Seeing this, he hurriedly recalled the nine-ring golden knife and swiped it towards the inside of the mountain gate.

"Stop leaving!" Seeing this, the tall and thin man urged the black shuttle weapon to pursue him. At the same time, a green light shot out from his sleeves, and it was a green rope weapon that rolled towards Yuan Ming's legs.

Yuan Ming did not look back, and slashed into the air with his backhand. Two white sword energy shot out from his hand, and struck accurately on the black shuttle and Qingsuo magic weapons. They were stunned and unable to continue the pursuit.

Yuan Ming activated the jade belt around his waist, and used shadowless footwork under his feet. He speeded up and appeared in front of the mountain gate in the next moment, flying in.

A black shadow, only half a step slower than him, also swept into the mountain gate, it was Ulu.

One after another, some disciples retreated behind the mountain gate. There was a loud "bang" sound, and the cyan light curtain fell on the ground. The sect-protecting formation shaped like an inverted giant bowl was completely formed, and many Bi who had not had time to enter were completely formed. Disciple Luo is isolated outside!

The Dawn Alliance had already gained the upper hand, but a light curtain suddenly isolated them from the Biluo Cave disciples. The good situation was lost in an instant. They were all shocked and angry. Various magic weapons hit the light curtain hard, and those who were hit were The green light curtain only trembled slightly.

Ouji and Xue Zhan also fell from mid-air, suspended in front of the green light curtain.

With their magical powers, it was not difficult to enter the green light curtain just now. However, it was too dangerous for just the two of them to go in. If they were besieged by Biluo Cave, they would also be devastated on the spot.

Ouji raised one hand and pointed with his finger, and a black thunder light as thick as a bowl hit the green light screen, making a thunderous explosion.

This is Kuishui Divine Thunder, a magical power that can only be used after practicing water-based skills to an advanced level.

The green light curtain trembled violently, and most of the area hit by the mine suddenly became thinner.

But the surrounding green light quickly gathered, and the green light curtain returned to its original state in a few breaths.

Ou Ji raised his eyebrows, lowered his arms, and ordered in a deep voice: "The opponent's sect-protecting formation is complete, but it is not unbreakable. Everyone obeys the order and attacks with all strength!"

When the people who broke up the alliance at dawn heard this, they launched various methods and took action with all their strength.

All of a sudden, various magic weapons, spiritual beasts, and refined corpses were sacrificed one after another.

The origins of the members of the Breaking Dawn Alliance are complex, and there are many means of attack. There are also magical powers and secret techniques from the five sects in Southern Xinjiang and even other regions in Southern Xinjiang.

Amidst the "rumbling" explosions, light groups of various colors continued to explode on the surface of the green light curtain, causing ripples of various colors and causing the air to vibrate violently.

Everyone in the sect-protecting formation felt the fierce attack from the Dawn Party, and everyone looked nervous and frightened.

The few Dawn members who followed them in were immediately besieged and killed by Biluo Cave disciples.

At this time, Yuan Ming had already put away the Heart-Splitting Thunder he had been holding in his hand, and looked at Ulu. He saw that the other person's chest was rising and falling, and his face was solemn. It was obvious that he had not recovered from the previous nervous state.

He looked outside the formation and saw that the Biluodong disciples who had failed to escape were completely unable to fight back under the intensive attacks from members of the Dawning Organization.

Seeing that they were isolated by the large formation, more and more people gave up resistance and chose to surrender. The storage bags were taken away by the people of Daybreak, and a circular magic weapon was put on their heads and necks.

Everyone in the protective formation could only watch all this and continue to rely on the defense of the formation to resist the enemy's attack.

Fortunately, this sect-protecting formation is still strong. Although it was shaken by the continuous bombardment and the ground was shaking, it never collapsed.

"What's going on? Why didn't the secondary formation outside the sect respond?" Elder Chu Xiong, who was guarding a formation, looked into the distance outside the light curtain and asked with a frown.

"Do you still need to ask? It must have been secretly sabotaged long ago." Elder Saren, who came here with him for support, frowned for a moment and replied.

"Impossible, we have been strengthening our inspections. If the secondary formation outside the mountain is destroyed, it will definitely be discovered." Elder Chu Xiong said in disbelief.

"What is the reason? We can only wait until the matter is over before investigating." Elder Saren said with a serious expression.

When Yuan Ming heard the conversation between the two, his expression suddenly became complicated.

He suddenly remembered that during the roundup of the Mandrill King, he and Chen Wan had followed a suspected spiritual mandrill into an underground cave.

There, he saw a simple stone tablet about six feet high with the word "Hu Ta" engraved on it.

At that time, he didn't know what it was, but now when he thought about the patterns on it, it was clearly a rune formation. He thought it was probably the secondary formation outside the sect that Elder Saren and the others mentioned.

With the protection of the sect-protecting formation, the disciples who were lucky enough to retreat and return near the mountain gate all survived. When they saw that the formation could not be broken, they all looked happy, completely forgetting that there were still a large number of disciples abandoned there. Outside the mountain gate.

No matter what others thought, the remaining kindness Yuan Ming had towards Biluodong disappeared at this moment.

He just wanted to rush back to Huolian Hall to see what the situation was like there.

In the entire Biluo Cave, if there was any place worthy of his concern, it was only there.

After Yuan Ming made up his mind, he no longer planned to stay here. He turned his eyes and went to see Wulu, wanting to invite him to leave together.

But then he realized that Wulu had turned around and walked towards the sect.

"Wulu, the situation is critical this time. I'm afraid it won't end before the Great Elder takes action. Maybe you and I can take care of it." Yuan Ming immediately chased after him and whispered.

Wulu turned to look at him: "Brother Yuan said that as long as the Great Elder takes action, Biluo Cave will be defended. We do have to take care of each other, but you should leave here first, I still have some things to do." Wulu suddenly revealed his face With a slight smile, Yuan Ming squeezed his eyes and said.

When Yuan Ming heard this, he frowned slightly, took a deep look at Wulu, and immediately turned around and left.

When Ulu saw him walking away, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his expression became serious.

He slowly came to an elder and suddenly said softly in a voice that only two people could hear: "Son, kneel down immediately and call me daddy, and I will spare your life."

The provoked elder angrily stretched out his hand to pinch Ulu.

As for Ulu, it was as if he had been slapped violently, his toes touched the ground, and his whole body flew backwards.

In mid-air, his hands were waving up and down, as if he was uncontrollable.

"It turns out you are a traitor!" Ulu shouted, like a bolt from the blue.

Yuan Ming heard the sound, turned around and saw this scene, and couldn't help but be startled.

The surrounding Biluodong disciples were even more confused. Previously, their attention had been on the enemy's attack on the sect-protecting formation, and they had no idea what had happened.

Elders Saren and Chu Xiong were the first to react, frowning and looking this way.

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