Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 217 Is 600 tons of gold enough? Bluff?

Mutated Leopard King (cub)

Master: Lu Feng!

Level: LV16

Strength: 24

Agility: 28

Constitution: 24

Lu Feng looked at the little guy's attributes that were upgraded by one level again, and couldn't help but sigh, getting stronger and stronger.

This little guy is as cute as a kitten, but if it were placed in the real world, who would have thought that a well-armed army would be wiped out if it encountered it.

"Boss, do you still have the ability to summon beasts?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

Among the ability users, elemental ability users are very strong, but there is another ability user who may also be very strong.

That is the ability user of summoned beasts.

These people can conquer mutant beasts, then control them, and use these mutant beasts to fight, and the powerful ones can control several mutant beasts.

Theoretically, as long as the mutant beasts are strong enough, their strength can also be strong enough.

The boss already has so many abilities, and it seems endless, and he has discovered that he has a new ability.

Is his ability omnipotent?

"Call it Jinwen!" Lu Feng didn't explain much. Anyway, the game system will not be exposed, so he can understand the rest as he likes.

It's all up to these people to imagine.

Their imagination will make them more convinced.

Wang Cheng nodded, without asking any further questions, he squatted down and started to deal with the body of the mutant leopard king.

Seeing this, Lu Feng asked: "Is the body of this mutant leopard king also useful?"

Wang Cheng nodded: "As long as you reach the level of beast king, you will be full of treasures. The bones of this mutant leopard king are more effective than those of the striped cattle spine, which are good for me and Lin Jiao."

"Well, leave some for me too." Lu Feng ordered.

Since this thing is more effective, he can also bring some out of the game.

The troop led by the red lizard has proved the power of the special forces.

So, why not get a stronger team to be a stronger sharp knife?

Wang Cheng finished dealing with the body of the mutant leopard king and handed some of the bones to Lu Feng.

After Lu Feng put the bones into the backpack space, he also said: "Let's go!"

Don't forget the business.

He came for the gold in this base.

The current crisis of the Xuanfeng Alliance depends on this gold.

Because the mutant leopard king was killed, the mutant beasts in the base seemed to have fled, and no new mutant beasts appeared afterwards.

Soon, Lu Feng and Wang Cheng arrived in front of a warehouse.

This is a warehouse in a military base, and its defense is not weak. However, it is not difficult to open the door after a few consecutive laser cannon shots.

Because it has not been opened for a long time, the warehouse is full of moldy smell and various dusts are floating.

But this is not important. The neatly stacked gold in the warehouse is the most important. The golden light it emits is really dazzling.

According to the amount of the last ton of gold, there must be 500 to 600 tons of gold in this warehouse.

If so much gold is sold for money, one gram of gold is 420 yuan, and one ton is equal to 1 million grams, which is 420 million.

Then 500 tons is 210 billion.

This 210 billion is definitely nothing for the economic crisis of a big country.

But for a small country like the Xuanfeng Alliance, it is definitely enough.

Even if the capital crocodile has more capital, the scale of Xuanfeng Alliance is there, and it can only bear that degree of crisis, no matter how big it is.

This is like a 10-capacity water, it can only carry 10 capacity, you pour 100 water on it, it can still only carry 10 capacity.

So, at this time, the small scale of Xuanfeng Alliance is actually a good thing.

"Boss, what about now?" Wang Cheng asked.

"You go back to the eastern suburbs first, I will go back by myself later, be careful!" Lu Feng ordered, and then he had to find a way to take the gold out of the game world, and Wang Cheng couldn't help.

"Okay, boss!" Wang Cheng nodded, and without any nonsense, he turned around and walked out of the military base.

Lu Feng also quit the game with a thought, and when he got outside, he took out his mobile phone and saw several missed calls.

Many of them were from Black Snake.

He immediately called Black Snake back.

As soon as the call was connected, Black Snake's voice came: "Mr. Lu, your call finally got through. The plane ticket has been bought and we will take off in 1 hour."

