Celestial being

Chapter 190 Bells

"Different from previous years, this time at the White Deer Qiu Alliance, in addition to the spiritual materials collected by the participating disciples, the sect has decided to give some other rewards to the ten disciples who have gained the most as an encouragement. The specific prizes are up to you. Watch." The black-bearded old man said, raising one hand, and a white flag appeared in the air, with lines of large golden characters written on it, followed by lines of small characters annotations.

"The rewards from this alliance are so generous!"

"It's rare for a sect to be so generous. Oh, if I had known this, I should have signed up!"

When the disciples present saw clearly the contents of the rewards, they all gasped and started talking.

As Yuan Ming glanced over, a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

The rewards prepared by the sect this time are not trivial. The top three rewards are all related to foundation building. The first place reward is a foundation building pill, the second place is a calming incense, and the third place is a condensation pill. Yuan Dan.

According to the notes, this calming incense is a spiritual incense from the eastern region of southern Xinjiang. As its name suggests, the incense can calm the mind and put the mind in an absolutely calm state, which is of great help in breaking through the foundation building period.

This spiritual incense is a novelty to other Biluodong monks or disciples, but to Yuan Ming, it is not that strange.

The Yuan Ning Dan is an elixir that can speed up the condensation of mana, and is also a great help in building foundations.

The Dingshen Incense and the Ning Yuan Pill are both precious things, not to mention the Foundation Establishment Pill. Biluodong took out these three things, which shows that they attach great importance to this Bailuqiu Alliance.

As for the rewards for the fourth to tenth places, they are all magic weapons, elixirs for improving cultivation, and a large number of spiritual stones. Although they are not as good as foundation-building pills, calming incense, etc., they are still quite precious.

The other participating disciples were surprised and happy when they saw such a valuable reward.

Some people's eyes turned gloomy and they looked at other participants.

With such a valuable reward, instead of working hard to find treasures, spiritual materials, and competing for rankings, it is better to reduce the number of people in the same sect directly.

There are only forty or fifty people in Biluodong who have signed up to join the Bailuqiu Guild this time. The more they kill, the greater the chance of entering the top ten.

A crisp sound of "clang" was heard, and the bodies of those who had murderous intent were shaken and almost fell to the ground, but the others were not affected much.

The master of the cave didn't know when a small white clock appeared in his hand, which was emitting a soft white light.

He raised his hand and knocked on the small clock. The white light on the small clock suddenly swelled, and then dozens of white bell shadows were shot out, accurately immersing themselves into the bodies of all participants.

Yuan Ming's body also merged with a white bell shadow, and he was suddenly startled. He hurriedly used his spiritual consciousness to investigate, but found nothing.

"Don't worry, the bell shadow just now is the warning mark issued by my warning bell. It will automatically disappear after a period of time." The big cave master said.

"May I ask the Great Cave Master, what is the effect of this warning heart seal?" A voice sounded, but it was a tall Biluo Cave disciple with a scar on his face, extending from his right eye to his chin.

Yuan Ming recognized this person, his name was "Wuluo", he was the direct disciple of the Second Cave Master, and he had high prestige among the younger generation of Biluo Cave.

"This is the second thing I want to say. In the past, during the Bailuqiu Alliance, the disciples of the five sects fought and killed each other in order to snatch spiritual materials and treasures. Some disciples of the same sect did not treat their fellow disciples at all for the sake of ranking and profit. Show mercy. This time, we will not allow the murder of fellow students to happen! The Seal of the Police Heart can sense murderous intentions and will be activated when you are members of the same family. People who have inspired the Seal of the Police Heart will be deprived of their rank, no matter how much they gain. Qualifications to enter the top ten!" The big cave master's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said slowly.

"Yes." The disciples participating in the meeting did not dare to look at him, so they all lowered their heads and agreed.

Those who were planning to murder their fellow disciples and reduce their competitors also immediately gave up their thoughts.

"The same goes for you. Don't think that the sects don't know that you are fighting secretly. Discussions and exchanges between fellow sects are allowed, but there must be a limit. Biluo Cave currently needs sincere unity and no internal fighting!" The second cave master looked at those who did not participate in the alliance. The disciples and elders said in a deep voice.

Everyone shuddered when they were glanced at, and some turned their heads guiltily.

Under pressure, these people heard the words and agreed in unison.

Yuan Ming frowned secretly. Before, Biluodong ignored the fights between his disciples and even adopted an indulgent attitude. Why did his attitude suddenly change? Could something have happened? Biluodong was forced to make changes.

The astute people in the crowd also guessed this, and naturally looked at the big cave master and the second cave master with a little doubt in their eyes.

"Don't stop eating because of choking. Necessary exchanges can still be had. Otherwise, how can we improve our strength? Especially for other sects, we take the initiative to cause trouble, but we are not afraid of it. The great elder single-handedly brought Biluo Cave into the five major sects. , so that other sects dare not peep, if the disciples of this sect are cowardly, how can they gain a foothold." The master of the cave said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, all the disciples in Biluo Cave looked relaxed.

As the pillar of the Biluo Cave, the Great Elder has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is said that his cultivation has reached the peak of the mid-stage pill formation, far above the three cave masters, and he is one of the few strong men in the entire southern and northern regions. .

On a certain day, other sects in the Northern Territory would not dare to invade even half a step.

"Great Elder, you are really overbearing." Yuan Ming said to himself.

