Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 162 Good idea! Equipment for a thousand people!

Zheng Lin knew that if the other party wanted to kill him, he would have to fight for his life, even if it meant betraying the Li family.

After all, he and the Li family were using each other.

He was not a member of the Li family. The Li family needed people with abilities to serve them, and he also needed the resources of the Li family.

"Is there a way to stabilize the Li family and get benefits from the Li family? Tell me!" Lu Feng looked at Zheng Lin in surprise.

He was just thinking about how to attack this guy, but he didn't expect this guy to come to him.

Zheng Lin was delighted to hear Lu Feng's words.


This means there is still room for negotiation.

He immediately said: "I can report to the Li family when I go back that the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group had an internal conflict due to different ideologies, and the Gray Wolf lost control."

"So, some of the people in the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group that I recruited cooperated to kill the Gray Wolf. Now the Gray Wolf Mercenary Group is controlled by the people I recruited, and the base has been renamed Qingfeng Base."

"I will tell the Li family that the Qingfeng Base is willing to continue to submit, and will help the Li family find that team of salvation army."

"At the same time, I can trick the Li family into sending a batch of food to your base."

He emphasized the word "food". After all, in the end times, food is the most important thing, and he believes that the people in the Qingfeng Base must also need it.

Lu Feng was a little surprised to hear this.

This guy is good.

He actually thought of such a good excuse.

The key is that he is not afraid of the other party's tricks, after all, the other party's brain has been implanted with a pulse cracking chip.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng instructed Lin Jiao: "Lin Jiao, ask the kitchen to make a good meal and entertain Mr. Zheng Lin. He helped us eliminate the gray wolf and established the Qingfeng base. He is our benefactor."

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao immediately laughed and cooperated with Lu Feng.

"..." Zheng Lin looked at the two of them and curled his lips.

These people got into the role so quickly?

He still reminded: "If the other three people also have the pulse crack chip implanted, it is best not to let them go back with me. The forces in the East City Alliance have special instruments for detecting things like pulse crack chips."

"Although I don't know whether the pulse crack chip will be detected, Lin Gou and the other three will definitely be detected when they go back."

Lu Feng asked doubtfully: "What about you?"

Zheng Lin said proudly at this time: "I am a capable person, I have privileges, and even if I am detected, I have a way to avoid it."

Lu Feng nodded, and said to Guo Zhen behind him: "Then the other three will stay as guests, the duration is unknown!"

Guo Zhen immediately nodded and replied: "Okay, boss!"

Lin Jiao also quickly gave orders and asked someone to prepare a sumptuous meal to entertain Zheng Lin, and then let Zheng Lin leave and go back to the East City Alliance.

When Zheng Lin left, Lu Feng kept looking at the point representing Zheng Lin on the control instrument.

As long as he wanted, he could directly kill Zheng Lin by pressing the control instrument.

Similarly, if Zheng Lin wanted to remove the pulse crack chip himself, it would only automatically trigger the pulse crack chip and lose his life first.

Lu Feng dealt with the Qingfeng Base and quit the game.

It was late at night outside.

There were still voices of men and women downstairs, as well as the sound of protests from the bed board. They were not one, but intertwined.

He could only complain that the people of Honglizard were animals.

After that, he looked at the light screen in his mind again, attracted by the prompts that kept ringing:

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 10 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 5 experience points! ]

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 15 experience points! ]

He found that the prompts in his mind actually showed that ordinary zombies had 15 experience points.

Although not much, it also shows that ordinary zombies have become stronger again.

Then, he pulled the view to the direction of Hongye Base again.

The mechanical trap was still running, killing zombies one by one.

There were still many mutant beast corpses around.

After all, the noise here is so loud, and there will always be mutant beasts attracted by the loud speaker.

Judging from the wounds, they were caused by lasers, which means that Chen Lin killed these mutant beasts with mecha weapons.

Outside the Red Leaf Base, with the continuous killing of zombies, the zombie tide has obviously become thinner, and it will not be long before the zombie tide can be killed.

At that time, Lin Jiao will lead people to the surrounding areas to attract zombies again.

The next day.

When Lu Feng got up, Black Snake, Hadona, Red Scorpion and others had already gotten up, and each of them was a little depressed.

