Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 362: Just targeted by artificial intelligence!

Seeing the beach in chaos, Naix immediately looked at the beach guard stationed.

As he expected, the guards noticed the movement on the beach and ran to the turbulent beach to check the situation.

Under his three-step plan, all the guards were attracted.

So, it was time for them to act.

"Go, rush to the super cruise ship in the shortest time." Naix gave the order without hesitation, and then the pirates around him also roared.

The pirate ships hidden around were all started and quickly drove towards the super cruise ship of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

With the cover of night, they soon arrived in front of the cruise ship, and they were not discovered by any guards.

Now the guards on the beach have been transferred by him, and most of the guards on the cruise ship should have been attracted to the beach, and they would not expect that someone would suddenly attack on the sea.

Naix easily let people throw out the hook, hook the railing of the super cruise ship, and then step on the outer wall of the cruise ship and climb up.

They soon boarded the cruise ship.

However, this is only the bottom layer of the cruise ship, and we have to go up.

Because the press conference cannot be held here.

"Find the location of the monitoring room first, then control it, and try not to be discovered." Naix gave the order without hesitation.

The pirates also scattered and searched.

They also knew that their actions must monitor the monitoring room first, so that the monitoring room cannot notify other people.

Otherwise, they will definitely be discovered by the monitoring room if they move upwards.

Once the other party notifies the guards, it will cause them unnecessary trouble.

Then most of what they did before will be in vain.

The pirates searched layer by layer.

But soon they found an abnormal situation, because there was no one on the three floors below, not even staff.

This is absolutely abnormal, it is impossible to be like this.

They reported one after another:

"Leader Naix, there are some abnormal conditions."

"I didn't find any human figures here."

"Don't say tourists, what about the staff, they are also missing?"


Naix also found something abnormal, it shouldn't be like this.

It's understandable that there are few people, but it's absolutely abnormal if there are no people.

Since the Xuanfeng Alliance has such a big cruise ship, why leave three floors empty? After all, there are still so many people on the beach. As long as it is open, many people will be willing to pay for tickets.

Naix realized something and hurriedly shouted: "The situation is a bit bad, retreat quickly."

The pirates were not stupid either. They also realized it. After hearing the order, they followed Naix and retreated to the bottom 1st floor.

Then, Naix signaled to his ships and asked them to pick him up.

But what surprised him was that no matter how he signaled, the ships did not respond.

Instead, all the lights on the ships were turned on and shone around.

The ships were nowhere to hide in the darkness.

Naix's face changed instantly.

Something happened.

Sure enough, through the light on the ship, he could see that all his people were detained in the middle of the deck, squatting with their heads in their hands.

Soldiers with weapons were guarding them all around.

"This..." Naix's face was no longer bloody.

His ships were controlled silently.

This simply gave him a huge shock.

How did the other party know?

How did the other party do it?

His subordinates were not straw men. It was impossible for them not to detect any movement and it was impossible for them not to send any notification.

More importantly, the scene in front of him looked like a trap carefully prepared for him.

But how did the other party know what he came for?

His plan could not be known by outsiders. All the subordinates who attended the meeting were trusted by him and would not betray him.

Just when Nex was horrified, a burst of dense footsteps sounded, and he saw a group of guards rushing over, all holding weapons in their hands, pointing at them.

In this situation, they had almost no way to survive except jumping into the sea.

But if they jumped into the sea in this situation, they would be easily swept in under the water pressure of this super cruise ship, and they would die miserably.

Nex's face was extremely ugly. Before boarding the super cruise ship, he was still complacent and did not take the commander of the Xuanfeng Alliance seriously at all.

He thought the other party was a fool, who was manipulated by him and played around.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

He himself bumped into them like a fool.

Thinking of this, Nex was extremely angry and felt very frustrated about losing, and he didn't even understand the situation.

He subconsciously picked up the gun and wanted to resist.

The next moment, two figures suddenly rushed in front of him, and one of them grabbed one of his hands.

At that moment, Nex was stunned.

He couldn't react to the speed of the two people just now.

The pirates were also horrified. They only felt two figures rushing past, and then they saw that the leader of Nex had fallen into the hands of the other party.

"What the hell are you?" Nex's face was full of horror. He wanted to struggle, but found that the strength of these two people was also much stronger than him.

Although speed ability users are good at speed, their physical fitness is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary people.

At this time, Naix saw another sturdy black man rushing over.

His men were actually knocked out by the black man and hit the wall like a ball, wailing and unable to get up.

Also, his men had already stopped resisting, but the other party still...

"What kind of power is this?" Naix stared at the black man with wide eyes.

But Vast had already arrived in front of Naix and said coldly: "Be a good prisoner now, our governor wants to see you..."

As he said that, Naix couldn't react and knocked him out with a punch.

When other pirates saw this scene, some wanted to support, but they were all pointed at by guns and dared not move at all. After that, they were disarmed and detained without even a chance to resist.

In a short time, the Sar Pirate Organization, which was feared by other places, was completely controlled without causing any trouble.

Who made them targeted by an artificial intelligence surveillance, all plans were the same as being defenseless for the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The super cruise ship was still very lively, and the press conference hosted by Liu Hai was going smoothly.

Those fat tourists rushed to click according to the prompts of the APP, grabbing the free treatment experience.

Swat directly carried Nex and walked down.

The two speed ability users followed closely behind.

The other warriors all looked at the three people in horror.

They were all special warriors under the Red Lizard. They were very strong, and the special forces could not pass a few hands in their hands.

They were the secret troops of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and they were only loyal to the Governor.

But they knew that the Governor had a more mysterious, more powerful, and terrifying team.

The three people in front of them were members of this terrifying team, and their strength was really terrifying.

At the same time, this also made their eyes hot, because this terrifying team would select people from them to join, as long as they could join that special team, they could get that terrifying power.

Just like they were selected from ordinary soldiers at the beginning, after taking the soup made from special bones, their strength also became very terrifying.

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