Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 364 Nex is confused!

Naix was stunned when he heard the words of the young governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

What's the meaning?

Does the other party want to conquer him?

Or in the words of Longguo, to order him to peace?

There was a look of astonishment on Nex's face.

He thought about many possibilities before he was brought here, and even thought that the other party might want to get something from him.

But he definitely didn't expect that the other party would have this purpose.

I couldn't react at all for a while.

Lu Feng looked at Nex and continued: "I know you have always wanted to retire, take your men and stop being pirates, and then find a small country to hide and live a normal life."

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Nex's face looked even worse.

Because he only told a few confidants when he was inside, and no one outside knew about it.

If someone hadn't betrayed him, the other party would never know this.

"Who betrayed me?" Naix sighed and asked the same question again.

"Why do you think someone has betrayed you?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.

Naix frowned and said: "You can't know these things unless someone betrayed me."

Lu Feng said jokingly: "Don't talk about this. If I want to know, I can know even if the President of the United States has not had sex with his secretary."

"..." Naix had no doubt that the other party was bragging.

How could the other party know where the president of the beautiful country works?

But thinking that his detailed plan was clearly known to the other party, he felt a little helpless. If no one really betrayed him, then the other party was indeed terrible.

Lu Feng continued: "Nex, your goal is just to retire and stop being a pirate and find a place to live a normal life. What do you think of our Xuanfeng Alliance?"

"Our Xuanfeng Alliance has just been established, and now Poya has just joined. After the construction of the new seaport, we need sufficient seamount defense forces."

"Boya's maritime director is a piece of rubbish. I threw your detailed plan in his face, but he still hesitated and failed to give a plan immediately."

"So, how about joining our Xuanfeng Alliance? As the head of the navy, you are a general, and those under you can also join the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"This way they can be considered retired. They can choose to be civilians or navy. What do you think?"

When Naix heard this, it was impossible that his heart did not fluctuate a little.

He was born in the navy and has an indescribable affection for the navy, let alone the head of a country's navy and being a general.

Although this is only a small country, if you think about it carefully, the Xuanfeng Alliance's economy is not poor now, and its reputation is not low. After all, there is such an existence as Xuanfeng Bank.

"Nex, what do you think?" Lu Feng asked again.

Naix frowned and asked: "Can you trust me? Are you not afraid that I will rebel?"

Lu Feng smiled and said unabashedly: "Since I want to protect you, I trust you. As for your rebellion, I am not looking down on you. I want your life anytime, anywhere, no matter where you escape. He wonโ€™t survive the next day.โ€

"Or, I just need to press a button, and that thing around your neck can kill you in the next second."

"Don't even think about taking that thing off. It's impossible to take it off. If you don't believe it, I welcome you to try it when you go back."

As for Nex's character, from the information collected from Xiaozhi, we can know that there is no problem at all.

As for the other party's rebellion, there's really no need to worry.

Naix could feel Lu Feng's confidence and couldn't help but sigh. That's right, his life was now in the opponent's hands, so there was no need to talk about rebellion.

Unless he can catch the other party, use the other party as a hostage, so that the other party cannot move the thing around his neck, and threaten the other party to remove it.

This is possible.

But thinking about those terrifying special warriors, he had no chance at all.

Unless these special warriors can still be separated.

This is almost impossible.

The other party will not listen to his mercy, and even if he does this, other situations may arise.

Therefore, he basically has no choice.

"Are you sure you can let go of my men? They can be civilians if they want? You won't settle accounts with them again?" Nex finally asked.

Lu Feng nodded: "Of course, provided they have not committed a crime, otherwise, we will not be merciful."

Nex nodded, no one else would tolerate this.

So, he asked again: "Can we deposit the money into Xuanfeng Bank? Regardless of the source, and ensure that the funds will not be traced, even if someone comes to investigate?"

Lu Feng laughed when he heard this: "Who do you think Xuanfeng Bank can investigate if they want to? Since our Xuanfeng Bank has replaced Swiss Bank, we will not make the same mistake as Swiss Bank again. โ€

Lu Feng has no doubt that the other party is a black gold, and even if the money is used, it may be investigated by a certain force, and it will definitely be investigated.

That's why the other party said that.

But the other party wants to deposit the money in Xuanfeng Bank, wouldn't it be better? Be able to control these people better.

As for a certain force that monitors the money, with Xiaozhi here, not even a single hair of the other party can be traced.

After hearing Lu Feng's promise, Naix finally gritted his teeth and said, "I can agree to join the Xuanfeng Alliance. After all, I have no choice. Now I can only hope that you will do the same as you said."

He specially added the word "you" to express his helplessness.

Lu Feng didn't care about this at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Why don't you invite our General Naix to the table?"

Baguda immediately cooperated tacitly, stepped forward and pulled Naix to the conference table, and said with a smile on his face: "General Naix, we are all family members in the future. Come, let's discuss the new seaport together, especially the navy. A naval base will be built near the new seaport. Which location should we choose?"

Naix sat down and saw a tablet on the table with a map on it.

The map was the location of the entire seaport, and the location of the beach scenic area and the new seaport had been marked.

We need to find a place in the remaining areas to build a naval base.

Seeing this, Naix at least knew that the Xuanfeng Alliance really wanted to build a navy. As for the purpose of recruiting him, he could not completely believe the other party.

These politicians are all very evil-minded.

But he really has no choice now. All his men have been arrested and his life is in the hands of the other party.

"General Nex, tell me, where should the naval base be located?" Baguda still asked Nex with a smile, his eyes seemed full of expectations.

Nex saw at a glance which location of the harbor was suitable, and pointed to a location on the flat map and said: "This location is most suitable for building a base. Similarly, to build a naval base, a main base alone is not enough. There must be at least two observation bases, and more than 10 observation buildings."

"Observation base, these two places are enough, and here, here, here... These places are suitable for building observation buildings."

Nex also drew circles on the map in one breath, and drew out the locations one by one.

Seeing this, Lu Feng immediately smiled and said: "Since General Nex has come up with the plan, then this matter will be fully handed over to him. Baguda, you are responsible for the handover."

After speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

He is a hands-off boss. He is too lazy to worry about these things. Moreover, his main purpose is to appease Nex.

This goal has been achieved. As for how it will develop in the future, it depends on the situation. Let Xiaozhi monitor the other party comprehensively.

Moreover, he has an electronic chain, so he is not afraid of the other party playing tricks. Sometimes choosing to trust the other party directly will have unexpected results.

Seeing Lu Feng actually walk directly down, Nex was obviously stunned. What does it mean that such a big thing is fully handed over to him? ?

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