Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 203 Shockwave Ball!

Under the gaze of the survivors, Lu Feng entered the East City Alliance.

He still passed the same commercial street as before.

There were always various survivors seeking jobs here, most of them were pale and thin.

In the end times, the social survival ability of most professionals has been reduced to the lowest level.

On the contrary, those strong and brave men lived more freely.

There were still slaves with electronic chains put on the stage for sale.

Some slaves were very strong.

Lu Feng felt that when he left, as long as the energy he brought was not used up, he could buy some slaves back.

Although Qingfeng Base had slowly moved the survivors to the East Suburb Fortress, the number of people was still too small. In addition to recruiting survivors wandering outside, recruiting job-seeking survivors and buying slaves in the East City Alliance was the best choice.

Lu Feng crossed the commercial street and followed Wang Cheng into a special street.

The streets here seemed much quieter.

However, it can be clearly seen that most of the shops on this street are selling weapons, whether it is cold weapons such as swords, bows, etc., or hot weapons, from small pistols to mortars.

This place is specially provided for those mercenary teams, or various forces under the Shidong Alliance, and those bases outside the Shidong Alliance.

As long as there is crystal source value or various types of energy, you can buy weapons here.

Wang Cheng came here with Zheng Lin before to help Zheng Lin pass on the message, and he had already inquired about the specific structure of the Shidong Alliance.

Lu Feng wanted to buy weapons, so he brought Lu Feng directly here.

"Boss, this is just the outer periphery, and people from the outside can buy it." Wang Cheng led Lu Feng to walk inside, and said as he walked: "There is also an inner area at the innermost part, which is specially provided for nobles or officials in the Shidong Alliance. Boss, you are the guard officer of the East Suburb Fortress, it should be recorded, and you can enter the inner area to buy."

Lu Feng nodded.

When the two arrived at the inner area, they were stopped by the guard: "You two, the inner area is only open to specific people, please do not approach."

Seeing this, Lu Feng took out his identity information card and handed it to the guard.

Like the guard at the entrance, after checking Lu Feng's ID card, the guard immediately saluted Lu Feng: "Sir, it was my duty just now. Please come in."

After returning the ID card to Lu Feng, he also led people to make way and let Lu Feng go in.

When Lu Feng got inside, he found that it was different from what he imagined.

In the outside area, the weapons were at least placed on the shops.

But there was only a hall inside, with a series of lighted instruments.

There was also a staff member next to him introducing: "Sir, there is a list of weapons to buy on these instruments. You only need to operate on them to buy the weapons you need. Because some weapons are too powerful and it is very dangerous to put them here, the alliance has adopted this trading method."

Lu Feng roughly understood it, and went directly to a machine and started to operate it. He saw a series of lists appearing on the screen.

These lists are all kinds of weapons, and each weapon is more powerful than weapons such as mortars and howitzers.

For a moment, Lu Feng didn't know which weapon to choose to buy.

After all, he bought high-powered weapons to bring them into reality, in order to prevent the surrounding countries from attacking the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After all, the Xuanfeng Alliance had just been established, and the surrounding countries must be ready to move, and the military strength of that country was stronger than their Xuanfeng Alliance.

Once the fight started, even if he could carry out a decapitation operation, the soldiers of those countries far exceeded them, which would definitely greatly weaken the power of the Xuanfeng Alliance and have a huge impact on the Xuanfeng Alliance.

Therefore, he wanted to buy some weapons from the game world for defense.

In the game world, technological weapons are decades ahead of reality, and many high-powered weapons can carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on the countries around the Xuanfeng Alliance.

After all, those countries are also very weak, and in the international environment, they are small countries in the traditional sense.

He just looked at the list on the instrument screen, but his brows were slightly frowned.

Because there are too many weapons on it, but many of them are not suitable for use in reality.

In reality, there is a special "Weapons Convention", which prohibits the use of some types of weapons on the battlefield.

No one can violate it.

Therefore, this type of weapon cannot be purchased, but there are many such weapons on the instrument screen.

"Hey, this is good." Lu Feng suddenly looked at a weapon.

The picture of the weapon described a ball called a shock wave ball.

There is a start button on the shock wave ball.

After pressing the button, the ball will unfold its special wings, turn into something like a drone, and then fly towards the enemy, and then turn into a ball and fall from the air.

Then, a violent shock wave will be generated.

This shock wave will not kill people, but it will make people faint directly and lose their combat effectiveness.

The key is that the shock wave range of this shock wave ball is very wide.

According to the description, I am afraid that 10 shock waves can determine the outcome of a battle involving thousands of people.

Moreover, one shock wave requires 50 crystal source value.

However, the power of this shock wave has a great limitation, that is, it is only effective for ordinary survivors. Once the physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people, or even a person with ability, this shock wave will have no effect.

Otherwise, the value of this thing is definitely more than 50 crystal source points.

But Lu Feng's eyes lit up when he saw this weapon. In reality, there weren't that many people whose physical fitness was much higher than that of ordinary people, let alone those who didn't have abilities.

Lu Feng decisively placed the order and placed 20 concussion shockwaves.

If any country really can't stand it anymore, it can put it directly on the battlefield, and then let the red lizard take the special warriors trained with the bones of mutant beasts to use decapitation tactics, and then end the war as quickly as possible.

After placing the order, a staff member from the internal area came and invited Lu Feng: "Sir, we have received your order. Please come with me. We can go to a special place to conduct transactions."

Lu Feng nodded and left with the other party to the place of transaction.

Soon, there were 20 more balls in front of Lu Feng.

[This is a concussive shock wave bomb. After being used, a special concussive shock wave will erupt. Ordinary people under this shock wave will be greatly affected and will faint directly.

Restrictions: It has no effect on people whose physiques are much stronger than ordinary people, or who have abilities! 】

Sure enough, this thing is exactly as described on the instrument screen.

This thing would definitely be a murder weapon in reality.

Lu Feng then left with Wang Cheng. After buying the weapons, he went to the commercial street again.

Buy 20 concussive shock wave balls, one is 50 energy points, 20 is 1000 points.

Therefore, there are still more than 1,000 points of energy value brought by the land breeze.

After walking around the commercial street with Wang Cheng, a group of slaves with electronic chains appeared behind them.

Now that the remote control is in Lu Feng's hands, they can only identify their slaves.

However, Lu Feng brought the people back to the eastern suburbs fortress and handed them over to Lin Jiao. Under the strategy of allocating work and food, these slaves integrated into the Qingfeng base as quickly as possible.

Lu Feng had already put the concussive shock wave ball into his backpack, so he also quit the game and returned to reality.

Dara city.

In the temporary governor's mansion, Lu Feng just came out of the game and saw Weisen and Honglili hurried over.

"Governor, please take a look at this diplomatic post." Veson handed a document directly to Lu Feng: "This is a notification letter from Cambodia. The other party wants to discuss with us the request for the merger of the Xuanfeng Alliance and Cambodia!"

Lu Feng frowned tightly when he saw this scene.


This Cambodian country has a good idea, I am afraid it wants to annex them.

Lu Feng didn't expect that after he just bought special weapons from the game, he would actually be tempted to take advantage of them.

Red Lizard also reported at this time: "Governor, we have also investigated the news that Cambodian soldiers seem to be gathering. I suspect they are afraid of taking action."

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