Celestial being

Chapter 103 Vine and Toad

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Ming gradually regained consciousness and slowly sat up from the ground.

There was mist swirling around him, and he couldn't see the sun when he raised his head, so he couldn't tell how long he had been unconscious.

His mind was still a little dazed. After shaking his head, he recalled what happened before he fell into coma and looked around hurriedly.

Although the purple-black demonic vine's will was crushed by his beast control technique, it might not be dead due to its tenacity.

The surroundings were quiet, not to mention the demonic vines and not a single insect.

The herring sword was stuck diagonally on the ground next to it, with a faint glow appearing on the blade.

"I didn't see the corpse of the demon vine, which means that this thing is indeed not dead. Could it be that it escaped?" Yuan Ming murmured to himself.

He had fallen into a coma just now. If Yao Teng was still alive, why didn't he take the opportunity to kill him? Could it be that he was frightened by the beast control technique?

He patted his cheek hard and stood up.

"Eh!" Yuan Ming suddenly noticed another abnormality. He had lost his fur-covering technique at some point, and the black toad skin was also missing.

"It's just that the purple and black demonic vine has disappeared. It may have escaped on its own. Why did the black toad hide also disappear? Could it be that someone came here just now?" Yuan Ming thought of a possibility and hurriedly checked his belongings.

Everything in the storage bag is still there, nothing is missing. The mysterious incense burner has also turned into a mark and is quietly lodged in his arm. There is nothing abnormal. Not even the conspicuous herring sword is missing. It doesn't look like anyone has been here. .

Yuan Ming silently picked up the herring sword and was about to search nearby when his expression suddenly changed and he looked in one direction.

There seemed to be something there that was connected to his mind, but the connection was very weak and he couldn't sense it clearly.

"What?" Yuan Ming was quite surprised.

To be able to create a connection between the mind and the soul, it must be a profound secret technique, similar to the art of controlling animals, or a magic weapon and treasure that can identify its owner by dripping blood.

His beast control skills have not yet tamed the spiritual beasts, and the only thing on his body that has been recognized by blood is the mysterious incense burner. This burner is now sitting in the incense burner mark on his right arm. What else can have a mental connection with him?

Yuan Ming couldn't figure it out, so he quickly stopped thinking about it and searched for the skin of the black toad nearby, but found nothing.

"Forget it, the Black Toad's Skin is just an auxiliary thing, just throw it away." He sighed, sat down cross-legged, and used the Nine Elements Technique to restore his mana.

After a while, Yuan Ming's mana returned to full strength, and the power returned to him.

It's just that half of his energy and blood were sucked away by the purple and black demonic vines, and his muscles and bones were a little weak, but fortunately it didn't hinder his movement.

Yuan Ming took out the white ape's skin, but did not use the fur-clothing technique. Instead, he wrapped it around his waist and ran towards the distance.

The strange movements there always bothered him, so it would be better to find out.

A quarter of an hour later, Yuan Ming came to a swamp that was several acres in size. The object that connected with his mind was in the water.

As the distance got closer, his telepathic connection with the puddle became much stronger, and he could already sense what it was.

"No way!" Yuan Ming was a little unbelievable, this matter was too unbelievable.

At this moment, the puddle suddenly exploded, large waves of water rolled violently, and a gray vicious thing emerged from the bottom of the water, but it was a gray crocodile several feet long.

The head of this crocodile is actually dark red, and its eyes are as red as blood, making it look extremely fierce.

"No, it's an adult blood-headed crocodile!" Yuan Ming recognized this beast.

The strength of an adult Blood-headed Crocodile is at least a first-level mid-level peak. The scales all over the body are extremely tough and powerful. It is also good at water fighting. It is one of the most powerful mid-level ferocious beasts.

However, this blood-headed crocodile looked terrified at this moment, twisting its body quickly and escaping hastily into the distance.

Before it could escape far, a slender purple-black thing broke out of the water, wrapped around the blood-headed crocodile's body, and circled it several times extremely quickly, but it turned out to be a purple-black rattan.

The top of the cane is bare, without a single leaf. The whole body of the cane is crystal clear, and you can faintly see traces of blood inside, which is strange and abnormal.

Yuan Ming's pupils shrank suddenly.

Although the shape of this purple-black rattan had changed drastically, he could tell that it was the purple-black demonic rattan that almost killed him before!

The blood-headed crocodile struggled hard, but the purple-black demonic vine was extremely tough. No matter how hard the blood-headed crocodile struggled, it could not break free.

One end of the demonic vine made a "chichi" sound, became sharp, and then suddenly shot out, hitting the blood-headed crocodile's back.

With a soft "pop" sound, the demon vine easily penetrated his tough skin and penetrated his body.

The blood-headed crocodile let out a shrill scream, and its long and thick body trembled violently, with the amplitude getting smaller and smaller.

After a few breaths, the crocodile completely lost its breath, and its bloated body floated on the water.

There was a "crash" in the water, and a black shadow slowly emerged. It was a black toad the size of a fist, with a swollen purple-black bulge growing behind it. It looked like several leaves of some kind of plant gathered together. There were more than a dozen poison sacs growing around him, and his cold eyes looked at the blood-headed crocodile.

Yuan Ming barely kept his face calm, but he could not hide the surprise in his eyes.

