Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 147 The rules that should be followed! An unexpected incident!

Kai Ye was really surprised when he saw the news on TV.

Gao Qiang was a big shot in Tianzhou City, and he was definitely different from his brother, but who knew he would die like this now.

The key point was that it was his brother who provoked Mr. Lu.

Although the news said that Gao Qiang's car might have spontaneously combusted and exploded due to the fuel tank, he knew very well that it was not such a coincidence.

This must be related to Mr. Lu.


Obviously, Mr. Lu showed a little bit of power, and it turned out to be this kind of thundering force.

"Let's go! Go find Mr. Lu to make tea!" Kai Ye ordered Chu Chen, and got up and walked out.

People like Mr. Lu should still be well acquainted.

The other party can easily kill Gao Qiang's brother, and it seems that it is not too difficult to kill him.

The broadcast of this news naturally attracted more attention.

Many people saw Gao Qiang being killed, and they hurriedly asked people to find out:

"Check who the Gao family has had a grudge with recently!"


"Which fierce dragon is so cruel that he killed Gao Qiang with one move, go check who it is."

These people are either from the underworld or people who wander in the gray area.

They naturally know that the person who can kill Gao Qiang in this way must be a ruthless character.

If you can avoid offending such a person, you should try to make friends with him.

So, not long after, Qingfeng Entertainment City came into the sight of these people.

These people don't need to pay attention to evidence. They don't need to think about it to know that there must be a relationship, at least there is a connection.


Qingfeng Entertainment City!

When Lu Feng arrived at the internal office, Yang Ming, Da Fei, and the internal security guards were all there.

When they saw Lu Feng coming in, they all looked over, their eyes full of awe.

Although they did not participate and did not know the specific situation, they read the news and knew that the Gao family's affairs must be related to President Lu.

Moreover, that kind of means was really amazing.

At least they all came from a small place like Youcheng, and they had never thought of such means before.

Yang Ming looked at his cousin and had some guesses.

He had long known that there was a channel behind his cousin, and there were some people behind the channel.

It was just that he had never seen these people, and the other party had never shown up.

This time, it seemed that those people did it. My cousin asked him to prepare an unlicensed motorcycle, which must have been prepared for the person who made the move.

I didn't expect the other party's means to be so fierce.

He took care of the two brothers of the Gao family in one move.

He investigated and learned that the Gao brothers were really powerful in Tianzhou City. Although they were not as powerful as Mr. Kai, the network of relationships they had was definitely the kind that Mr. Kai didn't want to fight against the other party.

Now this brother was solved like this.

Now thinking about it, the unlicensed motorcycle he prepared should not be found in this world, right?

"Everyone, sit down and make tea." Lu Feng said, sitting down at the tea table.

Yang Ming made tea himself and asked others to sit down.

After two cups of tea, Kaiye laughed: "Mr. Lu, you are really here to make tea, am I not disturbing you?"

Lu Feng smiled and said: "Mr. Kai is joking, I was just about to contact you."

He knew that Mr. Kai would definitely come.

After all, the death of the Gao brothers must have had a great impact on this person, right? The two sides had cooperated before, and now the other party will definitely come to pull the relationship in the first time.

Kaiye also smiled and said: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, I have already made a greeting here. Before the Gao brothers were here, the people who were greeted by the Gao brothers would do things. Now they are dead, and the tea is cold. I will rely on my relationship to make a greeting again, and I won't hold on to it. Your people will be released in one or two days."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Kai!" Lu Feng smiled and nodded.

He could naturally feel the change in Mr. Kai's attitude. If he didn't mention it before, Mr. Kai would definitely not take the initiative to help him do things first.

But now this Mr. Kai will. .

This is the effect of killing the Gao brothers. The effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkey is very good.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Kai Ye is a monkey.

After all, it's definitely not just Kai Ye who can guess the whole story of the Gao family. Tianzhou City is too big and there are all kinds of mixed people.

