Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 201 Find the super weapon in the game!

(It is stipulated that foreign countries cannot build *, and it is changed to Xuanfeng Alliance)

Mr. Baru hurriedly led his men to retreat in the face of those guns. Seeing the tough appearance of those people, he knew that they were not easy to mess with.

After leaving a long distance, a subordinate asked: "Mr. Baru, did you take the wrong road?"

"I think so! Let's change the direction!" Mr. Baru was stunned. He remembered that the way to Dara Town was in this direction.

Of course, this is sensible.

At the connection point of Dara Town to another country, there was also a convoy approaching. This team of Jianghu people was obviously very tough.

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

When they saw the soldiers stationed by the Xuanfeng Alliance, the leader sneered: "Xuanfeng Alliance? I have never heard of it. Are you playing house here? Don't stop us from going to Dara Town to buy weapons."

These people even wanted to take action.

The people sent here by the Red Lizard naturally would not give them face.

That was a team stronger than the elite special forces. After two rounds of attacks, all these Jianghu people were lying down.

When the leader was finally killed, they all stared with their eyes wide open, unable to believe it.

Naturally, the bodies of these people were not disposed of immediately, but were left behind as a deterrent.

And there were many such self-righteous underworld forces, who were killed one after another, and their bodies were finally thrown into one place.

When Weisen learned the news, he came directly to shoot videos and released those videos, also through those media, and issued a solemn warning:

"Once again, our Xuanfeng Alliance soldiers have the right to defend the territory of the Xuanfeng Alliance. We will have the right to attack any armed forces that invade the territory..."

This statement was naturally accompanied by the bodies of those underworld people.

As soon as the video was spread, the media were all shocked.

Especially Dai Ansi of the French News Agency.

When he saw that scene, he was subconsciously shocked: "Isn't it some rich man playing the game of establishing a country?"

It was so tragic and bloody that it was comparable to the level of the previous Tali* rebellion.


When the video news came out, countless people were shocked.

Including the countries bordering the town of Dara.

They had originally intended to attack Dara Town, and they knew that Dara Town was now unified, and it was the time when the internal strength was most consumed.

This was an opportunity for everyone.

But if this force was too ruthless, it would not be a good thing for them.

If they wanted to attack them, they had to take advantage of the fact that they were not completely stable internally.

At this time, there was an external force, and the Xuanfeng Alliance might be in internal strife, and those forces would revive and further weaken their strength.

Otherwise, if the internal situation was completely stable and united, and they were in such a ruthless style, then there might really be no chance.

In Dara City, as the announcement of Weisen caused a sensation, changes were also quietly taking place in Dara Town.

Many residents of Dara Town were a little confused. When they woke up, they became citizens of the Xuanfeng Alliance, and now they had to conduct a census, register information, and issue nationality.

Really, everything was developing too fast.

Quelda was the original inhabitant of Dara Town.

This no-man's land is too poor. As the indigenous people here, their fate seems to be determined by birth. There is no education, no stability, no security...

It is good to be able to live and grow up here. After growing up, he will either find some work in the town to fill his stomach, or join those forces to make a living.

It is also normal for them to have no identity, no nationality, and no motherland.

Now suddenly becoming a citizen of the Xuanfeng Alliance, it seems to be a world-shaking thing for them.

Quilda was a little nervous when he saw the few people wearing special uniforms coming in.

Hearing the other party's introduction, the other party was a policeman.

In a place like Dara Town, he didn't even know much about the police.

Hadona said to Quierda and the people around him: "After registering your nationality, you will be citizens of the Xuanfeng Alliance in the future... And if you have something in the future, you can find the police, such as someone beats you, someone robs your things, or your house is robbed, and you find someone fighting... You can find the police, and the police will protect you."

These words shocked Quierda and others.

After all, they had never experienced these things before, and they had never thought that becoming a citizen of the Xuanfeng Alliance would have such benefits.

This made them begin to feel different.

Chen Bo personally led people to follow the households of Hados to register and publicize!

Even if he was a gangster, he knew that in order to make a city stable as quickly as possible and to make these people feel a sense of belonging as quickly as possible, he had to go door-to-door to publicize and send warmth.

This was the experience given by the predecessors of their country at that time.

Of course, in addition to this, killing the chicken to scare the monkey is also necessary.

For this reason, he also directly led people to arrest some criminals, and under the identification of the victims, they were directly imprisoned in a temporary prison.

Moreover, the Red Lizard was more decisive and shot two people directly, which had a very strong deterrent and persuasive effect.

At the same time, the Kudar station was temporarily changed to the Governor's Mansion. Naturally, when the Xuanfeng Alliance is stable and perfected, Lu Feng's position will also change, probably to the president!

Now this is just a temporary government structure.

"Governor, there is no response from the surrounding countries now!" Veisen frowned and reported to Lu Feng: "In fact, they have always had evil intentions towards the town of Dara. Maybe some countries will do something."

"Well, you have to be on alert at all times. It's best to send someone to monitor the situation." Lu Feng nodded.

He also understood that after all, the area in Dara Town was too large. If the surrounding countries had the opportunity, they would definitely not mind occupying it to give their countries more territory.

"Okay, Governor!" Vessen nodded, seeming to have entered his role now, and then withdrew.

Lu Feng suddenly looked at the game screen at this time. Over there at the eastern suburbs fortress, Wang Cheng appeared again, pacing back and forth in the hall, as if he had something to report!

Seeing this, Lu Feng also left the hall. When he reached his room, he locked the door. An idea entered the game, and then he went to the hall to meet Wang Cheng.

As soon as Wang Cheng saw him, he immediately stepped forward and reported: "Boss, the Li family has sent someone over again!"

Lu Feng frowned and said, "Are they going to take action again?"

Wang Cheng shook his head and said: "No this time, they just sent a person to supervise and want to stabilize us temporarily, so we can take a look at the situation for the time being."

Lu Feng nodded: "Then wait a little longer and tell them to go down and monitor the other party. If you find anything wrong, kill them directly."

"Well, I'll go discuss it with Lin Jiao." Wang Cheng nodded.

At this time, Lu Feng also thought about the real situation. The Xuanfeng Alliance had just been established, and people like Brynn, Hong Lizi, Weisen, and Huosi also expressed that the surrounding countries might take the opportunity to make plans.

He had learned about those countries. Although they were not very strong for those big countries, they were still very strong for the forces in the small town of Dara.

The reason why they didn't have the idea of ​​attacking Dala Town before was because the forces in Dala Town were united in facing the outside world, and they were afraid of falling into the quagmire.

As Brin and the others said, now that he has unified the town of Dara, those countries who don't know the situation may feel that they are having serious internal strife, and that will be a big trouble.

Therefore, he asked Wang Cheng: "Wang Cheng, is there any way to get more powerful weapons from the Shidong Alliance?"

When Wang Cheng heard this, he smiled and said: "Boss, there may not be a way before, but now there should be. Although the Shidong Alliance has restrictions on the sale of powerful weapons, there are organized forces in the Shidong Alliance, as long as they use energy If you have some or enough energy of all kinds, you can exchange it.”

"Does that mean I can exchange it now?" Lu Feng asked. He didn't expect that there would be such benefits after having the establishment.

If this is the case, you can get some powerful weapons in the game and prepare them. If someone really comes to make up your mind, these weapons can greet the opponent, and also just create a wave of prestige, so as not to be looked down upon by others. Are you here to engage in Xuanfeng? Make an alliance.

Wang Cheng did not forget to remind him at this time: "Boss, Hongye Base has collected a lot of energy by burning zombies for so long, and all that energy can be used!"

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