Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 254 Louis was dumbfounded! The brewed wine was stinky!

Louis handed the information he got from Professor Dahl to the man and continued to instruct: "According to the above materials, soak a batch of wine."

"Okay, Mr. Louis." The man also responded immediately.

Then, Louis began to make a plan. Since he was so lucky and Professor Dahl helped him crack the Huimeng wine so easily, he naturally had to do something.

At the same time, Louis' secretary also called the Xuanfeng Alliance and euphemistically stated that the company did not need orders for Huimeng wine.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

When Baguda received the report from the secretary, he was also stunned.


For this matter, he has always ordered his secretary to keep an eye on it. The deposits of other people have been paid in, and now only Louis from Weston Company is missing.

Who knew that the other party suddenly did not want the order and tore up the contract.

Under normal circumstances, this must be a lawsuit, but they are the Xuanfeng Alliance and the other party is the United States. Such a lawsuit can only delay time and scramble, and it is still ineffective.

Baguda didn't understand what Louis was up to, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that he believed in Huimeng wine and wasn't afraid that no one would want it.

He immediately said to the secretary: "Didn't you report that there was a wine distributor from the United States who wanted to be the agent of Huimeng wine?"

The secretary nodded and said: "Yes, the other party came after hearing about Huimeng wine. It was Su Lu, the boss of Guisi Rui Company. Moreover, Su Lu was also a rival of Louis Weston's company, but his strength was much weaker."

"So, we have signed a contract with Louis, and we didn't pay any attention to him. However, he is still looking for ways and gave gifts to our officials."

Baguda nodded and asked again: "Does the other party know the effect of Huimeng wine?"

The secretary explained: "We gave away some wine, and the other party must have a way to get it. Otherwise, the other party would not have refused to leave. He knew what the consequences would be if Louis got the wine."

Baguda nodded: "Go and call Su Lu. No matter why Louis broke the contract, since the other party doesn't want this order, then this order will be given to his opponent."

"Okay, Mr. Baguda." The secretary nodded immediately.

In the hotel not far from the administrative center of Xuanfeng Alliance, Sulu looked a little depressed.

Their Guisirui Company is different from Weston Company. They have been developing for too short a time and are far less powerful than Weston Company.

Most of the contracts for the agents of good wines and famous brands on the market are with Weston.

So, even if his ability is not weaker than Louis, he can't do anything about his strength.

Now he is even more clear that after Weston Company gets the Huimeng Wine, their company will definitely be in trouble.

At first, he didn't believe it when he heard about Huimeng Wine. How could there be such a wine in the world?

But when he came to Xuanfeng Alliance and tasted the Huimeng Wine himself, he was dumbfounded.

There is such a wine in the world.

So, he knew better that even if Weston had obtained the agency rights of Huimeng Wine, he still wanted to try to see if he could also get the agency rights.

Unfortunately, he had been working hard for the past three days, and even gave gifts to some officials of Xuanfeng Alliance, but unfortunately there was no effect.

Just when he was distressed, there was a knock on the door.

He hurried to open the door and saw several people standing outside. The leader said as soon as he met him: "Are you Mr. Su Lu?"

"Yes... yes." Su Lu nodded immediately.

After confirming, the man immediately said: "Mr. Su Lu, I am the secretary of Mr. Baguda, the deputy governor of Xuanfeng Alliance. Mr. Baguda wants to see you and discuss with you about the agency rights of Huimeng Wine."

"Really?" Su Lu immediately showed an unbelievable look.

He was about to give up. Who knew that there would be such good news suddenly?

Why did a deputy governor, Baguda, suddenly want to see him? And he said he wanted to discuss the agency rights of Huimeng Wine? That means he has a chance to get the agency rights of Huimeng Wine.

Su Lu did not hesitate and followed the other party directly. Then he was taken to the administrative center of Xuanfeng Alliance and met the deputy governor, Baguda.

"Hello, Mr. Su." Baguda said with a smile as soon as they met.

Sulu asked with some expectation: "Mr. Baguda, I am very happy to meet you. I wonder if you have any instructions?"

Baguda said without any nonsense, "I plan to give all the orders of Weston Company to your company. I wonder if Mr. Sulu is willing?"

Sulu couldn't help showing excitement on his face when he heard this, and immediately said: "Mr. Baguda, of course I am willing. I wonder if you have any other instructions?"

He knew very well that the other party suddenly found him and wanted to give him the order of Weston. There must be a reason.

Baguda smiled and said: "There is no instruction. I will give you more wine in the first batch and target Weston hard."

"Mr. Baguda, I will do this without your instructions." Sulu replied immediately.

At the same time, he also knew why he was lucky and got this order suddenly. From Mr. Baguda's attitude, it is not difficult to guess that Louis of Weston must have done something to anger the other party.

This made him feel better suddenly.

The enemy lost the lost card himself, and he picked it up. Is there anything more joyful than this?

So, since he was able to get the order for Mengjiu this time and even defeat Louis in the future, shouldn’t he thank the other party in person?

Soon, Sulu signed a contract with the Xuanfeng Alliance. When he left, he also left with a batch of Huimeng wine, which was specially approved by Baguda for priority. .

Although he didn't know what Louis was up to, the Xuanfeng Alliance also needed face, so naturally he had to let Sulu embarrass the other party.

Sulu naturally knew what Baguda meant, so when he returned to the beautiful country, he made phone calls one by one to make arrangements.

In just three days, some nightclubs in the beautiful country began to be popular with Huimeng wine.

At the same time, the magic of Huimeng wine also spread, and advertisements were also launched simultaneously, with great momentum.

This movement naturally made Louis know.

He called his secretary immediately: "Go and check who took Huimeng wine from the Xuanfeng Alliance again. The other party may think they have picked up a treasure, but they will soon regret it."

He naturally knew that he didn't want the Huimeng wine order, but someone else got up and took the order he didn't want.

But he was not in a hurry, but instead wanted to tell the other party that the things they didn't want in Weston were not so easy to pick up for free, and they would pay a price.

After all, after so much time, the Huimeng wine he had people brew and soak should be ready.

By then, how could the price of the Huimeng wine that the other party got from the Xuanfeng Alliance be higher than the one he made himself?

Soon, the secretary came back and reported: "Mr. Louis, it was the Huimeng wine that Guisirui Company promoted. Moreover, Huimeng wine became popular as soon as it was launched. Many people were asking for wine, but Guisirui could only get limited wine."

Louis naturally knew why Huimeng wine became popular, and he had personally experienced the wine.

"But now, Sulu must be laughing at me for losing the order for Huimeng wine, right? However, the other party will soon know who should be laughed at." Louis said, and immediately left the office and went straight to a winery.

Although their company is engaged in consignment sales, it is not strange to open a winery, right? Those who understand will naturally understand.

After entering the winery, he found the man from before and asked, "How is the wine going?"

The man looked unhappy: "Mr. Louis, you should go in and take a look yourself!"

"What's going on?" Louis frowned at the other person's appearance, as if he had a bad premonition. If the wine is ready, the other person should ask for credit from him, right?

Louis hurriedly walked in, and then came to the vats of wine, which were all Huimeng wine.

He immediately opened one of the vats, and then a smell of rotting plants floated out of the wine vat.

This made his face change instantly.

He immediately opened all the wine vats, but every wine vat exuded the smell of rotting plants.

"Why is this happening?" Louis asked the man with an unpleasant face.

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