I think they used too much energy last night.

Seeing this, Lu Feng was wondering if Kudar had the same purpose in developing these girls' business.

After all, these people played all night and were in a bad mental state. If something really happened, it would be easy to solve it, right?

Of course, this was just his complaint, and the people of the Kudar family definitely didn't have such boring ideas.

Black Snake and others also greeted Lu Feng one after another.

Not long after, the people of the Kudar family came.

A tattooed man led several armed men.

The tattooed man introduced himself as soon as they met: "Everyone, I am Hata. Since this is the first transaction, I am responsible for understanding the situation with you. First of all, I want to know the number of weapons you are trading this time so that I can report it."

This is the screening.

The Kudar family will first send someone to understand the needs of the visitors and the amount of the transaction, and then send the corresponding people to receive them.

If it is just a small business, the small leaders below can solve it by themselves.

After Hadona translated, Lu Feng also said: "Mr. Hata, I should need a lot of weapons. For the time being, I probably need weapons that can arm 1,000 people. Ordinary rifles and pistols only need a small amount. I want some more powerful ones, such as RPG, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, mortars, two-kick howitzers... and other good things!"

Although the number of people in Qingfeng Base is obviously only more than 1,000, it will definitely increase in the future. Although many of them are not combatants, it is also necessary to equip 1,000 combatants with weapons for the time being.

In order to avoid having to do it again when there are many people, it will be very troublesome.

Rifles and pistols, Qingfeng Base has its own production line, so it doesn't need too many.

Moreover, the rifles and pistols in the game are definitely more powerful than real guns. Although they are all old-fashioned guns, the game world has been developed for a longer time after all, and there will always be improvements in technology.

Qingfeng Base had no way to supply other things on its own, so it could only think of practical ways.

The orcs' howitzer bursts before had left a deep impression on him. If ordinary people were to encounter them, they would probably be plowed up in large areas.

Nahata was surprised when he heard Lu Feng's words.

The configuration of 1,000 people is obviously not a small business.

The ordinary 1,000-man regiment-level configuration, if it follows international standards, in addition to rifles and pistols, must be equipped with 2 M2 infantry fighting vehicles, 111 M3 cavalry fighting vehicles, 42 12.7mm heavy machine guns, 56 7.62mm machine guns, 72 M24 machine guns, and 14 submachine guns.

If an armored battalion is also to be configured, tanks and the like must be equipped.

It is also very difficult to get these things.

Of course, without tanks, these are also luxurious configurations.

Many forces in places like Pakistan, Myanmar, and Afghanistan around their town of Dar are not fully equipped with these equipment.

Basically, they just put together a little bit of each thing and it was done.

It was really unexpected that this group of people in front of them actually needed this level of transaction.

This matter must be reported to the two leaders above, and it is not something that the little people below them can decide.

Hadona and Red Lizard were also surprised. They originally thought that this President Lu summoned them because they had no manpower.

Now it seems that it is not the case. This President Lu seems to have an army, or the other party is planning to form an army?

The most shocked is Black Snake.

Although he does smuggling and other things, he is just a small fight and dare not do anything too out of line, so he has not made a name for himself in Tianzhou City.

But he knows that President Lu is very powerful in Tianzhou City. As soon as he arrived in Tianzhou City, he stepped on the Gao family. No one in the world wants to offend such a ruthless person.

But he didn't expect that President Lu actually had a team of 1,000 people outside?

Maybe many people have no concept of 1,000 people. If they are armed and trained soldiers, it is a regiment-level organization.

If it is matched with the weapons that Mr. Lu wants to buy this time, what big underworld bosses in Tianzhou City count for nothing.

No matter how powerful the underworld is, can it compare with the army?

"Sir, please wait a moment." Hata said, and then took people away, with a more respectful attitude than when he came.

This is probably the reality. No matter what business you do, big customers will always be more respected.

It's the same to buy a car. People who buy millions of dollars have sales ladies to accompany them in various ways, and they can even have in-depth exchanges. You can't expect to buy a 50,000 Wuling and have such treatment, right?

If you want treatment, do you want an aunt or a male salesperson?

Not long after, Hata came again, and he was behind a sturdy man wearing sunglasses.

