Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 288 New pet! Terrified!

The Beast King didn't care about the extra box in Lu Feng's hand at all. He urged the mutant giant lion king under his crotch and came close to Lu Feng in an instant.

At that moment, Lu Feng threw the box in his hand out, and saw the box cracked, and dense syringes spilled out of it.

The moment he saw those syringes, the Beast King's eyes changed, showing a kind of disbelief, and even fell off the back of the mutant giant lion king in shock.

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The mutant giant lion king slapped Lu Feng with one palm and passed through Lu Feng's body. Unfortunately, it was just a residual image, which slowly dissipated.

Countless syringes fell down and landed around the Beast King.

Lu Feng used the second stage of speed to unlock the ability and appeared on the other side.

Seeing the beast king falling, his face suddenly showed joy. He had another box in his hand and threw it up, and countless syringes fell.

In this way, he took out all the boxes of syringes in the backpack space and scattered them.

In an instant, the beast king was surrounded by syringes.

An area full of syringes!

The beast king looked at the densely packed syringes around him, his face was full of horror, and he covered his head and shouted in panic: "Needles... syringes... How can there be so many syringes..."

This scene made everyone stop subconsciously.

Especially the remaining three orcs, they couldn't believe it, why would the beast king fall and tremble in those syringes?

What on earth is going on?

Roar! ~

Even the mutant giant lion king was puzzled and roared at him.

Then, it rushed towards Lu Feng fiercely.

It knew that it must be related to this human, and it must be right to deal with this human.

Lu Feng subconsciously shook his hand, and an energy barrier enveloped the mutant giant lion king.

But this time, the energy barrier did not trap the mutant giant lion king.

The moment it hit the energy barrier, the mutant giant lion king stopped, but the energy barrier was also scattered by the impact.

This is enough to show how powerful this mutant giant lion king is.

Lu Feng did not hesitate, and the steel knife appeared in his hand. The second-level speed ability was unlocked, and he rushed to the beast king quickly, and the steel knife slashed down fiercely.

He ignored the giant lion king and seemed to want to deal with the beast king first.

Since the game planner and the game official did not lie to him.

The beast king that made the Shidong Alliance panic for a while actually had such a weakness? How could he let the other party recover?

Roar! ~

The roar of the mutant giant lion king also sounded behind Lu Feng at the same time.

The sharp claws slapped Lu Feng fiercely, trying to rescue the beast king.

Who knew that Lu Feng suddenly turned around and slashed at that moment, and the steel knife accurately slashed the mutant giant lion king, leaving a deep scar that could be seen to the bone.

Blood splattered.

The mutant giant lion king howled miserably, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.

At the same moment, Lu Feng waved his hand again, and an energy barrier enveloped the mutant giant lion king again.

In such a seriously injured state, he didn't believe that the lion could break through his energy barrier.

Obviously, his original purpose was not the beast king, but to lead the mutant giant lion king to rescue, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack the lion king.

Who made these orcs' reproductive isolation change, so that they can have sex with their mutant beasts and even have babies?

So, these orcs and their companion beasts can actually be said to be lovers and couples.

Anyway, it's disgusting to think about it.

But it is precisely because of this that the lion king was calculated by Lu Feng.

Lu Feng can be confident that no one in this game world knows the beast king and the orcs better than him.

Lu Feng disappeared again, and at the speed of unlocking the second stage of speed, he appeared in front of the lion king in an instant, with a laser rifle and a laser pistol in his hands, aiming at the lion king and shooting frantically.

The mutant giant lion king obviously felt threatened, stood up angrily, and tried to dodge. This time, he hit the energy barrier again, but he didn't break it.

Just like that, a series of lasers instantly hit the body of the giant lion king, leaving wounds as big as bowls.

The mutant giant lion king whimpered and fell down unwillingly.

The moment it fell, its eyes even looked towards the direction of the beast king reluctantly.


Lu Feng looked at the body of the mutant giant lion king in surprise, and a ball of light floated on it.

Something exploded again.

It seemed to be another egg.

With the experience of the previous gold pattern, he naturally knew what it was, and without hesitation, he put the egg directly into the backpack space.

[This is a special mutant giant lion king pet egg. After using it, you can summon a mutant giant lion king cub pet. If you cultivate it well, it can become the king of beasts! ]

Lu Feng saw the note information and chose to use it directly.

The next moment, the prompt sounded again.

[The mutant giant lion king cub was summoned successfully and has been bound! 】

【Please name the mutant giant lion king cub...】

Little Lion!

Lu Feng simply and straightforwardly named this new pet.

【Congratulations on naming your pet successfully! 】

The next moment, a giant lion cub appeared at Lu Feng's feet. It also had red fur, but it was in its cub state and looked a little silly.

Seeing this, Lu Feng took out a steel knife in his hand and stabbed it into the head of the mutant giant lion king's corpse. Then a crystal core was picked out and rolled to the little lion's feet.

The little lion immediately pounced on it and bit the crystal core into its mouth. Then, Lu Feng got another prompt:

[The pet little lion's ability is improving...]

Very soon.

The little lion called excitedly, came to Lu Feng's feet, and rubbed happily.

The relationship between the pet and the owner does not need to be cultivated too much. After all, it is already bound, and it is impossible for it to betray its owner.

Lu Feng also looked at the little lion's attributes with a deep smile on his face:

Little lion: Mutated giant lion king

Strength: 31

Agility: 25

Stamina: 32

Skill: Shock (When the strength is stronger or equal, it can shock the same mutant beasts and suppress the different mutant beasts.)

