Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 368 This is bad luck! I never thought of it!

More than 10 billion US dollars.

This is what Xiaozhi said about extra income.

Even though he now has Xuanfeng Bank and doesn't care about money at all, he can't help but be shocked when he sees such a large amount.

What did Xiaozhi do to get all this money?

Lu Feng counted several times in a row to make sure that he didn't add or subtract a zero.

Xiaozhi explained proudly at this time: "Master, they want to follow the information to track down the black gold of Nix, so I led them to find some information about the black gold, and they also recorded the information about the black gold."

"After that, I cut off the information about the black gold of Nix, so that the other party could not track it. Finally, I operated all the black gold and flowed it into the FBI account. Finally, I played the fund disappearing trick and transferred all the money to the master."

"No one will find out, the FBI can only take this blame, and I left them 250 US dollars for each black gold."

Lu Feng was surprised when he heard this.

Isn't this killing people?

He could imagine how the FBI would feel when they saw this result.

It would be more uncomfortable than eating a mouthful of shit.

Xiaozhi then said: "Master, the FBI has been causing trouble for us. This time I specially taught them a lesson. The black money I selected are all international terrorists, desperate societies, assassin organizations and the like."

"Moreover, I deliberately left clues pointing to the FBI. Now those people are preparing to deal with the FBI. A terrorist organization has planned to hijack a plane and crash it into the FBI headquarters."

"Fuck..." Lu Feng couldn't help swearing when he heard this, and then immediately added: "Well done."

I can only say that it is true. Those guys will be uncomfortable for a while.

I am afraid that they may also suffer heavy losses.

The other party may never know that they are being targeted by an artificial intelligence.

Xiaozhi really has no solution to this matter, unless the other party can handle the money like Nex does without using the Internet.

But in modern society, this kind of thing is impossible.

On the other side, in the Boya Center branch of Xuanfeng Bank, Naix and several of his men were shaking.

They all looked at the message they received on their phones in disbelief, a full 1.6 billion US dollars.

20% of which was withdrawn by Xuanfeng Bank.

But even so, more than 1.6 billion US dollars made their blood boil.

Rick, the vice president of the bank, also smiled and said: "Congratulations, gentlemen, now you will be very distinguished VIP users of our branch."

Naix was in no mood to argue with Rick at this time, and hurriedly took several men out of the Xuanfeng Bank branch.

Not long after, he led his men back to the temporary station arranged for them by the Xuanfeng Alliance.

As soon as he arrived, the pirates all surrounded him.

"Chief, how is it?"

"Has the money been transferred?"

"No accidents?"

The pirates were very anxious and expectant.

Naix did not hesitate, took out his mobile phone, and then operated it for a while, calling up the operation page of the Xuanfeng Alliance for everyone to see.

The balance on it was exactly more than 1.6 billion US dollars.

The pirates even counted it several times in disbelief, and finally confirmed that it was really that much money.

"The money is coming."

"Is it really coming?"

"Will the FBI catch up with us soon?"

They knew that the FBI had been trying to find out about them, but they didn't know that the newly emerged Sal Pirate Organization was the one they were looking for.

Now that they have moved this money, the other party will definitely keep an eye on them and will not let them go easily. .

This made everyone's face look ugly.

Yes, they haven't passed the last level yet.

If the FBI comes to the door, it is unknown whether the Xuanfeng Alliance will really protect them as promised.

But they have no choice now, they can only choose to wait and believe.

Naix also immediately instructed others: "From now on, keep an eye on the news from the United States. Once the FBI makes a move, maybe we can know it in advance."

In the following time, Naix and all his men stayed in this temporary base, and the Xuanfeng Alliance did not urge him to take office.

He just waited.

But the longer he waited, the more nervous he became.

With the FBI's responsiveness, they should have found clues to the black money. They might have been tracking them down and secretly negotiating with the Xuanfeng Alliance.

"Captain Nex, good news, good news." A pirate suddenly ran to Nex frantically.

"What good news?" Nex asked hurriedly.

The pirate immediately said, "Look at the news from the United States. Something big has happened. A big shot from the FBI has been killed by a killer. Moreover, the terrible Blood Red Killer Organization has sent a message to take responsibility for this matter, and said that this matter will not end, it is just the beginning..."

"Blood Red?" Nex was stunned.

How did the FBI provoke this organization? This organization is very scary.

This is good news.

With this killer organization to hold them back, the FBI may not have the energy to care about them.

Nex hurriedly took his phone to read the news. Suddenly, a hot search news popped up, attracting his attention.

