Celestial being

Chapter 175 Interception

"Of course not. Although it is convenient to use corpse-sealing nails to refine corpses, it takes a very long time, at least more than a hundred years. It is not considered a superior corpse-refining method. For those who are chasing corpses, corpse-sealing nails are The main function is actually to seal some rampaging zombies." Bone Tu said as he shook his head.

When the girl in black and others heard this, they suddenly realized.

Bone Tu stopped talking and muttered words. His fingertips touched the black iron nails, and both of them burst out with black light at the same time.

His fingers moved outward slowly, and the black iron nails seemed to be stuck to his fingers. He slowly pulled them out and separated from the head of the green-haired corpse bit by bit.

The girl in black and the others stared with bated breath, not even daring to take a breath.


The moment the black iron nail left the green-haired corpse's head, an evil and terrifying aura erupted from the green-haired corpse, instantly filling the entire hall, far exceeding the pressure of the foundation-building monks.

Everyone's clothes rattled all over their bodies, their breathing began to become unsmooth, and they were all shocked.

"It's indeed true. This is indeed the corpse of Master Tian Serpent. It's just that the power is sealed by the corpse-sealing nail. Quickly plant the corpse-controlling talisman into the corpse's sea of ​​consciousness!" Bone Tu's eyes were filled with excitement, and he was eager for Sang Yan. said.

Sang Yan immediately took out a black jade talisman from the storage bag, placed it on the forehead of the green-haired corpse, and recited a spell quickly.

The black talismans melted silently, turning into black runes one after another and sinking into the head of the green-haired corpse.

As the woman continued to make seals with her hands, the spells penetrated everywhere on the green-haired corpse, and the violent corpse energy suddenly began to subside.

Immediately afterwards, Sang Yan took out nine white talismans, and with a wave of both hands, he placed the talismans on the head, dantian, hands and feet of the green-haired corpse. Only then did the green-haired corpse completely regain its composure.

"Since you discovered this place, according to the agreement between me and your master, this body belongs to you. Put it away first." Bone Tu said.

When the girl in black heard this, her eyes were like a poisonous snake slicing Sang Yan, and she pinched her fingers fiercely.

"Thank you, Elder Gutu!" Sang Yan thanked him happily, took out a small black bag, and pressed the secret to activate it.

A black light shot out from the bag, covering the body and the black coffin, and slowly put it into the bag.

"The matter here is over. Elder Gutu, why don't we go to the Snake King Cave to have a look? Since Bai Ye and Huanshi came here deliberately, there must be great benefits in the Snake King Cave. With our strength , I will definitely get a share of the pie in the past." The girl in black encouraged her as she failed to get any benefits here.

The sword-browed young man and others also gained little, and they were all a little excited.

Bone Tu is a monk from a sect, and he looks down on Bai Ye, Huan Shi and other loose cultivators. He also knows Bai Ye's mission to break up the alliance, which is to hunt down a second-level snake king beast. At this moment, I am afraid that both sides will be injured. He even No fear.

"Okay, let's go over and take a look." Bone Tu nodded and said.

Sang Yan had just received a body that was in the middle stage of pill formation. He just wanted to return to the sect quickly to refine and control it. He didn't want to cause any complications, but other sect members were interested in going, so he didn't say anything.

at the same time.

Yuan Ming came to the depths of the Snake King's Cave. After some searching, he took out the poisonous fangs of the two snake kings, snake skins, the horn of the one-horned snake king and other useful spiritual materials, and put them away.

He finally groped around inside the One-Horned Snake King for a while, and quickly took out something, which was the One-Horned Snake King's snake bead.

After hesitating for a moment, Yuan Ming did not feed the snake beads to Hei Chan, but instead took the storage ring.

This snake bead is quite precious and can be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones if sold. He is currently short of money for the Bailuqiu Alliance, so he will not use it for Black Toad to advance.

