Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 402: Complete Rise!

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For a while, the whole hall was noisy.

No one dared to believe that such a thing would happen.

The phone of the rotten Apple company was crushed by the phone of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This is equivalent to a slap in Cook's face.

You should know that Cook and the rotten Apple mobile phone company have ridiculed the Xuanfeng Alliance before, and even the current display platform of the Xuanfeng Alliance is dominated by the rotten Apple company and Cook.

They just want to see the rotten Apple company lose face.

But no one thought that things would turn out like this.

But that also represents one thing.

The phone of the Xuanfeng Alliance crushed the phone of the rotten Apple company, which also means that all their phones were crushed.

Because their phones are not as good as the phones of the rotten Apple company, that is to say, the phone of the Xuanfeng Alliance is already the most advanced in the world.

How can they accept such a thing that happened suddenly?

It's too shocking.

It's like having a very sci-fi dream.

Now they all want to slap themselves to see if they can wake themselves up.

Someone has secretly pinched his thigh to confirm that this incredible thing really happened.

How did the Xuanfeng Alliance do it?

How did they develop this mobile phone that surpasses the rotten Apple company?

Baguda naturally saw the expressions of the people around him, all of whom were confident, proud, happy... all kinds of expressions.

How the people from mobile phone companies in various countries in the world did not believe in the Xuanfeng Alliance before, how they sneered and ridiculed, how uncomfortable they are now.

Baguda smiled and continued with the microphone: "There is no doubt that everyone has seen that our Xuanfeng Alliance has made its own mobile phone, and its performance completely surpasses that of the rotten Apple company."

"Moreover, our mobile phone is already in production and will soon be released to the world. In some technologies, we are also willing to cooperate with some companies and even exchange technologies. The Xuanfeng Alliance welcomes everyone to go there."

"In addition, thank you for the encouragement of the rotten Apple company. Without their encouragement, we would not be able to produce mobile phone technology that surpasses their rotten Apple company in such a short time. I am really grateful to that Apple mobile phone company."

Replacing technology was a decision he made after a meeting with people in China.

Because the barriers, cultural differences and market exclusion between countries have proved that no mobile phone can occupy the entire market of other countries.

Whether it is the psychological resistance of the people or the macro-control of the country, it is impossible.

So, since this is the case, he naturally hopes to cooperate with the mobile phone companies in these countries, with their help, to promote his mobile phones as much as possible.

This is the greatest benefit.

As for the rotten Apple company, forget it, there is no plan to cooperate with them.

Moreover, his last words of thanks are killing people and breaking their hearts.

Kill Cook, and kill the heart of the rotten Apple company.

As soon as Baguda finished speaking, he immediately ordered his men to take back all the mobile phones he brought, put them back into the box, and then walked out of the venue of the exchange meeting without looking back, leaving all the people from mobile phone companies in various countries stunned.

At this level, it seems that there is no need to continue this exchange meeting.

The venue has been smashed by the Xuanfeng Alliance, but they have to consider a problem now. That is the matter of cooperating with the Xuanfeng Alliance. After all, the other party really has more advanced technology.

If they don't cooperate, if other companies cooperate with each other to get the technology, there will be an upgrade on the mobile phone.

If it is their rival company, it will be a very bad thing for them.

Therefore, these people did not intend to stay, and left the venue with their employees, leaving only the confused organizer and Cook of the rotten Apple company.

After leaving the venue, Baguda naturally went to the airport as soon as possible, and then took a plane back to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

First, he didn't want to give those mobile phone companies a chance to entangle. In other countries, this kind of entanglement is not good for him.

Second, he is also showing a kind of self-confidence, to let those mobile phone companies know that if they want to cooperate, they should come to the Xuanfeng Alliance, there is no other choice.

In the Xuanfeng Alliance, everything is up to him.

Naturally, as what happened at the International Mobile Phone Exchange Conference spread around the world, the whole world was also noisy.

Moreover, I don't know how many media have put up the same news headline!

"The new industry leader in the mobile phone industry seems to have been born, and the rotten Apple mobile phone has been ruthlessly crushed in data, and the gap is huge. 》

This title is very attractive.

Everyone knows the best mobile phone in the world. If Apple is the second, no one dares to say it is the first. Now Apple's mobile phone company's mobile phone has been completely crushed.

What an incredible thing!

But seeing that it is the masterpiece of Xuanfeng Alliance, everyone seems to have a strange feeling again, it seems that there is any possibility.

After all, it is Xuanfeng Alliance.

Look at what products Xuanfeng Alliance has now? Nutritional medicine, myopia wine, Xuanfeng Huimeng wine, Xuanfeng mask.

These products are all popular all over the world.

Moreover, they are all leading the world.

No other company's similar products can be more effective than theirs.

Now there is one more mobile phone that is more powerful than the whole world, which does not seem strange.

This is the common people's thinking.

But for some high-level people, it is completely different.

High-tech products are not at the same level as those civilian noodles, medicinal wine and other things.

In modern society, the technology of a country represents the significance of the country at a certain level.

Xuanfeng Alliance has such mobile phone technology, and it is leading the world, which means that they have completely entered the ranks of prosperous countries, proving that they have the soil for technological survival.

Then their voice in the international arena will become greater.

Maybe some people think it is funny, just a mobile phone product, but this is what a world-leading mobile phone technology can represent from another side.

So soon after, people from mobile phone companies in various countries also applied to visit Xuanfeng Alliance to discuss mobile phone technology cooperation.

Even the people who visited are not only people from mobile phone companies, but also some people with special identities.

In this case, Baguda immediately made a decision, that is, to launch Xuanfeng Alliance's own international mobile phone exchange meeting.

This operation can only make people in the mobile phone industry shout 6, just smashed someone else's place, and then they came to hold it in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Baguda also reported this good news to Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng heard the news, a smile naturally appeared on his face.

That is to say, his Xuanfeng Alliance began to rise officially, and the world had to recognize it.

This is an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, he believed that with the entire game world, this was just the beginning.

He not only wanted to make the Xuanfeng Alliance rise, but also to make the Xuanfeng Alliance the strongest country in the world, so that his name would be left in human history.

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