Celestial being

Chapter 148 Windfall

Gu Yue noticed Yuan Ming's actions, looked over, and said, "Brother Yuan wants to buy a magic weapon? This magic weapon shop is indeed quite famous in Dongshi."

"Oh, how do you become famous?" Yuan Ming asked.

"The quality of the magical artifacts in this shop is quite good. Although they are all low-grade magical artifacts, many low-level monks come here because of their reputation. If fellow Taoists want mid-grade or above magical artifacts, this place cannot satisfy you," Gu Yue said.

"There is a weapon refiner in this magic weapon shop. This person is quite eccentric. The magic tools he refines are all of the best. He even accepts orders from customers. However, this person has a rule, that is, he only refines magic weapons. A low-grade magic weapon." Seeing Yuan Ming's puzzled expression, Gu Yue continued to explain.

"Oh, there is such a weapon refiner." Yuan Ming was still a little puzzled.

Based on his understanding of weapon refining, the soul power and mana of a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage are enough to imbue the runes of a mid-grade magic weapon. This man didn't even try to refine a mid-grade magic weapon.

You know, the price of low-grade magical instruments is mostly around forty to sixty spiritual stones, while the price of medium-grade magical instruments can be as high as five or six hundred spiritual stones, which is almost a tenfold increase, even if the quality of the refined medium-grade magical instruments is poor. It's not a problem to sell three or four hundred spirit stones. Doesn't this person not want to make money?

"Hey, I heard that this weapon refiner is extremely obsessed with rune inscriptions. He studies all day long, which delays the mastery of other steps of weapon refinement, so he just refines low-grade magic weapons." Gu Yue said.

Yuan Ming nodded slowly. Refining weapons is a delicate job. A slight error in any of the four steps may lead to failure of the weapon refining. The difficulty of refining a medium-grade magical weapon is indeed not comparable to that of a low-grade magical weapon.

"How are runes bought and sold?" he asked.

Yuan Ming obtained the inscription method of more than forty runes from Master Heimu's handbook. Unfortunately, due to his limited cultivation, he was unable to imbue spirits, and those runes were temporarily useless.

Since this magic weapon shop buys runes, he doesn't mind selling them if the price is not low. Ask the store to copy the runes, and you can also enrich your storage bag.

What he currently wants is more than just ice spiritual materials. There are still several materials needed for the Thousand Machines Mask. If he wants to participate in the Bailuqiu Alliance in half a year, not only must he prepare magic weapons, but also elixirs. , each of these requires spiritual stones, and after coming here to open my eyes, I realized that the price of immortality items is really unlimited.

"I'm not very familiar with this. I only know that runes are the lifeblood of weapon refiners and talisman masters. Most of the rare runes are not willing to take them out. A few days ago, I heard that someone exchanged one rune for a hundred pieces of spirit. Stone." Gu Yue thought for a while and said.

"One hundred spirit stones!" Yuan Ming was secretly happy.

He knew that the runes were valuable, but he didn't expect them to be worth so many spirit stones. He had accumulated them night and day for so long, but he only had seventy spirit stones.

There are a total of forty-five runes recorded in the Blackwood Codex!

Yuan Ming immediately asked Gu Yue to wait outside and entered the magic weapon shop alone.

There were no customers in the shop. There was only a bald man sitting behind the counter, holding a thick book and reading with gusto, making a silly laugh or two from time to time.

This big man was born with a strong back and a sinewy face. He was said to be a ruthless gangster who blocked roads and robbed people. Basically no one would suspect that such a ruthless man was actually holding a book and studying hard. This situation was indescribably weird.

Yuan Ming's expression was a little strange. Could this person be the weapon refiner? A weirdo indeed.

"This guest official needs a magic weapon. Our store only sells low-grade magic weapons. Please forgive me." Seeing a customer coming to the door, the bald man hurriedly put down the book in his hand, stood up and greeted him.

Yuan Ming did not mention the sale of runes and walked to a nearby shelf.

