Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 323 It went wrong just as I was taking action! I'm so sorry!

Baquan quickly led people to the surroundings of the Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory.

There were only three people around him, but there were more than that. When he gave a signal, the others would gather.

Soon, he found a secret place in the factory.

"There are no cameras here, and it is at the back. If we sneak in from here, the other party will not find us." Baquan was guarding and summoned others to come.

At the same time, in the Wind Manor, Lu Feng was also watching the video screen played in the hall.

It was the scene of Baquan and his friends gathering.

But this picture was not taken by a monitor, but by a high-definition satellite of a big country.

Xiaozhi borrowed this satellite for a while, and even the owner of this satellite didn't know.

It can be seen that the corner where those people gathered was indeed very secretive, and it was difficult to be discovered if they sneaked in, but it can be seen that on the other side of the wall, a group of soldiers with real guns and live ammunition have been standing quietly, waiting for the opportunity.


Outside the Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory.

Baquan quickly gathered the people together, and two boxes were lifted out.

When they opened them, they were full of weapons.

With the current situation of the Xuanfeng Alliance, many things were not perfect, and he easily led people to sneak in from the border.

After distributing the weapons to everyone, Baquan also began to give orders: "Remember, control the entire factory as soon as you go in, especially the monitoring room. We must try our best to get the formula before the other party finds out, and then leave. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

"Baquan, don't worry!"


The people promised one after another.

"Action!" Baquan finally gave the order, took the lead in grabbing the wall, and flipped over.

The same was true for the others, most of them acted at the same time, and jumped up and grabbed the wall and flipped over.

Baquan was agile, like a monkey crossing a stream, and he was inside the wall in a blink of an eye.

But then, he was dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned.

In front of him, two rows of soldiers with weapons pointed their guns at him.

At that moment, he felt his scalp tingling, and he had only one thought: How could this happen?

The other party was ambushed?

But how did the other party know that he would bring people here?

Following that, most of the people brought by Baquan turned over. When they saw the black muzzle of the gun in front of them, they were all dumbfounded, and even their backs were instantly wet with cold sweat.

"Don't come in, run!" Baquan reacted instantly and shouted to the people outside. At the same time, he rushed directly to the nearest person.

He didn't know what was going on in front of him, but he firmly believed in his strength. Even if he died, he could take a few people away.

Unfortunately, the soldier on the opposite side stepped out directly, raised the butt of the gun, and before Baquan could react, he directly hit him in the face with the butt of the gun, knocking him directly to the ground.

"How is it possible?" Baquan was facing the ground.

At that moment, he felt that his worldview collapsed.

He had been in the mercenary industry for so long and was very confident in his strength, but why could this soldier from the Xuanfeng Alliance kill him in seconds?

In his mind, this was impossible. He could fight 20 such soldiers alone.

Obviously, he didn't know how powerful these special warriors under the Red Lizard were, otherwise, the other party would definitely not have the courage to come.

Baquan was hit by a gun butt and couldn't get up for a long time.

Seeing this, the others also suddenly raised their weapons to resist. Even if it was a black muzzle, they were determined and fearless.

But their resistance was futile.

Those soldiers were well prepared, how could they give them a chance? As the gunshots rang out, those people were shot one after another and fell in a pool of blood.

The people outside were shocked after hearing Baquan's shouts. Just when they were about to react, they saw soldiers surrounding them one by one.

They were shocked and knew that they were ambushed.

But when they came, they were ready to die, and raised their guns angrily, but the result they received was the same.

In an instant, all these people were solved, leaving only one Baquan.

"Hold him up!" The captain in charge of this special warrior looked at Baquan coldly and shouted.

Two people immediately stepped forward, grabbed Baquan's arms, and dragged him in front of the captain in charge.

"Tell me? Where did it come from?" The captain in charge immediately questioned.

"Hahaha!" Baquan laughed when he heard it, laughing wildly, helplessly, and unwillingly.

