Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 77: Kill them all at once!

Lin Jiao and others immediately came out of the bank, and with the help of the faint light, they surrounded the motorcycle after Lu Feng got off the car.

Several people couldn't help but be surprised.

Because they have never seen this kind of two-wheeled vehicle with their own eyes, and they have only seen it in some books and videos before the end of the world.

After the emergence of suspension technology, the first thing to be replaced was such a small motorcycle.

Unexpectedly, the boss actually got such a classic motorcycle.

At this time, the mentality of Lin Jiao and others is probably the same as when modern people see classic cars from the 1950s and can't help but be attracted, or even watch.

Lu Feng didn't care how many people there were. When he arrived at the bank, he quit the game with a thought.

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He wants to monitor the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group through the game screen and keep track of the opponent's movements at all times. As long as the opponent is dispatched, he must lead his people to be prepared.

However, Lu Feng kept monitoring and waiting, but found that there was no movement at the Zhuangyuan Community. It was not until the night passed that he felt something was wrong.

The people from the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group would not react so slowly. After all, the other party's people were coming soon after they had dealt with the two of them before.

Lu Feng was not stupid, and he probably guessed that the people in the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group were just waiting for work.

Is the other party afraid that they will escape?

Or are you pretty sure you can track them?

No matter what, he found that his current situation was very embarrassing, that is, he was very sleepy, but he didn't know when the people from the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group would come.

Presumably Lin Jiao and the others also didn't have a rest all night.

What the hell…

The people of the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group don't follow the script.

Under this situation, Lu Feng could only continue to hold on until noon, but the people of the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group still did not move.

He could only enter the game with a helpless thought and met Lin Jiao and others.

As expected, several people's faces showed distress, and it was obvious that they had not rested.

Lu Feng could only gather everyone together, and then arranged for Xu Bin and Wang Cheng to take sisters Cheng Yaoyao and Cheng Sisi to leave the bank first and take shelter nearby. Naturally, the technical information in the bank's database was also moved out first to avoid being blown up. , and then let Lin Jiao, Chen Tao, and Chen Hao, who had laser rifles, take turns to rest and guard the bank nearby.

As long as members of the Gray Wolf mercenary group come, shooting the modified gas tank with a laser rifle will still cause an explosion.

He was afraid that he would accidentally fall asleep while monitoring.

This provides an extra layer of defense.

After making arrangements, Lu Feng took his Honda Phantom motorcycle out of the game, and then rode back to Youcheng to have something to eat.

During this process, his eyes were constantly staring at the situation of the game world in his mind.

Unfortunately, until dark and even late at night, there was still no movement from the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group.

He had to admit that the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group's strategy of waiting for work was successful.

He was very sleepy now and couldn't help but want to close his eyes.

But he also knew that under this situation, the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group would most likely be dispatched tonight.

The phone rang, and it was Chen Bo’s number.

After pressing answer, Chen Bo's voice came: "Master Feng, would you like to sit down at the Ultimate Bar? I opened the BOSS card, and Yang Ming and the others also called."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Lu Feng responded.

He happened to be very sleepy right now, and the loud music in the bar should be able to relieve some of his sleepiness.

A moment later, Lu Feng appeared at the Extreme Bar riding a Honda Phantom.

As soon as I entered the bar, I heard the loud and loud voice of the DJ: "Thank you to Mr. Chen from BOSS Card for sending all 42 girls in the room to dance with 100 red dots each. I wish Brother Ming, Brother A Lin and Brother A Pao who are on the same stage , Brother Ashui, Brother Elephant...Have fun tonight and make a lot of money..."

As soon as he came in, Lu Feng saw that Chen Bo was making the whole house happy, he was really willful.

This Man Tang Hong is actually just throwing money away to show off. Even if one girl in Man Tang Hong earns 100, 42 girls will earn more than 4,200.

4,200 dance for 5 minutes. In a county town, who would be the average drinker who dares to do this?

So, while those 42 girls were dancing, all the other drinkers could do was envy them.

Lu Feng didn't want to say anything about this. After all, Chen Bo made 1.75 million from going out with him this time. It's normal to spend some money as he pleases. People who come out to hang out pay attention to face.

This is how people usually play. After all, there are many people in the bar who are also from Youcheng.

After the 42 girls danced to the full house, Chen Bo and Yang Ming also saw Lu Feng. They both stepped forward and invited Lu Feng to the C position of the BOSS card to show their respect.

Chen Bo had already recruited the salesperson next to him, and started giving instructions directly in the other person's ear, while transferring money at the same time.

The DJ's loud voice also sounded again: "Thank you to the boss, Mr. Ka Chen, for sending all 42 girls in the room 300 each. The whole room will be red dot dance. I wish the boss Feng Shao a happy evening and good fortune!"

This time, Chen Bo directly addressed Lu Feng as his boss, which was also a way for him to show his respect.

This voice naturally made the girls in the bar smile.

You must know that they pay for a night of drinking, and sometimes the customer only gives 300 flowers, and sometimes they even get paid for it.

