Celestial being

Chapter 120 Account sharing

"Brother Yuan is so cautious." Wulu stood quietly and didn't speak until Yuan Ming took the medicine.

"I'm afraid you will use that beautiful knife again." Yuan Ming mocked.

"Haha, Yuan Ming is really humorous. When I attacked you earlier, I wanted to win Kun Tu's trust and find an opportunity to kill him. Now that Kun Tu is dead, you and I have no reason to continue fighting." Ulu chuckled. , said with his hands spread out and took a step back.

"Huhuo, Huza, and Kuntu are all dead. How can we explain why we returned to the sect?" Yuan Ming said slowly.

"Huhuo, I didn't kill Huza and the others, and I didn't see who killed them." Ulu said with a smile on his face.

Yuan Ming looked at Wulu, and Wulu looked at each other calmly. After a moment, they both burst into laughter at the same time.

Both of them attacked and killed their fellow sect members today. It can be said that they both have a handle on each other. They are like grasshoppers on the same rope. In addition, the two of them have no unresolved differences, so there is really no need to continue fighting.

"Brother Wulu is indeed a friend I have known since my days as a furry beast slave." Yuan Ming looked at Wulu and said.

"That's natural. From today on, we are friends of life and death." Ulu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yuan Ming was seriously injured, the terrifying purple and black strange vine really frightened and frightened him. He clearly had an intuition that Yuan Ming was more than just a back-up man. The magic weapon controlled by Kun Tu just now suddenly backfired, and the invisible sword was beyond his imagination. Now he wants to win over Yuan Ming.

"Now we can discuss how to deal with their things." Kuntu glanced at Kuntu's body not far away and said.

Just as Yuan Ming was about to speak, he suddenly paused slightly and continued. "I want to choose one thing from Kuntu first, and then each of us will have half of it. The fire-breathing thing will all belong to me."

"Fair enough. That's it." Ulu said directly without thinking.

Yuan Ming nodded, and with a thought, the purple-black vines beside Ulu shrank back and disappeared.

He came to Huhuo's corpse not far away, while Ulu stood motionless.

Yuan Ming picked up the red triangular flag. This object can emit a golden flame attack, and its power is not weak. Although it is not as good as the Yingui Flag, it is still considered the best among low-grade magic weapons. Yuan Ming put away the triangular flag and continued to search Hu Huo's corpse, and soon found a purple bag.

He had already seen the storage magic weapon of Huhuo, and the magic power was poured into it. The space in the bag is not large, but it is quite full. There are seven or eight spiritual materials, five spiritual stones, a black jade box, and a bone slip.

These spiritual materials are all precious things in the Shiwan Mountain. They are reserved for future opportunities to take action. The five spiritual stones are all red in color and are obviously fire attribute spiritual stones.

He took out the black jade box and opened it carefully. Inside was a fist-sized white solid that looked like stone and jade.

"What is this?" Yuan Ming picked up the white stone and examined it carefully. Unfortunately, he found nothing. There was no record of it in the strange stone record. He put the white stone back and put it in his storage bag.

This object has been collected so closely by Huhuo. It must be a precious object. We will slowly find a way to figure it out in the future.

Yuan Ming turned over his hands and took out the last bone slip, placed it on his forehead to check the contents, with a hint of joy on his face.

There is a spell recorded in the bone slips, called "Wind Speed". After being cast, the body can become light and jump like flying. It is an essential spell for immortal cultivators on their way.

Yuan Ming had been interested in this technique before in Guizang Pavilion. Unfortunately, he was short of money at that time and naturally did not dare to covet it. Unexpectedly, he got it from Huhuo today.

Yuan Ming had no time to think about it at this moment, because Wulu was waiting by the side.

He stood up and came to the headless Kun Tu. Wulu followed, leaned down, threw a storage ring directly towards Yuan Ming, and said: "That ghost flag, if Brother Yuan doesn't need it, If so, can you leave it to me? I don’t need the storage ring and other things."

"Okay." Yuan Ming reached out to catch the ring and nodded casually in agreement.

Although the Yin Ghost Flag is a medium-grade magic weapon, it is more powerful than his red sledgehammer and the wooden hairpin magic weapon he just took from the one-eyed woman, but it is not suitable for him to use. .

His consciousness scanned the storage ring, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

Kuntu's net worth is far less than that of Huhuo. He only has a few spiritual stones and ordinary spiritual materials, and a somewhat ordinary-looking fist-sized white jade box. It seems that Ulu is really a good person among the people of southern Xinjiang.

But he didn't care about it. It was an unexpected fortune. After all, a storage ring was worth a lot of money.

He took out the white jade box and held it in his hand, and the silver cat's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "I want this."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Ming put the box into his storage bag, and then threw the Yingui flag to Wulu.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan." Wulu thanked him, put away the Yingui flag and asked, "Excuse me, brother Yuan, why did you kill Huza and call them fire?"

"I killed Huza for them. I promised Hagun to protect the safety of his wife and children. Huza insisted on killing the two of them to get their souls, so I had no choice but to kill him. Haven't you already interrogated Tuya and her daughter? You should know This is the reason." Yuan Ming glanced at the sleeping Tuya mother and daughter next to him and said.

"Brother Yuan is chivalrous." Wulu said this, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

Yuan Ming fell silent. When he attacked Huza before, he didn't think much about it because of the urgency of the situation, and he felt incredible afterwards.

