Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 315 Crazy! Something is wrong!

Huang Cheng thought about it and immediately logged on to the Internet and began to search for information about how to go to the Xuanfeng Alliance and various certificates.

It's just a pity that going to the Xuanfeng Alliance seems to be very troublesome. It's not as easy as going to Taiguo to get various visas.

At this moment, I don't know how many people are doing the same thing. For a while, the search terms about the Xuanfeng Alliance on the Internet have increased to a terrifying level of popularity.

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This is indeed a very incredible thing. Without the terrifying traffic operation, it is absolutely impossible to have such an effect.

As one of the three major domestic Internet giants, Qingfeng Network Company can easily handle this matter.

It was in this situation that Qingfeng Network Company came up with a trick.

Huang Cheng searched the Internet for a long time and finally sighed slightly. The information after the visa alone was troublesome, and it would be even more troublesome if he had to stay in the Xuanfeng Alliance for a long time.

The process of handling these procedures alone and the time spent on delays were not something that the little savings in his pocket could withstand.

He could only give up.

Just at this moment, his mobile phone vibrated, and the smart assistant appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, looking like a fiery young woman.

This is a very popular teacher in the island country.

Smart assistant: "Master, take a look at this news, it's very interesting. The Xuanfeng Alliance has opened up tourism projects, and the Xuanfeng Alliance has exempted our Longguo from visas, so we can go directly to travel. The key is that as long as you find a job in the Xuanfeng Alliance and have a work certificate from the Xuanfeng Alliance, you can live in the Xuanfeng Alliance for a long time. However, the work certificate needs to be confirmed once a month..."

Smart assistants are also one of Qingfeng Network Company's cash cows.

This kind of advertisement that is neither blunt, but popular, and has very high traffic, also makes Qingfeng Network Company earn a lot of money.

Huang Cheng looked at the screen of his mobile phone, and a news video had appeared, which was a video of the various scenic spots in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

The scenery of the scenic spot is indeed good.

The key is that there are many beauties in this scenic spot.

It seems that the staff of these scenic spots are almost all beauties.

Huang Cheng stood up almost subconsciously, immediately took out a backpack, and then began to pack the gift.

He naturally wants to go to Xuanfeng Alliance as quickly as possible.

He was envious and jealous of those videos before. Now he can go without a visa and stay in Xuanfeng Alliance if he finds a job. What reason is there to wait?

With his many years of career as a "rectangular solid directional mobile engineer", isn't it easy for him to find a job in the large-scale infrastructure Xuanfeng Alliance?

I don't know how many people are doing the same thing on the Internet.

Maybe in the eyes of some people, this is a bit exaggerated, but in fact it is not exaggerated at all.

You know, many people have online love, and they have never seen the woman's appearance, and they have traveled thousands of miles from the southern Fujian Province to the black soil in the north.

This can be said to be a thousand-mile raid.

Naturally, many people rushed back thousands of miles at a faster speed after meeting.

Some people were also trapped by a honey trap.

There was also a man who fell in love online and finally found out that it was a man, and the other party also insisted that he stay for one night before leaving.

Even though so many people have been deceived on the Internet, there are still people who continue to be deceived.

So, what's strange about going to Xuanfeng Alliance?

You should know that the distance from some cities in China to Xuanfeng Alliance is not farther than the distance to other cities in China.

After Huang Cheng packed up, he took out his mobile phone and planned to buy a ticket to Xuanfeng Alliance.

But when he clicked on the ticket purchase option, he was surprised to find that all the seats in a row were sold out.

He immediately looked at the tickets for the next day.

Still all the tickets were sold out.

"???" Huang Cheng.

There were tickets only three days later, and there were very few tickets.

You should know that he bought the ticket as soon as he saw the video of this scenic spot, but he didn't expect that there were so many people who were faster than him.

He immediately clicked to buy one.

There are many male compatriots like Huang Cheng in China. .

However, it is not only male compatriots who buy tickets to Xuanfeng Alliance, but also female compatriots.

Netizens are not just men. .

Now short video platforms all have data flow calculations, and can accurately push video news.

Male compatriots push what Huang Cheng sees.

Recommending this to female compatriots is naturally not this, recommending this to them, what else can it do?

