Celestial being

Chapter 164 Borrowing Yarn

When one person and one cat walked out of the cave, it was already bright outside.


At this time, a beast roar suddenly came from the distant mountains and forests.

"Tsk, it's that little thing who seems to have offended the big guy." Silver Cat's eyes flashed slightly and he said.

Yuan Ming also tried to release his spiritual consciousness to explore the surroundings, but the distance was really limited and there was no trace of Huo Greedy'er at all.

However, there was great movement in the distance, and Xiying confirmed that it was Huo Chan'er, so Yuan Ming did not hesitate, used the wind agility technique, and headed straight over there.

Huo Greedy'er is the third cave master's pet peeve, so he must not let anything go wrong!

He ran for less than half a cup of tea when he saw Huo Greedy holding a three-inch long, red-colored plant root in his mouth, waving his short legs like crazy and running towards him.

Behind it, there is a three to four foot long fire iguana covered in scales, spitting out a red core, chasing after it.

Obviously, Huo Gan'er robbed someone else's treasure.

The little guy relied on his agility to dash left and right in the mountains and forests, deftly avoiding the attacks of the fire iguana. When he saw Yuan Ming approaching, he felt as if he had seen a life-saving straw. His eyes flashed and he ran wildly.

The fire iguana's tongue kept attacking, causing trees in the forest to break and rocks to fly.

Yuan Ming was speechless for a while. It was just an intermediate-level ferocious beast. As long as the fire iguana was willing to put down the thing in his mouth and turn his head to spit out flames, he could force the fire iguana back even if it couldn't be burned to death.

But this foodie would rather be chased than let go of the delicious food in his mouth.

When it ran behind Yuan Ming, it stopped and stopped avoiding.

Yuan Ming looked at the running fire iguana and sighed softly: "You are unlucky, just in time to test its power!"

After saying this, he held the newly refined Hanxing Sword in his hand and slashed down with one sword.

An extremely cold wind blade burst out from the sword and instantly struck the fire iguana's head.

This ferocious beast kept galloping. After running two steps, its body suddenly stiffened. A crack penetrated its whole body. It split into two halves and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Ming immediately stepped forward to check, and soon found that the fallen fire iguana was covered in ice, even its blood vessels were frozen, and there was no trace of blood on its body.

At this time, the fire iguana also followed up. While chewing something in his mouth, he jumped on the head of the fire iguana and kicked it hard with his short legs.

Only then did Yuan Ming see clearly that what it was holding in its two front paws was a "Red Huang Jing", a fire-attribute elixir that must have been a hundred years old.

No wonder the fire iguana is looking for it desperately.

Yuan Ming pinched the back of Huo Gan'er's neck, lifted it up and threw it on his shoulder. He looked back at Xi Ying, who was slowly following him.

The little thing was obviously a little afraid of Xiying. He shrunk and only exposed half of his head and secretly glanced at the silver cat. The latter just glanced at the silver cat. The little thing jerked and slipped directly from Yuan Ming's body until it fell to his calf. Get a hug.

Xiying cast a glance at Huo Chan'er, and then he jumped lightly and landed on a nearby branch. After a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

Yuan Ming watched Xi Ying leave and took Huo Chan'er with him, leaving Wuzhong Island and returned to his sect.

By the time we returned to Biluo Cave, it was already evening.

To Yuan Ming's surprise, the third cave master rushed back and even came to the door.

"Follow me and help you refine your sword." Her condition was not good. She seemed to have just experienced a battle, and she looked a little tired.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming couldn't help but feel a little moved.

No wonder Fangge respects the Third Cave Master so much. Although she has a high status, she is indeed a person who keeps her promises.

Seeing Yuan Ming standing still, the Third Cave Master frowned and said, "What are you still doing? Time is running out."

"Thank you to the third cave master. The disciple's sword has been refined." Yuan Ming cupped his fists and bowed before saying.

This time, the master of the third hole was stunned.

"Which elder did you ask to help you refine the sword?" The third cave master asked after he recovered.

"Several elders are refining weapons in seclusion. The disciples have no choice but to go out to Fangshi and find the help of the weapon refiners outside." Yuan Ming explained and took out the Hanxing Sword.

"The weapon refiners outside, are the weapon refiners outside running all over the place?" The third cave master glanced at the sword and smiled without taking it seriously.

"This weapon refiner is very accomplished, and he is also very good at selecting runes. The grade of your sword should be above the middle-grade magic weapon, almost high-grade." The third cave master praised.

After hearing this, Yuan Ming saw that the Third Cave Master did not continue to pursue the weapon refiner after speaking, so he felt relieved, took out the Yunling Sword Box, and returned it to the Third Cave Master.

"Let's go, come with me again." The third cave master put away the sword box and said to Yuan Ming.

After that, she turned around and walked outside.

Yuan Ming didn't know why, so he had to follow him immediately.

After returning to the small courtyard of the Third Cave Master, the Third Cave Master said again: "Give me the herring sword."

After Yuan Ming hesitated for a moment, he took out the long sword and presented it with both hands.

"The appearance and power of this sword have been greatly changed. I have named it 'Han Xing'." Yuan Ming said.