For the sake of two women he had never met, he actually killed his fellow disciples. You must know that once the matter is exposed, he will be killed immediately.

Now that I think about it carefully, it may be that he promised Hargon, and now it happened to happen, so naturally he couldn't just sit back and ignore it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pass the test in his heart.

He had previously read in a sect's unofficial history book that in cultivating immortals, in addition to qualifications, sometimes it is also necessary to comprehend deeply. If a heart knot touches the Taoist heart, it may have adverse effects on future cultivation. Small impact.

However, this incident also reminded him that he must consider the situation within his own ability in everything. First of all, he must ensure his own safety. He should not make promises to others easily, and he should not be full of promises.

"As for Hu Huo and the others, I have a long-standing grudge against them." Yuan Ming said as his thoughts swirled in his mind.

"That's it." Ulu nodded and said, but judging from his expression, only God knows how much he believed it.

"Brother Wulu, where are you? Why did you kill Kun Tu?" Yuan Ming asked.

"You and I were both born as furry beast slaves, so I believe you should be able to understand the purpose of what I did. I endured the humiliation before and reluctantly became his servant. He has humiliated me many times, and I have always wanted to find an opportunity to take action." Lu said.

"It's just that Kun Tu is an inner disciple after all, and a direct disciple of Elder Mengshan. Aren't you afraid of Elder Mengshan's investigation?" Yuan Ming asked again.

"Brother Yuan Ming, you don't know something. Elder Mengshan doesn't mind the death of Kuntu. I heard that many of his direct disciples died before. Being his disciple is the most unlucky thing." Ulu laughed. .

"So that's it. Brother Wulu, please work harder in the future. I wish you can realize your wish as soon as possible and reach a high position." Yuan Ming nodded and said, but in his heart he felt that Wulu should have more than this purpose, but the other party didn't say it, and he was too lazy to care. .

"I accept Brother Yuan's good advice." Wulu chuckled.

"Brother Wulu, Tuya and her daughter are both poor people. They have no husband and father, let alone relatives and friends. I will arrange for them properly and will not reveal what happened today." Yuan Ming looked at Tuya and the two. said.

"Since Brother Yuan said so, let's do what you want." Ulu thought for a moment and said.

"Then you and I will say goodbye. I hope we can see each other again in the future." Yuan Ming thanked him and turned to leave.

"Brother Yuan Ming, what do you mean by this? You don't plan to go back to Biluo Cave?" Wulu was startled and then understood.

"Hu Huo and others died in my hands. Even if the corpses are destroyed and traces are wiped out, it is still suspicious. With Biluo Cave's methods, sooner or later the truth will be found out. Naturally, the sooner we leave, the safer it will be. Brother Wulu doesn't seem to be planning to leave. I hope you I can hide it." Yuan Ming said.

"It turns out that Brother Yuan Ming is worried about this matter. There is no need for that. I have a way to make the deaths of Hu Huo, Kun Tu and others have nothing to do with us." Ulu thought for a moment and said.

"Oh, there is such a way?" Yuan Ming was greatly surprised.

He still wanted something from Biluo Cave, and if it was possible to hide the past, he didn't want to leave at this time.

Wulu smiled confidently, approached Yuan Ming, and whispered.

As Yuan Ming listened, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he fell silent. After thinking for a long time, he slowly shook his head, as if he did not agree with Wulu's words.

"Just do as he said. His skills were not learned from Biluo Cave. He deliberately suppressed his cultivation." Silver Cat suddenly sent a message.

"Okay, let's do what you said." Yuan Ming said.

Ulu was overjoyed, cleaned the battlefield, took the bodies of Huhuo and Kuntu, and turned to leave.

After he walked a short distance away, he turned back and glanced in the direction of Yuan Ming. He suddenly raised one hand and a little bird flew out of his sleeves and flew silently in a certain direction. .

Half a day later, Yuan Ming stood up and his complexion had basically recovered. He picked up Tuya and her daughter and ran towards Miaohua Village without affecting their movements.

The three of them soon arrived at the main road outside Miaohua Village. Yuan Ming used his magic power and slapped Tuya and Tuya a few times, each receiving a ray of magic power.

Tuya's body trembled slightly and she murmured.

Yuan Ming exclaimed, Tuya was just a child, but she woke up faster than her mother.

He raised his hand and touched Tuya's forehead, and a burst of mana was injected into it, quickly flowing through her body.

"Sure enough, it has spiritual roots. It seems to be the three spiritual roots of water, gold and wood. No wonder it reacts so keenly to my magic power." Yuan Ming thought to himself.

The soul completed its transformation, and he began to practice the second level of Ming Yue Jue. The soul became increasingly powerful, and he could sense other people's spiritual roots without the help of magic weapons.

"Where is this..." Tuya slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly, as if she was not completely awake yet.

At the same time, Tuya's mother also woke up faintly.

Tuya's mother was surprised and happy to see that she was back on the road and Ulu was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't worry, the matter is over and you are safe." Yuan Ming said.

"Thank you, sir, for the rescue." Tuya's mother stood up and thanked her.

"Since I promised Ha Gong, I will naturally keep your mother and daughter safe. Don't thank me." Yuan Ming raised his hand in vain, lifting the woman up with a surge of potential.

"Sir, after Ha Gong left, we, the orphans and the widowed, were able to make ends meet by relying on each other. Now that our home has been destroyed, we have no idea at all. I wonder if you can point me to a clear path." Tuya's mother asked Yuan Ming begged.

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