Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 206: Qingfeng Network Company Crisis!

The Dalai Lama was simply stunned.

He had fought many wars in his life, but he had never seen such a scene.

Although Cambodia was only a small country, he still had some knowledge of the international situation, and he knew what new weapons the major countries had produced.

The countries definitely did not have such weapons, at least he had never heard of them.

In the moment when the Dalai Lama was stunned, he saw one of the balls fall not far from him, and then a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept towards him instantly.

He could clearly see the shock wave, but he had no time to dodge, and he felt his consciousness blurred in an instant.

Before falling into darkness, he only saw the soldiers around him fall down in unison, without any resistance.

This... what is this?

Then, he completely lost consciousness.

When those shock wave balls exploded, there were almost no people left standing on the Cambodian side.

The faces of the remaining people all showed fear, and the scene in front of them made them have no idea what the reason was.

For a while, many people even trembled with their hands holding weapons.

On the side of the Xuanfeng Alliance

After the shockwave balls exploded completely, Brin and the people around him were completely shocked by the result.

Although the governor had already said how powerful the shockwave balls were, seeing it with your own eyes was not as shocking as hearing a description.

Weisen and Huosi looked at each other.

Before, they were weapons dealers, but they could never get such weapons, and they had never heard of them.

But that person actually got such a terrifying weapon.

Who is the weapons dealer?

If the other party had used this to deal with them, the forces in their Dara town would have been dealt with faster.

Weisen seemed to understand that the other party might not have come to buy weapons at the beginning, but to target their Dara town.

But for some reason, after seeing the scene in front of him, he was more convinced of the governor in his heart.

"Give the order, the whole army will attack, first control the other party's tank battalion and chariot battalion, and those who can drive these two things will operate them for me." Brin did not hesitate and gave the order directly.

For a while, the Xuanfeng Alliance was full of blood-boiling shouts and attacks.

In this situation, they were full of fighting spirit.

Anyone who was still cowardly in this situation would be embarrassed.

The soldiers of the Xuanfeng Alliance quickly rushed into the Cambodian position, and those Cambodian soldiers who were stunned could not wake up so quickly.

Therefore, only the remaining Cambodian soldiers could resist.

Unfortunately, they were already scared.

Facing the charge of the Xuanfeng Alliance, they turned around and fled.

Cambodia, a small country, had just escaped from the edge of chaos, and did not have the military spirit of those big countries who were ready to die.

Therefore, the Xuanfeng Alliance took down the Cambodian position and confiscated the weapons of the Cambodian soldiers without much effort.

The tank battalion and the chariot battalion were also quickly controlled.

After Brin took control of everything, he immediately made a phone call to the Red Lizard's number.

As soon as the call was connected, he said, "The battle here has been resolved!"

"Then leave the rest to me!" The voice of the Red Lizard also came over.

Time passed.

The Dalai Lama felt a sharp pain in his head, as if it was about to split.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and the scene he saw made his face change drastically.

This was obviously in his own camp. He and his officers had their hands tied, and they were surrounded by soldiers holding weapons.

From the messy uniforms, it was not difficult to know that they were the ragtag army of the town of Dara.

But at this time, these people pointed their weapons at him. Looking around, the soldiers he brought were all densely surrounded by such ragtag troops.

Everyone had weapons pointed at their heads.

The whole army was destroyed? All captured?

Cold sweat instantly appeared on the Dalai Lama's forehead, and he recalled the scene before he fainted.

He couldn't believe it was true.

He brought the elite of Cambodia, and even brought the tank battalion, the chariot battalion, and the combat helicopter battalion.

Logically, they should have been able to defeat the other side with a crushing blow.

But now the result is completely unexpected.

What kind of weapons did the other side have?

A young man walked in from outside, and the Dalai Lama clearly saw that the soldiers around him showed respectful eyes to the young man.

He also recognized the person behind the young man: Weisen.

He had read his information.

The other party was originally the leader of the Kulda family in the town of Dara, and now he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Xuanfeng Alliance.

"General Dalai, how do you feel now?" Weisen also smiled and asked.

The Dalai Lama said with an ugly face: "What do you want?"

Weisen smiled and said: "Our governor hopes that the general can surrender, so that these soldiers you brought can also be spared. After our Xuanfeng Alliance merges with your Cambodia, the general can still lead these soldiers."

The Dalai Lama was shocked when he heard this: "You actually want to annex our Cambodia? We have more than these soldiers."

"But these are the only ones that can be mobilized, right?" Weisen asked with a smile. .

This battle also made him very motivated now, and he said: "Moreover, when your officials, including the president, are all captured, what other options do you have? The key is that you provoked this battle, I must have No one in the world will sympathize with you.”

"Have you sent people to our country?" The Dalai Lama reacted and his face became even more ugly.

If, as the other party said, the president and the others were captured, then Cambodia would be doomed.

At least the restless elements in Cambodia will definitely move and return Cambodia to the chaos it once was.

At this time, Vaison pointed to the Dalai Lama's neck: "Mr. President, I think you should look at your own neck again, and everyone else too."

When the Dalai Lama heard this, he subconsciously touched his neck and found that there was a kind of chain around his neck.

So did the officers he brought with him.

For a moment, these people subconsciously began to want to remove the electronic chain.

Vaisen also looked at it without saying anything. He knew very well that this thing could not be dismantled at all.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Dalai Lama asked with an ugly face: “What is this?”

