Celestial being

Chapter 131 The Immortal Master is here

At the same time, in the room in the backyard, Yuan Ming was overwhelmed with emotion, and many fragmented memories in his mind began to connect together.

From the information obtained from the previous soul possession of the horseman Wang Shun, associate with those memory fragments of my own, combined with the vivid "story" in the mouth of the old smoker...

He vaguely had a rough guess about his experiences before he lost his memory.

As the son of General Yuan of the Jin Kingdom in the Central Plains, on his way to southern Xinjiang with the Jin envoy, he was chased by the short-haired boy in his memory with a knife and fell into the river. Later, he was picked up by the old smoker and sold to the cemetery. , and later survived for some unknown reason and came to Tiehu Town again.

Reported by Lao Yandai in Tiehu Town, he somehow escaped and finally appeared in the cave, losing his memory. Together with the savages, he was captured by Huza and taken back to Biluo Cave, where he became a furry beast slave.

This line seems to be quite smooth, but there are still too many blank memory fragments in it. If you miss it at the slightest moment, the result will be thousands of miles away.

Yuan Ming still needs more clues to verify his guess.

In the front yard, Tu Le breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay that he's not here for revenge. He's leaving tomorrow anyway."

"Yes, I heard that guy from Lard Residue say this afternoon that this person is not simple. If he really finds out, we will be doomed. Alas, it's a good thing that Lard Residue is taken away when it's good. Otherwise, if we really piss him off, we'll be in trouble. It's gone." Old Yantai said with some fear.

Tule also knew that his father had been making a living in lard dregs for the past year, so he couldn't help but persuade him:

"Abba, our family is well off now. We don't have to live a hard life anymore. Let's live a peaceful life. Don't do such unreasonable things in the future. You see, no one is willing to marry into our family now."

"Abba is afraid of poverty... Oh, but you are right. After a while, Abba will find someone to marry you, and then this white jade ring will be passed on to you."

As the old smoker spoke, he took off a ring wrapped with red rope from the stem of his pipe.

After removing the red thread on it, a white jade ring like mutton fat was revealed inside, which glowed faintly under the moonlight.

The moment Yuan Ming saw the jade ring through the raven, he felt that the object looked very familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But he had already guessed that this white jade ring was probably his old possessions.

Yuan Ming was confused and bored at the moment, and had no intention of continuing to read. He quickly recalled the three soul ravens.

He stood up, preparing to rush to the front yard and punish the greedy father and son.

But when he pulled the door bolt, he suddenly remembered what Senior Brother Fangge had told him before leaving Biluo Cave, not to harm mortals at will, so he had to forcefully suppress the evil fire.

But when I thought about what Lao Yandai had done, I felt that I couldn't let this old guy off lightly.

"Yes, that's it..."

After he frowned and thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he thought about it.

Early the next morning, Yuan Ming got up early and went to the yard outside the house.

Lao Yandian has been thinking about sending away Yuan Ming, the god of plague, and has been paying attention to the movements here.

Hearing the noise in the backyard, he rushed over immediately.

But when he arrived, Lao Yandian did not see the tenants who were ready to go. Instead, he saw Yuan Ming circling in the backyard with his hands behind his back, his head lowered, as if he was looking for something.

"Is something missing? Do you want my help?" Lao Yandai hurried forward and asked.

Yuan Ming seemed to have just noticed that he was coming. When he raised his head, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"No, nothing is lost...you are busy with your business, don't worry about me." Yuan Ming stuttered, waved his hand and said.

When Old Yantai heard this, he naturally didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, and doubts arose in his heart.

"Little brother, are you leaving today? I have already watered the horses and fed them fodder this morning." He said with a sneer.

"Thank you, shopkeeper. You can go ahead and do your work first. I'll finish packing here and go to the front to check out." Yuan Ming waved his hand, his voice a little irritable.

Lao Yandian could see that Yuan Ming was sending him away intentionally, and he became more and more confused.

He walked back to the partition wall of the backyard and walked through the doorway to the front yard.

When Yuan Ming saw that he was gone, he lowered his head and searched for him on the ground again.

At this time, a pair of eyes looked over from the gap in the backyard partition wall.

Yuan Ming calmly twitched the corner of his mouth. His consciousness could now cover a five-foot radius, and he naturally knew that Lao Yandou was hiding outside the partition wall and peeking.

However, he didn't care. He still looked for something on the ground as if he didn't know anything.

After a while, he bent down and picked up a stone from the ground that was the size of a longan core and was covered with pits. He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. He showed a satisfied smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the partition wall, Lao Yandai had a panoramic view of this scene, but he was full of doubts in his heart.

He didn't understand what Yuan Ming was doing looking for a broken stone in the yard this early in the morning instead of doing business?

