Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 292 Heading to Francie! The mysterious observer!

Soon after Lu Feng and Yang Ming returned to Wind Manor, Red Lizard also arrived.

Yang Ming and Lu Feng looked at each other, then walked out to receive the people brought by Red Lizard.

The people from the special ability department currently have a special activity area in the manor. Yang Ming needs to take people there first to sort out the procedures, registration, interests, etc.

Not long after.

Yang Ming brought 5 people and the black man Swat to Lu Feng.

The 6 people had electronic chains on their necks. Obviously, Yang Ming had explained everything clearly.

When the 6 people came in, they all looked at Lu Feng. Except for the black man Swat, the other 5 people looked at Lu Feng respectfully.

They were originally selected from the special forces. The soldiers of the special forces were brainwashed by Red Lizard and were absolutely loyal to Lu Feng, the governor.

"Do you know the situation?" Lu Feng asked with a smile as he looked at the 6 people.

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He was speaking Dragon Mandarin, which the six people could not understand. However, there was a speaker in the hall that was specially connected to the Internet. Under Xiaozhi's operation, the speaker played the local prophecy of the Xuanfeng Alliance and English.

This scene was very impressive.

When they heard Lu Feng's words, the faces of the six people were all surprised, including Swat.

Yang Ming had someone show them special abilities.

That magical and strange ability directly shocked them, and even yearned for it, and then looked forward to it, because they also had the opportunity to obtain such abilities.

Swat's body even trembled a little.

He originally thought that the people led by the Red Lizard were already very terrifying, but he never thought that there was an even more magical and strange power in the Xuanfeng Alliance.

With this kind of power, he didn't believe that he couldn't take revenge.

At this time, Lu Feng also took out 5 ability crystals (hyenas)!

Among the orcs killed by the nuclear bomb, more than 30 beast ability crystals exploded, of which hyenas alone had 5.

Hyenas are notorious in the animal world. Although they are weak, they can burst out with strong momentum in groups.

This also shows that there should be quite a lot of orcs with hyenas.

He directly threw 5 hyena beast ability crystals to the 5 special warriors.

These 5 people wearing electronic chains means that they are loyal enough. It is okay not to wear electronic chains after being transformed with hyena ability crystals.

After all, this kind of ability crystal can make the transformer absolutely loyal and never betray.

The 5 people did not hesitate and swallowed the hyena ability crystal immediately. In an instant, they felt that the crystal turned into liquid, and then a stream of warm currents ran through their bodies.

In an instant, dense hair began to appear on the 5 people, and their eyes became sharp, like hyenas looking for food.

This is still the beginning of the transformation of the crystal, and a mutation has occurred.

After the complete transformation, the five people's backs also slightly bent, forming the arched back of a hyena, which looked a bit wretched, but the toughness of the bend showed terrifying power.

Then, the five people were seen running in an incredible and strange posture. The key is that under this kind of running, their speed is still very fast, far exceeding that of ordinary people.

Lu Feng directly picked up the two solid wooden chairs next to him and smashed them at two of them.

His strength is very strong, and normal people would be killed directly if they were hit.

But the two people slapped out, and under their claws, the two chairs were instantly shattered and collapsed, which also showed that the strength of the two people was far greater than that of ordinary people.

The five people themselves could also feel the increased strength.

After stopping, they also withdrew from the beast and stood respectfully in front of Lu Feng:

"Thank you, Governor!"

"Thank you, Governor!"

The voices of these people became more enthusiastic and respectful, and seemed to be fanatical.

This kind of fanaticism can make them die for this governor immediately.

The loyal property of the hyena ability crystal took effect after the transformation was completed.

Lu Feng looked at Swat again.

This was also the first time he recruited such a subordinate.

Swat immediately knelt down to Lu Feng to show his submission.

He saw that the five people who came with him had gained power, and he was even more looking forward to it, and he was more convinced that this power could help him get revenge.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also took out the barbarian bull beast ability crystal that would turn black after the transformation, and threw it to Swat: "Eat it! You will gain the power of revenge."

Swat didn't hesitate at all, and swallowed it directly.

After a moment, he also found that the crystal turned into liquid, and followed the warm current to flow through his body. In almost a short time, a sharp corner protruded from his forehead.

Moreover, his skin slowly changed into a kind of stratum corneum, giving people a sense of thickness, and his body became bigger.

Seeing this, Lu Feng had an idea, took out a pistol from the backpack space, and shot Swat.

He naturally wanted to see Swat's current defense.

The Bull Beast Crystal, in addition to strength, can also increase defense.

Moreover, the place he hit would not be fatal, at most he would use some life potions, anyway, there are a lot of these things now.

The bullet hit Swat's abdomen accurately.

Swat felt the pain and looked down at his abdomen, where he could clearly see a bullet that had shot into his flesh, but half of it was stuck and exposed.

"Hahaha!" Swat couldn't help laughing and took the bullet directly. It was obvious that it had no effect on him.

