Celestial being

Chapter 158 Gilded Yarn

"Fellow Taoist, please don't misunderstand me. I come from the Jin Dynasty and have traveled to Southern Xinjiang for many years, trading all kinds of strange insects and beasts. Especially in the black market of Southern Xinjiang, disciples of various sects often sell the strange insects and beasts unique to Southern Xinjiang." Take action. And transactions in the ghost market are always kept secret, you know, so I will ask everyone who passes by my stall!" the one-armed old man said hurriedly.

"Oh! Really?" Yuan Ming's expression was still tense.

"I just bought this. If you don't believe it, fellow Taoist, you can verify it." The one-armed old man took out a small blue bag from behind his back. It looked like a spirit animal bag.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Ming's doubts gradually disappeared.

It turns out that this person was selling goods on the black market, but he was actually buying goods.

He thought that the blue beast egg had some evil origins, and he didn't want to get into trouble because of it, so he decided to take the opportunity to exchange for a spiritual stone.

"I do have strange beasts in my hands, but there is no shortage of spiritual stones. I have no intention of selling them. I'm afraid I will disappoint fellow Taoists." Yuan Ming said in a desperate attempt to capture them.

When the one-armed old man heard this, he didn't show much disappointment. Instead, he called him calmly.

His family is good at raising snake-like ferocious beasts. They often obtain exotic beasts from southern Xinjiang and then cultivate and sell them to the Middle-earth sects. These exotic beasts are often encountered but not sought after in Middle-earth.

He also bought magic weapons and spiritual materials from Dajinfang City at low prices and sold them in southern Xinjiang, doubling his profits every time.

"If you are not short of spiritual stones, fellow Taoist, I also have a lot of other things in my collection. There are some spiritual materials, elixirs, and talismans. There are also two defensive magic weapons here. Fellow Taoist, you can choose at will."

As he spoke, the one-armed old man took out a storage bag and handed it over directly.

The storage bag contains a lot of talismans, elixirs, and two defensive magic weapons. Judging from the breath, they are also low-grade.

"I don't need any of these. In fact, I have a beast egg, which is very precious. It's a pity that you can't afford it." Yuan Ming said excitedly.

"Seriously, can I take a look?"

"Please take a look." Yuan Ming took out the blue beast egg. The old man took a closer look and saw that it was a species he had never encountered before, and his face suddenly showed joy.

"I'm not short of spiritual stones, but I have to exchange them for medium-grade magic weapons." Yuan Ming said.

"A mid-grade magic weapon? I'm just an ordinary peddler, how can I have such a treasure? You think so highly of me, why don't you exchange the things here? Take another look?" The one-armed old man pointed at the storage box with his finger. Stuff bag.

"Then forget it." Yuan Ming handed the storage bag back without hesitation, turned and walked away.

The one-armed old man was startled and looked at Yuan Ming's back, feeling a little anxious.

Seeing that Yuan Ming's figure was about to disappear from sight, he immediately caught up and said, "Fellow Taoist, please stay. I remembered that I happen to have a medium-grade magic weapon in my hand. I'll see if you need it."

Hearing this, Yuan Ming walked back slowly.

The one-armed old man gritted his teeth and stretched his hand into his arms. When he stretched it out, there was a black wooden box in his palm, and he carefully opened a gap.

Yuan Ming's consciousness was lost in it, and he saw a piece of light golden gauze placed in the wooden box. It seemed to be woven from gold threads. It was three feet long and half a foot wide. It was neatly stacked there, and the whole body was gleaming with gold. No light.

Just looking at the appearance, the golden gauze is completely different from the previous red shield.

Yuan Ming summoned his consciousness and probed inside the gauze. An invisible force emerged from the golden gauze, blocking his consciousness.

He ran the Ming Yue Jue, and all his powerful spiritual consciousness spurted out, immediately breaking through the barrier of the veil and exploring to the end.