At least these people know about Gao Qiang. They should not dare to jump around too much when they meet him in the future. They will definitely be afraid. This is a kind of reputation.

Kai Ye spent an afternoon in Qingfeng Entertainment City before leaving.

According to Kai Ye, two days have passed.

In Qingfeng Entertainment City, Lu Feng was already sitting at the tea table and making tea.

He was naturally waiting for Yang Ming to come back and pick up Ah Pao and Chen Bo.

Now this kind of thing naturally doesn't need him to do it himself. Let Yang Ming take people to drive a few cars and take a few more people, which is enough.

And with his current status, Ah Pao and Chen Bo need to take the initiative to see him.

This is the rule.

So, he also has to adapt to the change in status and position.

Yang Ming came back soon, but his face was a little solemn, and there was no Ah Pao and Chen Bo behind him.

Seeing this scene, he had a bad premonition, as if something had happened.

Lu Feng immediately asked, "Where are they?"

Yang Ming frowned and said, "It seems something has happened. Ah Pao and Chen Bo are still in custody to cooperate with the investigation. I can't see them at all."

"Why is this happening?" Lu Feng frowned and asked, "Didn't Master Kai say hello?"

As he said that, he took out his cell phone and called Master Kai.

As soon as the phone call came through, Mr. Kai's voice came: "Mr. Lu, are all your people out?"

Lu Feng frowned and said, "Master Kai, something happened, it seems, my people are still inside!"

"How is that possible?" Mr. Kai was obviously very confused, and immediately said: "Mr. Lu, please wait a moment, I will go find out the situation."

Lu Feng put down his cell phone and sat at the tea table, waiting for news from Mr. Kai.

Really, the sudden change is really annoying. .

After a moment, Lu Feng's cell phone rang. He immediately answered the call and asked, "Master Kai, what's going on?"

Mr. Kai hurriedly explained: "Mr. Lu, something has indeed happened. It is the relationship behind Gao Qiang. There is a Mr. Chen who has the most power in Tianzhou City. The other party seems to value Gao Qiang very much and has spent a lot of effort to support him. Now that Gao Qiang is in such a situation, the other party may have guessed that he is related to you, Mr. Lu, and deliberately targeted you. "

These words made Lu Feng frown.

He originally thought that after the Gao brothers were dealt with, the matter would be over. After all, no one would stand up for a dead person when the tea is cold.

Who knew there would really be someone who would stand up for the dead.

I didn't expect Gao Qiang to have such a relationship.

"Mr. Lu, don't worry, I have contacted someone here and tried to contact Mr. Chen." Mr. Kai said, he also hurriedly hung up the arc, and then asked someone to contact him.

Tianzhou City.

In an office, a bald man watched the TV news with a gloomy expression.

There is still news about Gao Qiang.

If some people in Tianzhou City see this person, they will definitely recognize him as Mr. Chen, who has great energy.

He had supported Gao Qiang single-handedly. This time, Gao Qiang was indispensable for the project. Who knew that Gao Qiang would be killed?

He had investigated and found that the people at Qingfeng Entertainment City were naturally the number one suspects.

"It's really annoying!" Mr. Chen sighed heavily.

At this moment, a phone call came in.

He looked at the number and pressed answer.

After hearing the words coming from inside, he said coldly: "Zhao Kai, people outside call you Master Kai, but don't forget how you got the reputation of Master Kai. I don't have to give you face."

"Moreover, some things cannot be simply forgotten. When things happen, someone always has to pay a price in order for this matter to end completely."

On the other side, Mr. Kai held his cell phone and sighed as he listened to the sound of the phone hanging up.

There's really nothing we can do about this.

Indeed, as the person said, he is known as Lord Kai to the outside world and has many connections, but his connections also come from official figures like Mr. Chen.

Even though he has connections in the bank above, Mr. Chen really doesn't need to give him face because the other party has too much power.

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