Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 149 Ask him to watch the news!

News, publicity?

Lu Feng immediately had an idea, that is, public opinion.

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In modern society, people like Mr. Chen are not afraid of the power of the underworld, not afraid of personal power, because he can mobilize stronger official power with just one word.

But this kind of person is absolutely afraid of one thing, that is public opinion.

Naturally, if the other party is upright, then he is naturally not afraid of public opinion. After being attacked by public opinion, his reputation will be even better after being vindicated.

But if he behaves improperly, public opinion will become a deadly weapon. At that time, the whole nation and all media will pay attention...

Believe in the power of the people. As long as they get serious, they can really do human flesh to the target to collapse, and even how many pairs of underwear he wears a day can be investigated.

So this is why so many people are afraid of public opinion?

This is also why the CEOs of several large Internet companies have to personally greet and entertain the official figures of each place they go to.

To be honest, if you don't reach a certain level, these people are really afraid of Internet companies like Penguin.

If they want to report the news, you can't control them even if you are thousands of miles away.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng said to Wang Kai: "Wang Kai, this news can be reported, but in a different way. I have inside information. The deceased is called Gao Qiang. He is a very famous figure in the Tianzhou City Jianghu. He should have committed many illegal things."

"Moreover, there is someone behind him to support him. This person should be surnamed Chen, but I don't know the specific person for the time being. You can just report it like this."

His Qingfeng Internet Company now has nearly 100 million registered users, and they are very sticky users.

After all, those users are used to using Qingfeng Smart Assistant, and they are absolutely inseparable.

So, the effect of their advertising news is not less than those Internet companies with 200 to 300 million registered users.

So now Qingfeng Internet Company can create public opinion.

This time, compared with the power he got from the game world, this power is definitely more effective on Mr. Chen.

And, it is naturally better not to have to use the power obtained from the game world to solve the other party, and he doesn't have to risk everything.

After all, it would be too complicated to kill such a person by force.

Wang Kai was surprised to hear this: "Mr. Lu, are the news you said true?"

Then, he patted his head.

He remembered the group of tattooed men around Mr. Lu when he first brought his brother to see him.

Mr. Lu is also a man of the underworld, and he must know the gossip in this regard.

Thinking of this, Wang Kai hurriedly said: "Mr. Lu, this news is just right for us to hype it up and absorb the traffic of the entire incident. I will arrange it when I go back. There will be news tomorrow morning. "

Although the car explosion has been hot, no one knows the specific case, and no one has added fuel to the flames.

Now according to the internal news that Mr. Lu said, it will definitely cause a sensation and even create public opinion.

You must know that what the people care about most is social issues, and this kind of news about power disputes can attract the public.

Once caught by the public, it will be a pain in the ass if it doesn't die.

At that time, as the first company to report the news, they can naturally absorb a lot of traffic.

After Wang Kai and Wang Xin got the news, they chatted with Lu Feng for a few more words, and then left impatiently, naturally going back to the company to do this.

Lu Feng also looked at Kai Ye and said with a smile: "Kai Ye, I'm going to trouble you again. Please help me contact Mr. Chen again and tell him that I want him to read tomorrow's news."

Kai Ye was obviously stunned for a moment, and was even a little frightened.

He seemed to understand Mr. Lu's plan.

Moreover, he also understood what kind of weapon Mr. Lu had in his hands.

Public opinion, in their country, this kind of weapon is absolutely a terrifying threat to some people, and it is even fatal.

He suddenly felt very fortunate. Fortunately, he chose to make friends with Mr. Lu at the beginning, and now the relationship is still good. At least he doesn't have to worry about Mr. Lu using this method to deal with him.

Otherwise, Mr. Lu would not have reminded him to go to the hospital for a check-up, saving him in disguise, and might even kill him.

Then, Kai Ye took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The number was exactly that of Mr. Chen.

But this call was rejected.

Obviously, Mr. Chen didn't want to answer the call.

Kai Ye frowned, as if he understood that because of the previous agreement, Mr. Chen didn't want to answer his call.

In the eyes of the other party, he should be very ignorant, right?

But he agreed to Mr. Lu's request and could only continue to call.

If Mr. Chen didn't answer, he could only ask the relationship behind him to call him again.

After telling Mr. Lu about the situation of Qingfeng Network Company, the relationship behind him should also be willing to make a good relationship with Mr. Lu.

On the other side.

Mr. Chen was still in a bad mood, and several documents were already placed in front of him.

Gao Qiang died, and he always had to choose another person to investigate.

He picked up a document. The person in the document was called Liu Huaqiang. People in the underworld called him Brother Huaqiang. The other party had contacted him before, but he supported Gao Qiang at that time, and he ignored the other party.

Now the other party has caught his eye.

If Liu Huaqiang accepts Gao Qiang's power and resources, he will be even more powerful and help him deal with secret things, which is more useful.

The phone rang again at this time.

Seeing the number, his brows knitted tightly, it was really annoying.

It was time to talk to the person behind Zhao Kai, this person was a little ignorant.

He was really angry.

However, he still picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, and then said coldly: "Zhao Kai, everything should be done in moderation, and please understand your position. After all, you can't represent the people behind you. Your face is useless in this matter. I hope you can take care of yourself."

Mr. Kai didn't care about this faceless words, but immediately said: "Mr. Chen, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I think there is something that should be very important to Mr. Chen, so I called this phone, someone asked me to convey a message to you, saying that you should watch the news tomorrow morning."

Mr. Chen frowned when he heard this, and just wanted to ask a question, but found that the other party had hung up the phone.

This made him a little depressed. He was telling the story halfway and not making it clear.

What does this guy mean?

Time passed and it was soon dark. A piece of news about Tianzhou City was released in the night and uploaded to the Internet.

Soon, the night passed and the next day came.

Mr. Chen got up very early.

This is also his habit. After all, early exercise is good for health. If you exercise, you can also make people feel refreshed.

He was about to go out to exercise. After exercise, he should go to the person behind Zhao Kai to chat.

He usually doesn't care about power brokers like Zhao Kai, but the other party really made him dissatisfied yesterday.

Just then, he heard the ringing of his mobile phone. It was his secretary's call.

This made him pick up the phone immediately.

Because if his secretary didn't have anything important, he wouldn't call him. Once he called, it meant that there was something important, or even something that must be solved.

As soon as the phone was connected, the secretary's voice came: "Mr. Chen, take a look at today's hot search news. The situation is a bit bad."


When Mr. Chen heard this, he subconsciously thought of what Zhao Kai said. Yesterday, that guy also asked him to watch the news.

Now the secretary also called him early in the morning. .

This made him full of doubts.

After the secretary said this, he immediately took out his mobile phone to check today's hot search news.


"Brother Yang has been hit several times! "

"The truth behind the Tianzhou City car explosion case, there is a power-intertwined relationship behind it, a certain Chen..."

"Damn it!" When Mr. Chen saw this hot search news, his face changed instantly, and he couldn't help but swear.

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