Celestial being

Chapter 184 Floating Shadow

However, when these ferocious beasts rushed to within a hundred feet, without exception, they all only took a few steps before staggering to the ground one after another, and they all fainted.

After a while, a circle formed around them, blocking the beasts behind.

"When did you get such a strong incense? What a good thing! What is the incense that attracted the beast just now made of?" Seeing another incense with magical effects appear, Xiying became even more curious.

Yuan Ming did not answer directly, but took out the remaining two black fruits the size of pigeon eggs and said: "No, this is the fruit. There were three of them, and I bought them in the ghost market in Black Rock City. According to that According to the stall owner, it is a unique tree from a certain family in the southern region. It takes hundreds of years to produce a strange fruit. After being eaten by strange animals, it can quickly increase the chance of fertility. If this fruit is placed in the mountains and forests, the fruit will reveal a trace of The slightest smell will attract ferocious beasts hundreds of feet around, all vying for food."

"So that's it. Don't waste this strange fruit. It may be of great use in the future? This ghost market is really interesting. I must go there once." Xiying said, her curiosity was completely ignited.

"Next time we go together. With your eyesight, you can't miss a single good thing. Why don't you go now?" Yuan Ming said bewitchingly.

"Don't think about the ghost market for now. There was such a big movement just now. When the sect finds out the clues, they will definitely investigate. The secret of making incense cannot be kept." Xiying said.

"Then let's get out of here quickly." Yuan Ming said with a solemn expression.

The two moved to a place far away and settled down again.

At night, in the middle of the month, a full moon hangs high in the sky, blooming with bright light.

Yuan Ming lit a bonfire in the new camp, grilled the animal meat, and shared the food with the silver cat.

Speaking of which, he had never seen Xiying eat before.

When he was curious, Yuan Ming tentatively brought a piece of freshly roasted animal meat to the silver cat, lining it with clean and wide leaves.

Xiying just glanced at it and turned her head away disdainfully.

"I will not eat."

"What? You don't need to eat anymore?" Yuan Mingyi said.

"I no longer eat ordinary food, why don't you give me a demon pill?" Xiying glanced at Yuan Ming and said.

"When I can deal with the demonic beasts at the core formation stage, I will definitely find one for you!" Yuan Ming's probing intention was seen through by Xiying, and he laughed dryly and vowed.

"It's a deal! I can wait." Xiying said.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Yuan Ming chewed and bit louder than before. Juice overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Together with the original aroma, it looked like a delicacy in the world.

Xiying raised her head, looked at the sky, said, "It's getting late," and jumped up onto a big tree nearby.

After looking back at Yuan Ming, it moved towards another big tree.

"Xiying, where are you going?" Yuan Ming asked.

"I'm going to practice, do you want to come and take a look?" Xiying's figure flashed and disappeared into the night.

Yuan Ming stopped chewing the food in his mouth and hesitated whether to find Xi Ying and wanted to see how Xi Ying practiced, but he suppressed his curiosity and did not follow.

He was just about to take the last bite when he suddenly felt a strange wave coming from a distance.

He felt that the fluctuation was probably caused by Xi Ying's practice. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to protect Xi Ying, and quickly used the wind agility technique and rushed over there.

Before Yuan Ming could get closer, he saw a hazy white light shining on the top of an ancient tree dozens of feet high in the distance, facing the full moon in the distance.

After getting closer, Yuan Ming finally saw clearly that the person standing on the top of the tree was none other than the silver cat Xiying.

At this moment, Yuan Ming could already feel the obvious fluctuations of the power of the soul emanating from the figure and the light around him, gently impacting his spiritual thoughts like a tide.

Silver Cat had naturally discovered Yuan Ming, but he was currently practicing the key, so he ignored him.

"Is this Xiying practicing?"

Yuan Ming was greatly touched. He had never seen such huge spiritual power in his life. Of course, he had no reference in the past and could only compare it with his own.

The results obtained are no surprise, and the difference between clouds and mud is overwhelming.

At this time, he focused his eyes and looked carefully at the silver cat, only to see that its eyes were as bright as stars, its figure was upright, its head was raised to the sky, and it was making a roaring moon gesture.

At the same time, the white light on its surface became more and more intense, and a vague human-shaped figure suddenly floated out from it. It was only an inch away from the silver cat's body. It looked like a young woman, with its whole body crystal clear and beautiful.

Yuan Ming just glanced at it and couldn't help but be stunned.

Although the figure was extremely blurry and the details of the appearance could not be clearly seen, even the unclear outline was like a nine-day fairy, exuding unspeakable charm.

Right here, the top of the ancient tree is far away into the sky, matched by the dark blue night sky, decorated with numerous twinkling stars, and matched by the bright full moon. The exquisite figure floats out, and it becomes more and more independent from the world, and it is so beautiful that it makes people feel sad. shock.

A moment later, in the sky, a ray of moonlight seemed to be a real object, falling from the sky above, completely covering the silver cat and the beautiful figure of the woman.

Every inch of moonlight was taken into the body by the beautiful figure, and the light all over the body became brighter and brighter. The fluctuations that had been emitted before gradually shrank until they were all converged.

