Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 309 The dumbfounded Li family!

Li Lin was furious when he saw one of his mutant beasts being dealt with.

On the broken wall, brothers Chen Hao and Chen Tao walked to the edge and looked down.

"People from the Li family, our boss has been waiting for you for a long time." Chen Hao said coldly.

Seeing this scene, Li Sheng knew that his plan had been exposed.

The other party had known it for a long time, so they set up an ambush.

It must be Li Tie who was exposed.

Damn it.

Li Tie is obviously a good player in this area. I donโ€™t know how many times he has done lurking missions. How could he be exposed? .

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ— Book Bar

It was at this time.

The entrance to the underground air-raid shelter of Qingfeng Base was opened.

A group of people rushed out from it.

The leader was Lu Feng, as well as Lin Jiao, Guo Zhen, Xu Bin and the ability user who controlled the East Suburb Fortress.

Lu Feng sneered at the Li family: "I heard that you want to deal with me?"

After he came out, he obviously didn't care about the power of the Li family.

There was no mutant beast king among the mutant beasts of the Li family.

Because the golden pattern and the little lion at his feet did not react at all.

If there was a mutant beast king, the two little guys would have reacted.

That is to say, Li Lin is not as powerful as in the background story now. So, if he comes to the door at this time, isn't he looking for death?

"Are you Lu Feng?" Li Sheng looked at Lu Feng with murderous intent.

This is finally seeing the real owner.

He was even more annoyed.

The other party made the Li family suffer such a big loss, and he had never even met the other party.

This was the first time the two sides met.

It was really a great shame.

"Don't hold back, kill them." Li Sheng gave the order viciously.

After all, his goal has been achieved, right?

That Lu Feng has come.

His goal is to lure Lu Feng over and kill him.

The Li family's ability users rushed to the ability users of the East Suburb Fortress without hesitation.

One of them rushed directly to Lin Jiao.

This person's speed is very fast, obviously a speed ability user.

He held a dagger in his hand and slashed straight at Lin Jiao, but the attack missed, and Lin Jiao also dodged at a very fast speed.

"Are you also a speed ability user?" The Li family frowned.

As a speed ability user, he is most annoyed by other speed ability users.

He likes to deal with strength ability users the most.

With speed and sharp weapons, it is obviously easier to deal with slower ability users.

"Only speed ability?" Lin Jiao sneered and took out a dagger in her hand.

At the same time, changes appeared on her body. It was the ability of the fox beast, which was also good at speed.

This scene shocked the Li family, and he said in horror: "Two abilities, how is it possible?"

Even though their Li family has such great power in the East City Alliance, they have never seen an ability user with two abilities.

It was the first time he saw a dual ability user.

But at the moment when he lost consciousness, Lin Jiao had turned into a phantom and attacked him, and her speed was much faster than before.

At that moment, he didn't have time to react, and Lin Jiao cut his neck with a dagger.

Both abilities are speed attributes, and the superposition effect makes the speed even more terrifying.

Lin Jiao dealt with one person and immediately attacked the other.

At the same time, Guo Zhen was also targeted by a Li family ability user.

This Li family ability user actually has a special shadow binding ability. Guo Zhen didn't check it for a while and was directly bound by the shadow and couldn't move.

Because his arms and legs were tightly entangled, he had no point to exert force.

"Strength ability user." The Li family man was disdainful and walked slowly towards Guo Zhen: "To deal with an ability user like you with well-developed limbs, as long as the shadow binding is tight enough to leave you no chance to exert force, you are a waste."

"You are too proud." Guo Zhen shouted angrily, and also entered the beast ability, a rhino horn grew on his head, and a layer of gray skin appeared on his body.

He originally had strength ability, and the beast rhino also had a strong strength attribute. His strength was instantly improved, and in an instant, the shadow that bound him was directly broken by him.

This dual ability also shocked the people of the Li family.

Guo Zhen had already stretched out his palm and directly grabbed the neck of the Li family ability user. Without waiting for the other party to react, he smashed the other party to the ground.

The terrifying force directly broke the waist of the Li family member, and he became a waste under the unexpected situation.

At this time.

The people of the Li family also gradually discovered that there were dual abilities in the East Suburb Fortress.

Because in addition to Lin Jiao and Guo Zhen, there are another 5 dual ability users in the East Suburb Fortress.

