Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 138 Automatically clear zombie traps!

"Lin Jiao, blow up the entrance again and block the other zombies from entering!" Lu Feng walked to the rooftop of the main building at the entrance of the Red Leaf Base again.

The previous explosions of gas tanks only eliminated the zombies that entered the Red Leaf Base.

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Outside the Red Leaf Base, there are still dense waves of zombies that have not been resolved.

More gas tanks are needed.

Think about it, Master Lin did not modify the gas tanks so quickly. The key is that the modified gas tanks are more useful for dealing with people than zombies.

After all, Gray Wolf, who is good at defense, fell on the gas tank.

I knew that Gray Wolf's energy barrier defense was much stronger than his.

Even when he was half-dead from the explosion, he could still resist the attack of lasers.

His energy barrier defense can only withstand one laser shot, and the second shot will definitely break!

Lu Feng looked at the entire Red Leaf Base, inspected the specific situation, and suddenly thought of the automated equipment he operated in the factory.

Some soft supply and demand materials, as long as they are poured into the assembly line continuously, the materials will be carried forward by the assembly line and automatically sent to some mechanical cutters.

Then the mechanical cutter will automatically cut the materials and send them to the next process.

What if this Red Leaf Base can be made into a venue similar to an assembly line?

After all, zombies can rush into the base by themselves, which is the same effect as simulating an assembly line. The next step is to simulate the automatic cutting function of the assembly line cutter.

As long as the zombies come, they will be automatically cut to death.

Moreover, this game function does not prohibit him from killing zombies with the help of external forces.

Otherwise, he will not be able to gain experience by using gas tanks to blow up zombies.

It's just that this involves the problem of automatic machinery.

He naturally has no way to solve it. He can ask a mechanical designer to help design and make related machines when he returns to reality.

Then, Lu Feng also looked at the light screen in his mind and checked his character attributes:

Character: Lu Feng

Level: 11

Strength: 14 (ordinary person 5)

Agility: 14 (ordinary person 5)

Stamina: 12 (ordinary person 5)

Mental strength: 14

Combat skills: basic fighting skills, old-fashioned gun proficiency, knife proficiency.

Special abilities: energy barrier, speed ability.

Energy: 160/160

Experience: 1295/102400

After upgrading 2 levels in a row, Lu Feng's strength, stamina, agility, and mental strength all increased by 2 points.

Energy also increased to 160, indicating that the sustainability of the ability has also increased.

Experience needs to reach more than 100,000 to upgrade again.

After upgrading 2 levels, from ordinary zombies to ordinary zombies with higher experience, and mutant zombies, these more than 200 gas tanks should have exploded more than 5,000 zombies.

Each of these gas tanks should have killed more than 20 zombies.

After looking at the attributes, he tried to cast an energy barrier. After increasing his mental power by 2 points, he could clearly find that the energy barrier was thicker.

This also means that the defense is stronger.

Boom! ~

A loud explosion sounded.

It was Lin Jiao who blew up the entrance again to prevent the zombies from coming in again.

Lu Feng also went down to the first floor. When he saw Lin Jiao and the others, he ordered: "Look around and kill all the zombies that are not dead."

"Okay." Lin Jiao nodded and took people to kill them.

Some zombies were blown into several pieces, but they were not dead yet.

Lu Feng also pretended to kill those zombies, but actually walked to the bodies with floating light balls and put the light balls into the backpack space.

These are all things that exploded, and Lin Jiao and the others can't see them at all.

[This is a bottle of special life potion. After use, it can replenish vitality and recover injuries. The number of recovery: 200. ]


[This is a special energy potion. After use, it can replenish the consumed energy. The number of recovery: 200. 】


[This is a special speed crystal. After using it, people can gain speed ability...]

[This is a special strength crystal. After using it, people can gain strength ability. Sequelae: after using it, they will become obese...]

[This is a special serum potion. After using it, it can treat zombie virus...]


Lu Feng picked up those things one by one. There were quite a lot of them. This time, a lot of life potions and energy potions were exploded.

Moreover, there were quite a few skill crystals, all of which were speed crystals and strength crystals.

Obviously, at this stage, zombie evolution is also more about these two aspects, either purifying speed type or evolving strength type.

I didn't see other ability crystals.

