Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 158 Testing people's hearts! Stay calm because you are invincible!

The red lizard has been in this Ciwa for a very long time, and this is the first time he has seen such a thin guy dare to come up to the ring.

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This is like delivering food to him.

Hadona did not forget to translate for Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, this red lizard asked you if you are seeking death when you go up there!"

When Lu Feng heard this, he raised his hand and hooked the red lizard, indicating that the red lizard should attack first.

This is a very provocative move.

Seeing this, the red lizard was really angry: "Boy, you dare to provoke me like this. Do you think you can't do kung fu?"

Hadona continued to translate: "Mr. Lu, he said that you provoked him because he thought he was not good at kung fu?"

Before he could finish his words, the red lizard had already attacked Lu Feng with his fist.

As a person with four consecutive victories, he would not be used to the guy in front of him. If he dared to come to the ring even though he was weak, that would be his own stupid behavior.

Moreover, after defeating the opponent, he will not regard this as a 5-game winning streak. Without any difficulty and challenge, he will continue to challenge one person as a 5-game winning streak.

The red lizard is indeed very powerful.

After all, those who dare to come up to this arena are not weak.

Not to mention he has won 4 games in a row.

But his speed was too slow in Lu Feng's eyes.

After all, Lu Feng's current attributes are three times higher than those of ordinary people.

At that moment, Lu Feng punched the red lizard directly, coming from behind and landing on the red lizard's face first.

The red lizard didn't even react. He felt confused. His whole body was thrown to the side and rolled to the ground. He couldn't get up for a long time.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Lu Feng in disbelief, unable to believe that that thin body could explode with such terrifying power.

That was the Red Scorpion, and he was killed with just one punch?

After a while, a small noise sounded:

"He...can he really...know kung fu?"

"How did he do it?"

"It's incredible!"


Indeed, everyone was shocked.

Hadona also translated to Lu Feng. Lu Feng did not care about the shock of these people. You must know that he has not used special abilities, nor has he used the skills obtained in the game, nor has he used mecha weapons.

As long as he is willing, he can kill this red lizard instantly with any method.

It took the red lizard a long time to catch his breath. His face was bruised and swollen, and he looked at Lu Feng in shock.

He came to the ring today to win his fifth consecutive victory. He never expected that he would be knocked down by a punch. The key was that he failed to react at all.

Not only is the opponent's strength terrifying, but his speed is also too fast for anyone to keep up with.

Lu Feng looked at the shocked people around him, and without wasting any more time, he said directly: "I want to recruit a group of people, and the treatment will be according to the highest standards here. If you want to join, give him a call."

As he spoke, he pointed to Hadona.

The big men around him could hardly understand what he said. Hadona translated again and wrote his phone number on the message board next to him.

This time, everyone understood what was going on.

The man who killed the red lizard was actually here to recruit people, and he was recruiting people with the highest treatment.

The noise started again!

Not long after, news came that a young man from China had defeated the Red Lizard in the ring and was recruiting people with the highest treatment.

In just one moment, Lu Feng's name spread in Ciwa.

Moreover, he did not stay where he was and wait, but left first.

He already knew from Hadona that most of the people in the square were at the cannon fodder level, and they could only be recruited to fill up their numbers, and sometimes they could run very fast.

When the time comes, these people will come up in a swarm, and it will be difficult to tell them apart.

Leave first, let these people call Hadona, and then let Hadona and Black Snake identify which one is the elite. This can prevent too much chaos and recruit cannon fodder.

In just one day, Black Snake and Hadona helped him gather a team of more than ten people.

They are all elites who can defend themselves in Ciwa Square.

Lu Feng came out and saw those people. Every one of them was a strong man with no muscles on his body.

This kind of muscle is not dead muscle trained in the gym, but a very healthy natural muscle.

Moreover, these people are also Hadona's confirmed elite masters.

Just as Lu Feng was about to speak, a figure ran in, his face still wrapped with gauze and swelling ice.

This person turned out to be the red lizard who was instantly knocked out by his punch.