Yuan Ming's eyes just fell on the hazy figure, and he could no longer look away.

After a cup of tea, the beautiful figure of the woman slowly retracted and fell into the body of the silver cat. The white light shrouding the outside also gradually disappeared.

Yuan Ming suddenly came to his senses and saw that the silver cat had flown down gracefully and arrived in front of him.

"Xiying, is this what the advanced level of "Mingyue Jue" training looks like?" Yuan Ming asked.

"Yes." Silver Cat replied.

"It's really amazing!" Yuan Ming sneered and complimented.

"Of course, this is not comparable to ordinary skills." Silver Cat said proudly.

"When can I reach this level of cultivation?" Yuan Ming asked.

"What I passed on to you is only the introductory chapter of "Ming Yue Jue". After completing all three levels, you can only practice to the late Qi refining stage of soul cultivation. But even so, monks in the foundation building stage may not be able to prevent it. The method of Qi stage soul cultivation is just that ordinary soul cultivation is prone to backlash. In addition, this is not the limit of these three levels of skills, but your own limit." Xiying said.

"What do you mean?" Yuan Ming really didn't understand.

"After practicing the three-level introductory "Ming Yue Jue" technique, when you are promoted to the foundation building stage, you don't need to continue practicing, your soul cultivation realm will be able to break through the foundation building stage, and your soul power will also jump by then." Silver Cat. explained.

"That's it." Yuan Ming suddenly realized.

But after finishing speaking, he added: "I seem to have reached a bottleneck in my practice of "Ming Yue Jue" recently. I have never been able to complete the third level of practice, but I still don't know why."

"There is no difference between the introductory chapter of "Ming Yue Jue" and the cultivation techniques during the Qi Refining Period. They are both laying the foundation for future practice. In the final analysis, they are also the accumulation of soul power. I see that your practice has slowed down recently. You are not slacking off. Cultivation means that you consume too much soul power." Silver Cat looked him up and down and said immediately.

Yuan Ming fell into silence after hearing this.

He stopped practicing the "Ming Yue Jue" after his practice slowed down, but he had not slacked off before.

If you put it this way, then it's probably because you have consumed too much soul power?

The methods of soul cultivation are weird and unpredictable, especially magical powers such as soul collision, which can damage the enemy's soul beyond the level, making it difficult to guard against. Although each use of it consumes a lot of his own soul power, he does not use it many times. You won't use it easily unless you have to, and with the incense burner to nourish your soul, it shouldn't cause you to consume too much soul power, right?

The silver cat stopped paying attention to him and walked back.

Yuan Ming followed for two steps, then suddenly stopped and thought of something. The consumption of his soul power might be related to the matter of burning incense and possessing him.

Judging from various previous memories, the time when his practice of "Mingyue Jue" slowed down basically coincided with the time when he began to test incense frequently.

If something really affected the soul power, it was most likely this.

When he thought of this, Yuan Ming became a little entangled. Practicing "Mingyue Jue" was very important to him. Trying out the original Black Fragrance was also an urgent goal. How should he choose?

But when he thought about the "White Deer Qiu Alliance" that he would participate in later, Yuan Ming figured out that it was more important to make further progress in practicing "Ming Yue Jue" as soon as possible.

Naturally, I still have to try fragrances, but I can’t do it as frequently as before.

"Xiying, when will you teach me the follow-up skills of "Mingyue Jue"?" Yuan Ming suddenly asked.

"When did I say that I would teach you the follow-up skills?" Xiying paused and looked back at him.

"Oh, why did you give up halfway?" Yuan Ming asked half-jokingly.

"After you build the foundation, let's see if my mood improves." Xiying said quietly.

"Speaking of this matter, I just wanted to ask you. Apart from the Foundation Establishment Pill, is there any other way to improve the success rate? After all, I only have the worst Four Spiritual Root qualifications." Yuan Ming asked.

Xiying suddenly said loudly: "Who said that the four spiritual roots are worse? I still have the fifth spiritual roots!"

"Five Spiritual Roots?" Yuan Ming was startled. He had never heard of a monk with Five Spiritual Roots.

"These sects all have little knowledge. They only know that those with less spiritual roots can cultivate faster. They all choose disciples from those with less spiritual roots. They even refer to single spiritual roots as heavenly spiritual roots. Damn you! Remember, the more spiritual roots you have, the more spiritual roots you have. The upper limit will be higher in the future! If you reach Nascent Soul or above, you will know the benefits of multiple spiritual roots!" Xiying said.

"Then my Four Spirit Root talents are not bad." Yuan Ming felt as if a new door had been opened and he hurriedly asked.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Even after your Four Spiritual Roots are established, cultivation will always be very difficult, and the connecting pill is already ready!" Xiying poured cold water on him, bringing Yuan Ming back to reality immediately.

"It's such a long road!" Yuan Ming sighed.

"You should practice that skill to the thirteenth level first. By then using the Foundation Establishment Pill, you can improve your possibilities a lot. After all, the skill you practice is not simple. Looking at the Northern Territory, except for some big families and sects, I am afraid that few of my direct disciples can practice faster than you." Xi Ying curled her lips and said.

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