There was a "buzzing" sound on the gauze, and bright golden light bloomed, leaking out from the gaps in the wooden box, and two golden runes appeared in a flash.

The one-armed old man was startled and hurriedly closed the wooden box. The golden light that came out just flashed away.

"Do you have any questions about the grade of this treasure?" the one-armed old man asked.

"This gauze is barely a middle-grade magic weapon. I don't know how to change it?" Yuan Ming asked. He got the new middle-grade defensive magic weapon Shuiyun Banner. When he returns to Biluo Cave, the master of the third cave will help him refine the herring sword. One defensive and one offensive magic weapon is enough.

Xiying, on the other hand, had helped him many times. It would be hard for him to feel at ease if he just kept asking for help without any feedback. With Xiying's picky personality, she should like this gauze scarf.

"What reluctance! This gilt gauze is a birthday gift prepared for my daughter. Its defensive power is much stronger than ordinary middle-grade magic weapons. If it were not for this beast egg, I would not sell it at all. The price is seven hundred spirit stones. !" the one-armed old man said loudly.

"This veil is just a mid-grade magic weapon. In the magic weapon shop outside, the average mid-grade defensive magic weapon is only five hundred spirit stones, let alone the Taoist friends selling it in the ghost market? I can only give out four hundred spirit stones." Yuan Ming He said slowly.

"My gilt yarn is made of gilt silk, mixed with soft gold stone, fine iron and other precious materials. It is not comparable to ordinary medium-grade magical objects. Moreover, the origin of this item is innocent. Fellow Taoist can buy it If you use it casually, you can't sell it according to the market conditions of the ghost market." said the one-armed old man.

"I don't care about the origin of this thing, otherwise I wouldn't come to the ghost market. In fact, I just bought this beast egg for five hundred spiritual stones. In order to maintain this egg during this period, I have spent more It cost a lot of spiritual stones." Yuan Ming replied tit for tat.

After the two of them went back and forth for a while, the one-armed old man's tone softened a lot. After some talking, the gilt gauze was finally settled with five hundred spiritual stones.

Yuan Ming's beast eggs were given to the other party at the price of two hundred spiritual stones.

After a heated debate, the final result was that everyone got what they wanted.

Yuan Ming did not stay in the ghost market any longer. He returned the black cloak to the gatekeeper of the ghost market and left with the last middle-grade spiritual stone in his storage bag.

He took a detour and sent out the soul crow to explore the back. After confirming that he was not being followed, he returned to the inn.

As soon as he entered the room, Yuan Ming immediately closed the doors and windows, took out the four-way sealing talisman, and stuck it on the walls, doors and windows.

The four spiritual energy fluctuations spread out and merged with each other, forming a similar barrier that enveloped the entire room, and the sounds outside completely disappeared.

Yuan Ming waved his hand and held up the gilded gauze. The golden gauze rose into the air and suspended in mid-air. A wave of mana spread out and was completely blocked by the four-sided spirit-sealing talisman barrier.

He was quite satisfied with the effect of the Four Directions Sealing Talisman. He turned his eyes to the gilt gauze and activated the magic power.

The gilt gauze suddenly became more than ten times longer and several times wider when it was filled with golden light. It wrapped around him and easily went around five or six times.

He pointed out the secret formula, and the gilt gauze tightened suddenly. Five or six layers of gold gauze were superimposed on each other, forming a thick golden gauze curtain, with no defensive blind spots up, down, left, or right.

Yuan Ming turned over his hand and took out the herring sword, injected it with mana, and the blade shot out a foot-long sharp sword energy, striking the golden gauze curtain.

The golden gauze remained motionless, and the full blow of the herring sword was as if a fly was shaking a tree.

Yuan Ming put away the herring sword, stretched out his right hand, and muttered something.

He shot out seven or eight wooden thorns from his palm, and then condensed them into one, turning into a thick sword-shaped wooden thorn half a foot long. It was the green sword technique!

