Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 224 Xuanfeng International Bank? This purpose is a bit big!

Xuanfeng Alliance solved the economic crisis caused by Osborne and directly arrested Osborne. This attracted everyone's attention. No one expected that Xuanfeng Alliance would announce such news immediately.

"Xuanfeng Alliance New Bank will be renamed Xuanfeng International Bank, open international banking services, accept international capital deposit business and financial business, and Xuanfeng Bank will always be neutral and will not be attached to, yield to, serve... or provide financial services to any force. Customers' accounts will not be frozen for any reason without authorization...! 》

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This news was filled with thousands of words, and it immediately surprised those who paid attention to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Everyone thought of Swiss Bank.

What Xuanfeng Bank describes is similar to Swiss Bank.

At this time, everyone discovered that the purpose of the Xuanfeng Alliance was somewhat big, even as big as the sky.

If the other party can build a Swiss bank, that would be great. Then the Xuanfeng Alliance’s economy and various strengths will not soar to the sky?

Unfortunately, this seems to be difficult, or almost impossible with the Xuanfeng alliance.

Why is Swiss Bank so rich? Isn’t it because of this reason that people from all over the world deposit their money here.

Especially those who are involved in gray and black industries will deposit their money in Swiss Bank as a fallback path.

Swiss Bank has a history of 200 years.

Moreover, the biggest reason why Swiss Bank can be trusted is security, whether it is physical security or network security, as well as a very stable economic status, which is not susceptible to economic shocks.

In terms of actual security, Swiss Bank is protected by an entire country's dedicated security force. In this aspect, they are top-notch.

Not to mention network security, the most secure banking system in the world is in Swiss Bank, making it impossible for hackers to do anything.

Moreover, Swiss Bank's economy is very stable, its investment fields are all over the world, its asset structure is also very stable, and it is not prone to economic crises.

Naturally, this is just a relatively general reason. There are many other reasons, accumulated over more than 200 years.

Now Xuanfeng Bank actually wants to target Swiss Bank.

This is really incredible.

Xuanfeng Alliance.

In the conference room of the Governor's Mansion, Lu Feng sat at the head of the table. Baguda, Dalai Lama, Vaisen, Hongli... these people sat here again.

Baguda reported after the meeting began: "Governor, everyone, we have three issues to discuss today."

"One is that after the economy stabilizes, people have begun to go back to banks in various places to exchange gold for new coins. If the new coins are issued smoothly, we will also receive a large amount of handling fees. How should we use this money?"

"There is also the issue of the gold. After all, the gold was loaned by the governor. How should it be returned?"

"In addition, news about Xuanfeng Bank's international business has spread. However, there are many international doubts about our Xuanfeng Alliance. It seems that it is difficult to reach the level of Swiss Bank."

After saying this, Baguda looked at Lu Feng.

In fact, it is a discussion. Look at the people in this conference room. Either they are wearing the electronic chains, or they are this person's confidants, and this person's opinion is the most important.

With this person here, it is natural to listen to what he has to say first.

Lu Feng heard this and said: "Needless to say, the purpose of this batch of handling fees is to build roads first. All areas of the Xuanfeng Alliance, even towns, must build asphalt roads. If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is absolutely It’s the unchanging truth.”

He had little hesitation about this.

The Xuanfeng Alliance is too poor. It used to be chaotic all year round. Every town and town even had dirt roads. Even here in Liping City, many cement streets look like they did 30 years ago in China.

Now this place is his territory, how can he continue to see it? Of course, we need to build roads first.

These words naturally made Black Snake smile weirdly. If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is such a familiar slogan. It can be said that it has been throughout a period in the country.

Neither Baguda nor the Dalai Lama had any objection to Lu Feng's decision.

To be honest, they also know the importance of smooth roads, but they have never had enough money to build so many roads before.

Lu Feng added at this time: "As for the gold issue, those who support us are not in a hurry to take it back. The other party plans to use it to invest in our Xuanfeng Bank and hold 51% of the shares in Xuanfeng Bank."

"Invest in Xuanfeng Bank!" Baguda was immediately shocked.

That's more than 600 tons of gold.

Does the other party trust their Xuanfeng Alliance so much?

But think about it, according to the current situation of the Xuanfeng Alliance, the potential will definitely be very great. With an investment of more than 600 tons of gold, it is really impossible to say who will make a profit or lose.

Baguda was worried and said: "Your Majesty the Governor, but the other party wants 51% of the shares, doesn't it mean that the other party wants to take control of Xuanfeng Bank? This is not a good thing for us."

"If the other party asks to intervene in the bank and has any intentions, it will also have a great impact on the economy of our Xuanfeng Alliance."

Lu Feng smiled and made up: "The other party promised not to interfere in this issue. Also, what I want is to keep the other party's more than 600 tons of gold. As for the other party really wanting to interfere, I have the power in my hands. Aren’t I the one who has the final say on your territory?”

These words actually made Baguda nodded: "It turns out that the Governor is trying to steal more than 600 tons of gold from the other party."