"Mr. Lu, I want to join your recruitment!" Hong Lizi hurriedly requested Lu Feng as he came in.

Hadona again acted as translator.

Lu Feng naturally did not reject the red lizard. Whether the other party was sincere or not, it had no effect on him. He just wanted some helpers to run errands, not to trade weapons, and he had to do everything himself.

Moreover, this red lizard's skills are very good, far better than ordinary people, and it is not bad at recruiting.

As for whether to continue using it in the future, we will wait until we trade the weapon once.

Lu Feng also said at this time: "Since everyone has joined my recruitment, let me tell you the purpose now. This time I am going to Dara Town to trade weapons, and your reward will not be less than yours. It will definitely be the highest." , Black Snake, send it to them.”

As he spoke, he put a small bag on the table in front of him.

Hadona naturally translated immediately.

Black Snake took the bag and was curious about what Mr. Lu would pay with. Obviously, it couldn't be money, after all, the bag couldn't hold much money.

But the bag was not light.

When he opened the bag, he was surprised. There were golden bars inside.

These gold bars were not regular gold bars, but special small gold bars.

But even so, Black Snake said embarrassedly: "Mr. Lu, how... how should I pay?"

Lu Feng said: "Everyone should give a deposit first, and there will be more after the matter is done."

"Okay... okay!" Black Snake nodded in surprise.

This deposit is a small gold bar. I have to say that Mr. Lu is really generous... generous.

When Black Snake handed out the small gold bars, Hadona also translated Lu Feng's words again, which made those people's faces instantly show joy and excitement.

Especially after confirming that they got real gold.

Obviously, they also knew that the deposit was really too generous.

This is much higher than the highest salary of Ci Wa. From this, at least it can be proved that Mr. Lu is a good boss.

Naturally, those people were staring at the bag in Black Snake's hand.

There were small gold bars in it, and the golden light emitted by the small gold bars was so attractive that people couldn't take their eyes away.

After Black Snake gave each person a gold bar, he returned the bag to Lu Feng.

There were still many small gold bars in it.

Lu Feng took out a handful of gold bars from it and shook them in his hand before putting them back into the bag.

He naturally wanted to tell those people that he had plenty of money.

In addition, there was another purpose, which was also a test, to see if these people were moral.

After all, people recruited in such places could not be trusted.

By doing this, maybe we can test who is moral or not.

Then we will feel more at ease when we go to Dara.

It is impossible for greedy and immoral people not to be tempted when they see such a bag of gold, right?

Although he was not worried about these things, he didn't want anything disgusting to happen at the critical moment.

"By the way, gather here tomorrow and set off with me to Dara Town." Lu Feng said to those people and walked straight into the room.

Although it is said that people should not test people's hearts easily, sometimes people's hearts need to be tested before they can be reassured.

The next day.

Hei Se and Hadona came to tell him that those people were ready.

When Lu Feng saw these people again, they were already carrying various weapons, including pistols and rifles. They all brought their own weapons.

Obviously, it is normal to survive in such an environment. Otherwise, there is no way to survive in such a place without even a weapon.

Moreover, Hadona also got a few cars and brought a lot of spare gasoline.

He invited Lu Feng to get in the car and set off for Lada Town.

Lada Town is in a sensitive area between Myanmar, Pakistan... these countries. Although there are people from various countries participating in the scenic area, there are no direct transportation tools and roads, so you can only drive into Lada Town by yourself.

If there is no armed force accompanying you, you will encounter many friendly greetings such as robbers along the way.

However, there are usually more than a dozen people with weapons passing by, and those friendly greetings can generally be avoided.

All the way out of Hagong.

Hagong is close to the surrounding areas of Lada Town, so after leaving Hagong, you will soon enter the Lada area.

When Lu Feng got in the car, he deliberately brought the bag of small gold bars and gold jewelry into the car, just to test the morality of the people he had summoned.

But all the way out of Hagong and into the Lada area, the people summoned by the Red Lizard did not show any abnormal conditions.

This seemed to be a waste of time.

Maybe I was lucky, and the people I summoned this time were all good.