He has been in the sect for a long time and has never seen the Great Elder. It is said that this person has been in seclusion in the mountain behind Biluo Cave for many years. He rarely appears in front of people, and no one has seen him take action.

On the big tree near the square, Xiying sat up and looked through the crowd and light field to the back of Biluo Cave.

Behind the three main peaks of Biluo Cave is a continuous mountain range, densely populated by giant trees, lonely and deserted. The forest is filled with light mist, which drifts with the mountain wind and lingers among the leaves of the trees.

There is a cave on a green mountain wall. The stone wall on the right is carved with three characters "Bi Luo Cave". It is covered with moss and seems to have existed for thousands of years.

The nearly one thousand disciples in Biluo Cave don't know that the name of the sect in Biluo Cave comes from here.

The stone door of the cave was closed tightly, and there was a faint blue light rippling above it.

Sitting cross-legged in the stone chamber deep in the Biluo Cave was a young man wearing a dark green robe. He had high cheekbones and deep-set eyes. His appearance was very different from that of people from southern Xinjiang.

The green-robed young man made a secret with his hands. There was a small black pot half a foot high floating in front of him. The body of the pot was engraved with some patterns of landscapes, flowers and birds, and three small words were engraved under the spout: Soul-Calming Pot.

The soul-suppressing pot buzzed and trembled, and traces of black mist rose from the pot, making the pot lid clang. There was a slight dent in the top of the lid, as if a part was missing, which looked a bit uncoordinated.

"Without the soul-suppressing bead on the top, it is really difficult to control this soul-suppressing pot." The young man in green robe sighed, and made a hand with his hands like a wheel.

Rays of green light hit the soul-suppressing pot, and the pot gradually returned to calm, and the overflowing black energy also disappeared.

The green-robed young man waved his sleeves and shot out twenty or thirty arrows. When they landed in front of him, there were twenty or thirty black bells, which were soul-catching bells.

"Take it!" The young man in green robe pinched the soul-suppressing pot, and the lid floated up, emitting a suction force.

Streams of finger-thick, constantly changing and squirming soul power flew out of the twenty or thirty soul-stirring bells, and rolled into the soul-suppressing pot, where they were quickly sucked dry.

The lid fell down and the mouth of the pot was tightly covered.

However, the soul-suppressing pot trembled again, and more black air escaped from the spout than before.

The green-robed young man's expression condensed, and he flicked his sleeves and emitted a burst of green light, which enveloped the soul-suppressing pot and landed in a black magic circle several feet in size on the ground in front of him.

The magic circle moved quickly, a black light shrouded the pot, and the trembling of the soul-suppressing pot calmed down a lot.

The green-robed young man's expression softened slightly, and he made a hand seal. The black light covering the soul-suppressing pot became softer, and poured into the body of the pot like flowing water.

After a moment, there was a cracking sound inside the soul-suppressing pot, a black light came out of the pot, the top lid was blown away, and a faint sound of howling ghosts and wolves could be heard within a radius of about ten feet.

A layer of black light gushed out from the four walls of the stone chamber, blocking out all the sounds of ghost cries.

"I have finally accumulated enough soul power. I can try to use the power of the soul as a guide. I, Xi Cangqiong, can finally hit the late stage of pill formation." The green-robed young man breathed out softly and murmured to himself.

As he finished speaking, a black light flashed between his brows, and a black tiger-headed shadow appeared. After falling on the ground, he opened his mouth to take a sip from the soul-suppressing pot.

A black energy gushes out from the soul-suppressing pot. It looks extremely pure, no longer squirming at all, and submerges into the black tiger head.

The young man in green robe showed an intoxicated look on his face. He sat down cross-legged and formed a mudra with his hands clasped in front of him.

A huge coercion suddenly emerged, the entire stone chamber was shaken, and the air roared and vibrated.

A sparrow squatted on the big tree outside Biluo Cave, jumping nimbly on the branches. Its eyes occasionally flashed past the bluestone gate, revealing a little agile light.

On the big tree in the distance of Qingluo Square, Xiying narrowed his eyes and sharpened his claws on the tree anxiously. Suddenly he raised his head and looked at the gate of Biluo Cave, with a look of surprise in his cat's eyes.

"Who is coming..." It flew towards the mountain gate.

Outside the gate of Biluo Cave, shadowy men in black suddenly appeared out of nowhere and were approaching quickly from all directions. There were many of them, no less than three or four hundred. They all had a strange pattern embroidered on their chests, which looked like The rising sun was dotted with a few white clouds.

Although these people tried their best to conceal their whereabouts, there were too many of them, and they were soon detected by the detection methods deployed by Biluo Cave near the sect.

A lurking Biluo Cave hidden stake jumped out from the grass, flew towards the mountain gate, took out a white talisman to activate it, and shouted loudly: "There are a large number of unknown people approaching, hurry..."

Before the man finished speaking, he felt a black arrow silently shot from behind. No matter how he dodged, a "pop" sound penetrated the man's throat.

The sound of the hidden pile suddenly stopped, and he fell to the ground. He soon stopped breathing. However, he used his last strength to crush the talisman in his hand before he died.

A white light shot into the sky and exploded in mid-air, forming a brilliant rain of light.

Almost at the same time, several rays of white light shot out from the east and west sides of the Biluo Cave Sect, turning into a rain of light like fireworks.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Suddenly, the deafening huge bell rang, spreading throughout the entire Biluo Cave Mountain Gate, echoing in the air.

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