"The name was obtained well. However, your magic sword has not yet been engraved with the forbidden magic circle. I will complete this link for you." Hearing this, the Third Cave Master frowned slightly at first, but soon relaxed.

"Restricted magic circle?" Yuan Ming asked in surprise.

"When I taught you the refining formula before, I mentioned that magic weapons generally have restrictions. The more advanced the magic weapon, or even the magic weapon, the more complicated the restriction array attached to it. This is to prevent the magic weapon from being used once it is If the enemy seizes it, the other party will not be able to activate it immediately with mana, and it will hurt you instead." The third cave master explained.

"I see, it's thanks to the Third Cave Master." Yuan Ming immediately clasped his fists and said.

"I originally promised to help you carve a talisman to imbue your spirit. Compared with that, it is much easier to carve a forbidden magic circle." The third cave master said.

After saying this, she took the long sword from Yuan Ming's hand, took out the Kailing Knife with her backhand, and began to carve a complex rune array on the other side of the long sword.

About an hour later.

The Master of the Three Cave returned the sword to Yuan Ming, and the prohibition circle had been engraved on it.

"This forbidden magic circle has not yet been activated. After you transfer your magic power, it will take effect. No one other than you can easily control this magic sword." The three cave masters said.

Yuan Ming was overjoyed when he heard this. After thanking him, he immediately held the hilt of his sword and impatiently received a ray of magic power.

"Don't be too happy. It's just that you can't control it for the time being. If you die and are taken away from you, you can still be refined." The third cave master warned.

"Disciple understands." Yuan Ming replied.

As the mana flowed in, the sword's body flashed with light, and a crimson forbidden array emerged. Then it flashed and disappeared into the sword's body, no longer visible to the naked eye.

Yuan Ming noticed at this time that the word "herring" originally engraved on the sword had become "Han Xing".

He remembered that Huo Gan'er had been thrown into the spirit beast bag by him because he was in a hurry, so he quickly opened the bag and let it out.

As soon as the little guy opened the bag, he rushed out like flying.

However, he bumped into the Third Cave Master head-on, and was swept into her plump breasts, losing his freedom again.

"Since you are going to join the Bailuqiu Alliance, for the next period of time, just like Chen Wan, go into seclusion and practice. You don't need to go to Huolian Hall for the time being. Try to improve your cultivation before then. Go. "The third cave master warned and issued an order to expel the guests.

"Disciple, remember this," Yuan Ming said, cupping his fists.

After returning to his residence, Yuan Ming made some repairs, took out the incense burner, and began to use mana to light up the Tai Chi pattern.

A few days later, Yuan Ming simply packed up his things, put on a black robe, put on a bamboo hat with a gauze curtain, and prepared to leave.

Before leaving the house, he looked back at the window. It seemed that he had not seen the sunset for a few days. Maybe he had reached a critical moment in his cultivation. Yuan Ming shrugged and closed the door.

Just as Yuan Ming was about to leave, a silver figure suddenly appeared on the window sill and hummed softly: "Are you going to be a hero again?"

Then she threw the gilt gauze that Yuan Ming gave her over.

"Why is this?" Yuan Ming caught the golden yarn and asked in surprise.

"I'll lend this to you. If you use it, you'll have to pay for it! Goodbye!" As soon as the message came out, the figure of the silver cat had disappeared.

After two days of traveling, Yuan Ming finally arrived at Guiwei Gorge deep in Shiwanda Mountain at the agreed time.

At this time, about fifty people had gathered in the shade at the entrance of the canyon, sitting or standing in groups of three or two, with a faint distance between them.

For Yuan Ming, who had known the inside story for a long time, he was not surprised by such a large number of people.

Seeing Yuan Ming's arrival, everyone looked at him one after another.

However, everyone else quickly looked away. Only the young man in white who had previously tested Yuan Ming's qualifications kept staring at him and walked up to meet him.

"Fellow Taoist, please come this way." As he approached, the young man in white suddenly showed a kind smile and greeted.

Yuan Ming also smiled and nodded, which was considered a response.

He walked towards the group of people and saw that most of them were men, with few female monks. Their appearance and clothing were very different, which was in sharp contrast to the members of the White Night Alliance who were all dressed in white.

Many of these people were like him, either wearing curtains to cover their heads, or wearing masks to hide their faces, as if they were unwilling to reveal their true appearance in front of others.

Although it was only a temporary mission, it was the first time he participated in a mission organized by a disbanded alliance. Yuan Ming was nervous and looking forward to it. He walked quietly to the crowd, found a stone and sat down, waiting for the arrangements for the disbanded alliance in the white night.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that Bai Ye and Huanshi, the two main and deputy leaders, were not seen among the Bai Ye alliance members gathered together.

Just when I was wondering, I saw two figures walking out side by side from the canyon. It was those two people.

As the leader of the alliance, Bai Ye did not come up to speak. Instead, he walked back to the group of official members of the Bai Ye Alliance and whispered something to them.

On the contrary, Huanshi looked like someone who had been handling mundane affairs in the alliance, and walked towards the group of waiting temporary members with a warm smile on his face.

Seeing him coming, most people stood up politely, while some still sat on the ground, not paying attention to each other. It seemed that they often participated in such tasks and didn't take it seriously.

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