The shelves are full of common types of magical weapons such as knives, swords, whips, and guns. They are quite rough in shape, wide in front and narrow in back, and slanted upwards and downwards. They look like they were made by a clumsy blacksmith.

However, there is a cold light flowing on these ugly magic weapons, which makes people dare not underestimate them.

"Can I try casting a spell?" Yuan Ming picked up a fiery red sword and asked.

"Of course." The bald man said generously.

Yuan Ming poured his magic power into it, and the red long sword made a clear sword cry, and shot forward a foot-long red sword light that stretched and contracted erratically.

He cast the object-repelling technique, and the red sword flew away from his hand and slowly circled around, getting faster and faster.


He pointed out with his fingers, and stabbed a big blue stone in the corner of the shop with the long red sword. The big stone was covered with holes, slash marks, etc. It was obviously used to test weapons for customers.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the red sword easily penetrated the boulder until it reached the hilt.

Yuan Ming pulled out his long sword. The blade was as clean as ever, without a single scratch.

"What a sword!" He praised secretly.

These weapons are ugly, but both the material and the runes engraved inside are good. No wonder Gu Yue said that the low-grade magic weapons in this shop are all high-quality.

Ever since he saved Ha Gong's wife and daughter last time, Yuan Ming had set a rule for himself in cultivating immortals: if you don't have the strength, you can't stand out.

Now there is another rule to be added to the rules of cultivating immortals: when choosing a magic weapon, you cannot choose it based on its appearance.

"Fellow Taoist has a keen eye. This fire awl sword was the proud work of my master last month. It is mixed with a piece of fire copper essence. The rune engraved on it is 'Armor Breaking'. It has powerful attack power. It only requires sixty spiritual stones." ." The bald man introduced.

"I only earned you five spiritual stones." Seeing that Yuan Ming was silent, the bald man thought he was too expensive, so he added.

Fire Copper Essence is a medium-grade spiritual material. A piece as big as an egg costs fifty spiritual stones. If you add other materials, wouldn't you lose money?

Yuan Ming did not expose the big man's lie and put the long sword back on the shelf and said: "We will talk about buying the sword later. I saw it outside. Does your store buy runes?"

"Yes, does your Excellency have one?" the bald man said after being startled.

"Of course, I wonder what type of runes you need? What's the price?" Yuan Ming said calmly.

"As long as it's a rune that our store doesn't have, I want it. As for the price, I won't let you down." The bald man said with a smile.

Yuan Ming smiled slightly when he heard this.

There are forty-five runes in Blackwood's handbook. He knows that most of the runes should be relatively common, but since Blackwood is known as a genius weapon refiner, there must be a few rare runes in his lifelong collection. , this store cannot have them all.

"It seems that the guest officer has some confidence, please go ahead." The bald man chuckled, but he didn't think so in his heart.

He has been in the business of collecting runes for several years. He already owns all the common runes, and even a lot of rare ones. Most people who want to make a fortune from this will end up disappointed. .

Yuan Ming took out a pen and paper and wrote four rune names.

Runes have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and each one has a corresponding name. These are the basics for the weapon refiner, but the runes themselves, especially the trend of starting, turning, and ending, are the key.

The bald man glanced at it, shook his head and said, "We have all of these."

Yuan Ming wrote four more words, but the bald man still shook his head.

Yuan Ming's originally eager heart felt cold, so he stopped confiding bit by bit and simply wrote out all the remaining runes.

The bald man looked surprised. In the past, people who came to sell runes would bring out at most seven or eight runes. Yuan Ming actually took out dozens of runes at once. This person must be an unscrupulous child of some weapon-refining family who stole them. The family's rune secrets were sold for money.

"Why, have all these rune warriors gathered together?" Yuan Ming asked with a sinking heart when he saw the bald man's strange expression.

"That's not true. Please wait a moment, sir." The bald man said, looking at the rune names on the paper attentively.