However, with these two abilities, ordinary people can also cause crushing.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to get special abilities, and not everyone can explode this kind of skill crystal like him.

This is his unique advantage.

Finally, there is the special serum potion.

After this thing explodes, it seems that the explosion rate is higher. After exploding this batch of zombies, another bottle exploded.

He began to pretend to finish off the enemy and put all the items that exploded into his backpack. Then Lin Jiao came over with her men and handed him a handful of crystal sources.

These crystal sources are all dug out from the heads of mutant zombies.

There are a lot of mutant zombies around the Red Leaf Base, and many of them can be distinguished, more than 150. .

It can be said that according to this trend, he does not have to worry about running out of energy value.

Lu Feng collected most of the crystal sources and left 10 for Lin Jiao.

After all, she has a laser rifle and also needs crystal sources.

Lin Jiao naturally collected the 10 crystal sources with a happy face. This is an unexpected gain for her.

"Lin Jiao, take your people back first, I still have things to deal with here." Lu Feng ordered, and a thought disappeared on the spot.

Then, he returned to Youcheng.

As soon as he returned to reality, he called Chen Bo.

Chen Bo has been supervising in the entertainment city during this period.

Although the entertainment city was handed over to A Pao for management, Chen Bo also took a share. In terms of status, he is equal to Yang Ming, after all, they are both bosses.

Therefore, he looked at the internal security, no matter if it was Yang Ming's brother, they would be obedient, after all, everyone was now a family.

Naturally, the only thing that could not compare with Yang Ming was his relationship with Lu Feng.

They were cousins ​​for so many years, so naturally they could not compare. Therefore, Chen Bo did not want to compete with Yang Ming, he just wanted to cling to his thigh.

Naturally, with him in charge, the entertainment city was also very stable. He was originally a mixed man, and he was also very good at handling things.

There were naturally ways to deal with those who were ignorant, after all, there were surveillance cameras everywhere, and Chen Bo knew better than anyone else.

Just catch them and beat them up.

After all, the other party was drinking and making trouble, they went to persuade them, and the other party resisted, so they took measures to subdue the other party.

Without surveillance, as long as the other party was making trouble at the beginning, everything was decided by the other party, and beating was useless.

Maybe some people would say that the police are not fools.

But it is like this in nightclubs. One party has evidence that you are making trouble, and you don’t have evidence that the other party beat you. It is also the right of the security guard to stop you from making trouble.

In addition, he was drunk, so what can he do? There is not enough evidence. Don't let people sue you for causing trouble in public, and you will end up in jail.

Although this is a bit unfair, special occasions should be handled specially. As long as nothing happens and the higher-ups want to catch a typical case, you can deal with it as much as you can.

Now everyone in the area near the entertainment city knows Mr. Chen of Qingfeng Entertainment City.

Following Lu Feng's call, he immediately asked: "Mr. Lu, what do you want?"

Lu Feng directly ordered: "Chen Bo, go find a mechanical designer. I want him to design a special mechanical mechanism. Bring him to my villa when the time comes."

"Okay." Chen Bo answered the question.

Although he didn't know what the mechanical mechanism was for, he didn't ask. After Lu Feng spent hundreds of millions on business, he put himself in a very good position.

He should learn more from Yang Ming, right?

Lu Feng hung up the phone and went back to Youcheng. He stayed with his mother for another night, and then went back to Tianzhou City.

Early the next morning.

Ah Pao knew that he had come back and went to the villa. While making tea, he reported to Lu Feng: "Boss Lu, the entertainment business is very good now. The consumption in Tianzhou City is still high, and the people here have high spending power."

"The daily turnover of a bar alone reached 250,000, and the amount of spending was 150,000. The key is that the girls are so motivated. They have deceived many of their classmates, girlfriends, and fellow villagers to come here. Many of them are beautiful. Those rich people are really willing to spend money."

Lu Feng nodded. He didn't know the operation of the bar, but he also knew that the turnover was 250,000 a day, most of which were drinks. After all, Mingshi, Le Cordon Bleu, Power... These wines are really cheap to buy.

For ordinary people, it is really brainless to buy those wines at so many times.

But for many people, what the wine is is not important, what is important is the atmosphere of the bar.

When the atmosphere is there, there will be a feeling.

