Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 371 Knowing it an hour in advance?

Wen Dona looked at the content of Baguda in the news, and his face was extremely ugly.

Baguda actually announced that he would visit Longguo in the near future and have some negotiations.

Is the other party going to take sides?

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Or is he going to stand on the opposite side of them?

Damn, they haven't used any drastic means yet, they just sent some people over, mainly to investigate the black gold, does the other party need to react so strongly?

Is this going to be a fight to the death?

He also knew why the great gentleman was so angry.

After all, after the establishment of the Xuanfeng Alliance, something with a huge impact such as the Xuanfeng Bank was created, but after the establishment of the other party, it only declared neutrality and did not take any action to take sides.

Because of their actions this time, which side is the other party going to take?

If that's the case, it's definitely not good news for them.

Especially if the Xuanfeng Bank falls into the hands of their old rivals.

The great gentleman above must think that this is caused by him sending people, so he is so angry.

"Have you seen the news?" The great gentleman asked coldly.

Wen Duona said with an ugly face: "See... I see, listen to my explanation..."

"We will extradite your people back and send a letter of apology. We will also punish some people accordingly to show our attitude, so, I will wrong you next." The big gentleman did not give him an extra chance to speak and hung up the phone directly.

Wen Duona's cheeks twitched immediately.

What does it mean?

Wronged him?

Is he going to use him to show his attitude?

Damn it, did he do anything wrong in this matter?

He was extremely unconvinced.

But he knew that since the big gentleman said so, the general meeting must have been held and the decision was made.

Wen Duona smiled bitterly. He only looked at this matter from the perspective of his department, but he did not expect that the Xuanfeng Alliance played this trick, which was a direct political means.

It was really disgusting and dirty.

Damn it.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

After Baguda announced the news of visiting Longguo, it instantly attracted the attention of all around.

It seems that the terrorist incidents in the United States can no longer be paid attention to.

Because everyone knows that with the existence of Xuanfeng Bank, some decisions of the Xuanfeng Alliance have a huge impact.

Especially those who deposit black gold or irregular funds in Xuanfeng Bank are always paying attention to the affairs of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

There are even a lot of inquiry letters sent to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

This makes Baguda very distressed, feeling like he is being burned on the fire.

Every day he runs to the Wind Manor and asks Lu Feng: "Governor, please tell me when there will be a result. I just feel tortured all the time now."

Xiaozhi's voice sounded at this time: "Master, the United States is going to extradite those people, and they have also drafted documents to deal with the people responsible for this matter. In another hour, they will release the news. They have compromised."

Hearing this, Lu Feng also said to Baguda: "Baguda, go back and wait, and see the news from the United States in an hour."

Hearing this, Baguda could only nod and leave the Wind Manor.

After returning to the office, the words of the Governor kept lingering in his mind.

An hour later, will the United States release news?

He did not dare to hesitate, and waited in front of the computer, turning on the transnational news channel.

When an hour later, Baguda saw a news announcement from the United States, he was dumbfounded.

This news was about the treatment of the group of people they caught, and a person in charge named Wen Duona was thrown out to take the blame.

This scene shocked Baguda.

This is the news announced by the United States.

Moreover, how could the Governor know about this content an hour ago?

It is impossible. The other party has no reason to tell the Governor, and there is no possibility of notifying the Governor. But the fact is that the Governor did know.

Baguda can only sigh that the Governor is worthy of being the Governor.

It is always unexpected.

While Baguda was thinking, the secretary rushed in and reported: "Mr. Baguda, the United States sent a letter saying that they want to discuss some things with us and also want to resolve the misunderstanding between us."

When Baguda heard this, his face was full of smiles.

As the governor said, the other party compromised.

Suddenly, I felt relieved.

He immediately said to the secretary: "Accept the letter, then reply to the other party and negotiate."

A day later, Baguda hurried back to Fengzhi Manor and met Lu Feng. As soon as they met, he excitedly said: "Governor, as you said, they have compromised, and their attitude is very soft, but the implication is only one thing, continue to remain neutral, and don't be too warm with Longguo."

"Hehe." Lu Feng smiled and said: "They will not compromise. This time they saw our attitude, so they will do so. They will not give up the idea of ​​​​taking us."

"Once they seize the opportunity, believe me, they will do anything. They are a group of bastards."

Baguda nodded when he heard this, and he deeply agreed. The beautiful country sometimes really uses any despicable means.

However, this time the other party should be very angry.

Lu Feng ordered again: "So, you should also release a message here, saying that you are going to Longguo to discuss the construction of the EMU system."

Baguda nodded, and left Fengzhi Manor again. When he arrived at the office of the administrative center, he also asked his secretary to prepare for the press release.

When they visit to discuss the construction of the EMU system, the United States will think that their compromise has worked.

Not long after, everyone knew about the press conference held by Baguda.

The people of Xuanfeng Alliance cheered directly.

This is definitely a huge surprise for them.

Now the people of Xuanfeng Alliance are rich, and they naturally want to enjoy better after being rich.

In addition, many people from Longguo came to Xuanfeng Alliance, so they naturally knew some of the traffic conditions in Longguo, especially high-speed rail, EMU and the like.

Because the people of Longguo who come here will complain.

Complaining about the poor traffic here, over time, many people know it.

Therefore, with Baguda's press conference this time, some videos about EMUs were also played. The EMUs full of modernization and technology made the people of Xuanfeng Alliance look forward to it. It can be said that the happiness index soared.

Naturally, this press conference was also seen by the people in the United States first.

In the temporary office of the FBI.

Wen Duona held a punishment report, his face was extremely ugly.

Especially when he saw the news about Baguda, he even had a feeling that the other party was not visiting Longguo from the beginning, but for the matter of the EMU system.

But this is not important, those big leaders must think that this is the credit of their compromise.

For those people, don’t they think compromise is an art?

What a son of a bitch.

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