They would not let their boyfriends or husbands go there, because they are afraid that something that shouldn't happen will happen.

Moreover, even those who don't have boyfriends or husbands are afraid of something serious: the women there are worried about getting married, and they are very beautiful, so doesn't that affect their value?

Therefore, the video they were pushed was Xuanfeng Mask.

"Xuanfeng Alliance has opened up the tourism industry. Now when you travel to Xuanfeng Alliance, you can buy Xuanfeng Mask at the factory price, and it is absolutely authentic and newly shipped."

"Tourists can also get Xuanfeng Mask coupons when they visit various scenic spots in Xuanfeng Alliance. Each scenic spot has corresponding coupons."

"Tourists have the opportunity to get Xuanfeng Mask for free while playing in Xuanfeng Alliance..."

What will happen if this news comes out?

You know, Xuanfeng Mask is now very popular in China.

All sisters know the effect of Xuanfeng Mask.

But the number of Xuanfeng Mask is limited, and there is still not enough now, so once a batch is put on the shelves, it will be snapped up in an instant, and you can only rely on grabbing if you want to buy it.

Especially in some girlfriends, some bought it, some didn't. Those who bought it went out every day, and they were much whiter.

As the saying goes, a white skin can hide three uglinesses. If someone was originally ugly, they would definitely be a little prettier if they became whiter. If someone was originally beautiful, they would be even prettier if they became whiter.

This kind of comparison is very direct.

So, the more you look at it, the more you want to buy it, and the more you think about it, the more anxious you become.

Women are like this for beauty. They can have no boyfriend, but they must be beautiful.

In this case, seeing the news that Xuanfeng Alliance has opened up visa-free tourism, how can they resist the temptation? At the same time, they started to grab tickets to Xuanfeng Alliance with their hands.

You know, it's not just male compatriots who often exercise their hands.

In this case, almost all the flights to Xuanfeng Alliance in the next 10 days have been snapped up.

Many people who can't buy tickets can only risk being beaten to enter these places in Myanmar first, and then transfer to Xuanfeng Alliance.

This forced domestic airlines to urgently increase flights, reduce some deserted routes and flights, and increase flights to Xuanfeng Alliance.

The sudden surge of flights made the airlines dumbfounded and unable to react.

Almost soon.

In Xuanfeng Alliance, Baguda hurried to the Wind City. When he saw Lu Feng, he excitedly reported: "Your Excellency the Governor, the people of Qingfeng Network Company are too powerful. They just put out the advertisement. Do you know how many people from Longguo want to travel to our Xuanfeng Alliance?"

"We found out from those airlines that there will be 3,000 people flying directly to Xuanfeng Alliance tomorrow."

"It's normal. There will be more in the future." Lu Feng shook his head.

Only 3,000 people.

Baguda is surprised by the rare.

You should know that there are many more people going to Longguo every day in Taiguo.

Especially during the holidays, the number of tourists from Longguo to Taiguo can easily exceed one million.

Where is it now? Xuanfeng Alliance has the conditions to make the number of tourists from Longguo far exceed that of Taiguo in a month.

It's just that the number of people cannot be increased now due to flight problems.

"It doesn't matter how many people come. What matters is to provide good service and keep them." Lu Feng said to Baguda again.

Baguda nodded, immediately indicating that he understood, and then hurriedly left to make arrangements.

Lu Feng looked at the game world in his mind, and then moved his perspective to check the situation of his own forces.

Qingfeng Base and Dongjiao Fortress were all normal, and there was nothing wrong with Hongye Base. However, Chen Lin, wearing mecha weapons, led people to attract the zombies to clean up.

Lu Feng looked at the zombies and found that there were still a lot of them. After all, it was a big city with tens of millions of people. After the end of the world, there were zombies everywhere, and it would take a long time to clean them up.

But suddenly, Lu Feng was stunned when he saw the zombies.

In the game world, Chen Lin was also stunned when he saw the situation of the zombies, and even didn't react for a while.

In front of the zombies, the survivors of Qingfeng Base leaned on the hovercraft, honked the horn, played music, and attracted the zombies to move forward slowly.

But now, with the people from the Qingfeng base attracting the zombies, the entire zombie tide suddenly stopped, motionless, as if they were cast with a spell to freeze them.

This scene was absolutely very strange.

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