Of course, not to mention the amount of spending, as long as the girl is open and has some looks, 5200 a day is indispensable.

Maybe between couples, 5200 is romantic, but in the bar, it has a special meaning. Most people definitely don't know that this is the cost of the table.

For some pretty girls, it is possible that you can only pick one in a night, which is 10,001 yuan.

The bar also takes a commission from these bets.

For those who spend all, they take 5-10%.

For those who spend half, it is the basic salary + 50% of the amount spent.

Therefore, it is easy to make money from nightclub girls. If they are pretty and open-minded, it is no problem to make tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands a month, which is more than 90% of the drinkers.

Therefore, many people think that the girls in the bar are easy to take care of and easy to pick up, which is an illusion.

Pretty girls are easy to take care of for some rich people, but for others, you may not be able to take a fancy to them even if you give them 1,000 or 2,000 yuan for 10 days or half a month. Maybe they can only be included in the other party's inspection range.

Naturally, Ah Pao's words about tricking girlfriends, fellow villagers, and classmates to come here are a bit straightforward, although this is the fact.

Many women who enter nightclubs are tricked out by girlfriends, fellow villagers, and classmates at the beginning, using excuses such as concierges and dancers.

Some women don't know why, and when they see their friends and besties making so much money, they think that they are doing it for their own good and want to take care of themselves, and then their ID cards are pressed and contracts are signed.

They may not be willing at first, but after a while, they find that money is easy to make, and then they sink into it.

Therefore, some smart men, knowing that their girlfriends have such fellow villagers, besties, and classmates around them, will let their girlfriends have less contact.

It is worth mentioning that the bar department of the entertainment city alone has such a turnover in one day, which is absolutely hot.

So, don’t think that A Pao was unreliable and mixed up before, but if he finds the right position, he can play his ability.

Of course, the most important thing is the noble person. After all, no one can open an entertainment city for him to be responsible for and let him play this ability.

Not long after the two chatted, Chen Bo arrived with a young man. As soon as he entered the door, he introduced: "Mr. Lu, this Lin Jin is a mechanical design major."

As he said, he said to Lin Jin: "Mr. Lin, this is our Mr. Lu. This time he is also looking for someone to design a mechanical trap."

Lu Feng looked at Lin Jin and hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, sit down."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Lin Jin said immediately.

He was naturally a little surprised to see Lu Feng. At the beginning, he was called by Chen Bo and saw such a big villa. He knew that Mr. Lu was not simple.

But he didn't expect the other party to be so young.

I really didn't expect this.

After that, Lin Jin sat down and asked, "What kind of mechanical trap does Mr. Lu want to design?"

Lu Feng explained, "Mr. Lin, let me give you an example. For example, there are many animals in a place, which are threatening and need to be cleared. I want to make a special mechanical trap that can automatically kill those animals like an assembly line."

Lu Feng roughly described the situation of the Red Leaf Base and those zombies. Naturally, he used special examples, such as zombies being called animals.

After listening, Lin Jin also understood what Lu Feng meant, and nodded and said, "Mr. Lu, this design is not difficult for me, and I can give you the design drawings soon."

After Lu Feng nodded, he also said, "After the design drawings are out, I hope Mr. Lin can help get the accessories. You can take the invoice to Chen Bo for the price, and I will transfer it to you at that time."

"Okay, Mr. Lu." Lin Jin nodded immediately. He knew that Mr. Lu was very powerful. If he could get the order from the other party and do it well, it might be good for the future.

After Lin Jin, Chen Bo, and A Pao left, Lu Feng also went to see Yang Qingxue. With the help of Lin Yao, she had almost finished decorating the beauty salon.

After spending an afternoon with Yang Qingxue, Lu Feng entered the game world again in the villa.

Still on the rooftop of the Red Leaf Base, he went directly back to the Qingfeng Base.

In the base, it can be seen that the people of the Red Leaf Base have cooperated with the people of the Qingfeng Base, whether it is patrolling, cleaning, or production line work...

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng also knew that he had to take the last step. As long as these people were hit by another wave of impact, they would basically be completely integrated into the Qingfeng Base.

So, as soon as he arrived at the Qingfeng Base, he also called Lin Jiao and ordered: "Lin Jiao, go and gather everyone in the base to the community, I have something to do."

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