Lu Feng also said to the phone: "Come to the villa to find me, let's go together!"

"Okay, Mr. Lu!" Black Snake replied hurriedly.

He soon arrived at Lu Feng's villa, and the two set off together, went to the airport, and soon flew to Myanmar.

There are no flights directly to the Xuanfeng Alliance in China.

Because the Xuanfeng Alliance is too small, even the previous * country does not have it.

Even * country does not have a decent airport.

So, to go to the Xuanfeng Alliance, you need to enter Myanmar first, transfer to the station and take the train to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Hadona and Red Lizard led people to wait for Lu Feng at the Myanmar airport this time. As soon as they arrived, the group went to the Xuanfeng Alliance.

"How is the matter?" Lu Feng also asked Hadona along the way.

Hadona sighed and said: "Governor, I already know the mastermind behind the scenes. It is a capital crocodile named Obens. I don't know why the other party targeted the Xuanfeng Alliance."

"Moreover, things are very bad. The current financial resources of the Xuanfeng Alliance belong entirely to the * country. The * country's financial resources are simply not enough to cope with this kind of economic disaster. Inflation is too serious and the alliance is completely in chaos."

"Yes." Lu Feng nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, Lu Feng and his party arrived at Liping City, the center of the alliance.

He did not go to the presidential palace because he could not get in. The outside was completely blocked by protesting people.

Therefore, when he arrived, he stayed in a manor. This manor was an official guest house. It was not luxurious and the decoration was not very good. It was not even comparable to some second-tier tourist manors in the country.

However, there is no way around it, the area here is too poor.

Later, people like Vaison, Bulin, Baguda, and Dalai Lama were all summoned here.

When the Dalai Lama saw Lu Feng again, he said angrily: "Your Excellency, you are finally willing to show up. Do you know what the chaos is like outside now?"

These words were obviously filled with complaints, even dissatisfaction.

Lu Feng could tell, but he was surprisingly not annoyed. This general was obviously someone who served the country and the people. Otherwise, if he dared to do this while wearing an electronic chain and his life was controlled, he would be seeking death.

Lu Feng admired such people. If he could conquer such people, it would be easier to control than wearing electronic chains.

Lu Feng thought about it, smiled and said: "General Dalai Lama, the reason why I show up now is naturally to find a way to solve this matter. Now that I am here, I already have a way to deal with this situation."

"Moreover, this may not be an opportunity for us. If we can survive this crisis and even keep Auburn's capital with us, leaving them stuck in the quagmire and unable to get out, then the money is not his. The final say.”

Baguda felt incredible when he heard this: "This is simply impossible. We don't have that much financial resources at all, and even our bank has completely collapsed."

"Then we will rebuild a larger Xuanfeng Alliance Bank to face the whole world." Lu Feng said again: "When the time comes, we will learn from a scholar, be completely neutral, and let people from all over the world save here. When the time comes, we will What’s developed here is no worse than what’s developed here.”

Baguda just felt like he couldn't talk to this person anymore. Didn't the other person understand what he said?

Therefore, we can only repeat: "Your Excellency, we don't have the financial resources at all. The premise you mentioned is that we can only resist Osborne, and we can really trap the other party's funds here."

Lu Feng smiled and asked: "Are several hundred tons of gold enough? At least 600 tons."

"Uh..." Baguda was stunned for a moment.

The Dalai Lama, Vaisen, Bulin, and Hongli all looked at Lu Feng subconsciously.

Are you talking about 600 tons of gold?

How can this be?

It's not 600 tons of soil. How can we just take it out?

Lu Feng said again: "600 tons is not enough, I can think of ways to get more."

He is not lying. In the game world, there is no gold in Tianhai City. There are other cities. He can go to other cities to find it.

It would be very dangerous for other survivors to go out into the wild, because there are so many mutant beasts, and when he and Wang Cheng encountered those mutant cheetahs, they would almost be disappointed.