This black toad, in terms of skin color and shape, was exactly the same as his toad hide, except that it was much smaller.

An animal skin was resurrected out of thin air, such a strange thing happened in the world!

The purple-black demonic vine suddenly shot out from the bulge on the back of the toad, and a stream of blood-red light quickly flowed back to the toad's back along the vine. The surface of the toad's body glowed with traces of blood, and soon dissipated, but its body grew faintly. One point.

The purple-black demon vine flew back, engulfed the bulge behind the toad, and disappeared.

Toad seemed to sense something, and turned to look at Yuan Ming nearby, with a look of shock in his eyes, and turned around to run away.

"Come here!" Yuan Ming's face darkened and he shouted coldly. He pinched a magic formula with his right hand and black light flashed on his fingertips.

Black Toad's body trembled and he didn't even move.

Yuan Ming had a look of surprise on his face and activated his animal control technique to the maximum. The black toad reluctantly turned around and swam over, jumping in front of Yuan Ming.

He raised his hand and pressed it on the black toad's head, and a layer of rich black energy surged out of his palm and rolled into his body.

After a moment, he retracted his palm, with a complicated expression on his face, including surprise and joy, but mostly puzzlement.

Yuan Ming just used the beast control technique and the power of the soul to check it. For some reason, the original black toad animal skin did grow internal organs, and the soul also fluctuated in the body, turning into a living creature.

The purple-black demonic vine grows through the bulge on the black toad's back and grows together with its internal organs, turning into an organ-like existence in its body. Every time the heart beats, the toad's blood not only passes through the blood vessels in the body, but also passes through the purple-black demonic vine. The vines spread throughout the body.

The black toad in front of me looks like a black-striped poisonous toad, but it is actually two completely different creatures that merged to form a monster.

There is a rune mark in the body of the purple and black demonic vine, which is the beast control rune. It contains the power of Yuan Ming's soul, and it seems to be condensed from his soul.

Yuan Ming had just sensed a connection between himself and this beast control rune, but he just found it unbelievable, but the fact was before him, and he couldn't help but question it.

In any case, he conquered a spiritual beast by mistake.

With his current level of cultivation in the Qi refining period, he can no longer subdue the second spiritual beast unless he kills the demon vine and destroys the beast control rune in its body.

"Forget it, let's just let the demon vine be the demon vine. The ability of this vine is quite good, and now it is fused with the black toad, maybe it will derive special magical powers?" He weighed it again and again, and chose to keep the vine.

Yuan Ming sat down cross-legged in front of Hei Chan and continued to communicate with him using the animal control technique to explore the situation inside his body.

More importantly, one needs to understand Black Toad's current magical powers.

After half a day, he stopped casting spells, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

As he had guessed before, after the Black Toad and the Demonic Vine merged into one, their magical powers have undergone great changes. The most significant point is that the two magical powers have begun to merge. Now the Demonic Vine also contains the venom of the Black Toad. This greatly increases the attack power of the rattan when facing the enemy.

It was precisely because of this that the purple-black demonic vine could easily penetrate the blood-headed crocodile's skin before.

Furthermore, the Black Toad also possesses the same powerful self-healing ability as the Demonic Vine. Combined with the Demonic Vine's blood-devouring properties, its self-healing ability has actually reached a perverted level. As long as it does not suffer fatal damage, it can recover quickly. .

"Follow me from now on!" Yuan Ming exhaled softly. The black toad turned into a monster-like existence. It might not be a bad thing for him to adopt this thing as a spiritual beast.

Hei Chan glanced at Yuan Ming and did not move.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming slightly increased his magic power to activate the beast control technique. Then Black Toad reluctantly yelled, jumped on his shoulder, and crouched there.

"This black toad was born from a mutation, and the beast control runes I applied are engraved in the body of the demon vine. I don't know how strong it is to restrain this beast... But this little thing is very dark, and it is not easy to be detected by others when hiding. Found it." He thought to himself.

Yuan Ming quickly moved on. Now that he had conquered the spirit beasts, with the black toad by his side, his strength had improved a lot, and he planned to continue exploring the island.

Most importantly, he wanted to find the four-eyed golden ape.

Yuan Ming cannot forget the effect of those red-core spiritual peaches. If he can find them, combined with the miraculous effects of the Nine Yuan Jue, he will be able to upgrade his cultivation to the eighth level of Qi Refining, or even the ninth level of Qi Refining in a short period of time. .

Two days later.

Yuan Ming came to a low mountain area on the island. The low mountains here were gray and black, and there was a strong yin energy in the rocks. The air was also filled with a cold feeling, which made people feel quite uncomfortable.

The vegetation in the low mountain is also very sparse, obviously unable to withstand the overwhelming Yin Qi here.

Yuan Ming took Hei Chan inside and started looking around.

In the past two days, he searched all over the island. Although he could not find the area where the four-eyed golden ape was, his harvest was not small. He found seven or eight precious spiritual materials, which could be exchanged for a lot of money if exchanged with the sect. Little contribution value.

It's just that the island is surprisingly big. After searching for three days, he still couldn't find the place where he landed on the island last time.

This made him secretly anxious. The time he applied for to leave the sect was only five days, and now there wasn't much left. If he couldn't find it again, he would have to wait until next time.

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