The Dalai Lama echoed: "Your Excellency the Governor is right. As long as the other party keeps more than 600 tons of gold and the other party does not do as promised, then it is our territory. The power is in our hands and the initiative is in us. Your Excellency the Governor." , I wonder if you can tell me about the other party’s condition?”

Lu Feng smiled and continued to make up: "The other party is from the Eastern Dragon Kingdom. After the investment of more than 600 tons of gold is completed, the other party will also take the lead in letting Qingfeng Network Company, the largest Internet company in the Eastern Dragon Kingdom, introduce us to the Xuanfeng Alliance. Sometimes, we will also help lead the introduction of Longguo’s infrastructure team to help us build roads. You know that Longguo’s infrastructure strength is the strongest in the world.”

Hearing this, Baguda and the Dalai Lama were all surprised.

They had always wondered where that batch of gold came from, but they didn't expect it to come from the Dragon Kingdom.

Who doesn’t know about the Dragon Kingdom? That's a superpower.

Moreover, they also know what the largest Internet company in a big country represents. If such a company is willing to invest in their Xuanfeng Alliance, it will be of great benefit to their investment development, and it may attract other wealthy people in the Dragon Kingdom. People come to invest.

For the Xuanfeng Alliance, it is too difficult to develop its own economy, so it still needs to rely on external economies.

Naturally, they are even more aware of the infrastructure of Dragon Kingdom. It is very terrifying. It is indeed said to be the best in the world. No one dares to refute it.

These are naturally the thoughts of people like Baguda and the Dalai Lama.

But Black Snake and Chen Bo looked shocked, feeling as if Mr. Lu had used a big net to trap all the people like Baguda.

Qingfeng Network Company was invested by Xuanfeng Alliance and became foreign capital. Now Xuanfeng Bank will also be controlled by domestic capital to control 51% of the shares.

Isn't it Mr. Lu who is the key to all this back and forth?

Moreover, regarding the introduction of Xuanfeng Alliance into the business of Qingfeng Network Company, this is also what Mr. Lu said. As for infrastructure, it is even simpler. As long as there are people and guarantees, Mr. Lu can have as much as he wants, right?

Mr. Lu is really scary.

"Okay, let's talk about the international business of Xuanfeng Bank." Lu Feng continued: "Our Xuanfeng Alliance may not be able to reach the level of Swiss Bank. What is great about Swiss Bank is its stable economy and security. Just a problem."

"With a stable economy, we have withstood attacks from predators like Osborne and captured them. This is also an economic guarantee."

"The other issues are just security issues. Leave it to me. Baguda, what you have to do now is to continue publicity and let more people know about Xuanfeng Bank."

Do you need to worry about this issue?

Network security concerns Xiaozhi. Who in the real world can break through Xiaozhi's defenses?

In reality, there are special warriors led by Red Lizard.

Just in time, he got the bones of the mutated leopard king again. This effect was better than what he brought out before. It allowed the red lizard to select some people to continue using them as sharp knives.

In the early stage, these people did not need to do anything, just keep an eye on the Xuanfeng Bank guards.

When the time comes, whoever is looking for death and wants to rob a bank or something like that, just come.

Baguda nodded after hearing Lu Feng's instructions and hurriedly left after the meeting to get ready. The Dalai Lama and others also left the conference room.

"Red Lizard, follow me to the manor." Lu Feng greeted Hong Lizard and went straight to a manor.

Naturally, this manor was a special residence arranged for him. There were pairs of guards patrolling the surrounding area. Moreover, it was specially guarded so that even reporters could not get close.

He didn't want to expose himself just yet.

"Your Excellency, Governor, do you have any orders?" Red Lizard followed him to the manor and asked respectfully.

Lu Feng didn't say much, and directly took out the bones of the mutant leopard king from the backpack space in front of the red lizard, and told the red lizard: "These bones are more effective than the previous ones. You pick some people to use them. In the future, these bones will be used." They will become sharp knives, our special forces, and their first mission will be to guard Xuanfeng Bank."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Governor." The red lizard had already known that this man had mysterious power, so he was not surprised by the appearance of the bone.

He was surprised that the effect of these bones was even better than last time, and a batch of them had to be specially selected to form a special force.

You must know that the special soldiers he leads now are already stronger than those elite special forces in the world.

Now we actually need to cultivate stronger special warriors to serve as special forces?

How strong should that be?

Those kings of military competitions in the world will be disappointed when they encounter this kind of special warrior, right?

But then, he became excited because these people belonged to him.

This does not mean that he can command the strongest army on the planet.

This also made him respect the person in front of him even more.

He knows very well that if the other party can make one batch, he can make two batches, and even stronger ones may be possible in the future. After all, the other party's terrifying ability is too amazing.

Therefore, he knows better that this person's instructions must be completed seriously, otherwise, if this person is unhappy, he can be replaced at any time.

That's just a piece of cake for the other party.

When Hong Lizi left to make preparations, Xiaozhi's voice came from Lu Feng's earphones: "Master, the bank network system has been compiled. It is based on the Ruishi bank system model you mentioned, and its security performance is better than that of Ruishi." The bank is more than 10 times stronger.”

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