Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 396 They want to make mobile phones? A wave of zombies breaks out!

Baguda saw the surprised look on the researchers' faces and immediately asked, "How is this technology?"

One of the researchers immediately explained, "Mr. Baguda, this mobile phone technology is incredible. If we can make a mobile phone, it can surpass the mobile phone technology of all countries in the world. Even the crappy Apple phones are far inferior."

Another researcher was also shocked and said, "It's really incredible. The world doesn't have such advanced technology yet, but our Xuanfeng Alliance has already come up with it."

The third person said directly, "Mr. Baguda, we will be able to make mobile phones that are more advanced than the world. Soon, the world will be shocked by our Xuanfeng Alliance's mobile phones."

When Baguda heard these words, his face was also shocked.

He knew that the technology the governor brought out would definitely be very advanced, but he didn't expect it to be really world-leading.

In this way, as long as they can develop the mobile phone industry, the employment problems that can be solved will not be inferior to any previous product.

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Moreover, with high-tech technology such as mobile phones, their Xuanfeng Alliance will be better regarded internationally and will completely join the ranks of prosperous countries.

Don't underestimate mobile phone technology.

This kind of high-tech technology has such an effect.

After all, the whole world is now in the information technology era.

"Let someone make this mobile phone as soon as possible." Lu Feng also gave a voice order when Baguda was surprised.

"Don't worry, Governor, I will definitely let someone make the mobile phone as soon as possible." Baguda reported immediately.

After leaving the laboratory with Lu Feng, he went straight back to his office, called his secretary, and directly ordered: "Issue a recruitment invitation to mobile phone talents from all over the world, saying that our Xuanfeng Alliance is going to make high-tech mobile phones, and sincerely invite relevant talents from all countries to join us. If you have the ability and technology, the treatment is easy to talk about."

The secretary was stunned when he heard Baguda's order.

They Xuanfeng Alliance is going to make mobile phone products?

This is a bit unbelievable to him.

After all, as Baguda's secretary, he knows very well what the current technological status of Xuanfeng Alliance is.

They are definitely not related to high-tech mobile phones, let alone making them.

But Mr. Baguda has given such instructions, and the secretary dare not neglect it. He immediately nodded and went out to arrange for people to do it.

Following the secretary's arrangement, a message was soon released to mobile phone talents from all over the world.

The news of Xuanfeng Alliance really shocked people from all over the world.

What a joke?

Is Xuanfeng Alliance crazy?

Even if several products of Xuanfeng Alliance were popular before, people from all over the world did not react much, but were just surprised.

After all, those are soft technologies.

Even if these things do not rely on technology, they can be made by formulas or inherited secret recipes. There are many such products in the world.

Xuanfeng Alliance may be lucky, and there are just a few such product secret recipes or ancient recipes.

But mobile phones are different. They are made by pure technology and scientific research. It is not something that any country can make at will.

In the inherent cognition of countries around the world, Xuanwen Alliance absolutely does not have such technological conditions.

So, suddenly seeing Xuanmen Alliance send out such a recruitment information, everyone will be surprised, even shocked.

Naturally, mobile phone companies around the world have also noticed it, and their reactions vary.

The famous rice company in Longguo said jokingly: "Xuanfeng Alliance is courageous, but making mobile phones is not that simple. Here we send our blessings."

This is obviously not a good tone. It is more of a blessing than a joke.

OP** Company also issued a notice: "I didn't expect a small country to start making mobile phones, so our mobile phone people in Longguo should work harder!"

This seems a bit mediocre, but it is still not optimistic about Xuanfeng Alliance.

Instead, a notice of encouragement was issued for Hua Mobile Phone Company: "Any company that makes mobile phones has a dream, and any dream should be respected. Therefore, we wish Xuanfeng Alliance and look forward to their progress in mobile phone technology. We also hope that we can work together to create miracles."

Not only the mobile phone companies in Longguo.

The rotten Apple company in the United States also saw the news of Xuanfeng Alliance.

The rotten Apple company made a mockery without any concealment: "People in our company got up today. Just after going to work, we saw a very incredible news. We thought we were still asleep. A place that can't be smaller, a place that has never had a technological soil and is backward to the point of being indescribable, they actually said they want to make mobile phones."

"This makes us think about how much it cost to research the Apple mobile phone, how much money it cost, and how many talents it consumed to have today's technology? These are all things that that small place does not have."

"To put it bluntly, if they can make a mobile phone, our rotten Apple mobile phone will withdraw from the mobile phone market and give the market to them."

"By the way, the World Mobile Phone Exchange will start again in a while. If they are not afraid of being laughed at, they can actually come and participate!!!"

The ridicule in this speech was not concealed, and even carried a strong contempt and disdain.

Baguda naturally saw this announcement and sneered directly: "Hmph, we, the Xuanwen Alliance, have to go to this exchange. As for your rotten apple market, you don't have to give it to us. We will grab it ourselves when the time comes."

Baguda was a little angry, but he was also a little confident.

After all, the mobile phone technology that the governor brought out was beyond the rotten apple company.

The mobile phone produced must be better than the rotten apple phone without thinking.

I just don't know if the rotten apple phone can still be so arrogant at that time.

Thinking about it, he made a phone call and ordered it: "No matter what method, make a Xuanfeng mobile phone as quickly as possible."


On the other side, Lu Feng had already looked at the game world, and saw that in the hall of the East Suburb Fortress, Lin Jiao, Wang Cheng, Guo Zhen...those people all gathered here.

This situation obviously means that something big has happened.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng entered the game world with a single thought. As soon as he entered the hall of the East Suburb Fortress, Lin Jiao and Wang Cheng surrounded him.

"Boss, something big has happened. A zombie wave has appeared in Tianhai City."

"Yes, many bases in Tianhai City have been attacked."

"Many zombies have also appeared around our East Suburb Fortress."

"There are also mutant beasts. Our people are trying their best to eliminate them, but the number seems to be increasing."

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