His eyes quickly lit up and he said: "Ting Feng, the store does not have the two phantom runes, so you can accept them."

Yuan Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was quite disappointed that he only sold two runes, these forty-five runes were obtained by chance. Even if he sold only one, he would still make a profit.

"The price of the runes is decided by the family master. Please wait a moment, sir. I'll ask him to come out." The bald man said and walked quickly into the magic weapon shop.

After a while, the curtain inside was opened, and a short, thin old man walked in quickly, but he had a Central Plains appearance.

"Do you have Tingfeng, Phantom's rune?" the skinny old man asked eagerly.

"Yes." Yuan Ming replied calmly.

"Okay, great! When I was young, I once saw a magic weapon with the wind-listening rune. The effect was miraculous. The phantom rune is also what I have been looking for for many years. I didn't expect to find it at the same time today!" The skinny old man's pale cheeks There was blood on his face and he looked very excited.

"I have collected these two runes, two hundred spirit stones each, what do you think, little friend?" the skinny old man quickly came to his senses and said.

Yuan Ming was stunned when he heard this.

Not long ago, Gu Yue mentioned that one rune was sold for one hundred spirit stones. He was still daydreaming about it. Now it was him, two runes could be sold for four hundred spirit stones?

But it seems that the old man likes these two runes very much, so it doesn't look like he is cheating.

"Do you think these two runes are too few? These two runes are indeed rare. You must have made a lot of determination to take them out. Let's do it this way. The two runes total five hundred spirit stones." The skinny old man saw Yuan Ming. Without saying a word, he said again.

Yuan Ming came back to his senses and was about to say something when he heard the old man grit his teeth and said impatiently:

"Six hundred spirit stones, no more!"

"Not enough!" Yuan Ming blurted out.

When the bald man rejected the runes one by one before, he might be willing to take action if he could be given one spiritual stone, let alone three hundred.

But seeing this skinny old man's happy expression, he almost had to write "I must!" on his face.

If you don’t raise the price now, how long will it take?

"Add another condition, help me create a magic weapon for free in the future!" Yuan Ming tried.

"Deal! What are you waiting for? Why don't you hurry up!" The skinny old man glared at the bald man.

The bald man's mouth was half open when he heard the price. He only reacted when he heard the scolding. He made a mistake in taking out six walnut-sized spiritual stones from the storage bag on his waist, three yellow and three green, emitting fluctuations of spiritual power. It was much stronger than the ordinary spiritual stone. Also taken out were two black jade plates that were slightly larger than a palm.

"Mid-grade spiritual stone!" Yuan Ming was overjoyed, but his face was as calm as water, showing no signs of anything strange.

Like spiritual materials, spiritual stones are also divided into grades. The spiritual stones circulating in the market on weekdays are all low-grade, and these six are medium-grade.

The spiritual power contained in the middle-grade spiritual stone is ten times that of the low-grade spiritual stone. It is also purer and has a wider range of uses. Just to restore mana, the middle-grade spiritual stone can be much faster than the low-grade spiritual stone. If it is used for practice, the mana will also be improved. Faster.

The spiritual power contained in the middle-grade spiritual stones is both pure and thick, and is beyond the scope of the Qi Refining Stage. If a monk in the Qi Refining Stage absorbs the spiritual power when breaking through the bottleneck, it can even increase the chance of breaking through.

Such various benefits make the value of mid-grade spiritual stones far higher than that of low-grade ones. It takes one hundred low-grade spiritual stones to exchange for one medium-grade spiritual stone, and they are often expensive but not marketable.

Yuan Ming had long wanted to get one or two pieces of medium-grade wood-attribute spirit stones to save his life at critical moments. Unfortunately, he was short of money and didn't expect to get six pieces today.

There are also high-grade spiritual stones above the mid-grade, and the exchange ratio is also one hundred to one.

On top of the high-grade spiritual stones, it is said that there is another level of the ultimate level, but almost no one has seen it with their own eyes. Many people think that the top-grade spiritual stones are just a legend.

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