No one answered him.

But the next moment, he saw the three officers in front of him, and the electronic locks around their necks exploded one after another.

The scene is bloody and heads are rolling off.

This scene made the Dalai Lama and the remaining people shrink their eyes, and an emotion called fear appeared in their pupils.

The capital of Cambodia is Liping City.

The presidential palace is in the white building in the center.

Baguda summoned all the important officials to gather here today, waiting for news from the battlefield.

Because there are no satellites, they have no way to monitor the results in real time through satellite images. They can only wait for the results through telephone video transmission.

"This time Dara Town has given us a good opportunity!"

"Yes, once that area is merged, we can develop well."

"This Xuanfeng Alliance will definitely be the country that will perish the fastest."

Each of these important officials had a confident smile on their face, because there was no way they could fail in this battle.

Now we just need to wait for the news to come back from there.

Baguda has not expressed his position. He is looking at his watch, calculating the time when the Dalai Lama will end the battle.

Even if the battle fails to end on time, the Dalai Lama will communicate with them on time and report the latest news.

Soon, the appointed time came.

But Baguda's brows slowly wrinkled, because the Dalai Lama had not yet sent the message back.

There is something wrong with this. The Dalai Lama is not the kind of person who has no sense of time, especially at this time.

After a while, there was no call again.

Other people who discussed it also felt something was wrong.

Baguda immediately said to the secretary beside him: "Call the Dalai Lama and ask for the latest situation!"

The secretary immediately went to the phone next to him and started dialing on speaker phone.

After a while, the call was connected.

Baguda immediately called into the phone: "Dalai, how is the situation now?"

Kodak Lai did not answer, but instead a joking voice came from the other side: "Your Excellency must be His Excellency Baguda, the President of Cambodia. Xuanfeng Alliance wishes to say hello to you!"

These words stunned Baguda and the dignitaries in the conference room.

"how so?"

"Didn't the Dalai Lama receive it?"

"The other party said that the Xuanfeng Alliance is impossible!"


Everyone's expressions changed.

They knew very well that the other party could receive this call only if the Dalai Lama was defeated, otherwise the other party would not have received this call.

"Impossible!" Baguda simply didn't believe this was the case.

The next moment, a loud explosion suddenly sounded nearby, followed by a rapid siren.

This shocked Baguda and the others.

Someone actually attacked them. .

Why is this happening?

This is their capital, and they have a dedicated defense force. Who is so bold?

"What's going on?" Baguda shouted with a changed expression.

The scene before him seemed to be beyond his expectation.

After a moment, a soldier ran in in a panic and reported: "Your Excellency, a group of gangsters rushed in from nowhere. Their skills are much better than our defense forces. I suspect they are better than those who fought." The elite special forces are stronger than ever.”

"Moreover, their weapons are more powerful than ours. Their range can hit us, but our weapons cannot hit them, and their power is not as good as theirs."

"Your Excellency, you must leave immediately. The defense forces cannot hold on and there is no time to mobilize other troops and weapons."

"Why is this happening?" Baguda couldn't believe it.

It was obviously them who launched the attack, but why was it that their own lair was invaded by the other side?

But at this time, he did not dare to hesitate. Under the protection of some soldiers, he could only leave the building in a panic and leave from the other side.

But when he left the building, he suddenly saw figures appearing in the sky. They were all wearing special wing suits and doing all kinds of dangerous and incredible moves.

You must have a very strong physique and flexibility to do such a thing.

These people accurately landed on them and fired rapidly, killing all the surrounding soldiers.

When the Cambodian dignitaries in Baguda reacted, those people had already fallen around them and aimed their weapons at them.

The expressions on the faces of Baguda and the others changed dramatically, they only knew that it was over.

The attack over there was just a cover, and now this is the real attacker.

After the red lizard landed, he looked at Baguda with a sneer. He had read the other party's information and naturally knew that this person was the target.

"Mr. President Baguda, the Xuanfeng Alliance greets you." The red lizard said, took out an electronic chain and put it directly on Baguda.

The other people he brought did the same, and they all put electronic chains on those important people.

The Xuanfeng Alliance and Cambodia are both small countries. Their war broke out suddenly and did not even cause a stir internationally.

Everyone only knew that the Xuanfeng Alliance was founded, and did not know that Cambodia attacked the Xuanfeng Alliance.

In China, everything is still going on in an orderly manner. After the news of the Xuanfeng Alliance became popular, no one paid attention to it. What everyone is paying attention to now is a female internet celebrity named Nie who puts lipstick on people.

It can be said that the stable environment has created a good environment for netizens to think about sex when they are full and warm.

Tianzhou City

Outside the commercial building where Qingfeng Network Company is located, a car slowly stopped, and a head popped out of the car window, looking at the Qingfeng Network Company logo on the first floor of the building.

"Brother Huaqiang, are you finally waiting for us to take action?" A young man next to him sneered, "The group of people in Qingfeng Company have been a little jumpy recently. Now everyone is talking about how powerful the people from Youcheng are!"

"Don't worry, wait for Mr. Chen's instructions. The Qingfeng Network Company must be dealt with first." Brother Huaqiang said jokingly.

This person is the person that Mr. Chen found to replace the Gao brothers after they were killed. The other party is also a well-known figure in the Tianzhou City underworld.

While Brother Huaqiang was watching in the car, several official cars stopped under the building.

The good show began.

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