Just as the idea came to mind, suddenly a fallen tree appeared at the corner, blocking the road ahead.

This was obviously wrong.

The tree did not fall on the side of the road, but was dragged here by someone.

Hadona couldn't help but stop the car, and several other cars also stopped. The people of the Red Lizard also got out of the car nervously and looked around vigilantly.

Everyone had weapons in their hands.

The next moment, a group of people rushed out, also holding weapons, pointing at Lu Feng and others.

As soon as the leader came out, he shouted directly at Lu Feng: "Boy from China, call out all the gold."

Lu Feng looked at Hadona, who immediately translated, which made him frown.

He came for the gold.

That is to say, he came out to test.

Those who knew that he had gold in his hands only summoned these people, right?

Almost at this moment, the two people who summoned suddenly pointed their guns at Black Snake and Hadona.

This scene shocked the people of Red Lizard, and they all pointed their guns at the two people.

"What are you doing?" Red Lizard shouted angrily.

Sometimes, it is difficult for these hired people to be trusted, and the biggest reason is that some people are too unethical.

So, he was a little angry.

He just joined the recruitment of this Mr. Lu. If something goes wrong, it will also have a great impact on his reputation.

If his reputation is ruined, even in such a chaotic place, it will be difficult for other major forces to take notice in the future.

Although people like them are doing bloody things, they also hope that the people around them can be trusted.

So, in places like Myanmar, no one likes people with a bad reputation.

But just when Red Lizard and his men surrounded the two men, suddenly another man turned his gun and pointed it at Lu Feng.

"Excuse me, please hand over that bag of gold bars." The man said to Lu Feng proudly, and he even spoke in half-baked Chinese.

Obviously, the two people in front were just bait, just to attract the attention of Red Lizard and his men.

When everyone was attracted by the two men, he took the opportunity to control Mr. Lu. .

After all, they all knew the skills of this young man, and Red Lizard was not a match for the other party's punch, so they naturally had to pay special attention.

They couldn't let the other party have any chance to take action, otherwise, if they were not careful, they might be knocked down by the other party's punch.

Seeing this, the red lizard's face became even gloomier: "Walli, what are you doing? Aren't you afraid of ruining your reputation by doing this? There will be no place for you to live in Ci Wa."

Hadona also hurriedly said: "Walli, you violated the rules set by the Vido family."

The Vido family is the controller of Ci Wa. They set the employment rules. It is precisely because of this that Ci Wa has become a gathering place for people like the red lizard, and so many forces go there to recruit people.

Therefore, the Vido family also attaches great importance to this rule, which is also the way of survival for their family. Once someone violates it, as long as they have not joined other forces, they will take action to solve it.

If they join other forces, that force does not care about such people, and they will not care anymore.

Of course, this also depends on whether the force is strong enough.

Obviously, both the red lizard and Hadona know this Valli. The other party is also a person who has tried to defend the ring in Ci Wa Square. Even if he is not as good as the red lizard, he is still very strong.

Walli smiled and said, "This is not Hagong, nor is it in the Burmese region. It is not against the rules of the Weiduo family. They can't control what happens outside."

"As for the reputation you mentioned, Red Lizard, is it important? You have also seen the gold. With these, we can make a big fortune. When the time comes, we can buy weapons and recruit people, and we can create a force of our own."

"Red Lizard, you are good at fighting. I can invite you to join us! At that time, your right to speak will be second only to mine."

Red Lizard's face was gloomy when he heard this: "Walli, are you sure you can win?"

"Isn't it? We have more people, and this Mr. Lu is also in our hands." Walli looked at Red Lizard teasingly.

But almost as he finished speaking, two gunshots rang out, and the two people who confronted Red Lizard were shot in the head and fell down.

This scene shocked everyone, and Walli looked directly at Lu Feng and shouted, "What are you doing?"

It was Lu Feng who fired the gun.

He already had two more pistols in his hand, which also surprised everyone.

Because just now, they didn't see the gun in Lu Feng's hand, the gun seemed to appear suddenly.

Maybe they remembered it wrong?

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