Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 390 Completely restored vision? Everyone was stunned!

Everyone around understood Bowens's plan, and then they all started to make a noise.

"I knew Bowens would definitely make trouble."

"I didn't expect him to use other people's meeting site to hold a product launch conference."

"This time, the people of Xuanfeng Alliance should be very embarrassed."

"The people of Xuanfeng Alliance should regret inviting Yiguilu Company."


In a corner of the venue, Yasna had already appeared with his secretary, observing everything inside the scene.

Seeing Bowens's actions, his brows were also tightly furrowed, and he could naturally see Bowens's plan.

"Is that Yiguilu's people?" Yasna asked the secretary beside him.

Holding this meeting and press conference, he naturally knew a little about Guoguo, the leading company in the eyewear industry.

The secretary naturally remembered all these people in his mind, so he nodded and explained: "Mr. Yasna, the other party is Essilor Chairman Bowens."

Yasna sneered after hearing this.

The other party is here to mess up the scene.

He probably also understands the other party's thoughts.

After all, isn't he the leader?

Unfortunately, the other party has no idea how amazing the products of the Xuanfeng Alliance are.

No matter how advanced the other party's products are, it is impossible to completely restore myopia.

As we all know, even laser technology is not mature now, and it is accompanied by many sequelae.

So the products of their Xuanfeng Alliance are unsolvable.

The other party will eventually become a clown if they do this.

Bowens doesn't think so.

He said something while holding the microphone, and then he laughed when he saw the reactions of the people around him, and then said: "After years of research, our Yiguilu Glasses Company has recently developed a new material product." "This new material product can not only save our products of various processes, but also has very high technicality. It is definitely the most advanced in the world and epoch-making."

"This product can basically change the current status of the material chain of our glasses industry."

"Having said so much, everyone should also want to know the detailed situation of the new product materials. I have brought some information here that can be put on the screen for everyone to watch, so that everyone can have the most intuitive understanding."

Bowens said, and he had already looked at his secretary.

The secretary nodded, walked to the computer controlling the LCD screen in one part of the venue, connected a USB flash drive in his hand to the computer, and began to operate it.

Soon, the LCD screens in various parts of the venue lit up, and rows of data appeared.

Seeing this data, the people from the eyewear companies gathered on the nearest LCD screen to check.

They were all in the eyewear industry, so they could naturally see that the data was plastic.

When they saw the content of the data, they were all shocked.

"The data description is incredible. If so, I don't know how much we can save in costs."

"I didn't expect Yigui Road to develop such a material product. This is incredible." "No wonder Yigui Road can be the leader of this industry. Our company must ask for cooperation from the other party and authorize the product to us."


All of a sudden, the people from the surrounding eyewear companies became confused, walked towards Bowens, and began to please him.

"Mr. Bowens, we have always been in contact. Maybe we can talk about cooperation on materials."

"Mr. Bowens, we really need your product materials. I hope you can authorize this product material to us."

"Mr. Bowens..."

"Mr. Bowens..."


For a while, all the focus was on Bowens.

The bigwigs of the eyewear companies surrounded him and talked.

This made Bowens very satisfied.

This is the effect he wanted.

In this situation, who would still pay attention to the products of Xuanfeng Alliance?

Moreover, after seeing the information of his product, would the other party still have the courage to take out their products?

He thought that the other party did not have the courage.

Just when Bowens was thinking, the lights in the entire banquet hall suddenly dimmed, and a figure came out.

It was Yasna, and all the lights were on Yasna.

This also attracted everyone's attention.

This is much more impressive and more grand than Bowens clapping his hands and holding the microphone.

Bowens looked at this scene with a sneer.

He knew that the protagonist had come out.

He wanted to see how the other party would respond.

Yasna walked to the central stage, and as the lights shone on him, he became the focus of the whole audience.

He also took the microphone handed over by the secretary, and then said to everyone: "First of all, welcome everyone to the Xuanfeng Alliance. Many people should know my identity. I will be responsible for this meeting press conference."

The people from the eyewear companies around him naturally looked at Yasna.

They naturally knew Yasna's identity.

Before, the other party was the leader of Boya, and now he joined the Xuanfeng Alliance and is the deputy governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The other party's identity is completely not on the same level as theirs, so they have to give the necessary respect, so one by one they also looked over.

Yasna continued, "I'm sure everyone is very curious about why our Xuanfeng Alliance invited everyone to come here for this meeting? After all, our Xuanfeng Alliance does not make glasses."

"But this is not important. What's important is that we have a product that can subvert the glasses industry."

"This product is truly epoch-making and can cause a violent shock to the entire glasses industry."

"And our Xuanfeng Alliance summoned everyone to come here for a meeting. In fact, it is also to give everyone a chance to have a ticket to board the ship before this shock occurs."

"Otherwise, the huge waves generated by this shock will drown and destroy everyone."

Yasna's words shocked everyone.

Because this is really too arrogant.

Who gave him the courage to say this?

The Xuanfeng Alliance has never been in the glasses industry, and their technology in this area is 0.

They actually want to subvert the glasses industry and say they will give them a life-saving ticket.

When Bowens heard this, he suddenly laughed and said sarcastically: "Mr. Yasna, I want to ask you, your Xuanfeng Alliance has never been engaged in the eyewear industry, and has no foundation in this field. What makes you say such a thing?"

"Look at the expressions of everyone around you, you should know that we find it incredible that we can hear such words from your mouth. Is the Xuanfeng Alliance so arrogant?"

The people around him obviously agreed with Yasna's words.

They have been in the eyewear industry for too many years. Even if you Xuanfeng Alliance said this, you should have produced a decent product, right?

Yasna looked at the people around him, but suddenly said lightly: "We, the Xuanfeng Alliance, have developed a product that can completely restore the vision of myopic patients."

At the end, he added: "No surgery is required, it is purely oral products."

This light sentence seemed to drop a bomb among the people in those eyewear companies.

With a bang, everyone's ears, including Yasna, were buzzing.

How is it possible?

Can it completely restore the vision of myopic patients?

Isn't this directly digging their foundation?

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