Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 185: Use the opponent's trick against him! Control!

The one-eyed tiger looked at the people with abilities around him with an ugly face.

If it was just one person, he wouldn't care about these ordinary speed and strength people, and he wouldn't be afraid even if he faced two of them.

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But there were so many of them, including Zheng Lin, a fire elemental ability user.

In order to deal with him, the Li family actually sent out so many forces this time.

Damn Chen Feng, he actually told him that this time they were just a bunch of cannon fodder.

This is called cannon fodder?

As the young man walked towards him, the one-eyed tiger saw those people with abilities standing respectfully around him.

"Boss, he should be the leader of these gangsters." Lin Jiao pointed at the one-eyed tiger and reported to Lu Feng.

Xu Bin also raised his arm and said, "Is this the beast-transformed ability user? He is really amazing. It took the combined efforts of the two of us to knock him out. My shoulder hurts from the impact."

The one-eyed tiger also understood that the young man in front of him was the leader of these people. He must be a very important figure in the Li family, right?

He obviously didn't understand what was going on yet, so he rushed towards Lu Feng and grabbed Lu Feng with his beast-transformed tiger claws.

Since this young man is an important figure in the Li family, if he captures him, these ability users will definitely be afraid, and there will be a chance to escape.

At that time, he will deal with this young man and let the Li family remember that he, the one-eyed tiger, is not so easy to deal with.

The one-eyed tiger quickly rushed to Lu Feng, and he found that the ability users around him did not come to rescue him, and a smile appeared on his face.

But the next moment, he was stunned, and the tiger claws he slapped were directly blocked by a layer of shield.

The one-eyed tiger looked at Lu Feng in disbelief, and saw that an energy barrier condensed in front of Lu Feng, blocking his attack.

"You are also a power user!" The one-eyed tiger exclaimed and retreated in shock.

Lu Feng snorted coldly, and had already rushed forward, exerting his speed ability.

His speed ability plus his own agility attribute is definitely faster than Lin Jiao and others.

Before the one-eyed tiger could react, a steel knife appeared in his hand in an instant and was placed on the one-eyed tiger's neck.

The one-eyed tiger was stunned and dared not move.

How did the knife appear at that moment?

What kind of ability is this?

"Hold him!" Lu Feng snorted coldly.

Xu Bin did not hesitate, and took two power crystal-transformed power users forward and directly held the one-eyed tiger down.

That was three fat men against one man.

The one-eyed tiger had no power to resist.

In the distance.

Chen Feng naturally also found that the exchange of fire had stopped.

"Cannon fodder is indeed cannon fodder!" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing and said: "It was solved by the one-eyed tiger so quickly."

But when he thought about it carefully, the one-eyed tiger even used the howitzers he had seized before. It was not surprising that those cannon fodder were attacked and solved quickly.

A confidant immediately asked: "Guard officer, the battle over there is over, shall we rush over now?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "No hurry!"

Why so hurry?

Give the one-eyed tiger some time to clean up the battlefield, wait for the one-eyed tiger to lead people away, then he will go, otherwise he will fight with the one-eyed tiger?

As for the people sent by the Li family, those who escaped will definitely ask them for help, and they will be solved.

"Wait for Zheng Lin to appear, and kill him together." Chen Feng suddenly said to someone beside him.

The man nodded, he is also a capable person.


In the southern garrison.

Lu Feng had already thought about it, and took out another electronic chain from the backpack space.

This one-eyed tiger is a capable person, and he is the leader of this bandit trouble. It is useful to keep it, and Chen Feng's method can be learned.

It seems that raising the enemy to protect oneself has been a very good method since ancient times.

When the one-eyed tiger saw the electronic chain, he subconsciously wanted to resist. He knew that if he brought this thing, he would be completely controlled by others. .

But no matter how strong his beast transformation ability was, he couldn't move after being held down by three power users. In addition, Lu Feng held the steel knife in his hand against his neck. With a little force, the blade cut the skin on his neck, making him dare not move in an instant. .

Lu Feng directly put the electronic chain on the neck of the one-eyed tiger.

The electronic chain connected and contracted.

In this way, without the remote control in his hand, there was no way to take it off by brute force.

"Let him go!" Lu Feng said again.

Xu Bin and the others also let the one-eyed tiger go.

Lin Jiao looked at the surrendered bandits around and gave an order: "Put electronic chains on these people!"

The people at Qingfeng Base received the order and took out the electronic chains and put them on these bandits.

This time they brought so many electronic chains, naturally they were left for these bandits.

In addition to this batch, there are still many wandering bandits in the eastern suburbs.

Beat all these bandits and put on the electronic chains, which will be useful in the future.

When all the gangsters were put on electronic chains, the situation was settled.

"What do you want?" The one-eyed tiger could only ask Lu Feng awkwardly.

"Haha, you still don't understand?" Lu Feng sneered and said, "Now you can only listen to me, otherwise this will be your fate!"

As he said that, he took out a remote control and pressed two buttons.

The electronic chains on the necks of two of the gangsters burst instantly, their necks were torn off, and their heads rolled down directly.

This is to make an example of others. The two gangsters who lost their lives are the ones who are in trouble.

The other gangsters panicked and turned pale.

But they dared not do anything.

Because that guy can also use the remote control to decide their life and death with one button.