"Quack!" Black Toad did not ask for the snake beads and ran towards the depths of the snake cave.

Yuan Ming had already withdrawn the soul crow that was possessed by Hei Chan. He was slightly startled when he saw this, and hurriedly followed him.

Not long after walking forward, we finally reached the end of the Snake Cave.

This is a large stone cave, with a pit of about ten feet in size in the center. The soil is pressed as smooth as a mirror. It seems to be the nest of two snake kings.

In the center of the pit stands a black stone pillar that is four to five feet high and as thick as a millstone. It has ancient patterns engraved on it. It does not look like an ordinary object. It has been in a place rich in miasma for many years, but its surface has not been corroded at all.

Black Toad went straight to the stone pillar, pressing his body against it with an extremely contented look on his face.

"Hey, what are these stone pillars? The two snake kings placed their nests here, and Black Toad also likes them..." Yuan Ming came to the stone pillars and used his consciousness to explore inside.

An invisible force suddenly emerged, easily ejecting his consciousness.

He frowned and pointed out.

A green wooden thorn stabbed into the stone pillar. The wooden thorn shattered and collapsed, leaving no trace on the stone pillar.

Yuan Ming took out the Hanxing Sword again, and a blast of ice sword energy struck the stone pillar. The sword energy shattered into pieces, but the stone pillar was still unscathed.

"Even the Cold Star Sword can't hurt him at all!" He was really shocked, and after thinking for a while, he opened his consciousness again.

This time he did not explore the depths of the stone pillar, but carefully sensed the black toad and looked for the reason why it was close to the stone pillar.

Yuan Ming's efforts were not in vain this time, and he soon discovered the reason. The black toad was close to the stone pillar, and an inexplicable aura came out of the stone pillar and merged into its body.

This breath is not the power of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, nor the power of the Yang, Yin Qi, or even the power of the soul. It is a completely unfamiliar force that I have never come into contact with.

If I had to say it, this power was somewhat similar to Yin Qi, but not exactly the same, giving him a faint sense of evil.

After absorbing this aura, Black Toad's demon power did not improve much, but the aura it exuded became much more active.

Yuan Ming couldn't figure out the origin of the stone pillar in front of him, but since the aura in it was harmless to Black Toad, he didn't bother to care and looked around.

There are more than a dozen black spiritual grass growing on the ground near the Snake King's lair. The leaves are snake-shaped and emit strong fluctuations of cold power.

"Could this be the Yin Snake Grass?" Yuan Ming has seen records of black grass in ancient books. It is said to be a companion spiritual material that grows near snakes and ferocious beasts.

Yuan Ming hurried forward, carefully picked these spiritual herbs and put them away.

This Yin snake grass is an excellent material for refining Yin attribute elixirs. It can be sold for a lot of spirit stones. It can also be mixed into black incense to try the effect.

In the following time, Yuan Ming searched nearby again, but found no precious objects. He walked back with Hei Chan, who was somewhat reluctant to leave, and came to Bai Ye and Huan Shi.

The two of them were still in a coma, and their breath was unusually weak.

Yuan Ming checked briefly and frowned.

Although the injuries of Bai Ye and the two of them were serious and not fatal, the poisoning of the two of them was so deep that it had eroded deep into their internal organs, and there was no way to save them.

Yuan Ming suddenly realized, no wonder the one-horned snake king didn't give Bai Ye and the two a fatal blow, so it rushed over to fight with him.

He sighed regretfully and was about to take the two of them out of the snake cave and find a place to bury them when his movements suddenly stopped.

Yuan Ming thought of Hei Chan's poison-absorbing magical power, which can absorb snake venom in the air. I wonder if it can directly suck out the poisonous poison from the two people's bodies?

He summoned the black toad, shot out two purple and black vines, and gently pierced their bodies, activating the inner elixir to absorb the snake venom.

A magical scene appeared!

