Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 270 They are dead

The scarred man and his men threw smoke bombs one after another, and at the same time, someone below caused a commotion.

Then, they left as if nothing happened and escaped from the Wind City Police Station.


They are all international organizations, and it is not easy to deal with these weak soldiers and generals of the Xuanfeng Alliance Police Station.

The police station was in complete chaos, especially after Chen Bo and three other people were found lying in a pool of blood, everyone was even more panicked.

Wind Manor.

Baguda came to see Lu Feng again and handed him several documents: "Your Majesty the Governor, please take a look at these documents. They are about the mask factory and the Xuanfeng Alliance language teaching."

"I think that in addition to learning Long Mandarin as the main language, English can also be taken as an optional supplementary language. After all, we will have to do business with Western countries in the future, and English is also useful!"

Lu Feng took the documents and looked at them. He scanned the documents from the mask factory and nodded. As for the English course, he thought about it and nodded.

The main reason why he asked the Xuanfeng Alliance to promote Longguo is because he is a Longguo and can speak Longguo.

You can't be in your own territory and have to learn a new language, right? Definitely let others learn the language you know.

However, Baguda's thinking was right. After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance is not a domestic licking dog. It cannot only do business with domestic exchanges, just like Huimeng Wine, which sells very well in the West.

Therefore, it would be good to teach one more English language elective.

It is not necessary for everyone to learn English, but there must be talent training in this area.

After reporting to Lu Feng, Baguda left. At this time, Black Snake came in with an anxious face: "Mr. Lu, it's bad, something big has happened."

"What's going on?" Lu Feng asked suspiciously when he saw Black Snake's appearance.

Black Snake immediately said: "Someone attacked the police station. Chen Bo, Lin Chao, and the newly called Tan Ming were all shot. The situation is unknown now. The key is that the other party escaped unharmed."

"What?" Lu Feng's face suddenly darkened.

He had just met three people, and this happened.

He might have guessed who did it.

Chen Bo, Lin Chao, and Tan Ming had just found out that a hospital was involved in the International Organ Organization, so he supported the three of them to continue the investigation. The three of them were attacked. Needless to say, they knew who the person who attacked them was.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's voice sounded: "Master, I have detected that the emergency call made by the police station delayed the reporting time, and the emergency call was assigned to a hospital farther away. Someone over there doesnโ€™t want the ambulance to go too fast!โ€

"Xiao Zhi, find them all. Now that they have taken action, I don't believe they have no contact at all!" Lu Feng suddenly became more gloomy. He quickly walked out and dialed Hong Lizard's number.

Obviously, the three people's investigation of the Xuanfeng Alliance's medical system during this period should make the people in the medical system feel threatened. This is because someone is obstructing it. Needless to say, the other party must be related to the organ tissue.

However, these international organ organizations are too arrogant. Do you really think that the Xuanfeng Alliance is still the same as the Cambodian government in the past, allowing them to do whatever they want? Feel free to eat your waist here?

They are dead.

Lu Feng left the Wind Manor and rushed to the police station as quickly as possible.

When he got out of the car, the ambulance hadn't arrived yet.

However, the red lizard has already brought people over as quickly as possible.

They are all special warriors, wearing special military uniforms of the Xuanfeng Alliance, new rifles, and the logo of the Xuanfeng Alliance's special forces.

As soon as these people appeared, the police officers knew their identities because the red lizard commander was recognized.

Hong Lizi had already understood the situation when he arrived, so he immediately called a police officer to ask Chen Bo about the situation and location of the three of them.

After that, he led the way and escorted Lu Feng upstairs.

When we arrived outside Chen Bo's office, we could still see the traces of the battle left at the scene. It was very tragic. The other party obviously used explosive weapons.

These people are really bold.

Soon, Lu Feng saw Chen Bo and three others lying in a pool of blood. Next to them were several people from the police station watching, but they were not doctors, so they could only be anxious.

"Damn it, why hasn't the ambulance arrived yet?"

"What do those people in the hospital do for food?"


When these people saw the red lizard and the others bringing people in, their attention was also attracted, and they were slightly relieved to see the red lizard and the others dressed up.

It's this special force.

Lu Feng immediately pointed the detection watch at Chen Bo and the others, and Ma Shan got the information status of the three people.

All three of them were still breathing, but they were still very angry.

Even if he were to come a little later, these three guys would go to see the King of Hell.

Seeing this, he shouted directly to the people at the police station: "Get out of here."

"Get out." Red Lizard also shouted.

The people in the police station did not dare to hesitate and left the office one after another. Hong Lizi also led others out and stood guard outside.

He knew very well that when the Governor asked people to go out, there must be something going on that he didn't want people to see, so he had to be smart.

After everyone left, Lu Feng also squatted in front of Chen Bo and the others. Without hesitation, he took out a bottle of life potion from the backpack space and fed a little into the mouths of the three of them.

If the three of them still have a breath, then the life potion can still be saved. If they really have no breath, then the life potion is useless.

The three of them should be thankful that he came some time earlier.

As the life potion was fed, Chen Bo and the other two groaned and opened their eyes soon after.

Lin Chao had been a policeman for so long and had the best reaction speed. He got up from the ground first and looked around vigilantly. Several bloody bullets rolled from his back to the ground, making a metallic collision sound.

Chen Bo also cursed: "Damn, bastard, they are dead."

Some bloody bullets also fell from his body. It was obvious that the life potion took effect, and these bullets were squeezed out of the body while recovering from the injury.

Tan Ming also looked angry. He just wanted to rectify the medical system of a place and give the medical system a clean sky, but there were so many people who wanted to stop him.

Soon, the three of them were stunned and looked at the bloody bullets under their feet.

They recalled what happened before, the piercing pain on their backs, they were shot.

What happened now? No pain at all.

Chen Bo took off his clothes immediately, and he could see holes on his clothes that were pierced by bullets, but when he looked at the mirror next to him, his back was smooth except for the remaining bloodstains, and he didn't look like he had been injured at all.

This was incredible.

Chen Bo and the other two also saw Lu Feng, maybe it was related to this person.

"Don't ask anything, it's time to make the other party pay the price." Lu Feng said, and walked out of the office directly.

Chen Bo and the other two hurriedly followed.

But when the three of them walked out of the office, the people in the police station widened their eyes in shock.

"How is this possible? The chief is okay?"

"How could it be, he clearly..."

"I saw the wound myself!"


They almost thought they were seeing a ghost, that kind of injury, he was dying, he was going to die at any time, and now he walked out by himself, as if he had no injuries at all.


Xiao Zhi's voice also sounded in Lu Feng's ears at this time: "Master, we have found the other party's hiding place, and we also know the identities of all the other party's people."

This made Lu Feng's face suddenly full of murderous intent.


On the other side, two cars had already driven into a warehouse in the Wind City.

Scarface led people down from the car.

You can see that there is already a man wearing glasses and looking very gentle waiting in the warehouse.

The man asked: "What's going on?"

Scarface said unhappily: "The other party is ignorant, so we can only deal with them. Once those three guys are dead, I don't believe that anyone dares to come to investigate us."

The man nodded.

But at this moment, all of their cell phones suddenly rang.

This weird scene scared them all.

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