When the one-eyed tiger saw the fate of the two men, his face turned pale, his body trembled, and he lowered his head.

Lu Feng said again: "Tell me, how did you collude with Chen Feng?"

The one-eyed tiger didn't dare to hide it at this time, and immediately explained: "Chen Feng found a place where crops can be planted, but he didn't report it. Moreover, he recorded less planting and less harvesting every time."

"He hid all the grain in a warehouse in the eastern suburbs. The original people in the Eastern Suburbs Fortress were actually cleared out by me and my people, and the fortress was basically replaced by his people."

"So, now the Eastern Suburbs Fortress is basically under his control, not the Li family. However, as one of the powerful families in the East City Alliance, the Li family is not something Chen Feng can contend with now. He can only cooperate with me to deal with the Li family."

"I can naturally benefit from it. This time, he deliberately arranged you in this station in the south so that we can eliminate you. Now the other party should be somewhere not far away."

The one-eyed tiger sighed after speaking.

Chen Feng's idea was very good, but the other party didn't expect that the Li family would mobilize such a terrifying force to solve the problem here.

Lu Feng heard a message and asked, "Are you saying that Chen Feng is also leading people not far away?"

The one-eyed tiger nodded and said, "His original plan is for me to lead people to eliminate you, and then he will pretend to lead people to support you. As long as any of your people escape and ask them for support, they will kill them."

"Kill people to kill them?" Lu Feng smiled and said, "Then let's use their tricks against them!"

As he said that, he ordered Lin Jiao, "Return all the weapons to them, and then we will put on a good show for Chen Feng."

Lin Jiao nodded, immediately let the bandits get up, and then returned the weapons to them.

After those bandits took the weapons, they didn't dare to do anything at all, and could only be honest and stay where they were.

For a while, the number of people Lu Feng could use, except for the few who were sacrificed, was much more than before.

Lu Feng said to the one-eyed tiger: "There are no people from Chen Feng among your people now, right?"

The one-eyed tiger said honestly: "There were. They died immediately under the attack of the howitzer just now."

"Yes!" Lu Feng nodded, and then said: "Now I will give you a task. Later, in your name, you will lead people to attack Chen Feng. After you get rid of Chen Feng, you will take the opportunity to break into the East Suburb Fortress and get rid of all Chen Feng's people."

The one-eyed tiger heard this and silently mourned for Chen Feng for a second.

The other party thought that he had calculated well and could make the Li family helpless, but who knew that the Li family would directly strike with thunder.

The one-eyed tiger who can become one of the powerful families of the East City Alliance is really powerful.

Obviously, the one-eyed tiger thought that Lu Feng and his people were from the Li family.

Not far away.

Chen Feng has led his people forward and is approaching the southern garrison.

He has given the one-eyed tiger enough time to clean up the battlefield, so now it is his turn to finish it.

Chen Feng led his men forward and soon saw a group of people running towards them in a panic in the night.

He knew that these must be the people who escaped.

He immediately said to the person next to him: "Check whether Zheng Lin is there. If not, solve it directly, and find a chance!"

The person next to him nodded.

But at that moment, something strange happened. Those people raised their weapons in their hands, and then terrifying sparks spewed in the dark.

Intensive gunshots accompanied by bullets poured madly towards Chen Feng and his men.

Chen Feng was startled and dodged to the side.

But the people he brought were not so lucky. They were hit by bullets and fell down in groups.

Even in the dark, you can smell the blood in the air.

"Damn, what's going on?" Chen Feng was stunned by this sudden change.

At this moment, he saw shells falling among his men, and the loud explosion was like a blooming flower in the center. His men were like blooming petals, and were instantly blown away in all directions, rolling on the ground motionless, obviously dead.

A shout also sounded at this time: "Chen Feng, didn't expect it? My one-eyed tiger's real target is you, and the fortress in the eastern suburbs, kill them all!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, another round of grenades fell, exploding loudly, and Chen Feng's men died again.

This made the remaining people completely panic.

They also understood that it was the bandits in the eastern suburbs.

The two waves of howitzer attacks also made these people completely panic, and they fled madly.

"One-eyed tiger!" Chen Feng shouted in horror.

Why didn't he expect that the one-eyed tiger dared to attack him? The key is that the opponent's howitzers have been used up? How can there be so many shells?

Then, dense figures appeared on all sides, and then, they saw these figures launching attacks.

What shocked Chen Feng even more was that the other party had so many machine guns. Judging from the sound of the light and heavy machine guns, the number was still very large.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng immediately shouted to the people next to him.

Three of his ability users gathered next to him and planned to escape.

"Chen Feng, where else do you want to go?" The voice of the one-eyed tiger sounded, and he walked slowly towards Chen Feng.

"One-eyed tiger, you are alone, are you looking for death?" Chen Feng's eyes were full of anger. He looked at the three people around him and rushed towards the one-eyed tiger.

The four of them had no problem dealing with the one-eyed tiger.

But the one-eyed tiger looked at Chen Feng and the other four without any worry, but a look of sympathy on his face.

This Chen Feng didn't know what he was facing at all, and he didn't even run away!

Just when Chen Feng got close to the one-eyed tiger, his face suddenly changed drastically, and even the three people who were attacking behind him stopped in shock.

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