There are many such customers, who take advantage of them and end up not sending flowers.

Now, Boss Chen has given me another gift, which is only 300 yuan per person. It’s 12,600 yuan in one go. This is so grand.

The 42 girls immediately started dancing again. Naturally, they all stared at Lu Feng, and each of them wanted to show off their skills.

After all, they knew why the full house was given.

This Feng Shao was better than that old Chen.

Naturally, the name Feng Shao also attracted many drinkers in the bar. These people probably came out to hang out and had heard of this person more or less.

This also made many people look at the table on the other side, because the boss He Jin was sitting at that table.

You know, in the past, the boss He was the most powerful in Youcheng.

Some time ago, everyone said that Feng Shao could arm wrestle with this boss He.

Now that the two have met, there might be a good show to watch.

But unlike what these people thought, they saw that Boss He actually stood up, took the initiative to come to the table of Feng Shao, and respectfully poured wine for Feng Shao.

"Mr. Feng, I toast you a glass." He Jin's face was full of smiles. After the last incident, he knew that this person was someone he couldn't afford to offend, so when he met him, he naturally had to keep a low profile and ease the relationship.

Lu Feng remembered He Jin, but as the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. When the other party came to toast, he also gave him face and took the wine.

He Jin also smiled and clinked his glasses with Lu Feng, but took the initiative to lower his glass one level to show respect.

This scene made those who knew the situation dumbfounded.

What rumors are there that Mr. Feng can arm wrestle with Boss He? This scene clearly shows that Boss He dare not offend Mr. Feng.

This is also shocking.

It seems that the person that Youcheng can't afford to offend the most in the future is Mr. Feng.

Lu Feng drank a glass of wine, and suddenly subconsciously looked at the screen of the game world. Just now, in the Zhuangyuan community on the game screen, a number of floating trucks drove out.

There were fully armed people on the car, and the total number was probably close to 200 people.

This is the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group.

Are they coming tonight?

Seeing this, Lu Feng came back to his senses and said to Yang Ming and Chen Bo: "Cousin, I have something to deal with first, you guys have fun."

While speaking, he waved to the marketing staff next to him.

The marketing staff immediately stepped forward respectfully: "Mr. Feng, what do you want?"

You know, whether it is Boss Chen or Boss He, they are all respectful to this Mr. Feng.

This is a real boss.

"Give me the QR code." Lu Feng said to the marketing staff, and after the other party took out the QR code, he also scanned 42,000 directly, and said at the same time: "Send a full house, 1,000 yuan to each girl, I wish all the brothers of BOSS card have fun!"

Since he came out to the bar to play, and it was with his cousin, Chen Bo and others, he might as well go with the flow.

Moreover, this He Jin is also here, and he also wants to make up for his cousin and others.

The key is that he has the strength now, and he doesn't care about this little money.

But the marketing manager was shocked. He had been working in the Extreme Bar for so long, and it was the first time he saw someone spend money like this.

Or, in a county like Youcheng, he had never seen anyone spend money like this.

After a while, the loud voice of the DJ sounded again: "Thank you, Mr. Feng of BOSS Card. I will give all 42 girls in the venue 1,000 yuan each for the Mantanghong dance. I wish all the brothers of BOSS Card a happy time."

At this time, the girls all exclaimed.

Mantanghong is free, this is 1,000 yuan for free. You know, sometimes they can't get 1,000 yuan even if they drink half to death.

This Mr. Feng is really generous.

Soon, the 42 girls started dancing again, and this time they danced very hard and very sexy.

The key is that each person got 1,400 yuan for free at this BOSS Card, and none of them wanted to leave, after all, this was already a lock.

All of a sudden, it was like all the girls in the bar were playing with Chen Bo and Yang Ming at the same table.

This made the other drinkers feel bored. They witnessed the happiness of the rich at night.

This scene of throwing money was really enviable.

But Lu Feng went straight out of the bar, and even without a drink, rode the Honda Phantom and went home directly.

As soon as he got home, he looked at the game screen and moved his perspective to find the people of the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group.

Soon, he found these people. On the map at night, the lights of the floating truck were very bright.

Next, Lu Feng moved his perspective through the game screen and kept staring at the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group. Moreover, the route of the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group was exactly the road he had walked before, so the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group had never left his sight.

Finally, the people of the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group arrived not far from the bank, and the floating trucks stopped.

Gray Wolf was sitting on the first floating truck, and in front of him was the special holographic imaging computer. As long as this thing was there, even if he left the base, the people in the base would be honest to him.

Moreover, this time he would personally put electronic chains on these people and input the control rights into the computer.

Behind him were two hounds led by the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group. With them, he could ensure that no target could escape tracking.

Someone immediately reported: "Captain, the location of the floating truck driven by Scar and his men is not far away. If the map shows correctly, there is a bank there."

When Gray Wolf heard this, he sneered: "It seems that these people have completely relaxed their vigilance. It's just right to wipe them out."

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