Those were transformed by the 5 beast ability crystals that Lu Feng gave to Lin Jiao before.

The 5 people are Xu Bin, Chen Hao, Chen Tao, Zheng Lin, and Chen Lin.

Zheng Lin was lucky. His head was equipped with a pulse cracking chip, and one of the 5 beast ability crystals that Lu Feng gave to Lin Jiao happened to be suitable for his fire element ability.

Otherwise, this opportunity would not have come to him at all.

But the pulse cracking chip installed in his head did not affect him at all, because he could not betray Lu Feng.

Therefore, when he faced the Li family again, he had no means to deal with them, and he killed one of them in an instant.

Except for Chen Lin who led people to the Red Leaf Base to lead the zombie tide and kill the zombies, the other four people had arrived.

The four people used the power of dual abilities to break into the Li family. Those ability users of the Li family were no match at all.

"How could this happen?" Li Sheng's face suddenly turned ugly.

He never thought that the Eastern Suburb Fortress had such power, and that ability users could actually have dual abilities.

Why are there so many people with dual abilities in the key eastern suburbs fortress?

The most important thing is, why are there so many ability users in the eastern suburbs fortress?

Except for those ability users who were suppressed by Li Lin's mutant beasts, the Li family actually felt like they were at a disadvantage.

"Asshole, you're going to die." Li Sheng rushed towards Lu Feng madly.

He felt very humiliated. At first, the other party had to cowardly use tricks to surrender to the Li family, but now the other party actually had the ability to provoke the Li family.

Killing the other party can quell his anger.

Only by killing the other party can the Li family's shame be washed away.

The moment he rushed towards Lu Feng, Li Sheng even threw an air blade at Lu Feng, but suddenly, a figure wearing a steel mecha appeared, and a laser shot was blocked by his air blade.

"Mecha weapons???" Li Sheng's eyes widened instantly, and there was a burning rage in his heart that made him vomit blood.

Because the Li family initially went to find the Gray Wolf to do something, they went to the Salvation Army to get the map in their hands, and the news he got was that there were mecha weapons there.

But the people behind Emperor Yan spread some news that the orc army was defeated by a nuclear weapon found in the eastern suburbs fortress.

The nuclear weapon was found on the map in the hands of the Salvation Army.

He believed it before.

After all, it is impossible for nuclear weapons to appear before the end of Tianhai City.

This is obviously not the case now. The news he got at the beginning was correct, it was the mecha weapon.

Moreover, this thing has actually fallen into the hands of people like Qingfeng Base.

But this shocked him even more. If it was a mecha weapon, where did the opponent's nuclear weapons come from?

Emperor Yan's people were also deceived.

What is going on with this Lu Feng?

He suddenly had a bad premonition and hurriedly shouted to Li Lin: "Kill this Lu Feng quickly."

Li Lin nodded and immediately controlled his mutant beasts to rush towards Lu Feng. Two of the mutant beasts immediately pounced on Lu Feng.

But at that moment, two shadows collided with the two mutant beasts, knocking them away.

Those turned out to be two little guys.

"Child of the Mutated Beast King, are you also a user with the ability to summon beasts?" Li Lin looked at Lu Feng with solemn eyes.

"As long as I'm not important, you are important!" Lu Feng also stared at Li Lin now, knowing that the other party was the one with the ability to summon beasts.

He took out the steel knife from the backpack space in his hand and rushed out instantly.

To him, this Li Lin is the BOSS, and if he kills him, he might get some good stuff.

When Li Lin saw Lu Feng attacking, his expression changed. The opponent was also a user with the ability to summon beasts, and he actually wanted to rush up and attack him? What kind of joke is the other person kidding? ?

All the summoned beast ability user has to do is hide behind and operate the mutated beast.

He immediately pounced on Lu Feng with two or two mutant beasts, but was shocked to see Lu Feng's figure flash through the two mutant beasts.

"You have unlocked the second level ability!" Li Lin felt Lu Feng's power at that moment and said in shock.

This voice shocked everyone in the Li family, especially Li Sheng, whose faces were filled with disbelief.

Is Lu Feng also a person with unlocked second level abilities?

How can this be?

If the other party has this ability, why did he pretend to surrender to him before?

Are you doing this drama just to tease them?

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