"Plane - crashed into a building, what grudges caused the other party to die together with the FBI?" 》

Naix immediately clicked on the news. When he saw the video showing plane wreckage, broken buildings, crying, and dead bodies, he was stunned.

This is too tragic.

"Hahaha." Nex laughed immediately. In this case, if the FBI is still in the mood to care about them, then these people are too ambitious.

"Chief, are we okay?" the pirate asked subconsciously.

Naix smiled cheerfully and said: "Hahaha, call all the brothers and let's start dividing the money." Hearing Naix's words, the pirate hurriedly ran out.

After a while, a group of pirates were seen rushing over.

"Boss Nex, are you okay now?"

"The FBI is in big trouble."

"Haha, I can finally use the money."


When Naix heard what these pirates said, he also said loudly: "Now, divide the money."

He took out his mobile phone, logged into the operation page of Xuanfeng Bank, and at the same time called Rick at Xuanfeng Bank.

If you want to distribute the money to your brothers, the bank must relax the limit restrictions.

I've been greeted by the bank a long time ago, and Nex's request has been agreed to.

Therefore, not long after, Nex distributed more than 1.6 billion US dollars to his men, and all of a sudden, these pirates became wealthy one by one.

At least in a place like Xuanfeng Alliance, they are the richest people.

These pirates were also very excited and asked one after another:

"Chief Nex, what should we do next?"

"Yeah, now that we have the money, what's next for us?"


Naix smiled and said: "What else can I do? I am a naval general of the Xuanfeng Alliance. Those who want to be a navy will join me. Those who don't want to be a navy can just be an ordinary person. If you want to do business, do business or hang out. Eat and wait to die."

"Of course, what we have to do now is to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, a luxury, luxury, luxury, luxury, and luxury cars. As for the women, it's up to you to buy them."

After saying that, Naix led a group of pirates out of the temporary base and prepared to scatter money.

In Wind Manor, Lu Feng also saw the news. When the news really came out, even though he had heard Xiaozhi say that such a thing would happen, he was still more excited.

After all, the country I hate is in trouble, so shouldn’t I applaud?

So, I was in a good mood and ate a little more for lunch.

But on the other side, the faces of the FBI people were extremely ugly.

The head of the FBI is Wen Duona, an authentic blond white middle-aged man.

In a building, he naturally saw the battered headquarters. He never thought that the place he was responsible for would become like this.

And all this turned out to be just because of a sum of black gold.

"You really deserve to die." Wen Duona looked at the group of people in front of him with a gloomy face.

They are all heads of various departments, but now they are all in a panic. .

"Tell me, I want a solution." Wen Duona said coldly.

Those people did not dare to slack off and spoke out one after another:

"Mr. Wen Dona, we are undoubtedly being plotted this time, but we didn't expect that there are such powerful hackers among the pirate remnants."

"Now we have guessed where the black gold went. As long as we catch the black gold, we can find out the person behind it."

"Where?" Wen Duona asked hurriedly.

Several people said almost in unison: "Xuanfeng Bank!"

One person said: "Now the only one with the ability to protect such a large amount of black gold is Xuanfeng Bank. Swiss Bank no longer has this ability."

Another person also said: "Yes, we can take the opportunity this time to notify the Xuanfeng Alliance and ask the Xuanfeng Bank to cooperate with us in investigating this matter. We can just take the opportunity to grasp the situation of Xuanfeng Bank."

"Will the Xuanfeng Alliance also be involved?" Wen Duona asked suddenly.

The person who spoke at the beginning said immediately: "If the other party refuses to cooperate with us, it means that they have a guilty conscience and must have been involved. I have the right to take action. The reason is sufficient."

Wen Duona has no better way, and this is also their common method.

Therefore, he also nodded: "I will immediately send a letter to the Xuanfeng Alliance and ask Xuanfeng Bank to cooperate with our investigation."

"As for you, rush to Xuanfeng Bank as quickly as possible to investigate the whereabouts of the black gold. Only when the results come out will the attacks against us stop."

"In addition, as long as there are results, try to drag Xuanfeng Bank down. They will not allow such a financial structure to be outside their control unless they can stand up like Swiss Bank."

Obviously, these people have not thought about it. Is the Xuanfeng Alliance itself involved?

But in their eyes, it was impossible for the Xuanfeng Alliance to have any entanglements with those pirates, let alone the black gold.

They would never have thought that all this was just because the Xuanfeng Alliance wanted to recruit a pirate.

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