During the white night, the original green color on Huan Shi's body quickly faded, moving along the vines towards the black toad's body.

"It's effective. I didn't expect that the black toad's ability to absorb poison is so exquisite!" Yuan Ming was secretly happy and continued to drive the black toad to absorb poison.

After a moment, all the poison in the two people's bodies disappeared, and their skin returned to its normal color.

Yuan Ming took out two healing pills, stuffed them into their mouths, and used his magic power to help them refine them.

The medicine dissipated and their breathing returned to stability.

Bai Ye's cultivation was profound, his external injuries were heavy, but his internal injuries were minor, and he woke up quickly.

"Fellow Daoist Ha Gong, it's you..." Bai Ye looked at Yuan Ming in surprise, then thought of the One-Horned Snake King and looked around in fear.

"The snake king is dead and is safe now. Don't worry, Leader Bai Ye." Yuan Ming straightened Bai Ye's arm bone and said.

Bai Ye saw the corpses of the One-Horned Snake King and the other Golden Flower Snake King, and saw traces of battle on the ground, and roughly guessed what happened after the coma.

"So it was Taoist Brother Hagong who saved Huanshi and I? I'm so grateful!" Bai Ye expressed his sincere thanks.

"It's just a matter of convenience. Now that you're awake, Leader of the White Night, I don't need to worry about Senior Huanshi's injuries. I still have things to do, so I'll say goodbye." Yuan Ming said, got up and walked outside.

Bai Ye wanted to say some more words of thanks, but seeing Yuan Ming's attitude, he had to swallow these words.

After taking a few steps, Yuan Ming suddenly stopped and looked up ahead.

After he entered the Snake Cave himself, for the sake of safety, he sent the soul crow in the cave to monitor the entrance of the Snake Cave. At this moment, the Black Fire Sect group arrived outside the Snake Cave.

Yuan Ming thought for a while and guessed the purpose of the Black Fire Sect's group coming here, but he was not nervous.

The spiritual power of the Earth Travel Talisman has not been exhausted and can be used again. He can escape and leave at any time.

"What did Fellow Daoist Hagong discover?" Bai Ye was already frightened. He noticed Yuan Ming's abnormality and asked quickly.

"Some people are coming, five of them in total. Bai Rong is among them. The other four are also casual cultivators summoned for this mission. One of them has hidden his cultivation and is a foundation-building monk." Yuan Ming turned around. He glanced at Bai Ye and reminded him.

"We're stuck here!" Bai Ye's expression changed as he heard this. Every word Yuan Ming said was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart.

If he and Huanshi were not injured, they would naturally not be afraid, but now Huanshi was still in a coma, and he was seriously injured and unable to move. Even a monk in the Qi Refining Stage would not be able to defeat him.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything. Leader Baiye, please take care of yourself." After reminding Yuan Ming, he turned over his hand and took out the Earth Travel Talisman, preparing to escape and leave.

"Fellow Daoist Hagong, wait a minute! Huanshi and I are severely injured at this moment. If someone comes with malicious intentions, we have no power to resist. We also ask fellow Daoist Hagong to help us. I have more than a thousand spiritual stones on my body, and Huanshi has stored them. There should be five or six hundred spirit stones in the bag, and you can give them all to fellow Taoists as a reward for saving lives." Bai Ye came to his senses with a start and spoke quickly.

Yuan Ming was a little moved when he heard this, but after carefully considering the consequences, he shook his head.

The Black Fire Sect is very powerful, and they are still on the Biluo Cave. Killing Sang Yan and others is different from killing the few loose cultivators before, and may lead to the Black Fire Sect's pursuit. He has no intention of offending the Black Fire Sect, and reminds Bai Ye that he has already It is the utmost benevolence and righteousness.

As for whether Bai Ye would be resentful because of his rejection, Yuan Ming didn't care. Even his appearance and identity were fake at the moment, so naturally he didn't care about being betrayed.

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