In this laughter, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his body softened and lost his breath.

A soldier immediately checked and frowned, saying: "He committed suicide. There was poison in his mouth."

Wind Manor. .

Lu Feng saw this scene and frowned immediately.

What kind of enemy is the most troublesome?

That is the enemy who is not afraid of death.

These people obviously came with the intention of not risking their lives, and they didn't seem to think about going back.

Are the people in Boya so cruel?

He underestimated this country.

Not long after.

Hong Xi and Dalai arrived at Wind Manor.

As soon as the Dalai Lama came in, he reported: "Governor, there was a fight at the Xuanfeng Seasoning Factory. I took people there, and the Red Lizard's people have already resolved the fight."

"According to my investigation, these people are definitely not ordinary thieves, but rather well-trained warriors. I suspect that they are people from a neighboring country who can't stand the good of our Xuanfeng Alliance."

The Dalai Lama was originally the commander-in-chief of the Cambodian army. Like Baguda, he was also a man who was dedicated to the people. Now that he saw the changes in this area, he had already surrendered sincerely.

In addition to the electronic chain on his neck, the other party still controlled those ordinary troops.

He obviously didn't know that Lu Feng knew everything, and even knew where these people came from.

But this is also a problem, because all the people are dead, and there is no evidence.

Even if he asked Xiaozhi to get the files of these people from Boya, the other party would deny it and say that they were forged.

So, this is why many people like to use the trick of death without evidence from ancient times to the present.

Originally, I wanted to catch the person and then take the opportunity to make trouble with Boya. .

After all, the other party occupies the natural port and has a sea area connected to the "Hardness Sea".

You know, the cost of air transportation is very high, far less affordable than sea transportation.

So, if you can catch Boya's handle, you may have a chance to take action and take this place.

But now there is no evidence.

I can only give up.

But the matter cannot be settled like this.

After Dalai and Red Lizard left again, he said to Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, teach them a lesson and destroy their network."

In today's Internet information age, if a country has no network, it is equivalent to being beaten back to the old times.

Think about it, what will happen if you can't go online, the banking system can't be used, the gas system can't be used, and the payment system can't be used...?

It will drive people crazy.

Facing those big countries, he may not dare to let Xiaozhi do too much. If he really breaks up and is targeted by those big countries, then even if he is not afraid alone, the Xuanfeng Alliance can't stop it.

But a small Boya doesn't need to care at all.

The president of Boya is called Yasna.

The other party is also a knowledgeable person who has studied in the West.

Similar to Baguda of Cambodia*, he also wants to change the current situation of his hometown through what he has learned and get rid of poverty.

So, he has been working hard. Although the whole Boya has improved, the situation is still a bit bad.

Recently, the Xuanfeng Alliance has been attracting his attention.

When that place was called Cambodia, it was in the same boat with Boya.

But now that that place has become the Xuanfeng Alliance, the situation has changed, especially the appearance of those products, which has completely improved the lives of most people in that area.

He sent people to check the Xuanfeng Alliance. The lives of the people there have improved. Even the poorest villages have built beautiful brick houses.

This made him very envious, confused, and even unwilling.

In the same situation, why did others suddenly become rich, while he was still short, ugly and poor?

So, he knew what he should do.

He looked at the products of the Xuanfeng Alliance on the table.

As long as he could get the formula of these products, Boya could rise like the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Now it depends on the actions of Baquan and others. If it is not necessary, he will never take that extreme step.

When Yasna thought about it, he couldn't help but pick up the products of the Xuanfeng Alliance and looked at them one by one.

He really didn't understand how the Xuanfeng Alliance developed these things. Maybe they have some talents?

If he could get these talents.

Thinking of this, he apologized to Baguda in his heart. Although he and Baguda were the same kind of people and worthy of respect, he had no choice but to do it for his hometown!

Just then, several people rushed in from outside:

"Mr. Yasna, something bad has happened..."

"Mr. President, something bad has happened!"

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