This kind of power was incredible.

"Make preparations and go to France with me." Lu Feng ordered and put away his pistol.

"Yes, Governor!" Swat answered excitedly.

Because Kevin was going to France too.

He could take revenge soon.

After that, Swat withdrew from the beast state, which attracted Lu Feng's attention.

Swat was black, already very dark, and now even darker, to the extreme. In the dark night, if he didn't open his mouth and show his teeth, he would not know that there was anyone there.

Time was passing.

A special plane had been prepared at the Xuanfeng Alliance International Airport and stayed there.

Lu Feng took people to the airport and got on the plane.

The plane took off and headed for France.

This time, in addition to Yang Qingxue, Lin Yao, Liao Liyan, Zhou Ling and some employees of the mask company, Lu Feng also brought Yang Ming, a speed ability user, and a hyena beast ability user.

Naturally, Swat was also brought along.

But just as the plane took off, a figure stared at the plane and reported to the headset: "Those people have already taken people away. Although I don't know the specific situation, these Dragon people are definitely related to the mysterious governor of the Xuanfeng Alliance... Okay, okay... I will definitely find an opportunity to control the other party for our use... I know..."

The international airport in Bali, the capital of France, is very lively these days.

Because of the International Skin Care Day, many women who love skin care products from all over the world, as long as they are financially free and have free time, will come here to join in the fun.

Therefore, there are also many beautiful women with good figures gathered in Bali these days, and most of them are white, rich and beautiful.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they are not in good shape or even older, they may be potential aunties.

After all, if you don't have some spare money, can you go to a place like Bali, France to participate in such a festival?

Lu Feng's trip attracted a lot of attention.

After all, most people come to Bali, France, and there are very few people from the East.

However, just when Lu Feng led people out of the airport, someone in one place of the airport stared at them nonchalantly: "The target has left the airport. As the intelligence said, the other party should be here to participate in the International Skin Care Products Day."

After Lu Feng led people out of the airport, he also heard Xiao Zhi's voice: "Master, the extended version of Lincoln that I booked for you is waiting outside the airport, and the suite of the international 5-star Fiesta Hotel has also been booked. The Fiesta Hotel is just a few hundred meters opposite the event venue."

Xiao Zhi's arrangement is obviously very thoughtful, and I'm afraid that the caring secretaries of those rich people can't compare.

Lu Feng really saw two extended versions of Lincoln parked in the parking lot.

Seeing them come out, the driver who had been waiting for a long time came forward respectfully and welcomed them into the car.

After that, the two Lincolns took them to an extremely luxurious hotel. Just looking at the outside, you can tell that this Fiesta Hotel is worthy of being an international 5-star hotel.

It has to be said that international 5-star hotels are different from domestic 5-star hotels.

This is probably due to some reasons caused by the human relations in China. In some aspects, things of the same level may not meet the international standards.

There is no way, human relations, those who do not meet the standards can be privately operated to meet the standards, which also makes the domestic standards often lower.

At least after Lu Feng entered the Fiesta Hotel, which is also 5 stars, it is definitely far better than the 5-star hotels in Tianzhou City.

"How many people, Dragon people?" A voice sounded in the ears of Lu Feng and his party.

Lu Feng looked and saw a middle-aged Dragon countryman with some employees.

He also nodded: "Yes, Dragon people."

When you go out, you will always feel a little friendly when you meet people from China. If the other party takes the initiative to say hello, you will naturally respond with a smile.

The middle-aged man took the initiative to introduce himself: "Huang Xin! Deputy General Manager of Longguo Nawei Women's Plaza!"

"Navi Women's Plaza?" Liao Liyan was surprised: "This is a very popular plaza in recent years. Although it is not as good as Dawan Plaza, it is definitely better than Dawan Plaza in terms of women's products, especially in cosmetics and skin care products."

Lu Feng also understood after hearing this.

In domestic plazas, Dawan Plaza is definitely one of the leading classes. Many companies of this type naturally cannot do it, so they can only start with specialization.

For example, this Nawei Women's Plaza is specifically started with products for female users, so it is naturally popular with many women.

Huang Xin smiled and said after hearing this: "Thank you for the compliment, ma'am. Are you also skin care product sellers? I am also here to inspect new skin care product cooperation products this time, so I can give you some suggestions."

Obviously, Huang Xin is also a passionate person. At least in such an environment abroad, the other party is a little sincere.

Lu Feng immediately said, "We are here to participate in the product display. We have produced a facial mask."

"Manufacturer?" Huang Xin was very surprised and said, "It is rare to see domestic skin care products at this event. Domestic technology in this area is a bit backward, and it is difficult for domestic products to get a very good booth."

After thinking for a while, Huang Xin said: "Everyone, give me a copy of your facial mask. Our company can recommend it to you. Maybe your facial mask will have a chance to be on the shelves of our plaza. Although our plaza has always been very strict in review, I will always give it a chance if I recommend it."

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