Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 268 Artificial intelligence that gives people peace of mind! Beautiful fox!

When Baguda heard what these women said, he immediately asked: "Korana? After you used it, the effect is really so good?"

Korana nodded hurriedly: "Mr. Baguda, it's true, it seems that the cells are active and the hair follicles are dilated, just like a massage."

Lu Feng smiled.

The effect seems to be surprisingly strong.

Very quickly.

20 minutes passed quickly

Korana hurriedly took the women to the place where they had just cleaned.

After taking off the mask on her face, Korana cleaned up the residual juice a little.

But when she looked at the mirror, she was stunned.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Because she found that her face had become much whiter.

And it seemed to be much younger.

"How is it possible?" Korana subconsciously moved closer to the mirror to take a look.

No matter how well a woman takes care of herself, her skin is still somewhat unsightly when you look at it closely.

But now, she feels that her entire face is very shiny.

It's true, not an illusion.

"Hey, why do I feel so much younger?" A woman suddenly exclaimed.

Another surprised voice rang out next to her: "This mask is so effective? After using it, my face is so white."

All the women, including Korana, widened their eyes.

This is not an illusion.

After using this mask, I really look much younger.

This mask is too powerful, isn't it?

Lu Feng and Baguda naturally saw the effect.

They also saw what the women looked like after removing their makeup before.

Now they saw how strong the effect was after using it.

Lu Feng finally knew how strong the effect mentioned in the note was.

To put it more specifically, it was like taking a shot of hyaluronic acid.

Because he had seen the effect of hyaluronic acid injections, and it was just like this.

But he felt something was wrong.

Because it takes 7 days to recover from a hyaluronic acid injection, but this mask has an effect so quickly.

I just don’t know how long this effect can last.

A normal mask will make the skin white, tender and delicate after applying it, but it only lasts for half an hour, and then it returns to normal.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng immediately said: "Now wait and see how long the effect of this mask can last."


Lu Feng gave the order, and the women like Kelana naturally had to wait, and they couldn’t even leave during meals, because the effect lasted too long. The effect of the mask was still there for several hours.

Baguda could only have people deliver food.

It wasn’t until eight hours that the effect of the mask began to lose its effect.

This is incredible.

You know, ordinary masks only work for half an hour at most, and then they lose their effect.

Kelana and other women all exclaimed.

This is simply a weapon for women to be beautiful.

Think about it, the effect lasts for 8 hours, then applying two masks a day can make a woman as beautiful as if she had hyaluronic acid injections for a whole day.

Moreover, although this mask starts to lose its effect after 8 hours, it still has some permanent effects. Long-term use will definitely bring huge benefits.

At least, this long-term effect is definitely much stronger than those masks advertised outside.

"Governor, this mask will definitely be more popular than Huimeng wine." Baguda couldn't help but say, with excitement on his face.

Wine may not be drunk every day, but women will definitely use this mask every day, or it can be said that if it has this effect, men may use it.

After all, men don't want to be handsome and look younger?

That's impossible.

Lu Feng nodded and ordered: "Baguda, build an official mask factory, um, build a special industrial zone, there will be more industries in the future, and the factory can't always be in the city."

"In addition, let Honglizard send people to guard it, just like Huimeng wine, the formula must not be leaked. When the factory and the machine, as well as the defense of Honglizard are ready, I will give you the specific formula."

"Okay...Okay, Governor." Baguda replied immediately. For these things, he would do whatever the Governor ordered.

After all, the facts have proved that the development he has been doing for so long is not as good as the Governor's simple product.

After handing the matter over to Baguda, Lu Feng also returned to the Wind Manor, and then said to the air: "Xiaozhi, help me check the planning related to the promotion of facial masks."

The facial mask must be promoted, even if the effect of the facial mask is very good.

He is not good at this aspect. If there is no good way, he can only use the old trick and let Xuanfeng Bank invite people in the facial mask promotion industry again.

The holographic virtual computer indicator on Lu Feng's wrist lit up, and Xiaozhi's voice sounded in his headset: "Master, there will be an international skin care day event in a few days. The world's most famous top skin care company and the world's number one skin care company Ou Ya will participate."

"On this event day, each category of skin care products will appear on the cover of the international skin care magazine category, or the cover of the news."

"The most important thing is that skin care sellers around the world, as well as countless well-known celebrities, and skin care bloggers will participate on this day."

"If a company's skin care products can stand out in this event and have surprisingly good effects, then they will definitely be known to the whole world in a short time and become a well-known brand."

"The world's tenth-largest skin care company stood out in this event with a toner and quickly opened up the market."

Lu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He knew how effective the mask he took out from the game was, but even the most effective effect would take some time to promote.

If he could let the whole world know about his mask in a short time, then what was there to promote?