However, at this moment, he saw Yuan Ming look up at the sky, take a few steps left and right towards the place where the morning sun was rising, then clasped his hands together, clamped the stone in his palm, and worshiped towards the four directions of heaven and earth.

After a circle, Yuan Ming's lips were constantly opening and closing, as if he was reciting something.

But because he was too far away, Lao Yandai couldn't hear anything clearly.

"Are you afraid that this kid has lost his mind and gone crazy? He keeps mumbling, what the hell is going on?"

He cursed secretly, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw Yuan Ming's clasped hands slowly opening, and wisps of golden light lit up inside.

The old smoker's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Yuan Ming's hands completely opened, revealing a golden bump the size of a longan core, pitted, numb, and shiny.

Judging from its appearance and size, it is almost exactly the same as the stone Yuan Ming picked up on the ground earlier.

The old smoker's heart was beating "Plop-Tong-Plop-Tong". He covered his mouth with both hands to prevent himself from shouting.

"It turns stone into gold. This is a method only gods can use." Lao Yandian exclaimed in his heart.

He applauded his alertness and felt uncontrollable excitement for seeing such miracles inadvertently, but soon, a strong desire for possession arose in his heart.

"If I knew this magic, I would never be poor again, right?" Lao Yandai asked himself over and over again.

But after getting excited, he quickly calmed down, and instinctively wondered if he was dazzled, or if it was a cover-up?

But when he looked again, Yuan Ming's figure was no longer in the yard, but returned to the house.

After a while, Yuan Ming came out of the room again, closed the door, and seemed to be planning to leave.

Upon seeing this, Lao Yandian hurriedly ran to the front yard, then turned back, pretending to bump into Yuan Ming who was coming to the front yard.

"Hey, guest, are you leaving now?" Old Yantai asked pretending to ask.

"Yeah, I have to find someone first, and come back when I have the chance." Yuan Ming responded with a smile.

"Oh, okay, then I'll go get your horse first." Lao Yandai nodded and bowed hurriedly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll pay you for the accommodation first. In addition, I also want to trouble you with something." Yuan Ming said with a smile.

"You're too polite, just say whatever you have to say." Lao Yandai said quickly.

"It's not like I lost almost all my silver coins at Jixiang Gambling House. I don't have enough pocket money. I want to see if there is a bank or pawn shop in the town. I want to exchange the gold nuggets for some silver coins." Yuan Ming said casually. .

Upon hearing this, Lao Yandai frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said: "There is indeed a bank you mentioned, but it is a loan shark with evil intentions. If you go to him to exchange money, you will definitely suffer a loss."

"It doesn't matter if he has a bad heart or not, it's just a convenience for us who are alone outside. As long as we can exchange it at a ratio of more than 80%, I can accept it." Yuan Ming smiled and said nonchalantly.

When the old smoker heard this, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

80% can be exchanged, and 20% is discounted to gold. Is it really a stone turned into gold? I don't feel bad at all?

"Shopkeeper?" Yuan Ming saw that he was in a daze and couldn't help but greet him.

"Well, since you have said so, if you are not worried, why not let me run for you? For the sake of their acquaintance, they will be more restrained and can exchange more silver coins for you." Yandou asked carefully and tentatively with a sincere look on his face.

"Okay, then I'll bother the shopkeeper." Yuan Ming seemed to be hesitant when he heard this, but finally nodded.

As he spoke, he took out the gold nugget the size of a longan core from his sleeve and handed it to Lao Tobacco.

The latter rubbed his hands and quickly took it.

He took the golden knot, weighed it, put it in front of his eyes and examined it carefully. Finally, he brought it to his mouth and bit it, and concluded that there was nothing wrong with it and it was real.

This time, he felt even less calm.

This "noble person" of mine really has the ability to turn stone into gold!

Yuan Ming stared at him, and from the changes in his eyes, he noticed the changes in Lao Yandai's mood, and secretly laughed in his heart.

I just prepared the golden lumps in advance, found a similar stone, and used the ability of the storage bag to access and withdraw from thin air. I used a trick to change the situation and fooled Lao Yandou in one fell swoop.

But what really got Lao Yandou into trouble was actually his inherent greed.

Once people become greedy, they will easily become blind.

Seeing that the old smoker was hesitating in place and never left, Yuan Ming coughed lightly and added the last fire.

"Shopkeeper, if there is any inconvenience, forget it. I will exchange it myself. The shortfall of 12% does not really matter to me. In fact, I am not interested in money, but I still have some interest in spending money. Interested." As he said that, he was about to take back the golden nugget.

At this time, Lao Yantai finally stopped hesitating, and immediately his knees softened and he knelt down, bowed his head and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Immortal Master, please accept my bow." Lao Yandai said he bowed, but kowtowed seven or eight times with "dong dong dong".

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