Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 222: The first crocodile to be captured! Good idea!

As the window broke, Obens's face changed drastically. One after another, figures in special clothes rushed in, took off the locks and went inside.

At this moment, all the traders inside were panicked.

Even a fool knew that the situation was going to be bad.

Red Lizard recognized Obens when he entered and went straight up to grab Obens.

This culprit was the one the governor wanted.

"You... who are you?" Obens shouted with an ugly face.

"Obens, you deliberately disrupted the international financial order and caused the economic crisis of the Xuanfeng Alliance. You are arrested." Red Lizard said coldly, and knocked Obens unconscious with a punch.

Obens couldn't believe it before he fainted.

The other party is from the Xuanfeng Alliance?

But how did the other party know he was here?

The place he chose was obviously very secret.

Moreover, the most important point is that there are several top international hackers among the people he brought. With them, others can't find him by following the network IP.

Those hackers are the most powerful.

What's going on now? The people of the Xuanfeng Alliance actually found his location accurately. The key is, do they have the right to enforce the law here?

He had clearly given gifts to the person in charge of this city and bought guarantees. Even if the Xuanfeng Alliance wanted to arrest him, the other party would fight for him to take a plane back to the United States.

This is why he dared to come here and feel the smell of the economic battlefield up close.

Obens didn't know that at this time, there were already several people sitting in the office of the person in charge of this city, looking at the 2 tons of gold in front of them with shining eyes.

Hadona watched this scene coldly from the side and then said goodbye.

Their Xuanfeng Alliance is still very weak and does not have the right to enforce the law here, but money can make the gods, let alone 2 tons of gold.

Moreover, they only need 1 hour, why not?

After the red lizard caught Obens, the people he brought also checked with other people. After a while, they also knocked out a few people and took them away directly.

Those people wanted to resist, but how could they be the opponents of these special warriors trained by mutant animal bones? They lost the ability to resist in a few seconds and were knocked unconscious.

These people are naturally internationally famous hackers. No one knows their true identity. They were invited by Obens to help.

After all, it is the Internet age now. Their capital offensive needs computers. They are also afraid of hackers making trouble. They are even more afraid that their IP will be found out when they are doing things, and then someone will come to their door. That would be the end. Hackers can also cover up their positions.

After all, their capital operation will easily cause the economy of a place to collapse. The people in that place will hate them and want their lives.

In madness, anything can be done.

Therefore, few capital crocodiles have been caught.

Obens, the unlucky guy, should be the first capital crocodile to be caught. .

As for the other traders, there is no point in catching them. Just let them spread the news.

After this time, no capital crocodile should come to attack the Xuanfeng Alliance again.

"The 2 tons of gold are not wasted. Take the people away." Red Lizard deliberately said before leaving.

This is what the governor said. Although I don't know, I said it as ordered.

The well-developed Red Lizard didn't know what it meant, but the traders opened their eyes wide when they heard his words, and they seemed to understand why these people came to their door.

Mr. Obens was betrayed.

The other party spent 2 tons of gold to find Mr. Obens's place.

Naturally, this was Lu Feng's intention.

With Xiaozhi's participation, there will be loopholes, so if you can cover it up, try to cover it up.

A moment later, Red Lizard took people to the rooftop, and two transport helicopters flew quickly, lowered the ropes, and took Red Lizard away, leaving those messy traders behind.

I don't know how long it took.

Obens and the hackers all woke up, and their faces changed when they saw the situation around them.

They all had handcuffs in their hands, and the iron window in front of them was obviously a prison.

They thought of what happened before they fell into a coma, and they were actually caught.

Obens couldn't believe it. The Xuanfeng Alliance was just a training ground for him. How could he be so miserable and be caught?

"No... I want to see your person in charge." Obens shouted frantically and slapped the iron window.

"What are you arguing about?" A man from an oriental country appeared and slammed the iron window with an iron rod. The other party was wearing a short-sleeved prison guard uniform, with tattoos on his arms, and he was holding a short rod in his hand to slam the iron window.

Chen Hao didn't understand what Obens said at all, but he was very upset with this guy and came over to scold him.

He was locked up for opposing Mr. Lu, but he was still not honest and made a lot of noise.

He was originally just a small figure in the underworld of Youcheng, and he followed Mr. Chen to help him. He had always been hanging around and didn't even have a decent girlfriend.

