Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 272: Create a realistic team of people with special abilities!

Hadadakkun really felt like he had seen a ghost.

Although he organized those people with scarface, he never showed up himself, and he didn't leave any tail.

How could the Xuanfeng Alliance know that he was the one behind it?

He immediately logged on to the Internet and checked the international news, and immediately saw the news video released by the Xuanfeng Alliance.

There was a picture on the video, which was a picture of a group of organ trafficking organizations being shot dead, and then he saw his information being exposed.

The Xuanfeng Alliance clearly stated that he was the person behind the organ organization, and the key was that the other party actually produced detailed evidence.

"Damn, how is this possible?" Hadadakkun couldn't believe it.

Some of the evidence he himself had forgotten about.

Now the other party actually knows it.

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How is this possible?

The secretary said embarrassedly: "Mr. Dakun, now the staff outside seem to know about this!"

Hadadakun frowned, opened the door of the office, and heard the discussion as soon as he came out:

"I didn't expect Mr. Dakun to be such a person."

"Then the news is false, right?"

"Maybe it's true. Didn't the people of Xuanfeng Alliance say that they would extradite Mr. Dakun for trial?"

Hadadakun's face was extremely gloomy when he heard this.

They also want to extradite him for trial?

What does the other party think of him?

Does the other party have the ability to extradite him?

Has his network of connections in Myanmar for so many years been in vain?

Hadadakun came out and returned to the office with a gloomy face, then took out his mobile phone and made a few calls. No matter what, he had to say hello.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

Baguda was called to Lu Feng. As soon as he met, he asked: "Governor, did you call me here for the organ tissue?"

He already knew about the medical system. To be honest, he was also very angry. After all, he was also a person who was dedicated to the people. Now those guys dared to be so black-hearted.

Even though they have connections with international organ organizations, they dared to attack the Wind City Police Station. This is definitely a provocation.

Lu Feng also went straight to the point and said: "The evidence has been spread. Baguda, go to Myanmar to apply for the extradition of Hadadakun. I must make this guy pay the price."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency the Governor, I will do it right away." Baguda nodded immediately.

After leaving the Wind Manor, he made arrangements as soon as possible and began to negotiate with Myanmar.

Lu Feng has been waiting for news.

Two days later, Baguda entered the Wind Manor with a gloomy face and met Lu Feng: "Your Excellency the Governor, something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Lu Feng frowned and asked: "Is the extradition of Hadadakun not going smoothly?"

Baguda nodded and reported: "Although the evidence we released is sufficient, the other party said that our evidence may be forged by someone, or someone borrowed Hadadakun's name to do it. They will investigate it as soon as possible."

"Investigate ass!" Lu Feng swore directly after hearing Xiaozhi's translation.

He understood. No wonder Hada Dakun was so confident and arrogant. It seemed that he not only had status in Myanmar, but also had a wide network of contacts.

Someone in Myanmar was protecting him!

Baguda heard the governor's anger through the translation of Qingfeng Smart Assistant, and immediately said: "Your Excellency Governor, I will continue to work hard to see if I can create international public opinion and force the local government to hand over the person under pressure."

After that, Baguda left in a hurry to take action.

Lu Feng's face darkened.

Sure enough, he thought some things were simple.

The world is very complicated, especially in a chaotic place like Myanmar. Even if there is solid evidence, black can be said to be white.

Therefore, for Baguda's words about creating public opinion, it should be useless for a place like Myanmar.

At this time.

Xiaozhi's voice sounded: "Master, the fake number I called Hada Dakun before received a call, which was the number of Hada Dakun."

"???" Lu Feng's face suddenly became even gloomier.

This number was the one Xiaozhi had called Hada Dakun by pretending to be the number of those international organ organizations.

Now Hada Dakun actually called back?

Xiaozhi answered the call.

The next moment, a teasing voice came: "I heard that someone wants to extradite me. I have to admit that you are very capable. Unfortunately, you are the Xuanfeng Alliance, not Myanmar. We in Myanmar will not wrongly accuse someone like me who has made contributions to the country, hahahaha!"

With laughter, the call was hung up.

Lu Feng's face suddenly turned as cold as ice.

He understood that the other party was showing off and deliberately called to provoke him.


In Myanmar.

Hada Dakun put down the phone proudly.

The evidence is conclusive?

That was just forged evidence, someone was framing him.

This is the promise that Myanmar will give.

Even if Longguo protested, it was still this answer.

This is his network in Myanmar.

Although he didn't know who was on the other end of the phone, he felt very happy after making this call.

Obviously, he didn't know that he had completely angered someone who shouldn't be offended. .

In the Wind Manor.

Lu Feng's murderous aura was extremely strong: "He must die!"

At that moment, several thoughts came to his mind.

Send troops to attack directly and forcibly capture Hada Dakun.

Go to the game and buy those vibration bombs. As long as the quantity is sufficient, it is not difficult to defeat Myanmar.

But now the Xuanfeng Alliance has just developed, and it seems not advisable to start a war. The key is that it is different from before.

Before, their Dala Town and Cambodia* were not actually considered countries in the international community, and it was an insignificant war.

Now the Xuanfeng Alliance is internationally renowned, and Myanmar is also a well-established country.

Therefore, once the war starts, there will definitely be interference from major powers, and the impact will not be good.

The key is that many people will die.

Let the Red Lizard send special warriors to kill the other side.

But no matter how powerful the special warriors are, they are still not out of the scope of ordinary people. Even if Hada Dakun is killed, there is no way to get out of it, right?

He didn't want to let his people die in vain for a scum.

Then, he suddenly looked at the several ability crystals in the backpack space.

There are strength ability crystals, and there are also 2 speed ability crystals.

This is what he exploded when he killed mutant zombies in the game, and he kept it all the time and didn't use it for the people in Qingfeng Base.

This thing can be used by subordinates in the game, but what about outside the game?

Perhaps the real world is too comfortable, and he has never thought about this problem.

So, if it works for his real subordinates, he can form a more powerful special force.

Once this force is formed, if he really wants someone to die, he can send this special force to kill the opponent directly. It is absolutely impossible to fail and get away with it.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng has an idea.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed again.

Baguda's actions are still effective. He really aroused public opinion. Longguo and several countries expressed their opinions and asked Hada Dakun to be investigated.

Baguda also plans to apply for the extradition of Hada Dakun again.

But at this time, Myanmar also released a news: We will join the above joint* and request a referee. Xuanfeng Alliance has slandered their country's reputation innocently for improper reasons...

A long news video directly shows Myanmar's position of turning the tables.


Hada Dakun naturally saw these news.

The people of the Xuanfeng Alliance, they didn't know that there was a big shot in Myanmar waiting for him to cut his kidney for a match, and he also got another big shot's kidney, which was why the match was successful for the operation.

So, the other party thought that creating public opinion would be useful?

It's really nonsense.

He was just waiting to see what the other party could do to him?

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