But his mecha weapons ensured this for him.

Therefore, in theory, he can get any amount of gold. As long as he is given enough time, he can find more gold than those big countries.

"Are you kidding?" The Dalai Lama couldn't help but soften his tone and asked seriously.

Lu Feng ignored the Dalai Lama at this time and directly ordered Baguda: "Go and announce, establish a new Xuanfeng Alliance, issue new coins, and then start gold exchange. The value of the new coins will be 1 with the original currency. :2!"

"Ah...this..." Baguda was completely stunned.

Is this person so ambitious?

Not only to restore the value of the coin, but also to make the new coin twice as valuable as before?

If it really comes true, then the assets of everyone in the Xuanfeng Alliance will not only be restored, but also doubled.

Things that used to cost 10 yuan to buy outside can now be bought for 5 yuan.

If that happens, the entire Xuanfeng Alliance will be completely stable, and everyone will be proud to be a member of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

But did the other party really find so much gold?

If there is enough gold, this can indeed be done. If not, everything will stop and the collapse will be more serious.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Lu Feng's attitude became tougher.

"Okay, Your Excellency." Baguda said no more, and immediately went out to gather some important people and began to take action.

Lu Feng said to the red lizard again: "Find a place and be on guard. Don't let anyone approach within a 10-mile radius. The same goes for you!"

He wanted to move hundreds of tons of gold from the game, so he naturally wanted to keep it secret and didn't want anyone to know the details.

Therefore, he didn't want a fly to fly in around him.

"Okay, Your Excellency!" Red Lizard responded immediately.

To him, it was natural that what he said was what he said.

He would have no rebuttal at all now.

The Dalai Lama on the side was a little anxious and asked: "Sir, what should I do?"

Lu Feng ignored him. Someone like him would hang up first and then walk out.

The red lizard also went out immediately, ready for action. .

The Dalai Lama hurriedly said: "Red Lizard, I can help."

The red lizard only gave him a smile and then left.

This made the Dalai Lama anxious. What do these people mean?

Not long after, Baguda issued a message on behalf of the Xuanfeng Alliance:

"The Xuanfeng Alliance will establish a new central bank and start gold exchange. New coins will also be issued later. The exchange value of the new coins will be 1:2 of the old coins!" 》

As soon as this news came out, the entire Xuanfeng Alliance was instantly shocked, and it was all incredible.

Then, everything seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then everyone became anxious and went home one after another, even those who held banners in protest.

Naturally, he was eager to go back and prepare to exchange for gold.

No matter what is going on, everyone is thinking about exchanging gold first tomorrow.

No matter what happens with this economic disaster, there is no harm in exchanging gold. Gold will not depreciate. What if we fall behind and have no way to exchange it? If the disaster has not been solved, let's cool down completely and prepare to jump off the building.

All of a sudden, an exchange storm is about to break out, and all the people are waiting for the new bank to open.

On the other side, people like Obans and Linsida (Chapter 215) within the Xuanfeng Alliance naturally got the news.

Linstar immediately made a video call with Obens: "Obens, I saw the news. What is the other party's purpose? It seems that he wants to use gold to stabilize the economic situation."

Obans smiled and said: "The other party has smart people. This is just a bluff. Unfortunately, they treat us as fools. Don't worry. Don't you know better than us how much gold the other party has?"

Linsida nodded. He knew very well that Baguda could not afford so much gold. Their area, the town of Dara, and even Myanmar, India, and Pakistan could not afford it. Enough gold.

Osborne is naturally more confident because he monitors this aspect the most strictly.

He naturally knows the role of gold in this kind of matter. If the Xuanfeng Alliance wants to make a comeback, the only chance is to use gold as a material to suppress the situation, otherwise the other party will not be able to provide more funds than they do.

Therefore, he would have people monitor any country's gold that moved. So far, no country's gold had any abnormalities, let alone the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Therefore, you can rest assured that the other party's bluff will trigger an exchange storm, seek death, and collapse faster.

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