Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 351 Can Save All Fatty People

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"Mr. Baguda, do you have any instructions for me today?" Wang Kai answered the phone and immediately said to the other side.

"Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry to bother you again. We still want to ask you for a favor this time." Baguda was also very polite to Wang Kai.

After all, he also knew that Qingfeng Network Company was the Governor.

The other party was the person supported by the Governor in Longguo.

"Mr. Baguda, please speak." Wang Kai said immediately.

Baguda also stated his purpose: "Mr. Wang, we would like to ask your Qingfeng Network Company to help post an advertisement. Our Xuanfeng Alliance wants to recruit an international port operation manager to participate in supervising the construction of our port."

"By the way, please help us review and pay attention to the right person. In addition, if the other party comes to the Xuanfeng Alliance, in addition to the treatment of the other party's port manager, we will also give him the treatment of the Xuanfeng Alliance's department level."

Wang Kai knew the reason when he heard this, and immediately said: "Okay, Mr. Baguda, I will help you arrange it immediately."

After hanging up the phone, he also immediately called the advertising department and gave instructions.

When Boya joined the Xuanfeng Alliance before, because of the popularity of the Xuanfeng Alliance in China, Boya also attracted the attention of domestic netizens.

As we all know, there are many gods among netizens.

Some people have long said that Boya is a natural seaport.

This natural seaport does not know how to develop. Either Boya's economy is too poor and backward, or Boya's leaders are too stupid.

After the Xuanfeng Alliance annexed Boya, it will definitely develop this natural seaport.

This may be a good opportunity for domestic port operators.

I didn't expect it to be true.

The Xuanfeng Alliance is already developing a port, and is looking for a port operation manager from China.

Qingfeng Network Company's current strength makes it very efficient.

Not long after, an advertisement about the Xuanfeng Alliance's international port recruiting an operation manager spread across the Internet.

This naturally caused a stir on the Internet.

"Those gods really guessed it right. Xuanfeng Alliance actually built an international seaport."

"I just don't know what the treatment is like in the seaport? I work in the seaport. If the treatment is good, I would like to give it a try."

"The scale of this seaport should not be small, right? After all, the person in charge is given a department-level treatment."

"This means that if you work in the Xuanfeng Alliance, it means you have stepped into the official of the Xuanfeng Alliance. Maybe there will be opportunities for promotion in the future. This is a complete opportunity for a businessman to transform into a politician."

"Think about it, a gangster can become the warden of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and there is also that Chen Bo. He is one of the several high-level people in Boya announced by the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"He seems to be a Longguo person, so Longguo people going to Boya will really have development."

"For those who pursue this development, this is indeed an opportunity."

This advertisement naturally attracted countless people, including many high-level people working in the seaport.

The Xuanfeng Alliance is now very famous in Longguo. Unlike before, everyone thought they were poor. .

There are even more and more Dragon people working in Xuanfeng Alliance. They will spread the news back to China and let everyone know that the employment environment of Xuanfeng Alliance is very good and the salary is very high.

The key is that you don’t need a dowry to marry a wife, and there will be a dowry. As long as you are willing to work in Xuanfeng Alliance for a long time, it is still very easy to find a beautiful girlfriend, and you don’t need to coax her with a little beauty like in China.

If you are willing to join the nationality of Xuanfeng Alliance, you don’t need a dowry to marry a beautiful woman with a good figure.

Naturally, there are more people going to Xuanfeng Alliance now, and the competition is also great. In the case of no dowry or house, men must have strong capital.

This capital can be money, figure, and appearance.

Therefore, after seeing the advertisement issued by Qingfeng Network Company, many senior managers working in the harbor have been tempted and have sent their resumes to Qingfeng Network Company.

But when there are conditions for the treatment of the Xuanfeng Alliance’s department level, some special people began to send their resumes to Qingfeng Network Company.

These are the senior executives of state-owned enterprises or Guozi Port. Some of them have experience in port operation, while others do not.

These people are just going for the section-level treatment, because the Xuanfeng Alliance has great opportunities.

Some of them have already reached the section-level position, but they still want to go to the Xuanfeng Alliance, because there is basically no opportunity in China, and it will take 5 or 10 years to wait for the opportunity to move up.

But after their research, it seems that the Xuanfeng Alliance is still in line with their expectations.

In the next few days, more and more people of this kind appeared, and Wang Kai had to organize people to help review and investigate the authenticity of these people's information.

While the domestic network was busy, the nutritional supplements of the Xuanfeng Alliance had also been sent to all parts of the world by express delivery.

The United States.

In the office of the chairman of the largest health product company, Walmart, Luke frowned and waited for news.

As one of the five countries with the fattest per capita in the world, the United States has always had a huge market for health products in the direction of weight loss products.

Luke sat in the office, looking at the assistant who came in, and hurriedly asked: "What are the results of the test analysis?"

A few days ago, he received an email for no apparent reason. It actually said "slimming nutrient supplement", which was obviously a weight loss health product.

At first, he was a little annoyed. Even if there were some problems with Womar's weight loss products in the past two years, it was suppressed by competitors.

But they are such a big company. Can you just make a product and send it to them and say that it can be stronger than their company?

He has encountered this kind of thing more than once.

But this time it was different. He also saw the four words "Xuanfeng Alliance".

This weight loss nutrient supplement was actually sent by the Xuanfeng Alliance, and there was also an invitation card from the Xuanfeng Alliance.

So, he had to pay attention to this product, bring it to the company, and have it tested and analyzed.

After all, the products of the Xuanfeng Alliance have been very popular internationally recently. Whether it is Huimeng Wine or Xuanfeng Mask, they are all popular all over the world.

The secretary immediately put a document on Luke's desk and reported: "Sir, the results are out. The nutritional mixture of the Xuanfeng Alliance is indeed magical. There are several synthetic plant proteins in it. We can't analyze what plants they are synthesized from. However, there is no problem with safety and the effect is unexpectedly strong."

"According to the expected effect, three potions a day can not only maintain the nutritional needs of the human body, but also do not produce any calories and fat..."

"With such an effect, even if it is the wife, she can completely restore her youthful figure in about 1-2 months. Moreover, with this potion, no matter how much the wife eats and drinks in the future, she will not have to worry about body management."

"Can you be sure?" Luke was shocked.

His wife had a 90-pound waist when she was in love with him, and after marriage, she had a 150-pound barrel waist. He really had no desire for her, but the key point was that his wife held more company shares than him.

He still had to pay public grain honestly every day.

The weight of the barrel waist was really unbearable.

So, how shocked was he to hear the secretary's words at this time? This kind of nutrition agent from Xuanfeng Alliance actually has such a terrifying effect?

This product can completely save his wife and his waist.

"Yes, sir." The secretary nodded affirmatively.

Hearing this confirmed news, Luke stood up in shock, not like the chairman of a large international group.

He almost shouted: "Immediately conduct a comprehensive analysis of this product and prepare a business plan for this product. Before I go to Xuanfeng Alliance, I want to see a perfect plan."

The same scene was staged in different places. Many related companies around the world received the product express from Xuanfeng Alliance.

After discovering the magical effect of this Xuanfeng weight loss nutrition agent, almost all the companies that received the product were like Luke, and it was really difficult to control themselves.

This product of Xuanfeng Alliance will definitely be a magical product that saves all fat people.

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