"Is there no trick in this event?" Lu Feng asked doubtfully.

Xiaozhi answered seriously: "There must be something fishy, ​​there are still many shady things. I found a lot of black materials in this scan. Even before the event started, some people were already conducting money transactions and internally deciding some things."

Lu Feng's mind was full of black lines: "With so many inside stories, we will be suppressed in the past, right? At least there will be disgusting things, right?"

Xiaozhi said very confidently: "Master, don't you still have me? I will help you arrange it. At worst, they will disgust you ten times, and I will disgust them ten times more!"

Lu Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Xiaozhi is really reassuring sometimes. Yes, the event hasn't started yet, and even those people's money transactions and internal decisions have been found out, and there are still a lot of black materials.

Just these exposures will make those guys drink a pot, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Feng no longer cares about this matter. When the event is about to start, he will take the mask to participate.

After returning to the Wind Manor, Lu Feng also entered the game world with a thought.

Previously, I asked Lin Jiao to send the bodies of the orcs and cannibals to the East City Alliance to win credit, and spread the news to provoke the orcs. I think the news has been heard, so I have to pay attention to this matter.

"Boss." Lin Jiao came over immediately after Lu Feng appeared.

"What about the news that was spread before?" Lu Feng asked immediately.

Lin Jiao explained: "Boss, the bodies of the orcs and cannibals have all been sent to the East City Alliance and hung up. The people in the Yan Emperor Mansion did not stop it, and gave them rewards. Moreover, I also asked people to secretly spread the provocative information. Now many people in the East City Alliance should know about it, but I don’t know if the orcs know about it."

"I must know." Lu Feng said with a smile.

In the game, in the orc chapter, there are orcs who sent cannibals to lurk in the East City Alliance.

Moreover, although most of the orcs are ugly, it is not absolute. There is always a rare part of people who are the opposite extreme, that is, very handsome, very beautiful, and have a very good figure.

The orcs even used the beauty trap on the top leaders of the East City Alliance to provoke an internal fight.

However, in the background animation, the orc beauty has a really good figure and is indeed very beautiful, but the damn animation ends with a black screen at the critical moment.

The clothes are taken off, but the screen is black.

The key is that the beast-like part of this orc beauty is in an absolutely secret location that no one would have thought of.

This is also the reason why she has the opportunity to use the beauty trap, otherwise, as soon as the clothes are taken off, her identity will be discovered immediately.

East City Alliance.

As Lin Jiao said, at the entrance of the East City Alliance, corpses were hung up.

Everyone knows that these are orcs and cannibals who wanted to attack the East Suburb Fortress, but were killed instead.

Moreover, now everyone in the East City Alliance knows that the guards of the East Suburb Fortress not only killed these orcs, but also threatened to provoke the orcs, saying that they are welcome to go to the East Suburb Fortress, and he will kill as many as they go. .

On a building near the entrance of the East City Alliance, several figures were looking at the hanging bodies of the orcs.

One of them was very young, and it was Emperor Yan.

A person next to Emperor Yan said: "I found out that the news seemed to be spread by the people in the East Suburb Fortress themselves."

This made Emperor Yan laugh: "Interesting."

At the same time, in the East City Alliance, a figure also left the East City Alliance as usual, but the corner of his eye could not help but glance in the direction of Fei Ci's body.

This figure left quickly, got on a hovercraft, and soon left Tianhai City, and then appeared in a very secret military base.

This military base was actually inside the mountain, and it was covered with trees outside, making it difficult to find.

The figure entered the military base and saw an unusually strong figure: "Beast King, we have investigated clearly. Lord Fei Ci is dead. He died at the hands of the guard officer of the East Suburb Fortress."

"Moreover, the guard officer of the East Suburb Fortress also clamored and provoked us, saying that we are welcome to go to the East Suburb Fortress and they will kill as many people as we go."

"Now that the news has spread in the East Suburb Alliance, those survivors don't seem to be as afraid of us as before because of this."

The Beast King's face suddenly darkened, and then laughed angrily: "The other party is very smart and knows that we can't kill him on a large scale, because the East Suburb Alliance is watching us. If we want to kill him secretly, we can only use a small force."

"But Fei Ci has been killed, and a small force is absolutely useless. The other party is provoking us like this, just to show that Emperor Yan. If you want to get to the top, you always have to get into the eyes of the person in power."

"Unfortunately, the other party provoked the wrong person. How can I let such a person live? Go and call Red Fox!"

Someone beside him nodded and went out immediately, and came back with a graceful woman a moment later.

The woman was dressed in red, and her curvy and seductive figure made many people around stare at her, especially the cannibals who had surrendered.

The Beast King looked at the woman and said directly: "Red Fox, I have a mission for you. You have to sneak into the human side of the East Suburb Fortress and deal with an ungrateful person."

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