Later, Mr. Chen followed Mr. Lu and it was different.

When he was in Youcheng, he and Mr. Chen followed Mr. Lu to do gold business and made a lot of money, at least much happier than before.

Later, he and Mr. Chen followed Mr. Lu to Tianzhou City, and he was even more prosperous in Tianzhou City.

Brother Ming also assigned him a street, and he was in charge of a KTV, a bar and a nightclub on this street.

It can be said that everyone in the three venues has to respectfully call him Brother Hao, and it is also easy for him to pick up women in the venue.

At that time, he sighed that he really wanted to follow the right person when he came out to hang out. After they and Boss Chen joined Mr. Lu, they really rose to the top.

And now, he was brought here by Boss Chen to help Mr. Lu, and now he directly became the warden of this prison, and he suddenly became a powerful person.

It really feels a bit like ancient bandits turned into soldiers.

Obens also couldn't understand Chen Hao's words, so he patted the bars and shouted, "I want a translator, and I want to see your person in charge."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Hao snorted coldly, hit Obans with an iron rod, smashed Obans and howled in pain, and then left.

In a surveillance room, people like Lu Feng, Hong Lizi, Chen Bo, Hadona, Baguda, and Dalai Lama were watching the surveillance. It was Obans and the hackers in the surveillance room.

Baguda and the Dalai Lama looked at Lu Feng with more respect. After all, this man was really powerful and could really lead their people to prosperity.

Now that the outside economy has stabilized, there will be no trouble if Obans is arrested. In other words, their people will soon double their economy.

The key point is that this was done out of thin air. They and the people did nothing at all, and wealth did not come out of thin air. It was all the contribution of the capital in Obans.

Osborne used his capital to benefit their people, allowing their new coins to be directly accepted by the people and increase in value.

But both of them also know very well that this is not something that can be easily accomplished. It can be said that no one can do it. Otherwise, why would those capital predators be so frightening?

But this governor did it, and he seemed to be omnipotent and calculated everything, as if everything was within his calculations and followed his steps.

From getting information from Linsida, from producing evidence to arrest Linsida, to knowing the location of Obans, let the red lizard come directly to the door and bring him back. .

It's all terrible.

No one knows how this guy did it.

At this time, Lu Feng was listening to Xiaozhi's voice in the earphones: "Master, the funds in the other party's account have been completely locked up in the Xuanfeng Alliance under my control. There is no funds for them to withdraw."

Lu Feng couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

This is the art of evaporating wealth.

This is also what these capital giants are best at.

Just like the economic crisis caused by these capital tycoons in many places, they obviously had cars and houses, but suddenly they had nothing. Everyone didn't understand where their wealth went, and it just evaporated.

This kind of capital operation is indeed a disaster for ordinary people.

All, to a certain extent, capital tycoons like Obans deserve to die.

Now Xiaozhi is using this method to target Obans, which can be regarded as using the opponent's best ability to kill the opponent.

Xiaozhi continued: "Master, those hackers are very famous hackers in the world. They have done a lot of bad things and have mastered a lot of information. Moreover, they still have a lot of money, but their money is scattered among All over the world, even those banks don’t know that their money is in these banks, they are really capable.”

Lu Feng had to admit that sometimes hackers were really powerful, otherwise major countries in the world would not have so many restrictions on hackers.

"Master, now I have all these materials and money." Xiaozhi said, and suddenly suggested to Lu Feng: "Master, you can kill them, so that I can use their identities to do things, and then , then all the countries in the world will be searching for them crazily, but they won’t be able to catch them!”

"???" Lu Feng.

Seems like a good idea.

After Obens was caught and his capital was tied up, no one could stop the Xuanfeng Alliance from stabilizing the economy.

The economic events of the Xuanfeng Alliance have always attracted international attention, and the reporters also broadcast the news in real time.

The exchange of hundreds of tons of gold and the capital offensive of Obans can make people look at the glint of swords and blood.

Therefore, countless people are waiting for this economic crisis, and more people are waiting to see how long the Xuanfeng Alliance can wait.

After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance is too weak to stop Obans.

But what happened next was something that no one could believe.

Because, the Xuanfeng Alliance's economy turned out to be surprisingly stable.

How can this be?

What about Obans?

Have you given up?

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