"Go!" Yuan Ming's arm shook, and he shot out like a green sword-like wooden thorn crossbow, piercing the golden gauze curtain.

The golden veil only trembled slightly, and immediately returned to calm.

When Yuan Ming saw this, his face showed a look of satisfaction. As an intermediate technique, the Green Sword Technique could only slightly shake the gilt gauze. The defensive power of this gilt gauze was even better than he expected.

Although the Explosion Technique can test the gilded gauze's defense to a greater extent, firstly, this technique consumes a lot of mana, and the movement is too loud, and the four-dimensional sealing talisman may not be able to cover it. Secondly, he is also afraid of self-defeating and making a mess. But it’s not worth it.

Putting away the gilt gauze and the four-way sealing talisman, Yuan Ming sat down on the bed, took out the "Miscellaneous Treatise on Formation and Dao" he had just bought from the ghost market, and read through it carefully.

The book explains the basic principles of the magic circle, as well as entry-level knowledge, and seems to be prepared for beginners of the magic circle.

The person who wrote this book has a deep research on magic circles, but the words are simple and easy to understand, and a layman like Yuan Ming can easily understand it.

After flipping through a book, he had a preliminary understanding of the magic circle.

"Hey, this is..." Yuan Ming's eyes fell on the last two pages.

These two pages of the book talk about something called "formation flag" and "formation disk", which are special magic weapons that can carry formation patterns.

The Xu Zhen Master will burn the formation patterns of a set of magic formations on the formation flag disk in advance. When they need to be activated, they can be arranged according to a certain pattern and paired with the corresponding spirit stones to quickly arrange a magic formation.

Using formation flags and formation disks to set up formations is much faster than setting up formations by temporarily recording formation patterns, but formation disks and formation flags do not fit well with the environment and their power is much weaker.

It's just mentioned at the end of the book that burning a set of formation flag disks is more difficult than setting up a magic formation. Even for a skilled formation master, the success rate is not high.

"So, those small flags and jade plates in the White Dragon Island Li Shark's jade box should be a set of formation flags and formation disks! Unfortunately, I don't know what kind of formation it is." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

There is only the formation flag, and I don’t know the orientation and pattern of the formation on it. I can’t set up the formation either. I can only study it in detail when I have the opportunity in the future.

Yuan Ming put away the "Miscellaneous Treatise on Formation and Dao", took out a piece of Qingxuan Spiritual Incense he purchased and lit it. The aura contained in the incense fills the room with the smoke, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Then he returned to the bed and sat down cross-legged, took a Peiyuan Pill, closed his eyes, and started refining the Nine Yuan Jue.

There is the White Deer Hill Alliance Alliance in the distance, and the White Night Alliance Alliance mission is nearby. Right now, we need to seize all the time to practice and increase our mana to be safer.

After practicing for a moment, Yuan Ming suddenly felt something. He called out the incense burner and put it on the table, then inserted the lit incense into the incense burner.

The incense on the incense burner immediately changed, and a curl of green smoke rose straight up, slowly coiling up in the room, long and continuous, gathering and never dispersing.

He felt that he was connected to the smoke, his nose twitched slightly, and he subconsciously took a deep breath. The scattered green smoke gathered into a wisp of smoke and rushed towards him like a living thing.

Yuan Ming felt a sense of coolness flowing down his nose and straight into his lungs, then sinking into his dantian, and an indescribable feeling of comfort arose spontaneously.

At this moment, the whole person was like bathing in a cool river on a hot summer day. All the limbs and limbs in his body were relaxed at this moment. The green smoke swirled in his body, and he slowly spit it out.

The spiritual power in the green smoke remained in the body, and the turbid air exhaled took away the fatigue.

Every time he breathed in and out, the green smoke around him seemed to be alive, coiling around Yuan Ming's body, repeating itself in a cycle.

This place between heaven and earth is like an illusion.

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