Hata also introduced Lu Feng as soon as possible: "Sir, this is the leader of our Kudar family, Mr. Weilin, and Mr. Weilin will personally trade with you next."

"What's your name, sir?" Weilin shook hands with Lu Feng politely as soon as he appeared.

Under normal circumstances, he would not take the initiative to trade, but the amount of weapons the other party needs is worth his personal appearance.

"Mr. Bolin, you can call me Red Lizard!" Lu Feng smiled and stole the name of Red Lizard.

The Red Lizard behind him was stunned, and felt that his name was gone.

"It turned out to be Mr. Red Lizard." Bolin smiled and invited: "Mr. Red Lizard, if you don't mind, let's go in and discuss the business in detail?"

"Please!" Lu Feng nodded, did not refuse, followed Bolin into the courtyard, and went to the hall inside. .

Soldiers came around immediately, guarding the surroundings tightly, and a team of people entered the hall and stood behind Bolin for protection.

After Lu Feng entered the hall, he talked in detail with Bolin.

Bolin also quickly gave Lu Feng three quotations:

Level 1 quotation, Level 2 quotation, Level 3 quotation!

There were three levels of quotations in total. Naturally, this was not a surprise in price, but a difference in assembly.

The same 1,000-man army is equipped with weapons. Some are equipped with beggars, some can reach the basic standard, and some can reach the luxury standard.

If you want to make a comparison, the third-level equipment is the bandits during World War II, and the first-level equipment is the elite equipment of the National Army.

The difference is obvious. With the same 1,000 people, if we don't pay attention to tactics and strategies, those with first-level quotes can beat those with third-level quotes.

The scale of Veilin's offer at this level is that except for tanks, all weapons can be equipped for you. Naturally, some big guys, such as infantry combat vehicles and cavalry combat vehicles, must be semi-retired items of a certain country's army.

Moreover, if this thing could strike accurately, even he would have to avoid it.

There was even a quotation for a modern high-explosive tank in Veilin's quotation, but this thing said that it required reservation.

Obviously, the Kudar family can't just take it out if they want to.

Now that Lu Feng is here, he will naturally not choose the beggar's preparation, but directly look at the luxury preparation combination with the first-level quotation: the total quotation reaches 3.5 million US dollars, which is more than 24 million domestically.

This still does not include equipment such as tanks and armored battalions, otherwise it would be higher.

Since even tanks can be reserved here in Veilin, it would be better to reserve some.

It's just a little more troublesome to get the game, you have to disassemble the parts, including infantry combat vehicles and cavalry combat vehicles.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng also said to Veilin: "Mr. Veilin, I also hope that you can deliver parts for infantry combat and cavalry combat vehicles. My people will assemble them themselves. In addition, if the tanks can be pre-ordered, I also hope to be able to pre-order some."

Wei Lin immediately responded with a smile: "As long as Mr. Red Lizard has money, these are not problems!"

Obviously, this is a pun.

First of all, you must have money. This is the most important thing. If you have money, you will have goods.

The second step is to make a transaction and take out the money.

Lu Feng understood this and asked, "Mr. Veilin, let's talk about how to trade and how to pay!"

Wei Lin also smiled and said: "According to our regulations, Mr. Red Lizard must pay a 30% deposit first and designate a trading location. When the weapon delivery is confirmed to be no problem, Mr. Red Lizard will pay the remaining balance." money.”

Lu Feng asked with a smile: "Mr. Wei Lin, there is no problem with this. However, I hope that the payment method will be gold, and the gold will be equal to the price."

"Of course it's no problem." Wei Lin agreed without hesitation.

He would love to have such a good thing as gold.

To be honest, even if there are international banks in neutral countries that can trade funds, it is still very troublesome.

But gold is different. It is completely a general-purpose hard commodity, and it is more convenient for him to handle it.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Veilin!" Lu Feng said, then pretended to go upstairs to the room where he had stayed before, and then took out a large bag containing gold from the backpack space.

Then, he carried the bag of gold downstairs. As soon as he came down, Wei Lin and the people around him were obviously attracted by the bag in his hand.

Lu Feng also carried the bag of gold and walked down. He came to Wei Lin again and said, "Mr. Wei Lin, calculate how much gold I need to give you as a down payment."

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