Obviously, after the little lion absorbed the crystal core of the mutant giant lion king, its strength was stronger than Jin Wen, and it also had a shock skill.

Meow! ~

Jin Wen, the little leopard, seemed to have discovered the little lion and hurried to Lu Feng's feet.

The little lion obviously also discovered it and roared at it in a baby voice.

Jin Wen suddenly became alert, stopped and dared not approach, and then hurriedly ran to the other side of Lu Feng.

When the little lion saw this scene, it immediately glared at it fiercely.

Jin Wen hurriedly rubbed Lu Feng's other foot and bit his trouser leg.

Lu Feng looked at it, and it immediately pointed at the little lion with one claw and meowed!

It seemed to be complaining.

Lu Feng looked at the little lion and saw that the little lion showed him a cute look, which was very naive.

This scene made Jin Wen slightly widen his eyes and look at this new guy.

Lu Feng turned his gaze to the beast king again and walked over slowly.

" did you know..." The beast king looked at Lu Feng with fear on his face.

This was the thing he was most unwilling to face in his heart. He was a beast king with strong strength and was going to destroy the East City Alliance, but he was afraid of needles.

He thought about facing and restraining this problem.

But he really couldn't control the fear deep in his heart.

Therefore, he had been hiding it very well, and no one knew about it.

Why did the other party know it now?

How did the other party know it?

"You are no longer the Beast King, and you can't be the Beast King, so it's better to die." Lu Feng took the steel knife, raised it, and pointed the tip of the knife at the Beast King.

The Beast King looked at the remaining three orcs with a sad face.

At this time, the three orcs looked at him without the respect they had before, but instead with confusion, doubt, complaint, and even resentment...

They didn't expect that the Beast King who threatened to wait for them to destroy the East Suburb Fortress would be defeated without any ability to fight back.

Isn't this the same as bringing them to send heads?

The Beast King felt that kind of look, and his heart was even more sad. He suddenly rushed towards the steel knife in Lu Feng's hand.

The steel knife pierced his heart and completely lost his breath.

[Congratulations on killing the Beast King of the Orcs and gaining 50,000 experience! ]

This experience also shows that the Beast King deserved to die, which is also the highest experience he has gained so far.

It's just a pity that the big BOSS, the Beast King, didn't drop anything.

Think about it, in the game, the Beast King and the mutant giant lion king should be a whole, not nothing dropped, but also a pet dropped.

Moreover, once the Beast King died, the Orcs should also fall apart, which should also be consistent with the information in the background that after losing the Beast King, the Orcs can only become bandits and mountain bandits.

Then, Lu Feng looked at the remaining three Orcs.

This made the faces of the three Orcs change.

They found that the ability users of the East Suburb Fortress had surrounded them.

Although a single ability user can easily kill the opponent, after all, they can control the mutant Beast King, and with the power of the mutant Beast King, it is not comparable to these ordinary ability users.

But so many ability users surrounded them and swarmed over, which would also cause them great trouble.

The key is that the one wearing a strange mecha could completely cause harm to them, or even kill them.

And the ability user who operates the fire element, the fire condensed by the opponent can also cause terrifying power.

The key is the guy who killed the Beast King. That is the fatal threat!

Lu Feng stared at the three people and sneered: "Only one of you three can survive. As for who survives, you decide it yourself!"

This is already very clear.

Let them kill each other, only one can survive.

Moreover, Lu Feng really wanted to let one go. The reason is very simple. At least let the orcs know who killed the Beast King and know the strength of their Qingfeng base.

In this way, those orcs who become bandits and bandits will not dare to run to the East Suburb Fortress.

An orc saw through Lu Feng's meaning and shouted hurriedly: "You want us to kill each other, impossible, we won't go to you... um..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his heart, and a sharp claw pierced his chest.

It was another orc.

This made him stare with horror, all unbelievable.

At the same time, the mutant beast under his crotch also screamed, and was bitten on the neck by a sneak attack.

The orc who was attacked roared unwillingly and grabbed the arm that pierced his chest.

The mutant beast king under his crotch also fiercely bit the other mutant beast king's leg.

For a moment, the two sides were entangled together.

At this time, the third orc tribe did not hesitate and directly hit the neck of the orc tribe that attacked him. At the same time, his mutant beast king also bit the neck of the other mutant beast king fiercely.

In a blink of an eye, the people who were attacked and attacked in front fell to the ground.

It is no better than the oriole behind!

The remaining orc tribe looked at Lu Feng warily, obviously not sure whether Lu Feng was telling the truth or a lie.

"You can get out." Lu Feng snorted coldly.

The orc tribe did not hesitate and directly rode his mutant beast king and fled away in a panic.

At Qingfeng Base, everyone was excited. It was definitely a big victory to eliminate so many mutant beasts at one time!



At this time, the two little guys, Xiaoshi and Jinwen, went to the corpses of the two mutant beast kings respectively, pointing at their heads.

The meaning was very clear. The crystal cores of the mutant beast kings in their heads attracted them.

Seeing this, Lu Feng also instructed Lin Jiao: "Go and dig up the crystal cores of those 200 mutant beasts!"

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao's eyes lit up, and she also remembered those corpses.

The Dongjiao Fortress absorbed more and more survivors, consuming not only food but also energy, especially various factories and power supply systems, which all need energy.

These more than 200 crystals will immediately make their base's energy very sufficient.

After Lin Jiao led people away, Lu Feng also walked to the corpse of a mutant beast king, dug out the crystal in its head, and handed it to the little lion waiting next to it.

The little lion swallowed it in one gulp, and he received a prompt from the system:

"Congratulations, the pet little lion's ability has been improved..."

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